I love gadgets. You can imagine how excited I got when the ThinkGeek Overlords sent me an email this morning featuring the first ever Bluetooth Laser Virtual Keyboard.

It’s a tiny device that laser projects a keyboard onto any flat surface. You then type on that projected image and your words are picked up by Bluetooth and sent to your SmartPhone or PDA. Think of it as an interactive hologram.

Is it a hoax?


But I wanted one.


So I shot over to http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/input/8193/

And that’s where my throbbing heart sank.

That’s where I saw yet another company make a common marketing mistake.

They promoted the gadget (real or not) before it was ready to ship.

There are no devices in stock.

Not only that, but ThinkGeek doesn’t even allow me to pre-order the darn thing. (Note: They do, now. They changed their site after I posted this blog this morning.)

Talk about disappointment.

It gets worse.

As I reviewed the specs for the Bluetooth Virtual Desktop Laser Keyboard gadget, I saw that my Blackberry 8700C phone isn’t listed as one of the devices it works with. So even if the keyboard projector is real, and was in stock, and I got one, it would be virtually useless to me.

Listen and learn: Don’t market anything before its time (unless it’s clear that the product isn’t ready for order and you’re just building a buzz for it).

And if this whole thing is a hoax, then it’s not very funny.

Disappointed customers bitch and moan and end up complaining to others — even on their blogs.

Ao Akua,


PS – The device is real and this company sells it and they say it is compatible with my Blackberry: http://www.laser-keyboard.com/compatibility.asp

PPS – I don’t know this for a fact, but I suspect Lindsay Lohan is now using a prescription medication for asthma called Advair. How do I know? Her voice is changing. I used the same prescription for a few months and noticed my voice changed, as well. A friend of mine uses Advair every day and I can hear his voice getting hoarse. I think the medication makes Linday’s voice huskier and sexier. But I’d rather see her get off all meds and find a natural cure for asthma. She might consider the Buteyko Method. http://www.buteyko.com/ I care about you, Lindsay.


  1. Ronald I Nzimora-Reply
    April 12, 2006 at 10:12 am

    Hi Joe,
    I am viewing you from Nigeria in West Africa. I love your blog ang i sympathize with you about the laser keyboard. Sure, such things make me moan too.It sure is a dumb thing to do but many companies do it. No wonder they go out of business preety soon
    Can i send marketing articles to your blog? I would love to share my message through you.
    Till i hear from you,
    “Dare Somethign Worthy”
    Ron Nzimora

  2. Bob Collier-Reply
    April 13, 2006 at 5:57 am

    Hmm… What does this story remind me of?

    Oh, yes. A certain movie I’d been hearing plenty of buzz about for months, and was looking forward to watching, only to be told on the day it was released that I wasn’t allowed to watch it.

    As you say, “Disappointed customers”, etc. You’re so right.

  3. Joe Vitale-Reply
    April 13, 2006 at 6:00 am

    Bob, if you are referring to the movie “The Secret,”, you ARE allowed to watch it. Pay five bucks and there you go. See http://www.whatisthesecret.tv and follow directions.

    If you live in Australia, you are not allowed to buy it on DVD, but I know several people there who bought it anyway, or viewed it anyway, so I don’t see where you can’t watch it.

    – joe

  4. Bob Collier-Reply
    April 15, 2006 at 5:53 am

    Hi, Joe

    Now I’m totally flummoxed. It clearly states at the website if I live in Australia I “will not be able to view The Secret on Vividas or purchase the DVD at this time”.

    But I clicked on “Buy Now” anyway and got “Viewers in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea are not authorized to purchase this item at this time” and there was no option for me to go any further.

    However, I received an email today telling me that the copy of the DVD I paid for on March 23 is scheduled for shipment on Monday.

    I think what I’ll do now is find something to be happy about and leave watching the movie to Divine Timing. 🙂

    Thank you for your help, I appreciate it. And thanks for the continuing inspiration generally.

    Have a fun day!

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