When it comes to the law of attraction and using The Secret to attract preferred results, most people want to learn how to work with it to attract more money first.

After that, they’ll wonder how to attract romance, cars, homes, happiness, and everything else. But money is the starting place for most people.

So, how do you attract more money?

Here are seven ways:

1. Give money away.

It sounds counter-intuitive but the more you give, the more you will receive (unless you block the receiving, which ties into the next step). Give openly and freely to wherever you received spiritual nourishment.  Give on a regular basis, too. The rule of thumb is to give 10% of whatever you receive, but it’s also smart to give more when you feel inspired to do so. Remember, you don’t have to give to a church; give to the person, place, or group that has kept your spirit alive. Just ask “Where was I most inspired today?” and give to that source. And ask the question daily or weekly as the source will often change.

2. Get clear.

Most people push money away with their hidden limiting beliefs, such as “money is bad” or “rich people are evil.” Those are beliefs, not facts. Get clear of them and money will come to you (as long as you also do the next step). Getting clear can be as easy as listening to a special audio or as powerful as having your own Miracles Coach.

3. Take action.

Too many people sit and wait for money to materialize in front of them. I believe in magic and miracles, but I also believe that your role in the process of attracting money is to actually do something to bring it your way. Act on your ideas. Now. “Money likes speed” is my favorite mantra. If you don’t act now, you’ll see your idea manifested in a store some day and somebody else will be attracting money from it.

4. Support a cause.

Most people push money away because they don’t feel they deserve it. One way around this (while you still work on getting clear inside yourself) is to want money for a larger purpose. I created Operation YES to end homelessness. Raising hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more) for that cause will remove any remaining prosperity limitations within me. While I won’t receive a dime from Operation YES, my working on its behalf will attract money to me in other ways, such as the contacts and goodwill I’ll create. In short, want money for a larger reason than your own ego.

5. Get support.

One of the wisest things you can do to achieve any goal is create or join a master mind group devoted to it. I co-authored Meet and Grow Rich with Bill Hibbler for this reason. Attending a seminar can give you the same result. (Consider the Attract Wealth event in May in Austin, Texas.)

6. Be grateful.

This is huge. Be thankful for the money you have — which is probably considered true wealth by people starving in third world countries — and you’ll begin to attract more money. Gratitude sends off a signal of appreciation, which brings to you more to be thankful for. Begin with whatever is in this moment that you can be sincerely grateful for.

7. Do what you love.

There’s no sense in working at something you hate. If you are currently at a job you don’t like, find a way to enjoy it for the time you are there while working towards doing your passion. Following your passion is the greatest secret of all when it comes to attracting wealth. Everyone from Donny Deutsch to Donald Trump to Bill Gates to little ole me agree that passion (combined with the other steps above) is your ticket to financial freedom.

Finally, expect success.

The mindset of expectation — expecting that you are now attracting money and playfully looking around, asking “I wonder where and how big money will come from to me today?” — will keep your brain turned on to seek and find opportunities. You of course then have to take fearless action when you see them.

Go for it!

Ao Akua,


PS – The Attract Wealth Seminar is explained at www.attractwealthseminar.com You’ll be able to soak up the feel of wealth and prosperity at this unique event while learning how to get clear to attract wealth. It’s your ticket to financial freedom, removing those inner barriers to success, and finally beginning to attract money on a grand scale. See you there.


  1. March 23, 2008 at 9:52 am

    People who really understand the laws of cosmic force and presence of infinite intelligence will get the inner essence of the ways described here. I recommend The Master Key to Riches by Napolean Hill (rather than Think and Grow Rich) TGR only touches the subject in the last few pages but the former goes in to more detail.

  2. March 23, 2008 at 10:00 am

    Excellent post Joe! I really loved it, but in my personal oppinion I would put Be grateful in the second or first place, don’t you think? it always works for me…. 😀 And is the best way to change my mind towards wealth…:grin: So I always start from there.
    Thanks once more!

  3. March 23, 2008 at 10:25 am

    I have been working with 20/20 formally known as John Wingert for the last 6 months and he has mentioned you several times and have decided to watch what you are up to. You my friend have truly been a gift from God for me. I saw you first when I was introduced to The Secret in September of 2007. You have been one of my biggest teachers and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you do. If you go to my site http://www.KB-BusinessConsultants.com you will see that I am applying Step 5 to one of my visions Nothing But Net… Creating Masterminds One Meeting At A Time! Thank you again for sharing all of your wonderful gifts and insights. When I “become” I want to be just like you! and 20/20 and Debbie Ford and Louise Hay and Esther & Jerry Hicks and Bob Proctor and Dr. Beckwith and and and!!! Much Love from Greenacres Florida Kimberly Blanding aka KB!

  4. March 23, 2008 at 10:34 am

    Thank you Joe. This is beautiful, and oh so true, and oh so simple! You have clearly outlined the fundamentals to prosperity!!



  5. March 23, 2008 at 10:44 am

    Great list Joe! One layer I would add to this is to become aware of all the ways you currently block receiving – receiving of anything – compliments, praise, help, love, gifts and money and begi saying yes and thank you to all of the ways abundance flows into your life!

