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The Miracle Six Steps to Enlightenment
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Welcome to Mr. Fire.com Home of Dr. Joe Vitale
Here you can learn his original methods for using the Law of Attraction in business and life.
Dr. Joe Vitale is the author of far too many books to mention here. Here are just a few of them:
He wrote the bestseller, The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else) from the inside out. It became a #1 bestseller twice, even beating the latest Harry Potter book.
He also wrote Life’s Missing Instruction Manual: The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth. It, too, became a #1 bestseller and was picked up by WalMart.
One of his most popular titles, Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More reflects an ancient Hawaiian practice, known as Ho’oponopono. A fan favorite, Joe has hosted multiple live events on the subject, nation-wide, and he has created quite a following on this title alone.
Joe also wrote the only book on P.T. Barnum’s business secrets, There’s a Customer Born Every Minute. He’s also written many more books on marketing and business, to name a few, Hypnotic Writing and Buying Trances: A New Psychology of Sales and Marketing. His latest book release is titled, The Secret Prayer.
Besides all of his books, Joe also recorded the #1 bestselling Nightingale-Conant audio program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing. Additionally, he’s also recorded the following audio programs for Nightingale-Conant, to name a few, The Awakening Course, The Missing Secret, The Secret to Attracting Money, The Abundance Paradigm, The Ultimate Law of Attraction Library and his latest, The Zero Point.
His popular title, Attract Money Now, is taking the world by storm as he is giving it away for FREE! It includes his easy7-step formula proven to manifest wealth.
Joe’s marketing methods have made people millionaires. He’s been involved with every aspect of marketing, from traditional direct mail to publicity to infomercials. He is the president of Hypnotic Marketing, Inc. and is the world’s first hypnotic writer. He created a home-study course called Hypnotic Selling Secrets — and made $450,000 in 3 days selling it online.
He’s being called “The Buddha of the Internet” and after his huge weight loss, “The Charles Atlas of the Internet.”
Known for his outrageous publicity stunts, Joe received local and national media attention from the likes of The New York Post for “The World’s First Canine Concert” (http://www.canineconcert.com/) in order to promote his bestselling book: There’s a Customer Born Every Minute – P.T. Barnum’s Secrets to Business Success book.
Joe is also one of the stars in the hit movie The Secret. He was seen on Larry King Live on November 16, 2006 and March 8, 2007. On March 6, 2007 Joe was interviewed on ExtraTV to talk about “Hollywood’s Latest Craze: The Secret.”
He was also featured in Newsweek’s March 5, 2007 issue, story titled: Decoding The Secret: http://www.newsweek.com/secret-does-self-help-book-really-help-95559
On November 19, 2007 he was a guest on CNBC’s “The Big Idea” with Donny Deutsch: https://www.mrfire.com/n8gc
For access to his current radio interviews, such as CNN radio, go to his Podcast page at: https://www.mrfire.com/interviews/
He is a sought out speaker who travels the world to such countries as Russia, Poland, Peru, Canada and Kuwait to spread his message on the law of attraction, “The Missing Secret,” ho’oponopono and much more. He was also a Keynote Speaker at the prestigious National Speakers Association Convention in San Diego, CA in July, 2007 and for Hay House “I Can Do It!” Conference in Austin, TX (2013).
In addition to The Secret, Dr. Vitale has been featured in a total of 15 movies so far. Some of them include: Try it on Everything, The Opus, Leap!, The Meta Secret and his latest film is titled The Abundance Factor.
Dr. Vitale discovered that there is a “missing secret” to success. He says many people do everything right but still don’t get great results. Why not? He says there are counter-intentions you need to clear. He’s created several ways to do just that, from his new Miracles Coaching® program (www.MiraclesCoaching.com), to the incredible method explained in his book, Zero Limits and the sequel, At Zero. He has also created a website where people can gather and direct their positive energies to create a positive impact on the world at: www.AttractMiracles.com.
As seen in Rolling Stone magazine, on January 6, 2012, he has added yet another mega milestone to his long list of accomplishments by completing his first self-help CD for a new genre of music that he calls “Healing Music.” To date, Dr. Vitale’s complete music catalog consists of 6 singer-songwriter CDs (Strut! The Healing Song, Sun Will Rise, Reflection, One More Day and Stretch) and 9 instrumental CDs (Blue Healer, At Zero, Aligning to Zero, 432 to Zero, Invoking Divinity, Afflatus, Higher Octaves, Espresso for Your Soul and Calling the Four Angels of Ho’oponopono) with more currently in the works!
Dr. Vitale’s style is inspiring and informative. He doesn’t speak so much as inspire. His mission is to help you achieve your dreams.
For thoughts, news, riffs and reviews by Dr. Joe Vitale (“Mr. Fire!”) about marketing, publicity, selling, hypnosis, copywriting, books, fitness, metaphysics and anything else he cares to comment on, including healing, humor and the Internet, be sure to visit his blog at: http://blog.mrfire.com/.
