A 5-minute video reveals an AdSense Breakthrough

Nerissa filmed me for 5 minutes last night explaining the new bonus you will get today when you invest in the hefty package called Hypnotic Selling Secrets.

You can see it at —http://www.hypnoticsellingsecrets.com/adsense.o/10386

You’ll see why I’m offering a 14-pound package– now with a payment plan and more bonuses than I can list here — because of my 80 pound weight loss and some embarrassing pictures.

You might say that my loss is your gain.

What you get is off the charts in scope.

Not only is it a complete course in marketing — as well as Hypnotic Writing and Hypnotic Selling — but you also get my complete DVD set on reprogramming your mind with my famous Attractor Factor Blueprint.

Plus you will now get a breakthrough program that allows you to turn any video into a non-stop profit machine.

This has *never* been done before. It will make history – and you’ll be one of the first in the world to use it.

What the software does is allow you to put Google AdSense above any video you play and any banner along the right of it.

This is a historic moment.

The program that turns any video into an AdSense money-maker hasn’t been released yet. The only way to get even a trial version of it is to invest in my Hypnotic Selling Secrets course today.

It’s all explained by me over at —


It’ll take 5 minutes…and *will* change your life.

Go see.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you already ordered Hypnotic Selling Secrets this week, have no fear. You will get all the bonuses I’ve added, as well as the bonus software described at –http://www.hypnoticsellingsecrets.com/adsense.o/10386 It will only take 5 minutes to go watch it. You know you want to.

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