    Namaste, Anita Pathik Law

  6. March 23, 2008 at 10:45 am

    Great list Joe! One layer I would add to this is to become aware of all the ways you currently block receiving – receiving of anything – compliments, praise, help, love, gifts and money and begin saying yes and thank you to all of the ways abundance flows into your life!

    Namaste, Anita Pathik Law

  7. March 23, 2008 at 11:07 am

    Thank you Brother Joe, for these excellent reminders. It is good to keep these things in the forefront of our thoughts. I look forward to the tv show airing soonest! 😀



  8. March 23, 2008 at 11:22 am

    Great post, Joe! Support is one area where I can definitely give to myself more in my ascent beyond complete financial freedom… I’m going to start a weekly meeting group whereby budding billionaires can check and challenge each toher’s goals and the means we use to get there.

    Thanks, brother!

    Much love, T

  9. March 23, 2008 at 11:30 am

    Sales man

  10. March 23, 2008 at 2:28 pm

    Showing gratitude of the little things, overlooked in the daily drudgery is often my weakest point. So I thought I would practice right now.

    I am grateful I “reconnected” with your website Joe, you’ve been quite inspirational to me in the past and I wondered off letting others fill my ear – I’m back now.

  11. Alice-Reply
    March 23, 2008 at 5:19 pm

    We are in a word period that is so ignorant of truth. We are so blinded that we are seeking the way of the spirit via materiality. We are seeking to make the material an ideal materiality, more cars, more machines, more power, and more money.

    Our God today is the dollar. This country worships the dollar more than anything else.
    By worship, I mean we’re devoted to it. You think businessmen are not devoted to money?

    They eat, breathe and sleep it. They really worship, but worship money.
    And because of it, they’re unhappy,
    there is no peace or serenity for them.

    (Lester Levenson)

    – Thank you for letting me know Lester Levenson.

  12. March 23, 2008 at 7:40 pm

    Joe! Hey brother, just letting you know, after years of following your Blog, I am still addicted to your information. As always, it’s hynotic! By the way, someone asked me about my top 5 business books and I said without a doubt we must put your “There’s a Customer Born Every Minute’ up there, and I followed it up with, ANYTHING by Dr. Joe Vitale!

    U da man baby!

    Always a friend,

    Zach 🙂

  13. Heaven-Reply
    March 23, 2008 at 11:50 pm

    I love brief texts 😉 Thank you, Joe:smile:

  14. March 24, 2008 at 12:56 am

    Hi Joe,

    Thanks for sharing your wisdom with the world and me. I especially loved your point number six because so oftened I can get caught up in the the thrill of making money that I don’t take the time to be grateful about it.

    Today you made me think about this and I thank you greatly for that.

    Have Fun & Back Yourself

    Scott Wilson

  15. March 24, 2008 at 2:09 am

    Hi Joe,

    Great post! Regarding giving money away, I recently took part in a special Internet fundraiser that was aiming to raise $100,000 in 72 hours to help save 5 million acres of rainforest in Ecuador.

    As I was writing a post on my blog to help spread the word about the challenge I got a call regarding a new assignment. In other words, no sooner had I made my pledge, money came flowing back to me.

    Over $50,000 was raised during the challenge and donations are still being accepted. If anyone is interested in donating to this cause you can check it out at:


    You can donate as little as $1. All proceeds go straight to the Pachamama Alliance Charity. No names or email addresses are being collected.

    Wishing you abundance


  16. March 24, 2008 at 6:03 am

    How to make a plan to Achieve Financial Freedom.Our Achieve Financial Freedom website is fully dedicated to help you Make Money Online And Achieve Financial Freedom.


    Achieve financial freedom | Money making opportunities | Wealth education

  17. March 24, 2008 at 11:04 am


    What an inciteful article!

    Anthony Whyms

  18. March 25, 2008 at 12:10 pm

    Thank you for sharing such a great idea…


  19. Joe, these 7 steps to attracting more money you put here are great reminders. Success and attracting the money and abundance you want really is an inside job. I think a very important step is a persons expectations of their success and the abundance the expect to come to them. I wrote about three steps to shift your expectations in a post http://www.artofallowingmindset.com/2008/03/your-expectatio.html . People can shift their expectations and add your seven steps and find they get greatly improved results.

  20. March 26, 2008 at 8:13 pm

    :mrgreen: Thank you for that post, Joe. Points 1,3,5,&7 I have no problem with, but it’s always points 2,4,&6 that trip me up.

    I’m grateful for you, for a roof over my head, for family, for wonderful job prospects, and the ability to give to causes I believe in.

    Thank you.


  21. March 27, 2008 at 11:07 am

    Thank you for sharing. I’ve read a lot of your books. My favorite is ‘zero limit’. Appreciate that you wrote this book. I practice it everyday… Thanks.:grin:

  22. March 31, 2008 at 10:37 am

    simple, concise, really straight to the point…… and really push me forward to better life. Thank you my Joe

    Octavian Elang – Indonesia

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