May I appear on your monitor and talk to you?

If you’d like to learn from me personally, one way to do it is right where you’re sitting.

All you do is watch me on your monitor, talking to you.

I can train you in my Hypnotic Marketing Formula, or I can teach you how to go Beyond the Attractor Factor, while you sit and take notes and eat peanuts.

The new technology that makes this possible is called M2S, which means Multi-Media Seminar.

You can see it explained and demonstrated at and

The videos were shot almost a year ago, so I’ve lost more weight and lost more hair since then, but it’s still me and I think you’ll find the mentoring interesting.

Take a look.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you’re interested in long term and in depth mentoring, consider my Executive Mentoring Program. See

PS – Tomorrow is the big top day for me and P.T. Barnum at and Tell the world. Tell the media. Tell your pets.

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