img00628.jpg My father told me when I was growing up that the best friend I could ever have was that dollar bill in my pocket.

He added that if I ever wanted to double my money, just fold the dollar and put it back in my pocket.

He grew up during the Great Depression. The idea of lack and limitation stayed with him. It’s still there now, and he’s in his eighties. He’ll wear a t-shirt with holes in it rather than buy a new one. He won’t even accept the gift of a new one. His scarcity programming is still running.

Most of my family still believes what my father taught. And virtually all of them are still struggling.

I saw one of my brothers recently and he said he could never have the life I have. When I asked why not, he said he was destined to the job he has.


To a job?

He didn’t see that his mindset, created while he was young and impressionable, was the reason he felt he “couldn’t” have more.

To paraphrase the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”

I rebelled against my father’s authority while a teenager. I spent money easily. I bought books, magic tricks, and music.

I gave away money to people and causes I believed in.

While others kept that dollar bill in their pocket, I let it go. 

I’m in a far wealthier place than anyone else in my family. I went through more rough spots (homelessness, poverty, dark nights) before I hit it big, but I always practiced a different attitude toward money. Still do, today.

I’ll be explaining all of this in-depth at the Attract Wealth seminar in Austin in January.

Basically, I’ve discovered a seven step formula for attracting money.

I didn’t know all of the steps when I was a kid, or when I was struggling, but I was unknowingly learning them one at a time and putting it all together. Now, decades later, I have all seven.

I now know The Secret to Attracting Money.

At the heart of the formula are these ideas:

1. Give money away to where you receive inspiration or spiritual nourishment. This can be a person, place or organization. Just ask yourself, “Where did I receive the most inspiration this week?” Then give money to your answer. The amount of money you receive will come through the road you open by giving. You can widen that road by giving more.

2. Serve a group of people who need your help. When I had dinner with Louise Hay a few months ago, she said she never focused on money. Instead, she always asked, “How can I serve?” When you serve, and charge for it, you receive money. Serve more, receive more.

3. Do something. I’m the guy in the movie The Secret who said you have to take action. Action begins with thought. But too many people stop at the thought. When you have an idea for a product or service, act. You never know which idea will bring the big bucks.

There’s more to the formula, of course.

Fly into Austin in January and I’ll teach you all seven steps personally.

For now, reflect on the tips I just gave you and remember, act now.

You don’t have to remain victim to your childhood programming. You can change it by doing something different right now.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you want help in attracting money fast, go listen to the Attract Wealth Training Call. Go to and look for the link at the bottom of that page. You can listen to it right now, right where you’re sitting. And it’s free.

Note: The above photo was taken at a property I looked at months ago. It was hanging on a low tree limb to alert you to watch your head as you walked under it. I think it means more than that. It also means “Mind Your Thoughts.” If you aren’t aware of what’s in your head (your thoughts), you’ll not have much chance to awaken to the prosperity all around you. So, Mind Your Head.


  1. December 7, 2008 at 11:36 am

    Wow, fantastic blog.

    I totally believe that if you want something you have to give it away in order to receive it.

    I can see a seven lane highway of abundance coming your way.

    I actually have a gift for you Joe.

    I have Aspergers and I am very good at spotting detail.

    I noticed something you often say in your material and while it is a simple thing, you may not have spotted it yourself, so I want to share it with you. Email me over at and I’ll tell you what it is.

    As you know I am aware that my dislike for your marketing style is one of my limiting beliefs and I am committed to turning this around and becoming your friend.

    I actually want to see you succeed in your goal to be a trillionaire and if I am right about this, I can see a door opening to a quicker way of achieving that.

    Either way good luck.

    Cheers (as we say in the UK)


    • May 21, 2011 at 3:05 pm

      Hi Mark,

      Share with us to the thing you spotted at Joe,
      you made us curious.


  2. December 7, 2008 at 12:19 pm

    Great post Joe! I’ve been pretty successful with IT consulting but have always wanted to have my own internet business. I would come up with ideas and shoot them down in my mind, or spend tons of time building something and not marketing it or getting sales. I give away money to charities every month with automatic credit card billing. It feels good to let money go and help animal charities especially in these economic times.
    I’m now launching information products very quickly and testing the market by trying to get sales instead of shooting down the idea before it even gets started. It feels amazing to be taking action, and testing ideas rather than assuming what the results will be ahead of time. Once you get to the action stage, it takes perseverance to avoid giving up and getting discouraged when you don’t get any/many sales.

  3. December 7, 2008 at 12:25 pm

    Nice post. Thank you for the info. Keep it up.

  4. December 7, 2008 at 1:19 pm

    Joe, I was raised by my grandmother who shared your father’s beliefs. It has taken me many years to replace the thoughts of lack and poverty with those of abundance. One of the last conversations I had with my grandmother before her death was about my constant efforts to raise money for the hungry and impoverished in my state. She could see that it sometimes took a toll on me and she couldn’t understand why I did it. I told her that someone had to do it and she asked, “but why does it have to be you?” My response, “Why not me?” I had been given gifts that could help people in need, it only seems right to use them in the service of others.

