Tag: Divine


How to Treat People

A reader watched my DVD, Humbug, and emailed me this question:

“Was there one point in your life that was the turn around? I often ask people who’ve obviously hitched themselves to a Saturn 5 rocket the same question.”

I get that question a lot.

I’ve been thinking about it long and hard.

I know that taking on the attitude that anything is possible is part of the answer.  So is knowing the Law of Attraction and the idea that getting clear leads to preferred results.  So is always saying yes to life. And so is the idea of being ruthlessly honest about your desires.

But those are mindsets I’ve developed over time. They don’t answer the question about the single event that changed my life.

The thing is, there’s no “one point” where everything shifted for me. It was more a series of defining moments, some more memorable than others. For example:

Landing the book deal to write The AMA Complete Guide to Small Business Advertising for the American Marketing Association back in 1993, was a marker for me. I wasn’t paid much money (almost none) but it was my first book deal with a traditional publisher and the project made me feel accomplished and important. It also got me more clients and more speaking engagements. (I still love the book and use it myself, though sadly it’s now out of print. Some of it ended up in my book, Hypnotic Writing .)

Recording my program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing for Nightingale-Conant in 1997, was another turning point for me, one I had longed to have for over ten years. People who knew that company and their wonderful products began to treat me like I was a deity in the marketing world. That also influenced my own sense of value. (That’s also when I raised my fees. ) The program still sells like crazy today, and I’m still very proud of it. (One of my favorite sections is where I stage an interview with the great circus showman and master marketer, P.T. Barnum.)

Certain people helped me step up to a new level, as well.

Paul Hartunian changed my life. This publicity genius who once sold the Brooklyn Bridge as a PR stunt and got on Johnny Carson for it, once spent three hours over dinner in Houston telling me how to change my business. I took notes. I acted. Paul’s giving was a defining moment in my career. I’ll never forget him. He’s one of my heros.

Mandy Evans has been a “miracles coach” in my life for more than twenty years. This wonderful author of such books as Travelling Free has always been only a phone call away. Whenever I feel stuck and ready for the next level, I call her. I love her. She helps me get clear .

Bob Proctor — a living legend in the self-help movement — changed my life when he politely nudged me to publish the little book I was fearful about releasing, Spiritual Marketing. That book became an Amazon bestseller twice, got me into The New York Times, and led to my rewriting it and seeing J. Wiley publish it as the now long running classic, The Attractor Factor. And of course that book got me into the movie The Secret, which led to my being on Larry King, eXtra TV, CNN, CNBC, ABC, Time, Newsweek and…well, you get the idea.

Obviously, there’s no one event that transformed me.

If you want to know more, I’ve written about my journey through life in such books as Adventures Within.  It reveals other defining moments and the people who triggered them for me.


I really wish there was a simple answer to the question of what was my turning point moment, so we could both learn from it. But what may be better is to assume every moment is your turn around one, and act from that perspective. Life would then take on a glow .

Backed into a corner, and forced to say something was the one thing that changed my career, I’d give credit to the Internet.

I began as an Internet skeptic in the early 1990s. I didn’t believe all the hype about gold in cyberspace.

I was wrong.

I later wrote one of the first books about online marketing (CyberWriting).

And later, when Mark Joyner urged me to let him release my first e-book (Hypnotic Writing ), I began to taste fame and fortune.

So I have to give credit to being active online as a turning point in my career. (Note I said active online. I was and am busy creating and promoting products, not waiting for the world to come to my door.) The Internet let me take what I was doing locally and distribute it to the world.

But, as you can see, it was one of many defining moments.

Maybe the best way to wrap this up is with the following story:

I’m hearing from people from my past who saw the movie The Secret and then searched for me online. When they get to my main site , they write me and ask something like, “Are you the same Joe Vitale I worked with thirty years ago?”

One gent did that a while back. Turns out we had worked at Exxon together long, long ago.

He saw me on Larry King and couldn’t believe my level of success. He wrote to me saying, “I wish I had known what a gem I was hanging around back then.”

I thought, what if each of us treated each other like we were gems already — just unrecognized and maybe unpolished.

Wouldn’t that single change of perspective make every moment of our lives a turning point?

