My favorite book of last year was Ray Dalio’s bestseller, Principles.

While the book is 600 pages of wisdom and insight from the life experience of a billionaire, the single biggest takeaway for me was this one question –

“How do I know I’m right?”

Dalio learned to question himself and get the feedback of others in order to discover the best answer or action in any situation.

I almost never ask myself that question.

Do you?

Stay with me for a minute and let’s explore this.

It’s easy to think and come to conclusions, but how do we know our conclusions are logical, practical, and the best of what can help us?

How do we know we aren’t deluding ourselves, or sabotaging ourselves, or missing better answers and solutions?

After all, our thinking happens in a confined inner world created from past experiences and limiting beliefs.

We can’t easily think “outside” of our thinking because we are the ones doing the thinking.

(Meditate on THAT.)

Even your intuition can be misread and misunderstood, as it has to be filtered though your beliefs, too.

A feeling can be a disguised limiting belief.

(Pause to let that sink in, too.)

So, what can we do?

How do you get better answers, clearer decisions, and more reliable ways of seeing your choices?

For me, there are three solutions –

1. Get in a Challenging Mastermind Group.

Being in a select group with eight other people can elevate your thinking and expose you to new ways of thinking. It’s a smart way to pool resources and expand your mental paradigm. A mastermind has been the secret of the greats. I’ve created and been in many masterminds. I’ve even coauthored a book (with Bill Hibbler) on how to make your own mastermind in Meet and Grow Rich. I’m currently putting together an exclusive mastermind of high profile, high achievers to truly challenge us all to stretch and achieve at levels we only imagined before.*

2. Get a Miracles Coach or Zero Limits Mentor.

Having a trained person listen and reflect back to you your thinking can be enlightening and empowering. We rarely hear our own limiting beliefs but someone skilled in active listening can help you discover them with love and focus, and then help you begin to change them. Change your beliefs and you get a different reality. This is the main reason I created Miracles Coaching more than ten years ago and am currently creating Zero Limits Mentoring. A secret to success is to have someone who believes in you almost more than you believe in yourself.

3. Absorb diverse books.

Dalio’s book introduced me to new ideas and a way to question myself. But I also read other books to keep my mind expanding. It’s also why I write mind expanding and consciousness raising books, such as “The Miracle: Six Steps to Enlightenment” and my newest book, “Anything Is Possible: 7 Steps for Doing the Impossible.” Reading has always been a key secret to the success of high profile people.

I’m not here to sell you anything but to remind you that your thinking will be more powerful and much clearer once you allow greater input, and the three ways above can help you achieve that.

I’m sharing this with love.

Act as you feel inspired.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua


*Note: If you are interested in my exclusive Rings of Power Mastermind, contact my office or leave a comment below and I will see that you get my new manifesto describing it.

PS -The soulful Lisa Winston interviewed me recently on a subject you will love. Here it is:


  1. March 15, 2018 at 5:12 pm

    first of all I apologize for my bad english. I am a certified practitioner by, my name is Salvatore Di Gregorio and I am Italian. I set up a website to teach and sell certifications of the law of attraction. I ask permission to use the image attached with the photo of Joe Vitale and ask if you give me permission to publish the website, it is currently in a test server for the latest corrections. Thank you

  2. Aernout-Reply
    March 16, 2018 at 8:11 pm

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. March 17, 2018 at 2:30 am

    I once asked myself, “What if 3verything I belive or have been taught is wrong?” It changed everything. I began to explore everything that was opposote of what I had believed. A real eye opening experience.

  4. Trey Johnson-Reply
    March 30, 2018 at 1:53 pm

    Thank you for this list of recommeneded books. Quick tip, the books I needed to read came to me easily when I learned how to manifest what I wanted consistently. I learned here , somebody else could too

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