Tag: zero limits


The Forbidden Formula

My focus these days is doing my best to explain what I believe is the forbidden formula for manifesting what you want. In short, it looks like this:

1. Be here now. The greatest spiritual teachers pointed to this moment as being “it.” Ain’t nowhere else to go. The past is gone. The future isn’t here. All you really have is now.

That’s true.


2. Future birth. What you do in this moment creates your next moments. In other words, you can sit and “be here now” and feel great. But unless you take action out of this moment, you may become a happy beggar. All your stuff will be taken. You may not care, as you’ll be happy in the moment, but you will be of little service to humankind.

What we need is what I once called a “mystic in the marketplace.” That’s where you realize the magic, mystery and miracle of this moment, and you work in the world doing what you love to make a difference for the rest of us.

It takes both, a type of enlightened action.

Not taking action is probably the number one thing Law of Attraction practitioners do wrong. They tend to believe sitting and visualizing is enough. While sometimes things can fall into your lap, more often than not you need to move your lap to a place to better receive what you want. That means get up and move. Do something.

Again, I’m advocating being in the moment and being in movement.

I’m calling this the forbidden formula because either people don’t know it, don’t do it, or don’t share it. In order to be happy now while being productive in the world, you need to do and be both: enlightened and productive.

My completely recreating myself as a musician is an example of what I mean. Last year I wasn’t a musician. This year I’ll have three music CDs out.

I could have sat back and rested on my book royalties and done little more but sit in the moment and enjoy the sun and stars. But something within inspired me to pursue music.

Creating music out of the moment

Creating music out of the moment

I’ve learned to say “YES!” to the nudges; they lead to miracles. As a result of happily pursuing my new direction, I’m creating a new genre of music to help and heal the world.

There’s nothing wrong with pursuing enlightenment through sitting or walking meditation. But it seems a bit self-centered. Once you’ve tasted the miracle of the moment, get up and create from it.

Take the bliss to the street.

As a spiritual teacher once told me, “It’s easy to meditate in the mountains. Try doing it in business!”

Of course, you’re free to do whatever you like.

I’m just sayin’.

Ao Akua,


PS — Breaking News: Nightingale-Conant just released The Ultimate Law of Attraction Library. This is hands-down the definitive guide to finally understanding and using the Law of Attraction (LOA).  There’s nothing else like it anywhere.  It’s THE complete course in LOA.  It’s an unprecedented 12-CD, 20-session historic collection. It takes you from novice to expert, and covers everything from spirituality to attracting money, to getting clear and much, much more. Go see http://www.nightingale.com/Auth_About~Author~Joe_Vitale.aspx

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


My LOA APP Bestseller!

I just learned that my first app — a quote of the day from me with other cool features you will love — is a Top 100 iPhone App under the Lifestyle category on iTunes.

This app is an easy and fun way to stay focused and positive and keep your energy at a high vibration — which as you know is the key secret to making the Law of Attraction work for you.

Plus, it’s just plain cool!

Take a sec and go see —


Now you can fire up your day — every day!

Ao Akua,


PS — I use a Blackberry phone so I can’t use my own app on it, but I also use an iPad (which I love) and I CAN use the app there. Check it out — http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mrfirequotes/id471326131?mt=8

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


"Beyond Man": Texas Wildfires Update

Here’s an update on the Texas Wildfires situation that I asked you to help resolve in my last post:

The last I heard, the largest fires are mostly contained or stopped. The people I personally know in the Austin or Houston area have all returned home. And rain is expected by mid-next week.

All of your praying, meditating, visualizing and more, have all helped.

But we can’t stop now.

There are at least 1,500 people who lost their homes.

All of the fires are not out yet.

And we need more than a little rain.

To get an idea of the size of the fires, one fireman told a reporter that the fires are “beyond man.”

He was explaining that firefighters on the ground aren’t going to be able to stamp out or hose down fires so big that I could see them from the air on my plane ride home.

What do you do with fires this large?

Besides whatever the firefighters can think up, you also pray, visualize, intend and anything else you can do internally to bring peace to yourself and to the planet.

And to be clear, when I suggest that our inner world is creating our outer world, I’m asking you to look within and see where you may have “fires” burning within you.

Where have you maintained anger and/or a lack of forgiveness?

Even if you don’t think your inner state helps create the outer experience, wouldn’t you agree that finding inner peace would be good for you?

Again, please find love and peace within yourself, and release all anger and forgiveness issues.

When you hold on to anger and resentment, the energy system you burn up is your own.

It would be healthy for you to let the issues go, and it just might assist the planet in healing, too.

As I mentioned in my last post, do whatever meditation or technique you know to reach that inner place of serenity. Use ho’oponopono/Zero Limits or Tapping/EFT, or anything else you know of or can think of.

Meanwhile, we also still need to help others. Here are a few places to donate:

American Red Cross of Central Texas

Austin Pets Alive

Capital Area Food Bank

Austin Disaster Relief Network

Catholic Diocese of Austin

I’m not affiliated with any of the above, and they are Austin, Texas based as that is near where I live. You can do your own Google search to find other places to help or donate.