As Goethe wrote, “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they are capable of being.”

Ao Akua ,



PS — A way to get a turning point moment for yourself is through Miracles Coaching. I believe that trained mentors can help you leap to the next level, and I still employ them for myself today. Expect miracles. And remember, every moment counts.

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Attracting ABC News

Last Thursday ABC News sent journalist Dan Harris to my home to interview me about everything from the movie The Secret to the Law of Attraction to James Ray to the entire self-help movement. Along the way we took a ride in my Rolls-Royce Phantom and talked about masterminding, attracting money now, and more. It was quite “the day.”

This was ABC News’ second visit. They were here in January to film the entire Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind with fitness celebrity Jennifer Nicole Lee.

Being filmed in a Rolls-Royce with a gorgeous fitness model at your side is a lot different than being interviewed by a sharp mainstream TV news reporter. TV journalists can be pushy and confrontational, and you never know what they’ll ask, all while a video camera is recording your every word and expression. These interviews are often called “firing lines” for a good reason.

Dan Harris is an exception. Oh, he asked the tough questions and he kept firing questions at me, but I could see he’s a caring man with a sincere curiosity about life and people. And I had of course Googled him before he arrived and knew he is passionate about indy music as well as journalism. I saw that he is an exceptional man with an amazing ability to ask questions under pressure. I liked him. Still do.


Still, most of his questions came from a basic belief that money is bad. “You actually charge $5,000 for your Rolls-Royce Mastermind?” Yes, and I’ll be raising the price in March. “You sleep at night selling self-help books?” Of course. I’m helping people and offering solutions to their woes. “You help people to attract millions of dollars?” Actually, I help them to attract money now. “You’re OK marketing all the time?” I’m not marketing, I’m offering.

And so it went. It occurred to me later that I should have asked if ABC News charged their advertisers, and if they slept well knowing they were selling questionable drugs (with side effects such as possible death), etc. I also wondered if the interviewer got paid for sitting around and asking me questions. And doesn’t ABC News promote/market their upcoming TV shows all day long?

It’s so easy to be a critic.

The interview was from a Stage One perspective, as explained in The Awakening Course. It was all about “Who’s the victim?” and “Who’s to blame?” The other three stages of awakening, and certainly Zero Limits, could never be understood on this first level, where the interview took place.

The ABC News TV show will air in May, if not sooner. It’ll be an hour long special on positive thinking. They’ll have people against it (believe it or not) and they’ll have people for it (like me). They’re also interviewing Rev. Michael Beckwidth and Bob Proctor. On the nay side, they’ll talk with Bright-Sided author Barbara Ehremreich and Sham! author Steve Salerno.

You and I will have to wait to see how ABC edits the show. Meanwhile, I wanted to mention a brief moment Dan Harris and I had after the interview in my office.

Since Dan is deep into music (he’s also a drummer), I told him about my Alien Guitar. He asked to see some of the videos Nerissa and I created where I reveal the alien guitar to the person on camera but not to the camera/viewer. He laughed as he watched one of the clips. I offered to show the alien guitar to him while we filmed the moment but he said it might look like he was promoting it.

I then told him that my master strategy was to get a buzz going and then go on David Letterman to show and play the Alien Guitar. I told him I wanted to wait and get people really talking first.

“I wouldn’t wait,” Dan said. “I’d contact Letterman right now.”

“You would?”

“Sure. His show needs so much content that they’ll latch onto this right away.”

I paused as I considered his advice. Then something dawned on me.

I looked at Dan and said, “You know what you just did with me?”

Dan looked at me and asked, “Encourage you?”

“Yep. That’s what we do in the self-help movement.”

Dan nodded, letting it seep in.

“We listen for the latent desire already in a person and then encourage them to take action to make it real,” I explained. “Just like you did with me.”

I wish that moment had been filmed. It demonstrated what self-help and coaching is really all about.

Again, we won’t know what the entire ABC News show will be like until they edit it and air it in May. (Nerissa filmed the entire interview on her flip cam, so we can match their editing with what was actually recorded.) I think the show will be great. After all, I’m thinking positive.

As for now, I’m grateful to have met Dan Harris and attracted ABC News here. It could mean an appearance on David Letterman, with my alien guitar, will happen soon.

