Say you want to attract more money.

If you’re like most people who know about the Law of Attraction or affirmations or The Secret, you state the intention “I now attract more money into my life.”

You then sit, meditate and feel the good vibes of having more money.

If you’re smart, you act on the intuitive nudges you get, too.

But — the money doesn’t come.

Why not?

Why didn’t your intention and your action and the law of attraction bring it to you?

What happened?

Most likely in your unconscious mind you have limiting beliefs such as —

  • “Money is evil.”
  • “Money will attract problems.”
  • “Money will make me a selfish person.”
  • “Wanting money is greedy.”
  • “Rich people are snobs.”

If you have one or more of those limiting beliefs within you, do you really think you’ll attract any money?

In truth, you’ll attract NOT having money.


Because your unconscious counter-intention (“Money is bad”) will veto your conscious intention (“I now attract more money into my life”).

Is it any wonder some people say the movie The Secret or the Law of Attraction doesn’t work?

Obviously, once you clear those hidden blocks/beliefs to your success, your success has nothing in the way of happening.

The roadblocks are gone.

You’re clear.

But *how* do you get clear?

After all, the unconscious limitations are UN-conscious.

So how do you find them and erase them?

I’ve been developing different ways to help myself and others get clear for years now.

And I keep looking for faster, easier ways to accomplish this.

I recently joined forces with Pat O’Bryan and together we created The Clearing Audio.

This breakthrough audio works so well that people are sending us unsolicited raving endorsements, such as —

“I just wanted to share with you since I bought the clearing audio just 48 hours ago (yes 48 hours ago) I feel more calm, less stressed about life and my business…”

That’s what John and Chystal Pate said.

“Joe, I just want you to know that I am positively stunned by the effectiveness of the Clearing Audio.  I downloaded them, dropped them on my ipod and used the binaural music track during my morning meditation,  I was not only charged with positive energy, but I had amazing and inspired new insights for product ideas, AND I had several inbound requests for big time joint ventures.  Wow.  But that’s not all.  A little later in the morning I ran it again while I was training (exercise). UNBELIEVABLE results,  more energy, more power, faster recovery.  It is my new secret weapon. You’re amazing.  Thank you!” 

That’s what Steve Little said.

But you probably should check this out for yourself. You can learn more at

Ao Akua,


PS — I want you to have all you desire. Please look at the site and see how it feels. If nothing else, the section about “How the Universe” works ought to be educational. Go see

Note: If you want a complete course in getting clear and understanding the law of attraction, check out my new audio program The Missing Secret at or at (Look for The Missing Secret by Dr. Joe Vitale under “New Releases.”)


  1. March 6, 2008 at 12:50 pm

    The Clearing audio is wonderful. I am playing it in my car and in my house. It is becoming “background music” to my life. Thank you!

  2. March 7, 2008 at 7:02 am

    i have to let you know The Key is a great book to own!

  3. sarah-Reply
    March 11, 2008 at 4:59 am

    I just have a question that I think is difficult to say as i do know the secret and it has not yet worked for me. I think everyone want smoney as do I, the clearing audio I am really intersted in but as it is $39 I can’t buy it. So my question is if you are doing this to help people why do you charge so much money for all the products that you sell and everyone else on the Secret does the same thing. I do of course understand that you have to make a profit that is not the problem, how can I and other people like me get insparation if we have to lay out such a big amount of money? I hope you will grace me with an answer too my question as I am very intersted what your comment will be.

  4. March 11, 2008 at 4:29 pm

    sarah, the secret is always working because you get what you brelieve. if you really want -to get clear without paying anything, go to the library, borrow a copy of my book The Key, and use it.

  5. Rahel-Reply
    March 23, 2008 at 4:09 am

    simply it’s WooW

  6. Rahel-Reply
    March 23, 2008 at 4:16 am

    Dear Sarah, the secret is simple my dear JUST follow the steps as easy as to write here>>> ASK, BELIEVE, and RECEIVE… I feel you, i’ve been there too. instead of focusing to yr thought of > just let it gooo out of yr mind, and replace it by > 😎 SOON! u will see what what’lll happen … i wish to hear from U

  7. September 27, 2008 at 10:09 am

    Dear Dr. I mean no disrispect in what I am about to say. I am only saying
    this because this is what I would do.

    I believe in the secret. I believe it is powerful. After spending thousands to the
    point I have only a few dollors to live on. If the secret attracts money I would
    never sell a single poduct I would share it for free. I would write the secret in
    where people could view it on line. Then if they wanted to purchase things that
    would take them further. They would be able after they obtained away to do it.

    Why keep something that can change people lives for only those who cannot
    pay the gate fee. I don’t understand. Thanks Warren

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