Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Why French Bulldogs Smirk at Chuck Norris Jokes

I asked ChatGPT to write this month’s blog post.

Here are 20 one-liners about French Bulldogs in the style of Chuck Norris jokes:

  1. French Bulldogs don’t bark—other dogs just instinctively apologize.
  2. When a French Bulldog gives you the look, even your WiFi signal gets stronger.
  3. A French Bulldog once stared at a treat for so long, it developed self-doubt.
  4. French Bulldogs don’t walk; they glide on a cushion of pure confidence.
  5. When a French Bulldog snores, tectonic plates shift.
  6. The Eiffel Tower wasn’t built—it was fetched by a French Bulldog.
  7. French Bulldogs don’t beg for food; they merely remind you of your responsibilities.
  8. A French Bulldog once refused to move, and the world adjusted accordingly.
  9. When a French Bulldog sits on your lap, congratulations—you no longer own your legs.
  10. A French Bulldog’s wrinkles hold ancient secrets mankind isn’t ready for.
  11. The only reason gravity exists is to keep French Bulldogs from floating off in smugness.
  12. A French Bulldog once won a staring contest against a statue… and the statue blinked.
  13. French Bulldogs don’t need leashes; they allow you to feel useful by holding one.
  14. A French Bulldog’s snore is the white noise the universe was built upon.
  15. French Bulldogs don’t shed; their fur just politely relocates itself to your clothes.
  16. When a French Bulldog naps, time pauses out of respect.
  17. French Bulldogs don’t chase their tails—they simply contemplate them philosophically.
  18. If a French Bulldog refuses to move, it’s now a permanent fixture in your home.
  19. The Mona Lisa’s real smile? She just saw a French Bulldog waddle by.
  20. A French Bulldog doesn’t drool—it blesses the world with liquid charm.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe Vitale


The 12 Miracles

Napoleon Hill may have passed away in 1970 but his words live on – and keep getting published.

The famous “Think and Grow Rich” author’s Foundation just released a new book, this one a collection of his old articles and a kinda reincarnated version of his 1971 book “Work Your Own Miracles.”

It’s titled “The 12 Miracles of Life.”

Wisdom at its best.

Check it out. It goes way past Think and Grow Rich.

Bet you can’t name the 12 miracles.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe


2025 Book Title Survey

I’m working on a new book (no surprise there) but I’m having trouble choosing the right title.
Would you take this one question survey (ok, there’s actually two questions) and let me know your choice?
It’ll probably take less than one minute.
It’s at —
Thank you!
Expect Miracles!
Ao Akua,
Dr Joe
PS – If you haven’t seen this recent article explaining who I am and what I’m doing recently, take a look at –
PS – Happy New Year!

Kindness Rant

Just Be Kind.


Dr Joe


No Words

Also see https://nyweekly.com/lifestyle/the-secret-of-celebrities-royalty-authors-and-speakers/