Ao Akua,


PS — Learn all about self-help, Law of Attraction, The Secret and much more in my Miracles Coaching program. Just click right here.

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Attracting Jennifer Nicole Lee

Fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee was one of the most recent people to attend my private Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind.

Why would an already successful woman who’s been featured on Oprah, has a top infomercial selling her Ab-Circle Pro fitness product, is on the cover of hundreds of magazines, is seen on Home Shopping Network on TV, and has a brand new bestselling book out, want to spend time having dinner and conversation with me?

jennifer nicole lee and joe

As Jennifer told me as we met for the first time and got inside my Rolls-Royce Phantom, “I could talk over coffee with friends at Denny’s, but what’s that? I want to go to the next level in my life and business. I want to brainstorm with Dr. Joe!”

jennifer and vitale steak

We had an exhilarating time talking, brainstorming, eating (she ate almost all of her 20 oz Vitale Steak), drinking, laughing and riding around in the lap of luxury.

I loved being with Jennifer. Of course, what’s not to love? She’s fun, smart, sexy, high energy, upbeat, and dedicated to self-improvement.

She came with luggage. Not the emotional kind but the travel kind. What was in her bags? All my books and audios, which she wanted me to sign.

Clearly, this woman knows what it takes to succeed. She already transformed her life by losing 70 pounds and winning bikini contests and getting everyone to notice her, including Oprah.

But she’s not stopping there. She’s reading, growing, doing and more. She came to me for help in reaching the next level in her career, and help is what she got.

jennifer nicole lee book

What did Jennifer say at the end of our evening together?

“My Rolls Royce Master Mind Experience with Dr. Joe Vitale positively cannot be expressed in words! It was beyond this world! Just in the first 15 minutes I got so many amazing prosperity ideas and concepts that will definitely help me increase my abundance and joy in life. Dr. Joe Vitale is someone who you must master mind with to take your entire life to the next level.”

One of the reasons Jennifer is already so successful is she takes action.

She told me repeatedly that when she reads my books or listens to my audios, and she gets an idea, she jumps. She moves. She makes it so.

It was no different with her attending the Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind.

jennifer and joe

She heard about it, checked it out, and then booked it to make it happen.

I generally only offer one Rolls-Royce Mastermind a month. But these days I’m doing almost one a week.

When you’re ready to jump to the next level, contact my office for dates and more information. Just email my assistant Suzanne at suzanne @ mrfire.com. You may also call my office at 512-278-1610. Or see https://www.mrfire.com/phantom

Are you ready?

Ao Akua,


PS — ABC News filmed the entire evening with Jennifer and I for a news show that will air on national TV later. That was unusual, as all the other masterminds are private, but it shows that SOMETHING BIG is happening during these Rolls-Royce Phantom Masterminds.

Note: Jennifer Nicole Lee’s website is at www.jennifernicolelee.com Her new book, which I wrote the foreword to, is in book stores now and of course at Amazon. It’s great. Get it.

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"Got Spirit?"

Years ago I wrote a dissertation for my Doctorate in Metaphysical Science called “Got Spirit”? It was an in-depth study of the most popular metaphysical, new thought and new age movements and the marketing practices their founders used to establish them.

I wrote it because so many people seem to have a negative attitude toward money and marketing that I wanted to see for myself how the biggest and most famous spiritual movements got that way.

I suspected the greatest meta-physicians — from Jesus to Phineas Parker Quimby to Mary Baker Eddy to Ernest Holmes to Mother Teresa — were all comfortable with money and either did marketing or had someone do it for them.

It was an illuminating study. Turns out every one of these spiritual teachers and their movements knew the value of money and marketing. Each did everything from writing, speaking and advertising to publicity events to get attention and attract followers.

If that’s the case, then why do most metaphysical practitioners today — most people, period — dislike marketing and money?

The most obvious answer is they believe, “God will provide.”

That reminds me of the story of the man with a beautiful garden in his backyard.  One day a man walked by, saw it, and stopped to admire it.

“You have an amazing garden here,” the stranger said.

“Thank you,” said the owner.

