You can ask me anything you like about my latest book, The Key: The Missing Secret to Attracting Whatever You Want by going here No charge, obligation or expectation. Just an invitation. Go see.


  1. November 6, 2007 at 11:54 pm

    Hi Joe,

    I’m a true believer of the Law of Attraction and it has changed my life drastically.

    One day, as I browse through the internet, from blog to blog, I came across to an interesting controversy.

    It says that, did Jesus Christ attract his death with the Law of Attraction?

    This question disturbs me for quite a while and I can’t find any explanation to that. I hope you can help me to take away my my uncertainty.

    Thank you very much.

  2. November 7, 2007 at 8:40 am

    Hi Again Joe,

    Not a question but a little note of gratitude rather.

    I wanted to thank you so very much, once again for the MAJOR impact you have had on my life. I canโ€™t even begin to tell you how many self-help and spiritual books I own, yet when I am feeling weak, I am drawn to Spiritual Marketing or some other one of your little gems.

    I draw the most incredible inspiration from reading about how you turned things around for yourself and I can’t even begin to tell you what Zero Limits has done for my life.

    Joe, thank you also, for bringing Dr. Hew Len into my experience. I cannot wait until Maui. The cleaning effect of the Ceeport pin combined with everything else has just blown me away. I feel as if I make a quantum leap at least once a week as far as my understanding of things.

    Thank you for remaining so humble, and grounded. Thank you for exemplifying that financial success and spirituality are not mutually exclusive as so many people erroneously believe.

    But most of all THANK YOU โ€ฆ..For the warmth you convey in all you write and do…!

    May the Divine Architect continue to bestow LOVE, LIGHT and UNLIMITED SUCCESS upon you!!!!



  3. Keith Burtis-Reply
    November 7, 2007 at 4:29 pm

    Hello Joe, I think your request to ask you anything is a brilliant way to get to know your readership. Anyway, I have read most of your books, watched the secret, and I most recently have read “The Key” I would like to verballize the way that things have come together for me after listening to a recent interview with Bill Harris. He says in there that if you can dream it…it must be possible. Reffering to Napoleon Hill…Bill responds by saying he may never be a pro basketball player, but he believes that if he really wanted to he might get on the court for a single play in a single game. I would like to make an observation and say that I agree with the fact that if you dream it you can do it, but I would at the same time like to disagree that anyone can do anything. I believe that we really can do anything, “THAT RESONATES WITH US” we truely are all individual while all remaining one. Certain things resonate better with certain people…I am an artist and I work with wood….this truly resonates with me and time flies while I do this. I also enjoy and search for these things conciously and uncounciously that resonate with me and my spirit. I have many things to work on and learn as this is a lifelong process, but the question I have of you is do you think my observation the fact that not everyone can do everything because certain thing don’t resonate well with everyone? I believe that you must live in the moment and enjoy the process, and that the process is it. The process is the end, and whatever process resonates with you is where you should be right now.

  4. Alice Robb and Chad Robb-Reply
    November 7, 2007 at 6:45 pm

    Joe, my adopted grandson (Chad age 16) wrote you after he viewed The Secret for the 4th or 5th time. He (and I) use Ho’oponopono daily cleaning & cleaning (as well as the Secret, while he is atttending a residential high school – 11th grade at Arkansas School for Math Sciences and the Arts in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

    Today I received an email from him, “Nana, Today i reached the zero state. I’m not sure how or what i did. But i know i was in it; and still am.

    I wrote back: “Describe it to me,, that’s terriffic, and I want to know exactly how it feels.”

    His answer a couple of hours later,
    “its hard to describe…but i felt kind of like…one with everything. more like in control of everything. like i came into this complete realization that EVERYTHING around me was my creation. my reality. and my illusion. then i started to have deja vu. and my day has been going so smoothly. i stopped in the skywalk and just admired where i am and everything around me. its so beautiful. that is how i have felt all day.” (He’s quite an old soul, I’m sure) Thanks for sharing all of this with us. I love you, Alice Robb (Nana)

  5. November 9, 2007 at 2:25 am

    Hi Joe,
    I am a Life Coach and an EFT Practitioner, and also an Abraham-Hicks infomaniac (I’ve been in the “hot seat” twice now), and so naturally, I feel a real connection to you, even though we’ve never met. What I really appreciated about your comments on the Larry King Live show was that you were the only one who stood up and said that you believe that we attract EVERYTHING into our lives, good or bad. It took guts to say that in that moment on national TV… I didn’t know your work too well then, and I said to myself, “I’ve got to get to know this guy!”

    Well, I read one of your emails and took your advice to get Pat OBryan’s book, “Your Portable Empire” – I’m getting a lot out of it. I also bought your book, “Hypnotic Writing”, and I’m really enjoying that too. I met Pat OBryan online on Second Life when he was there on his little island – that was very cool – but my dream is to someday meet you… I have a business partner who is building a Human Development Center out in the San Bernardino mountains, and it’s going to be awesome. I’m hoping to someday invite you to speak there, but the center is going to take some time to build. Anyway, I love how you are living life to the fullest, and how you understand the idea/principal/concept that our physical world is the leading edge of spirituality, and that to enjoy things like hot sports cars is not only okay, but our God given right! Okay, technically speaking, we are God, so, WHATEVER we desire is perfect… It is the desire that summons the energy from the universe, and so it’s not important what we desire, what is important is that we allow the universe to deliver the goods, etc… I also love your comment that you have taken on the new belief that the more you spend, the more you make! What a cool concept… I just wish I could get that to work in my life! I guess my question to you, and pardon me if you have answered this in one of your books already, is, what was the ONE THING that turned your life around, to where you got the universe to start “delivering the goods”? Thanks Joe for your inspirational life! – Steve. ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. November 10, 2007 at 2:18 pm

    Hi Joe,
    Have been a follower of yours since the late 80’s. I was referred to you by Sue Hunchberger (now deceased). I found “Abraham” through her also.
    I recently found myself in a position (which I realize I created) where my financial assets were less than zero. I saw you mentoring program and applied. Now, I am not saying that your mentoring program is not worth the price because I know it is. If you have tried everything else and had little results, then mentoring is the only way left.
    I would like to suggest that some of the money you charge be set aside for a scholarship for people who are in the position I was in. I am just beginning to clime out from this position and I know that mentoring would speed up the process.
    In lieu of this, you could have a system where the recipients could pay at a delayed date, such as three or six months after signing up with the program.
    Just a thought, as from watching your DVD’s and listening to your CD’s I know you want to help as many people as possible.
    Paul – ๐Ÿ˜

  7. November 10, 2007 at 5:18 pm

    Paul, that is a GREAT idea. I will talk to my mentoring team about setting that up. Thank you.

  8. November 11, 2007 at 8:15 pm

    Joe, ๐Ÿ˜› Here’s more of a thank you comment then a question, I have been acting on the law of attraction for several months, small moments have happened. I call them Divine Source planned events. I’m finishing my first e-book and I have had several grand Aha moments and deciding moments. Thank you for helping me realize what they were and haow to look out for them..
    Love Ellie

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