I just read a fascinating study that proves giving makes you rich. The article states, “More giving doesn’t just correlate with higher income; it causes higher income.” (Italics mine.) See the article at www.portfolio.com/views/columns/2007/10/15/Charity-Makes-Wealth After that, go read my book, The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History. And then give some money away.


  1. January 29, 2008 at 7:36 pm




    p.s. I can’t wati to see you on TV!

    p.s.s Can’t wait to see myself as a guest on your show, as one of your biggest success stories. See you VERY SOON!

  2. January 29, 2008 at 11:46 pm

    I’ve launched a new site http://www.alexmandossian.org
    It’s in line with info-marketer.

    Thanks Joe V for the plug

  3. January 30, 2008 at 7:40 am

    Hi Joe,

    The Greatest Money Making Secret in history set the stage for Carol and I to tithe and donate to our local animal shelters.

    And since we started giving, we’ve been blessed so incredibly. We give because we choose to give, knowing that we are in the FLOW and taken care of. Thank you for the great article that every businessperson, parent and teacher should read and begin living.

    “20/20” The Ex Hostage – Professional Visionary
    Formerly known as John Wingert

  4. Peter-Reply
    January 30, 2008 at 10:01 am

    Hi Joe – Some years ago I was in a class studying the Talmud. There was a line about giving to charity that said you should give a lot to charity, and that you cannot become destitute by giving. I asked if the translation should have been that you *should not* make yourself destitute by giving to charity. But the answer was that you truly *cannot* become destitute by giving to charity, no matter how hard you try. The Universe/G-d/Higher Power/whatever will not allow it.

  5. Kathy-Reply
    January 30, 2008 at 1:35 pm

    Hello Joe,

    I subscribed to practically everything that had your name on it right after I saw The Secret. After awhile I realized most of what you have to offer is for salespeople. That I am not. I am an English Teacher in Greece.

    Den peirazi (it doesn’t matter). Your main purpose for me is to introduce new authors, new motivational speakers, new ideas, new websites, etc. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the new resources I have learned from you.

    Maybe somewhere along the line I may actually use,in a practical application, your teachings. I hope you continue just what you are doing. You are great because you are so optimistic that the next thing you find will be the coolest thing going, and I applaud you.

    Don’t stop. Don’t stop sending me newsletters. We connect but probably not in a way you have imagined.

    Angel Blessings, Kathleen

    PS, When are you coming to Greece? Call me (210 432 7242) and I would love to take you to my favourite tavernas and archaelogical sites, Delphi and Sounion and Ira’s Beach. Their spirits are still there.

  6. January 30, 2008 at 10:21 pm

    Joe, just a quick thanks for EVERYTHING!

  7. January 31, 2008 at 1:59 pm

    :shock:Your productivity, generosity and creativity continue to amaze me, paisan! Thanks to you, I subscribe to PSYBLOG; and, now I’ll be checking the CondeNast Portfolio.com site. The scientific evidence for generosity delights the theologian in me:lol: ( http://www.yourchaplain.com/yourspirituality.htm )
    “To whom mucih is given, much is required!” and Jesus’ teaching on “the widow’s mite” spring to mind.
    Thanks for taking us along on the adventure of your life, Joe!

  8. January 31, 2008 at 3:00 pm

    Joe, you are awesome. Ever since my first introduction to The Secret, starting my on on-line business where I save people tons of money on what they already buy (like your iPod and laptop…I sure could’ve saved you a bundle!), joining our awesome Mastermind (Manefestation) class and the oodles of positive and motivated people coming into my life…this year is sure to be the most powerful and amazing and prosperous year yet! Plus, I’m dropping lbs like butter (my nutritional products are the BOMB) and I’m finally pulling myself out of debt. My attitude is up, my spirits are soaring, I am filled with gratitude for my wonderful life (even the painful stuff, of course!). I cannot wait to see all the wealth and abundance coming my way. I am so excited to lead a life of passion and significance, just like you already are. I intend on helping people around the world and am thrilled to know there are QTPies like you (MOmmy term, hope you like it!) that inspire and mentor and teach others how to live the lives the are capable of living. You so rock, Joe V!
    Kristine K
    Mom on a Mission!

  9. Jo-Reply
    February 13, 2008 at 7:41 pm

    This is the one I’ve always known, Joe, it works every time. A lot of the others I’m still working on, and am saving to take your miracles course.
    BTW, with all your many, many irons in the fire (pun intended!) you must need more help all the time. I live in Wimberley, am a retired court reporter, so I can spell, write, and am pretty organized. But, most of all, I’m high energy, ridiculously responsible, with an old fashioned work ethic, and fairly metaphysical. I’m working part-time at something where I occasionally have the opportunity to help people, but always have the feeling my spirit is intended for a higher purpose. So if you’re ever looking for an enthusiastic employee, give me a shout.
    Also, I’m sure you’ll be a great hit on TV. Love and light, Jo

  10. Jo-Reply
    February 13, 2008 at 7:44 pm

    P.S. Saw you at the cafe here in Wimberley the other day. Whenever I see you out and about you look so serene and relaxed, and it makes me smile. Thanks, Jo

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