Again, what we need is inner peace, especially in times of high stress.

The outer dangers and scares aren’t a call to fall into fear, but a door to experience faith.

Thank you for your help.

Ao Akua,


PS – What’s more important than serenity while taking action?

I love you.
I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


How to Get Enlightened In Only 30 Minutes — or it's Free!

This past weekend was the Quantum Ho’oponopono event led by quantum psychologist Dr. Garland Landrith and myself. It was a meeting of science and mysticism. It was exhilarating. We filmed it and we’ll release the DVD set later. For now, I wanted to talk about something that surfaced at the event.

A few days earlier a woman mentioned that at a dinner party her friends discussed how to tell when you’re enlightened. I thought that was a fascinating topic. It’s certainly better than discussing the latest exploits of actor Charlie Sheen.

Their conclusion was this: if you could resolve a trigger in your emotions in thirty minutes or less, you were enlightened.

Meaning, if someone said something nasty and you got upset, you’ve been triggered. But if you could release that trigger quickly, they said you were enlightened.

I don’t agree at all.

Dr. Garland Landrith and me at Quantum Ho'oponopono event

Dr. Garland Landrith and me at Quantum Ho'oponopono event

Anyone who can handle emotional upsets fast is simply a skilled psychological technician. They have tools and know how to use them. That’s wonderful.  That’s terrific. That’s healthy. That’s inspiring.

But that’s not enlightenment.

So at the Quantum Ho’oponopono event, I asked , “What is enlightenment?”

If you do a Google search, you’ll find the word “enlightenment” refers to an 18th century intellectual movement sometimes called the Age of Reason. I’m sure that’s not what the dinner party was discussing.

If you dig deeper, you find the word used to describe a state of awakening in Buddhism and Vedic thinking. That’s probably what the dinner crew meant. I prefer the word “awakening” over “enlightenment” but let’s go with the latter.

What is enlightenment?

It’s the state where you have merged into the background consciousness of life. You’ve dissolved as ego into the Witness of life. “You” are the Divine.

I describe all this in my book, The Awakening Course. One of my favorite books on the subject is Awakening to The Dream by Leo Hartong. It’s worth reading. (And no, I don’t know the author.)

The Awakening Course

The Awakening Course

At the Quantum Ho’oponopono event, I urged people to look past their thoughts…past their emotions…past their body…to the “background” sky to it all.

Something in them (and in you) is observing it all.

What is that?

That “background” in your awareness is the shared quantum field in each of us. When you merge with it and become it, you are enlightened.

I don’t know of any way to make enlightenment or an awakening happen. That would be the ego trying to manipulate the Divine. In my recent books and audios, I say you can prep for it, but you can’t will it.

Enlightenment comes by grace.

How do you prepare for it?

There are countless books, courses, rituals, laws, suggestions, principles, meditations, techniques and more, all created by people seeking to be enlightened (or even enlightened) and wanting to help you achieve that state, as well.

I’m not sure you need any of them. Including my own.

Meditation seems to be the most popular way to invite enlightenment. To help you understand where I’m coming from, let me give you two meditation related insights.

First, here’s the greatest meditation quote of all time:

“Meditation is not what you think.”

Think about that. (Or not.) 🙂

Second, here’s the greatest meditation of all time:

Relax into this moment…

Note what you are thinking but also note you are somehow noting that thinking…

Note what you are feeling and note you are not the feeling but something observing the feeling….

Note how your body feels but also note you are not your body but something inside of it aware of your body….

What all of this “noting” has in common is an observer.

That observer of it all is the source of it all.

The more you can meditate on it — listening to it, watching it, feeling it — the closer you will come to merging with it.

That’s where you will find enlightenment.

That’s where you can experience an awakening.

And it doesn’t take 30 minutes.

It’s there (here) right now.

And it’s free.

Ao Akua,


PS –Another way to find this “background” to life is to look at the off-white space this blog post is set on. The words are on it. The off-white space behind the words is the backdrop to life: it’s a sort of “witness.” You have a Witness in your mind. Note it right now. It’s there. (Here.)

TIP: Bodhidharma said, “Only one person in a million becomes enlightened without a teacher‘s help.”

Member BBB 2003 - 2011Member BBB 2003 – 2011


Healing Music: Three Secrets that Startle Wonder

There’s a wealth of tools and processes available for you to do inner work. But over the last two months I’ve been working with select musicians to create what I call “Healing Music.” In short, this is music that does the sweeping in your unconscious house. The results are amazing.

The beauty of this new form of healing is that you don’t have to do much more than relax and listen.

Years ago Pat O’Bryan and I created a series of Clearing Audios that use subliminal statements recorded by me and original music recorded by him to help people “get clear.”  These have been very popular. Our first one, The Clearing Audio, is a hands-down all-time bestseller. It’s only ten minutes long, is easy to listen to, and does a great job of kicking out the limitations in the unconscious.

But I didn’t want to stop there. I wondered if full-length, inspired original music, with audible chants or lyrics, could do an even better job at healing.

