I visited my friend Mark Ryan the other day and spontaneously filmed an explanation of our new Dreaming Abundance program. This is a set of CD and DVD tools to work with your night time dream states to create abundance in seven different areas of your life. It’s astonishing, easy, and it works. A real breakthrough. You can see the short clip by clicking on the below image or by going to http://www.youtube.com/v/pStYjeak3G0 Enjoy.


  1. Carl-Reply
    July 16, 2008 at 12:32 pm


    Some feedback- That’s one of the most polished easy-flowing ad videos I’ve seen from you yet. The energy and idea of this product is really coming through! I really got a feeling of the ease of use and power of this product. And mark did an excellent job with the video on the Dreaming Abundance site too…he’s really got a talent for that stuff!

    I’d like to also provide some feedback on something else. Since using the IntentionAttractor audio (and also really trying to apply Ho’oponopono in my life), I have been dealing with a lot of inner blocks with amazing results. I have let go of so many negative paradigms and emotions since I began listening to it. I have made peace with the past. I put it on my iPod and listen to it almost every night before I drift off…and many times on the way to or from work. (I am currently listening to your podcasts in the car). Several months ago, I completely let go of my marketing, my blog and pretty much gave up after several failures and self-sabotaging events. But I never totally stopped working on myself, and when the chance came I got the audio and now I am on the comeback trail after listening to it for a few months now. I’m feeling more and more ok with putting myself out there and with seeing myself with success. I am becoming more and more confident every day. Many thanks to you and your collaborators (Pat).

    One question, though…I know the Intention Attractor audio was meant as the starting point for the ‘Clearing Audio’ and then the ‘Advanced Clearing Audio’ after that. Is it ok to get this product ahead of those? I imagine it;s all good, but I’d like to get your insight on this…

    Gratitude, blessings and love,

  2. July 16, 2008 at 1:09 pm

    Hi Carl. The strategy is Clearing Audio first, then either Advanced or Intention Attractor next. Clearing Audio sets the ground of the mind to be ready for the others. Thanks.

  3. July 17, 2008 at 9:58 am


    Woops, guess I had it wrong. Oh well…even though I didn’t start with the right one, it’s been highly effective!

    BTW- got your mail out about the big Miracles Weekend & Awakening Seminar in San Diego (August 26-27-28th of this year). It sounds really exciting, and the message to stop paying attention to the negative media and take back control of your mind is oh so needed these days! Have you given any thought to making it a regular thing (like Armand’s Big Seminar) and maybe have it at different places around the world too?

    Oh, and here’s the link if anyone happens to read this needs it-

  4. July 17, 2008 at 3:13 pm

    Can I be in the movie? Thanks and blessings to all!

  5. July 17, 2008 at 5:51 pm

    Nice video. Thank you for being an inspiration to so many.

  6. MrBrown-Reply
    July 17, 2008 at 7:47 pm

    Hi Dr V, I know you like Stevie Ray Vaughan. Gibson just sent me an email with what they call “the best slow blues of the past 25 years”, which of course is SRV’s TIN PAN ALLEY.
    Here’s the link, enjoy! http://www.gibson.com/en-us/Lifestyle/Features/stevie-ray-vaughan-tin-pan/

    PS: what’s with the Amazon gift cert request?…

    PPS: The Key and Buying Trances are my constant guides on my IPOD – THANK YOU for sharing your knowledge, your techniques are amazing and really work.

  7. March 31, 2010 at 6:13 am

    Thank you so much for this amazing video! I thought I’m the only one who discovered this SECRET.
    Long before I even heard of LOA I would feel very peaceful at night. Every day, before going to bed I fell I was full of LOVE and gratitude. It didn’t matter what kind of a day I had ( and I was going through a lot of trouble at times) the evenings were MINE and I always felt like I want to hug this beautiful world. Just goes to show that we are very spiritual beings, whether we want to admit it or not.

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