image001.jpg Operation YES – the visionary plan to end homelessness – is about to launch. If you don’t know what this is all about, go to right now. This is a strategy to help you with your economic freedom while also helping the homeless. It’s a win-win plan and it’s supported by numerous people, including fellow Secret movie co-stars such as James Ray and Lisa Nichols and Joe Vitale. Go see.


  1. Mike-Reply
    March 27, 2008 at 12:20 pm

    This is amazing! Go Joe!!!

  2. Marie-Reply
    March 28, 2008 at 1:43 am

    Have added my name to Operation Yes mailing list as I am interested in knowing what this is about.


  3. March 28, 2008 at 6:26 am

    I’m really looking forward to learning more. This is truly a winning concept for all.

  4. March 28, 2008 at 6:31 am

    Hi Joe,

    I just wanted to tell you that this is a great program you have here. If we only had more people like you in the world 🙂


  5. March 28, 2008 at 1:27 pm

    count me in

  6. April 20, 2008 at 6:51 am

    Hello Joe,

    Would it be better to say; “The visionary plan to create housing for everyone”. Rather than “The visionary plan to end homelessness”?

    If I understand LOA correctly “end homelessness” is in fact creating more homelessness.

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,

  7. April 20, 2008 at 8:49 am

    Hi Mark. The words don’t matter as much as the vibe behind them. For example, “creating homes for all” could be interpreted as always needing more homes. “ending homelessness” could be interpreted as focusing on homelessness to the extent we maintain homelessness. I’m after neither. I’m attracting a solution and taking action to bring it into being. The end result is peace.That’s what I’m attracting. This whole issue of words and meaning is tripping people up. For a little help, read an article I wrote years ago at

  8. Murv Thornton-Reply
    November 6, 2008 at 10:16 am

    Sounds like great stuff, Read your editorial in The Mag this morning, more good stuff. I like the focus on change, and I was wondering if “change” could be applied to housing/ shelter ideals and if that focus on change could act as a binder in the domestic situation you described?? I make Padobes and design functional affordable shelters out of recycled alternative materials. I work at “The Coffee Shop” in Wimberley, would love to chat sometime. Thanks Murv Thornton

  9. May 31, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    Hey Joe,

    I realize this post is rather old but I just heard about your Operation YES initiative as I was looking for a cause to get behind in the Boise, Idaho area. It looks like the launch is still pending- can you tell me when you plan to get this program rolling and what I can do to get involved with helping spread the message in my area?

    Thanks and God Bless!

    Kyle Wilson

  10. Kim-Reply
    July 14, 2011 at 11:30 am

    I love and respect your work Joe. Have a question …..I am currently unemployed, living with family, unable to finish raising my teenage daughter. Due to employment issues over the past few years, my credit is bad. I know that all this is just ‘current reality”. What I need is some direction on finding a home when you have no income.
    Thank you for any suggestions/advice you can give.
    And have a blessed, abundant day/week/year!

  11. Dick Conradie-Reply
    February 10, 2013 at 4:19 pm

    Dear Dr Joe

    I wrote the letter (under), before I joined your program. I read and studied a lot, but still want to do much, much more and to keep on doing it.
    I’am so excited that I lost 8 kilo’s (now just under 75 kg) and sleep about 4 hours now.

    I want to start Operation YES in South Africa as soon as possible, if it not here yet.

    Please use me.


    I wrote the following on 11 Jan:

    Dear Dr Joe Vitale

    I’m writing this letter and pray that you read it SOON.

    Firstly, I want to thank the Lord for crossing paths with you. You are a real blessing to the world.

    I’m a white Afrikaans-speaking South African male; 56 years old and
    if you know our country’s circumstances, one of the most endangered species in the world. Being in SA in 2013 with the circumstances I prayed for an opportunity to help ‘save’ our beloved country and assist our Lord in His plan to make everything ‘better’.

    Sorry, if I sound a bit confused, but I am so exited that I can hardly
    keep my clothes on. English is not my first language. So please bear with me.

    We help a lot of people and want to do more.

    I’m currently working for a boss, an old school friend and made a lot
    of money for him. Unfortunately he does not understand the bigger
    picture and is not paying me what I’m ‘worth’. I am grateful for
    what he did for me, but I’m sure that I can do better.

    We are in the occupational health and safety consultancy business and it is going fairly well. I receive $3 295 (three thousand) a month, without any bonus or overtime working from 06h00 to 16h00 (actual hours is 8 to 4 with an hour lunch), 5 days a week. We have a contract with a university for rendering services with two persons working 8 hours each, but I have to manage all by myself without help. I also have to manage the region, which includes a lot of other responsibilities and takes a lot of my time. Thus putting a lot of stress om me and my family.

    We are the proud parents of two lovely boys. Frikkie (32) is an
    engineering assistant at a ferrochrome plant (600 km from us) and MC (28) a physiotherapist working for the government at a local hospital near us. Frikkie and his wife, Desire have 2 daughters (Mianke and Amore) aged 5 and 2. MC and Elzeree has a daughter (Ezme) aged 15 months.

    My lovely wife, Annalize (56), is a chief nursing sister at a local
    government hospital assisting the Lord to get premature babies up to a certain level. She loves her work and does very well. She never complains, even if she has to leave everything to work 12 hours through the night. She is very industrious and can do almost everything. She astonished me several times during our 33 years of marriage.

    We are blessed in the sense that we have a paid farm (about 160km from us); a lovely home; a townhouse and 2 flats. The outstanding debt on all of it, is $12 000 (twelve thousand). We also have stock on the farm. Cattle (80) and sheep (90).

    WHY this letter? As I said earlier, I want to make a HUGE difference
    for Him and everybody in SA. A tall order, but with His and your
    assistance, I am sure I can.


    To pray more and ‘harder’ for more opportunities and time to
    explore and enjoy it; to share it with all my friends and anyone who

    1. To buy at least 10 of your book (Attract Money Now) for a start and keep it ready for my ‘mastermind group’. Yes we are also blessed with lots of friends. I believe you cannot have too much friends, but one enemy is too much.

    I want to expand the range systematically to eventually include all
    your books; DVD’s; etcetera.

    2. To contact everybody I care for and help them. I always try to give ‘more’ when there is an opportunity to do so. Especially to those who cannot return the favour.

    3. To think big. To translate ‘Attract Money Now’ and all your other
    books in Afrikaans (and in all written languages in the world!) and sell it in SA.


    To make a HUGE difference for Him and my ‘neigbour’.

    Please assist me in any way you can. The order for the 10 books will be placed today. I’m just concerned that it may take long to arrive in South Africa.

    Thanks again Mr Vitale for sharing your secret with the world. May the Lord bless you more to be a greater blessing.

    Kind regards

    Dick (Diekie) Conradie
    0027 82 440 7875
    81 Besselsen Street
    Free State (smack in the middle of
    Sunny South Africa

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

  12. Christine-Reply
    March 9, 2013 at 12:36 am

    Please contact me. I have many thoughts and ideas about how to end homelessness and foreclosure in America. I would like to meet and discuss with you . I’m local in Texas in you area…

    Thank you.

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