joepackage2.JPG I admit it: I don’t always feel great.

Yea, I’m surprised, too.

You’d think the author of such self-help books as The Attractor Factor and The Key, who stars in the inspiring movie The Secret, would have it together by now.

Sorry to disappoint you.

I still have my “moments.”

At least today they are only off moments where in the past they were bad days.

But if Boston can transform a prison into a luxury hotel called Liberty Hotel, then you and I can transform our mood.

So let me give you an early Christmas present by sharing ten self-help tips I do to shift my emotions which may help you, as well:

1. Pet a cat. I look into the eyes of my pets and I begin to feel more relaxed. They purr and my world changes. Ahhhhh…

2. Walk a dog. Just moving can make you feel better but having an excited dog tug at you to move you along faster is even better.

3. Play loud music. Nothing like hearing great music from Michelle Malone — or AC/DC or Stevie Ray Vaughan or Bruce Springsteen — playing at ear ringing levels to make me forget my woes. Dance to the music and unhappiness doesn’t stand a chance of surviving.

4. Make a decision. As I say in the movie The Secret, and in my books The Attractor Factor and The Key, setting an intention for how you want your day to go will realign you and your day. How do you want to feel? What do you want to achieve? Focus on that and you’ll begin to go toward it.

5. Help someone. Feeling unhappy is a selfish experience, so share it with someone you love. Just kidding. You can lift your own mood by looking for someone who is sad and comforting them. Listen to them. Buy them a cookie. Anything to take the focus off of you.

6. Feel grateful. Look around and find something, anything, to feel truly grateful to have. Gratitude is a powerful attractor of more to feel grateful for. Compared to people in the past and people in third world countries, you have it made.

7. Watch a movie. Movies shift your feelings and thoughts and can be a powerful way to improve your mood. Watch The Marx Brothers, The Three Stooges, etc. I liked the Bruce Willis movie 13 Blocks. Watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Watch Donny Deutsch’s The Big Idea. Watch cartoons. Whatever flips your switch.

8. Eat something. Yes, it’s comfort food when you reach for a meal when you aren’t really hungry and feel like crap, but food helps put you in the moment, shifts your serotonin levels, and makes your blood rush from your head to your stomach. Just don’t make this a habit.

9. Detach. Consider this a spiritual exercise and learn to detach from your thoughts, feelings and body. As I write in Zero Limits, you are the witness behind it all. Enjoy the show. Life is a play, my friend. It just seems real.

10. Smile. Look in the mirror and create a dozen different ways to smile. How would a kid do it? Go ahead. Be silly. No one is watching. You might start laughing at yourself and sooner or later, son of a gun, you’re really smiling.

Bonus Tip: Take action. Nothing beats simply diving into a project, preferably something you’ve been wanting to do anyway. Getting lost in the doing is a smart way to transcend your mood and get something productive done, as well. Forget avoiding. Start doing.

Finally, remember what comedian George Burns said —

“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.”

Well, are you happy now?

Ao Akua,


PS – My Miracles Coaching program is accepting new applicants. Want a miracle or two? Want to feel happy and excited every day? See Hey, no charge to go look.

Note: Photo by Lola Jones of 


  1. November 8, 2007 at 8:00 pm

    Funny, it makes me feel better knowing that the Attractor Factor guru has “off”days, too. 😆 Thanks for the tips!

  2. November 8, 2007 at 8:27 pm

    Off *moments*, really.

  3. November 8, 2007 at 8:35 pm

    Hey, I like the 10th tips. :razz::smile::wink::lol::mrgreen:

  4. November 8, 2007 at 8:36 pm

    Oops … sorry, the emoticons are not working.

    Let’s try again:

    🙂 😎 😀 😛 😉 😮 😆


  5. November 8, 2007 at 9:37 pm

    Joe as Jeanne says the Attractor Factor guru has off days?! 😯 Just wanted to use the shock smiley. LOL!

