How to Create a #1 Bestseller While a Hippo Eats a Dwarf

My latest book, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, shot up the Amazon bestseller list within hours yesterday — despite some unexpected bumps in the road. For example —

We offered an “ethical bribe” to get people to buy my new book. We sent them to where the offer is explained.

Basically, get a copy of my new book and you’ll get 59 original bonuses – worth over $13,500.

Good deal, right?

The thing is, my web guy didn’t finish the site. He had the landing page done at but he didn’t finish the download page. He was struggling with personal issues and gave up and quit. He left me an email saying he’d talk to me in a few days.


My promotions were in full swing. I couldn’t turn them off. Yet the download page where people collected their bonuses wasn’t ready. They would buy books, go to collect their bonuses, and see — nothing.

I started to panic.

About then I received an email from Mark Joyner, Internet legend and dear friend. It was 2 AM in New Zealand, where he lives now, but he just “happened” to be online.

He said some wise words about how people will forgive me and how there is always a way to turn any negative into something good.

I felt better.

We then exchanged a fury of emails as we searched for a solution to the download page.

But then my computer died.

My main pc, the life blood to my business, just quit.

And this is all while I’m doing radio shows and answering emails and otherwise working on my book promotion.

What would you have done in this situation?


I took a breath and decided to get centered.

Since I had just spent several days with Dr. Len, learning his updated ho’oponopono Hawaiian method for healing, I decided to practice it.

I kept thinking of my web guy and how I wanted to send the police to his door.

But then I thought of how he and I are connected and how I have to take total responsibility for his and my actions.

This is not easy.

Blame is far easier.

But total responsibility is the door to freedom.

I then asked for forgiveness and sent my request within myself to the Divine (whatever you want to call that force bigger than all of us).

I did this for twenty minutes.

I kept saying “I love you” and “I forgive you” to the world, not to myself or even to my web guy, but as a general tonic to all that is.

I ended up feeling total peace.

When I checked my email (on my Blackberry phone) there was a message from my web guy.

I thought he was out of action for days?

He apologized, said he was back on his feet, owed me his life, and would work to get the site at done.

What a relief.

Oh. My book hit #1 on the Amazon bestseller list last night and is still there today.

This is the fastest I’ve seen any book become a bestseller on Amazon.

We even nudged Wayne Dyer off the throne.

And left Harry Potter in the dust.

And my book hit #1 at Barnes and Noble online, as well.

But this opera ain’t over.

You’ve seen nothing yet.

Stay tuned.

Ao Akua,


PS – I am reading a riveting book about all the modern day hoaxes online and off. This thing is eye-opening. It blows the whistle on “facts” you accepted as true, and makes you wary of everything brought to you by the media or an email. Covers eBay auctions, ads, politics, food, birth, death and more. Get this book. Get it! It’s Hippo Eats Dwarf by Alex Boese, who also wrote The Museum of Hoaxes. See and I’m hoping my Great Lotto Hoax, reported on this blog yesterday, will make it into the next edition of one of Boese’s books. Or maybe I shouldn’t wish for that…

PPS — Thanks to my friend Bill Hibbler for sending me the screen capture above. Bill and I are coauthors of a book you’ll want. But beg all you like, I’m not telling you what it is — yet.


  1. Barbie Paine-Reply
    March 8, 2006 at 11:53 am

    Hey Joe — Mark is right! I forgive you and I’m sure everyone else who has had the pleasure of reading and learning from you will too! I got your note saying that there would be a hold up of a couple days while all the bonuses were put together and thought that was just fine. No rush … I know you’ll come through. And even if you don’t — I know I have a great book coming in the mail in a couple days!

    And just as a sidenote — if that goofup hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have realized you had a blog! Now I’m in for even more learning and entertainment than I expected. Woo Hoo! Happy Endings.

    To your success and with a grateful heart for all you’ve shared — Barbara Paine

  2. David Beroff-Reply
    March 8, 2006 at 11:53 am


    With all due respect, it should be pointed out that one easy way to prevent such a problem in the future is to simply ensure that all parts of a campaign are ready and live before launching it.

    Please don’t take offense; I often need to be reminded of some of the basics, myself. 🙂

    — David Beroff,

  3. Joe Vitale-Reply
    March 8, 2006 at 12:03 pm

    David, you’re absolutely right, and that’s why this was planned MONTHS in advance.

    But surely you know the best made plans are made a joke by Murphy’s Law.

    Who would have known the key guy in this plan had a family problem two weeks ago and didn’t finish the site and didn’t tell anyone until the day of the launch?

    Who would have known my PC would suddenly and unexpectedly DIE on the very day of the launch?

    Again, planning is one thing, living is another. Even when you think it’s all done, along comes something no one expected and BAM,
    you’re nailed.

    The point of my blog entry is to go with the flow, turn it all into something good, and learn.

    There is no “easy way” to prevent such problems because there is no way to know what all the problems might be until you actually launch.

    Thanks for the well-meant comment.


  4. YourGiftShoppe-Reply
    March 8, 2006 at 4:11 pm


    We still love you!

    I think you were being tested again. Can he practice what he teaches!

    I have been reading about the contact and healing thing too (similar to Dr. Len. This is the third incarnation I have come across since starting the other programs. Interesting!

    I look forward to reading the book. I plan on purchashing it this week along with the people you smashed. 🙂 Dyer’s new book and Harry Potters new dvd.


  5. Joyce McKee-Reply
    March 8, 2006 at 5:27 pm

    Once again you are a shining example to all of us. The Universe took care of you, as it will take care of me. I am looking forward to reading the book and buyibg more copies for family and friends!!