“It’s really God’s garden, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is,” replied the owner. “But you should have seen it when God had it all by Himself.”

phineasThe point is, God (or the Divine or Nature) provides us with the basics, and we have to do something with what we’ve been given. If we just allow things to grow in the backyard, we’ll have a jungle, not a garden. Someone has to tend to the earth. Even if we’ve been given (or learned) the talent to heal, we have to let people know we have it for us to be able to use it. In other words, we have to spread the word.

That’s marketing.

It’s no different than what Jesus, Phineas Parker Quimby (pictured above), Mary Baker Eddy, or even Mother Teresa did. If someone hadn’t helped them spread the word, we wouldn’t know of them today.

The success of Unity Church is a case in point. Charles and Myrtle Fillmore managed to raise all the money they needed to build and expand their business. It wasn’t until 1942 that the real secret of their financial support was revealed. The Fillmores had created a now famous “Dedication and Covenant” on December 7, 1892, that read:

“We, Charles Fillmore and Myrtle Fillmore, husband and wife, hereby dedicate our selves, our time, our money, all we have and all we expect to have, to the Spirit of Truth, and through it, to the Society of Silent Unity.

“It being understood and agreed that the said Spirit of Truth shall render unto us an equivalent for this dedication, in peace of mind, health of body, wisdom, understanding, love, life and an abundant supply of all things necessary to meet every want without our making any of these things the object of our existence.

“In the presence of the Conscious Mind of Christ Jesus, this 7th day of December, 1892 A.D.”

Please note that while the Fillmores signed an agreement with Spirit, they also wrote, published and distributed materials to market their message and their offerings. In short, they had to do both: Implement marketing and work with Spirit. I call it the phrase I coined: Spiritual Marketing. It could have easily been called Spiritual Money.

The point here is that money and marketing are not separate from Spirit at all. They are in fact Spirit.

When someone says, “I don’t care about money, I just want to follow Spirit,” they are revealing their own limitations about the reality of the world.

Money is Spirit.

Saying you aren’t interested in money, or marketing, is a form of self-delusion. You don’t need to be in love with money to appreciate it and attract it. When you realize it’s a tool of Spirit, you are in a position to create miracles.

Dr. Hew Len, my coauthor for the book Zero Limits, is clear that money is of Spirit. He uses the ho’oponopono practice to clean on everything, including any negativity around money. As a result, our book is a bestseller and I send him huge checks for half of everything that I ever receive from anything related to Zero Limits products. He simply receives.

When you have Spirit, you can have money.

They aren’t separate.

Got Spirit?

Ao Akua,


PS — Miracles Coaching can help you with all of this. Click here for more information.

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Does God Want You to Attract Money?

Does the Divine want you to be rich?

According to at least three books, the answer is yes.

There’s Paul Zane Pilzer’s God Wants You to Be Rich.

There’s God Wants You Rich by Scot Anderson.

There’s God Wants You to Be Rich by Bright Winner.

You get the idea.

All three books are very convincing.

Apparently God really wants you to be rich.

I don’t doubt it. I can’t imagine the Divine wanting me to suffer, especially since I already did that for decades.

I’m more inclined to believe a loving Divine would love me enough to want me rich and happy.

I think the better question is, “Do you want to be rich?”

There’s the rub.

In my latest book, Attract Money Now, I point out that the first step in beginning to attract money is to get your head on straight.

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That means clear up the negative and limiting beliefs you have about money.

Money is not the root of all evil, for example.

Money is not bad.

You are not bad.

If you think money is bad, or that you’re not deserving, do you really think you’ll allow yourself to have any?

I gave a fiery and “in your face” presentation about all of this at Pat O’Bryan’s Unseminar 6. If you were there, you remember it. If you weren’t, you can watch it on a DVD you can have free.

Just go get a copy of the hardcover printed edition of my new book right here. When you do, you’ll also get the DVD.

If you’re struggling with attracting money, it isn’t the Divine keeping you broke. It’s you.

Do something about it and go read my new book. It’s free here.

Or buy the hardcover (and get the free DVD) here.

Ao Akua,


PS — You might also consider personal coaching to speed up your results. It’s at Dr. Joe Vitale Miracles Coaching Program.attract money now hardcover offerNote:  If you buy any of the books mentioned above (other than my own), I don’t make a dime. Just FYI.