    Seriously, I understand what mean about the off “moments” and not days. I have written in my blog, how one day I was taking a walk in the park with my soulmate, and all of a sudden, I felt “off”, maybe due to hormonal changes; my mate suggested I simply observe the feeling and not attach anything to it, not to make it about a past or present concern, and when I followed his advice, surprisingly, I cried and released the tension within, and was back to my bouncy self within 10 minutes. I don’t have any drama in my life nowadays, life is peaceful and loving, as is for my mate, and I live in a state of gratitude where my heart feels achy and open most of the time, but being human does give us are off moments.

  6. November 8, 2007 at 9:42 pm

    Sigh, I so dislike typos, and my previous comments are full of typos, which teaches me to copy and paste into my text editor before hitting the “submit” button, so I can review quickly what I wrote. :razz::roll:

  7. November 8, 2007 at 11:20 pm

    Ah. That’s right. You have moments. I have entire days. But I’m working on it! 😉

  8. November 9, 2007 at 1:57 am

    Whenever I feel like that, I get my rubber gloves on and the clean the loo and bathroom from top to bottom! As Joe says, moving my body and giving my mind something else to think about always helps to shift the energy (and it’s amazing how often revelations about what’s going on spontaneously arise) when I do this.
    Glad you still get human glitches Joe!

  9. November 9, 2007 at 7:34 am

    Thanks for posting some great tips about about my favorite subject.

    Buz McGuire

  10. Ryan Brown-Reply
    November 9, 2007 at 7:42 am

    ok Joe, that was pure awesome! I’m already real good at the 1st 3 or so, but the “dive in, take action” part was the best thing I could take from it all.

    Thanks for all you do Joe!

  11. November 9, 2007 at 7:50 am

    Haha, great timing on this one Joe.

    I just went to start my car to go to school. I have absolutely no power in it even though my battery is about 10 months old, have to miss school now because I can’t get there, I’ll have to miss work b/c I won’t be able to get there, and have to spend literally every penny I have on a new battery (I have pretty much JUST enough).


    Oh well though – it happens.

    I’m going to go do some hill sprints to relieve the stress.

    That can be #11 🙂 – Exercise intensely!


  12. Hossein-Reply
    November 9, 2007 at 4:18 pm

    Hi Joe,

    My favorite of all is DETACH. I think starting with this one will have everything else flow.
    It is such a simple but not easy concept. Most people struggle with it or they don’t even have this awareness.

    Thanks for reminding us…love you,

  13. November 9, 2007 at 6:35 pm

    Great post Joe.

    I love all the tips given here. I am just wondering how eating will turn my mood around. That is something worth looking forward to.

    The issue is that I can’t really remember the last time I was having my off moment. I have made a decision to be happy all the time and I thing God is helping me with that decision.

    This post is worth sharing.

    Thanks Joe for this. 😉

  14. November 9, 2007 at 8:37 pm

    Excellent insights except I would avoid eating while depressed because the thoughts you have while intaking your food will shape your character

  15. November 10, 2007 at 2:08 am

    Was directed to your post Joe from Buz. I love your tips… especially the first part of 5! I laughed and laughed!

  16. November 10, 2007 at 5:52 am

    Thanks Joe! I used to have a “feel better ritual” that included lying in the middle of the rugin my living room with music blasting. I’d put my playlist on the computer on random and just let the music wash over me until it landed on a certain song. That song was my trigger to get up and get moving. Then I would dive in and take action. It was reportedly an odd site to witness (according to one former roommate who wandered in during this exercise once and asked “Are you ok?”)
    I also used to pour all the “bad stuff” onto paper then let it go!
    I love you! Thank you!
    Oh and Buz sent me!

  17. November 10, 2007 at 6:02 am

    😛 PS. The Miracles Coaching is WONDERFUL! 😆

  18. November 10, 2007 at 6:07 am

    Great advice! good list to print and post somewhere! I know music helps! I have done that one and grinned in a mirror too many times to admit! 🙂 Buz sent me this morning and I am glad he did!