Make sure to go connect with Mr Fire on Social Media
Over 75 Books
Over 15 Movies
Over 15 CD’s
Hundred’s of Live Events
Miracles Coaching is Awesome
Living Proof
Designed by Joe himself
All the Pros have Coaches
Darn near every single one of them have at least one coach…usually more. Every game, movie, and concert you see is the result of professionals using coaches and taking action on their interactions.
Awesome Support
Coaching is the HELP you need.
Joe has created a Miracles Coaching® program and helps people achieve their dreams by understanding the deeper aspects of the law of attraction and the law of right action. This man was once homeless but today is a bestselling author who believes in magic and miracles.
To be right upfront – He is living proof that you can manifest anything you want in EVERY area of your life. In fact, you’ll be surprised at just what you can accomplish IF you just take that first step forward — just like he did.
Dr. Vitale wants to help you do just that — starting today! Not next month. Not next week. Not tomorrow. TODAY!
Click the button below and get A FREE 45 minute, no strings attached, Miracles Coaching® Consultation.
Hypnotic Marketing
Mr. Fire is the creator of Hypnotic Marketing. A technique he developed over years of hyper creativity after he realized he was on his own to market the books he’d work so hard to write.
Let him teach you the shortcuts to becoming a marketing genius.
Hypnotic Writing
Have you ever wondered the secret to Joe’s success? He’ll tell you it’s his Hypnotic Writing skills. What is Hypnotic Writing you ask?
Discover the missing secret key to your success and the reason for Joe’s right here…right now.
Hypnotic Speaking
What are the keys to hypnotic speaking? How will you capture and hold a savvy, enlightened crowd – ultimately persuading them to buy your product, service or idea? Many of these secrets of hypnotic speaking Joe has shared with NO ONE – until NOW! Click here to discover how to be a rock star the next time you speak!
Law of Attraction
Give me 4 hours and I’ll show you how to attract a new car – or anything else you can imagine – using my 5-step easy system…
Mastermind with Mr. Fire
Imagine spending an entire evening dining, relaxing, and discussing your dreams and desires. The thrill of creating a strategy to build the life you deserve.
Hypnotic Gold
What If There Was a Method to Using Words So Skillfully, You Could Make a Person Do Anything You Wanted, Just By Knowing Which Words to Use?
Dr. Joe Vitale Author;Creator of way too many books to list here.
…and he’s just getting warmed up!
Dr. Joe Vitale is the author of way too many bestselling books to mention here. Some of them include The Attractor Factor, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, The Key, Faith, Attract Money Now and the sequel to his bestseller, Zero Limits which was officially launched in January 2014, entitled At Zero.
His latest is The Awakened Millionaire released in April of 2016.
He’s also recorded many Nightingale-Conant audio programs, to name a few, The Awakening Course, The Missing Secret, The Secret to Attracting Money, The Abundance Paradigm, The Ultimate Law of Attraction Library and his latest release is called, The Zero Point.
What Mr. Fire’s Friends and Clients Say
*Of course, with anything that requires individual action, your result may vary from those listed here.
*”Joe Vitale is a true marketing, sales and promotion genius.”
*”Just when you think you understand how the world works Joe Vitale comes along and takes you to a whole new place. He’s engaging, entertaining, enlightening and – oh boy – does he ever stretch your thinking.”
*”Joe’s new book was just as I knew it would be – FABULOUS! The riveting stories and enlightening insights lifted my spirits and filled my soul with love. This is indeed a path to miracles!”
*”In AT Zero, Dr. Joe Vitale shares the catalyst of his own awakening. He is vulnerable, insightful and shares authentic Ho’oponopono secrets that are empowering and inspiring. If you want to get to the state of zero, where there are no limiting beliefs, I highly suggest you read this book.”
*”My experience with Dr. Joe Vitale positively cannot be expressed in words! It was beyond this world! Just in the first 15 minutes I got so many amazing prosperity ideas and concepts that will definetly help me increase my abundance and joy in life. Dr. Joe Vitale is someone who you must mastermind with to take your entire life to the next level.”
The World’s First Self-Help Singer Songwriter
One of his most recent accomplishments includes being the world’s first self-help singer-songwriter as seen in 2012’s Rolling Stone Magazine®.
To date, he has released 15 albums! Several of his songs were recognized and nominated for the Posi Award, regarded as “The Grammys of Positive Music.”
Latest from Joe’s Interviews and Podcasts
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Get Attract Money Now for FREE!
Money Loves Speed
Why is Joe giving Attract Money Now away (right now, to you) for FREE?
Because he wants to help. He was homeless once and lived in poverty for many years. Dr. Vitale is going to give away Attract Money Now to help you and anyone else who is struggling right now.
Mr. Fire has the path to freedom and will give it to you FREE.
In Attract Money Now, you’ll learn… The Proven 7-step formula to attract money FAST that will work for YOU!
Click the button below to get your copy now!
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