    Then she asked, “Well, who will take care of you when you need it?” and I told her with complete confidence that whenever I was in need someone would always be there for me. I have always been right.

  5. December 7, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    Hi Joe,

    This is a fantastic post, and so very true! I especially like the first one. For as long as I have known you, you have been a loving and unconditional giver. And, you have continued to inspire me as has grown!

    Thank you, Joe, and bless you!!!


  6. December 7, 2008 at 4:12 pm

    Thank you

  7. Tarah-Reply
    December 9, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    Great Blog!

    I love what you had to say and I really believe in your message but you lose me when you asked for a gift card from I’m just curious why you ask for gifts from your readers? Maybe I misunderstood. I’d love to hear your thoughts on that.


  8. December 10, 2008 at 5:25 am

    Hi Tarah. Thanks for the compliment. As for my “asking” my readers to send me Amazon gift certificates, I don’t do that. It is a suggestion, however. After all, if I don’t suggest what I like, people send me everything from cookies to chocolate, none of which I’ll ever use. Enjoy the free blog posts.

  9. December 10, 2008 at 3:58 pm

    I was raised by my grandparents who were very poor. My beliefs were those of lack and scarsity. Being introduced to you changed my whole world. You gave me the inspiration to go far beyond what I ever imagined possible. I created to show women how to create the life of their dreams and to inspire their children, our next generation.
    I thank you for everything that I have now and I love you.

  10. Sasha-Reply
    December 14, 2008 at 3:14 pm

    Dear Joe and everybody .
    I’ll be honest. I used ALL your free materials I could find including interviews etc. since I was in very difficult situation I couldn’t afford ANY of your books or courses. Being cheated and robbed of my money and properties I can say I started from 0 , literally from scratch. THINGS CHANGED ……. a lot. Here are only some of goals and things which materialized in my life thanks to you and the Universe. , In 6 months :
    – I managed to move my family from Serbia to MUCH BETTER place for living and I must tell you that’s almost impossible to do with Serbian citizenship 🙂
    – from very low income I came this month to 10x times bigger income level and it is quite a lot even for country we live in now.
    – before 4 days we bought exactly same car I was intending to (with only difference in one small detail – climatisation type system). That it was 2nd goal on my list and came out very easily in kind of a smooth way.

    Joe , I could go on . THIS is maybe not unusual for you to hear BUT I used only what I had , only free materials *specially* interviews like Carol Look had with you.
    Last week I just received and started reading your Attractor Factor AND listening it as an Audio Book.

    I thank you so much !!! I hope you can answer my question .

    What is more effective and powerful in the sense of attracting even bigger amounts of income – Your INSTANT ATTRACTOR FACTOR or New The Clearing MONEY Audio™ ???

    thanks for your answer


    [email protected]

  11. December 19, 2008 at 10:19 am


    As always, great stuff! I truly appreciate your story and your willingness to share it. I have been studying The Law of Attraction for about 15 years now. I am all about serving. It is truly amazing what can happen when you look at everything from that direction. I think it is the only way to go!!!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with everyone. Your the Best!

  12. December 19, 2008 at 10:36 am

    After reading both The Attractor Factor, and Expect Miracles, I had some “aha” moments. I took a big step last week and launched a little inexpensive product. To date, I made 57 sales. The purpose of this was A)prove to myself I could do it and B) raise some money for charity, and whatever was left for me after fees and advertising, was bonus .

    I have been paid online for my services since 1997, but I had never created an actual product. So this was a huge step for me. Letting go of fear, letting go of neediness, trusting that the Universe intends nothing but good for me, has all been possible in part because of the movie, The Secret, your books, and those of some of your colleagues.

    Thank you, Joe. Happy Holidays!

    ps: you may have a Rolls, and that’s great, but I prefer a Mercedes convertible 😆 Since I live in Canada, that would be my summer car. Let’s see how quickly I manifest it. 😉

  13. December 20, 2008 at 1:03 pm

    As we flow into the next year, we can all be the possibilites and miracles of Two~Thousand~And~Shine 😀

  14. December 30, 2008 at 9:01 am

    Hi Joe,
    My dad was the same way, he said hard work brought you money. Well since watching the Secret a year and a half ago, I am way further in life than I thought possible. Thanks for helping open my mind through your blog, your books, and of course ho’oponopono.
    I love you

    January 4, 2009 at 10:30 pm

    Hello Joe,
    Great article. I have watched you in the ‘Secret’ movie and loved the way you explained the law of attraction. However, I am still confused whether the human life is destined or not……that would make the whole astrology based on a false doctrine. I live in India and we have what we call ‘ Nadi Jyotish’ where the old sages have written the past. present and future of every future living human beings on the tree leaves in tamil language and the people who are supposed to know their future get to know about these tree leaves.
    I have visited such a Nadi Jyotish center and they accurately told me my past and present. They predicted my future…which is mostly correct till now. They predicted I would become a surgeon specialising in spine surgery 5 years back when I was not sure about it and today I have become one. Whether it was destined or I created myself to be a spine surgeon…I am still uncertain. I would like to know your thoughts about astrology though.
    Happy new year!!
    —-Kaustubh Keskar

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