    Joyce McKee

    PS I bought the book for YOU, not all the free material. But I am sure I will learn some important lessons from the bonuses.

  6. NancyHall-Reply
    March 9, 2006 at 5:51 am

    Hi Joe,

    Wow, what an experience – a tad stressful, but you turned it right around. I’m glad Mark was online and could help out (way to go Mark!!). I am also glad that Dr. Len’s teachings were there to draw from – what a coincidence aye? 😉 Nah!

    I listened to the call tonight with Mark and found it moving & inspiring…thank you for sharing, Joe. You turned your deepest challenges into strength & vision – that is simply amazing. It will be something I will draw upon for strength/inspiration when I need it 🙂

    Congratulations on the birth of your new book!! ‘Came with a few labour pains but it’s here and ready to light up some hearts & minds! I look forward to reading it.

    All the best,

  7. marcyfrommarcy-Reply
    March 9, 2006 at 3:08 pm

    Brilliant demonstration and
    story using the “contrast”
    to focus on what you want, rather
    than shooting at it till you stand there with a smoking gun in your hand!


    Some juicy “contrast” always means something huge is going to happen!

  8. LoudMac-Reply
    March 9, 2006 at 3:08 pm

    Congratulation on the book launch, Joe.

    I appreciate your honesty and openness about the whole ordeal. Frankly, I appreciate the way you “let it all hang out” in general. I’m certain that your personal demeanor is inspiring to many simply because they can relate to you as an individual. That’s a simple, yet profound lesson right there…

    It’s also great to see Mark Joyner’s name resurface in a different context than a hushed reverence for past glory. Another Miami guy made good! Too bad I never got the chance to meet him down here before he cashed out and moved to the most gorgeous place on earth!

    I got a whole lot out of the ECode book. It was that book that turned me on to Mark and Perry Marshall and Jim Edwards and so many other super knowledgable “power hitters”.

    I wish you great success!

    Brian McLeod
    Miami, Florida

  9. John Halderman-Reply
    March 10, 2006 at 6:24 am


    Great to hear things came around regarding the web page, hows the computer?

    Isn’t it interesting how things do tend to come around most of the time in spite of our fears.

    I particularly appreciate hearing how you chose to deal with the situation. Not allowing yourself to fly off into EGO reactive behavior but rather collect yourself, get centered and focus on the truth.

    What a great example of using a tool or technique to keep your thinking where you wanted it to be.

    It’s great how you are open to sharing yourself in this way, I think many listen to successful people for clues of how to behave. You are setting a good example.

    Also, nice interview with Mark Joyner yesterday.

    The universe appreciates you, well at least I know my part does,


  10. Heather Vale-Reply
    March 10, 2006 at 7:35 pm

    Aaahhh… Murphy’s Law. Now how the heck does the Law of Attraction allow Murphy’s Law to exist? If we are vibrating a successful outcome, who the heck is Murphy and where does he come from?

    Well, I ordered your book and helped you hit #1! And I didn’t mind the glitch, because I didn’t have the time (or hard drive space) to download the bonuses at the time. And to be honest, Joe, it’s the book I wanted WAY more than the bonuses!

    Knowing you, this one hits another home run, and I can’t wait to read it!

    Heather Vale
    Host, Success Unwrapped with Heather Vale

  11. Joe Vitale-Reply
    March 10, 2006 at 7:41 pm

    Hi Heather! A lot of things exist because people un-consciously attract them.

    So many people believe in Murphy’s Law that it’s a “solid” thought-form out there. And many use it as something to blame for their own poor results at intentional creation. We’re all learning. Me, too.

    Truth is, we don’t control it all. As Dr. Len says, you have choice, but not control.

    The goal is to turn all that happens into something positive while realizing that what we thought was negative, was actually positive to begin with.

    Ah, life!


  12. Jimmy Piver-Reply
    March 11, 2006 at 8:14 am

    The Gift.

    Dear Joe, congratulations on the fantastic success of the launching of “Life’s Missing Instruction Manual.” Also, I am so grateful for the opportunity that the “technical glitch” gave you to demonstrate to the world in a most personal way how to deal with life’s problems, little and small. Just think, what a perfect example of what Dr. Len is sharing with the world. You said, “Since I had just spent several days with Dr. Len, learning his updated ho’oponopono Hawaiian method for healing, I decided to practice it. I kept thinking of my web guy and how I wanted to send the police to his door. But then I thought of how he and I are connected and how I have to take total responsibility for his and my actions.This is not easy. Blame is far easier. But total responsibility is the door to freedom. I then asked for forgiveness and sent my request within myself to the Divine (whatever you want to call that force bigger than all of us). I did this for twenty minutes. I kept saying “I love you” and “I forgive you” to the world, not to myself or even to my web guy, but as a general tonic to all that is. I ended up feeling total peace.”

    What a gift was given to all of us through that experience! That one sentence ” But total responsibility is the door to freedom” is the most liberating statement I know of and have yet experienced in all my 69 years. One can never know what real freedom feels like until they have put this principle in action, at least I didn’t. 🙂

    Thanks, too for including the audios of A Dinner with the Divine, an $85 value, provided by Dr. Vitale and Dr. Len” in your Bonuses/Bribes for buying “Life’s Missing Instruction Manual.” I am wondering if there is or will be a transcript in some form available of the recording that hopefully includes the the audience participants’ questions and comments??? Sure hope this is available or in the works!

    Thanks again Joe, for all you are doing to make life a more wonderful experience for all of us here on this earth!

    I appreciate you, Joe!!!

    Jimmy Piver

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