I’m reading several fascinating books right now.

This first one is something I think you need to drop everything and get if you are into marketing or psychology in any way, shape, or form.

In fact, I think anyone interested in crayon direct advertising, marketing, advertising, internet marketing, blogging, real estate marketing, branding, marketing strategies, marketing plans, email marketing, advertising agencies, search engine marketing, network marketing, free advertising, direct marketing,  web advertising, online marketing, website promotion, web marketing, marketing online, targeted advertising, promotional advertising, marketing mix, gb3 marketing, seo marketing, event marketing — you get the idea — needs this first book.

I’m talking about HERDHow to Change Mass Behaviour by Harnessing Our True Nature by Mark Earls. 

I haven’t finished the book yet but I’m finding it mind-expanding. Earls is British so many of the examples in the book are from Europe, not the US, which makes the reading fresh and stimulating.

I doubt the book actually reveals how to change the masses, ala Edward L. Bernays style, but I do suspect it makes you think about human nature in a more social way.

For example, the book says we are not as individualistic as we like to think. We join groups of like-minded individuals, but we don’t survive as a true individual.

This has important implications for anyone in marketing. I also think this is relevant whether you are in marketing or not. It reveals your core survival needs, which you may never have considered before. It also helps explain why social movements begin without any real leader or cause.

I’ll report more on HERD later, as I get deeper into the book. For now, I’m finding it thought-provoking — even if the author says I’m more closely related to monkeys than to gods.

Ao Akua,


PS — Zero Limits comes out next week! I am beyond excited. I’ve seen the published book and it is beautiful. It’s a true miracle, as it’s the first book to reveal the updated form of ho’oponopono.  If you go to www.zerolimits.info you can now hear the voice of my coauthor, Ihaleakala Hew Len, explaining Self I-Dentity Ho’oponopono.


  1. June 21, 2007 at 2:21 pm

    How exciting! Looking forward to the new book immensely. I have all your other books – they’re ace!

    You’re such an inspiration, Joe!



  2. Dave Zwuurfman-Reply
    June 22, 2007 at 6:14 am

    …try “The Wave Princliple of Human Social Behavior and the New Science of Socionomics” by Robert Prechter. (this is one title). From the stock market(s) to the advancement of civilization to progress at a company, they ALL follow the same Elliottwave patterns and of course it’s all related to the herd instinct. Although Prechter was correct about the 1987 US stock market top, he’s been mostly wrong since, so much for his talent on stock market technical analysis, but his works in the area of socionomics and the wave principle are breathtaking. Later on (not in the book) he even proposed a simple correction to the Quantum Theory which may be of interest to us all..

  3. Ellie-Reply
    June 22, 2007 at 10:29 pm

    Yes, I can understand where this book may be coming from. I enjoy just watching people, a good marketer is like a Border Collie. Please blog us with updates. Your facinating mind will focus in on the important stuff and filter the fluff. Warm thanks, Ellie

  4. Jon Mills-Reply
    June 30, 2007 at 9:04 pm

    Joe how do you read so many books 😉 you must read one chapter of one.. put that down.. open another .. like a game of relay 😉

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