  19. November 10, 2007 at 8:00 am

    hi joe–

    buz mcguire, the viral happiness guy, sent me over to check out your happiness recommendations!!

    petting a cat is my top favorite thing to do. in fact, i did that a few days ago, after not doing it for over a year–and knew right then that cats are the key to rising consciousness many octaves higher than the moment just before the petting started!!!!!

    thanks for the reminder!!

    kate loving shenk

  20. Celila-Reply
    November 10, 2007 at 9:28 am

    Great tips….I especially agree with the walking your dog one…it works great for me! Buz sent me to your site. Thanks.

  21. November 10, 2007 at 1:36 pm

    Great guide on “How to Find Your Reset Button”. Even though it violates your Rule#5, pulling out the scrap book and spending time in the ‘When I was a Toddler’ section always helps me end any pity party that I’m engaged in.

    Thanks, Joe.


  22. Frank Kehinde-Reply
    November 10, 2007 at 7:30 pm

    Thanks Joe, I think all your points are simple, but we take them for granted.

    Frank Kehinde

  23. November 10, 2007 at 8:26 pm

    😆 Joe, Thanks for the information you so kindly share with us.
    Awesome as always and right on time!

  24. Esther-Reply
    November 11, 2007 at 1:20 pm

    Gratitude for today: My beautiful baby boy. I dont know why I do not have financial security and cannot figure it out for the life of me…………I have read so much, watched videos, etc. For today I will focus on my babys smile. Luv, Esther

  25. November 11, 2007 at 8:09 pm

    😀 Joe, your tips and tricks are great. then one I love the most is SMILE. Heck you have the best.. and you give it away freely. The guy makes $$$ while smiling , to market this good!!
    Love Ellie

  26. November 12, 2007 at 8:38 am

    :razz::smile::grin::wink::lol: hi joe and everyone ..joe you have the most lovely, cheeky, smile, has anyone ever told you you look like danny divetee? no doubt they have. you both share that warm cheeky grin that warms my heart, i only have to think about one of you grinning and i start to grin also. thank you joe for bringing so much to the world with your books and big kind heart and not forgetting that smile to melt ice bergs and more love,

  27. Jane-Reply
    November 12, 2007 at 9:26 am

    Maybe I`m right and maybe I`m wrong but I don`t think that happiness can be `got` or `made` because happiness is not a possession.

    Best Regards

  28. Gracie-Reply
    November 12, 2007 at 11:43 pm

    Ok Joe, there ya go being human!:oops: I love your list – it goes back to the fact that we are ultimately responsible for the experiences we have. Like I told my 9th grader tonight … you are failing a class because you chose to not do homework in the past. You can choose to be an A student right now! Make a list of the actions you can do right now and let’s do them together.:grin: I Love You, Thank you.

  29. Matthew-Reply
    November 13, 2007 at 1:49 pm

    Well, from my perspective I’ve had off months and even off years. I can be happy now if I only have off moments or even days. It is important not to react so strongly to “off” experiences. I’ve learned that it’s my reaction to something “painful” that hurts so much-far more than the experience that even gave rise to the reaction.

  30. Diana-Reply
    November 14, 2007 at 10:18 am

    I just have to say that u’re the best!!!!!!!!! /Diana from sweden!

  31. November 17, 2007 at 6:53 pm

    I am so proud of your successes and love to brag about your earlier classes and guest speaking at Carmel Temple in the 80’s & 90’s. Remember “Carmel” the precious kitty?
    love you

  32. November 17, 2007 at 7:19 pm

    Hi Charlotte! YES I remember you and the kitty and love you all!

  33. March 10, 2008 at 9:45 am

    It’s nice to read the simple tips of happiness from the great guru. I know for sure this tips will help you and me to maintain the condition of FEELING GOOD. As a rule FEELING GOOD is naturaly needed in creating any miracle. What do you think Bapak Joe?

    (PS. Bapak is the Indonesian word for Mr)

  34. September 7, 2008 at 10:41 pm

    Great tips! 😎

  35. September 25, 2011 at 6:03 pm

    You are only human and to admit you have off days is a healthy way of checking in with self. The simple things in life that create a smile makes everyday worthwhile in so many ways. Gratitude is key. Thanks for the realistic tips!
    To your happiness , Joe!

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