I teamed up with two of my favorite people — modern Flamenco guitarist Mathew Dixon and singer/songwriter Sarah Marie — and urged all of us to create original healing music: full length audios that will do the job of helping to de-stress bodies and minds and guide us into a closer relationship with the Divine, and on to natural healing.

I also threw my hat in the ring and challenged myself to create my first original music album, too. I hired Daniel Barrett of the band Porterdavis to guide me through the music producing process.

We gave ourselves two months to complete our projects, starting from zero, and using the date of May 1 as our deadline.  I was told I’d be on the cover of the May issue of Austin All Natural magazine — and I am as of today– so I figured all three of us could get exposure in the special issue.

Cover May '11 'Austin All Natural'

Cover May '11 'Austin All Natural'

We had our goal.

We had our deadline.

The next step was massive action.

Could we pull this off in time?

My first music CD: "Blue Healer"

My first music CD: "Blue Healer"

“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” – Plato

What are the results?

Sarah Marie's Opera Mantra CD

Sarah Marie's Opera Mantra CD

Sarah Marie created seven mesmerizing songs on a CD called Opera Mantra. It’s heavenly music inspired by ho’oponopono (the Hawaiian system of healing I wrote about in my book, Zero Limits, coauthored with Dr. Hew Len). Sarah’s angelic, soaring voice, singing the healing phrases that have been proven to resolve problems, is unbelievably soothing. Her tracks invite repeated listening.

I feel my soul brighten as I listen to Sarah sing. One track alone brings happy tears as it opens my heart to Divine love. The whole CD is enchanting.  Daniel Barrett said Sarah’s voice is “pure love.” Sarah’s seven tracks are designed to invoke the Divine and then help you merge with it. It’s truly moving. You can hear a sample by going to Opera Mantra.

“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without” – Confucius

Mathew Dixon "From Zero" CD

Mathew Dixon "From Zero" CD

Mathew Dixon created ten tracks of inspired guitar playing, called Music from Zero, using his modern Flamenco guitar style to musically wipe out energy blocks and any negativity. He added my voice as a subliminal (below conscious awareness) saying the four phrases in my book, Zero Limits (“I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, and thank you”). Just listening to his beautiful music makes me feel relaxed, at ease, and one with the Divine.

He, too, was inspired by the ho’oponopono healing method to create his original music. No lyrics but plenty of enlightened vibe to free the mind and body to be here now. This is the kind of music that offers the vibrations of bliss. Track names suggest what you’ll experience: “In the Moment,” “Source”, etc. He dedicated the CD to me, which I’ll be forever grateful for. Go to Zero Limits Music to hear samples.

“Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

And me?

Tracks on "Blue Healer" CD

Tracks on "Blue Healer" CD

I created a CD of five long tracks of healing mojo music called Blue Healer. They’re a blend of blues style music with ancient chants. I played as many as seven instruments to create this music, including a very rare 1915 Gibson Harp Guitar. I also chanted special Hawaiian and Sanskrit phrases designed to heal issues and remove blocks. One track (#4) in particular is so potent that I doubt any problem or issue can remain while you listen to it. I describe it as  “a freight train up your spine,” as it opens all the chakras and leads to a satori experience of awakening.

These five tracks are designed to be played as you meditate, work, play, drive, or rest. They are powerful. They move energy. They invoke spirit. Some are relaxing. Some are igniting. The “Gayatri Train” alone can help heal you.  It rumbles your energy and stirs your soul. Sarah Marie contributed her enchanting voice to four of the tracks, which creates a beautiful feminine-masculine balance. You’ll love it. Go see Blue Healer.

My CD was out first, so some early reviews are already in:

Marc Gitterle said, “I am inspired by your CD, as it is just so beguilingly listenable, and great sounding.”

Donna Aloia said, “It is truly a work of art.”

Mindy Audlin said, “So cool!!! I LOVE it!”

Donna Fisher said, “I have been listening to the Secret Harp track over and over and over and over in my car. This song is so soothing and I even notice myself breathing more deeply as I feel like I breathe in the energy of the music.”

Again, just go to Healing Mojo Music to order Blue Healer.

“Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons.  You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

All three CDs were done before May 1st

All three CDs were done before May 1st

Please note that having a clear intention, and a deadline, and taking action, led to all three of us getting our CDs done before our May 1st deadline.

“It’s amazing all that you can do…” – Jem

The idea behind all of these breakthrough audios is to allow the high vibration of inspired music to work on you. It’s music as guru. Or music as healer. It’s an easy way to help create the personal transformation you want, right down to healing stubborn issues that used to resist everything else. And again, all you have to do is relax and listen.

To paraphrase Emerson, these three breakthrough new audios are “…secrets that startle our wonder.”

What could be easier?

Ao Akua,


PS – Stay tuned for my next music CD, titled Strut! And other Songs of Motivation, Inspiration and Transformation, due out later this year. And my first public solo performance will be on a Las Vegas stage. (!) Sign up for free email updates right here.


The Clearing Audio by Pat O’Bryan and Joe Vitale

Opera Mantra by Sarah Marie

Zero Limits Music by Mathew Dixon

Blue Healer by Joe Vitale

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011