I just read theoretical physicist Michio Kaku‘s latest book, Physics of the Impossible, and was riveted.

This brilliantly written book takes a level-headed, scientific look at the possibility of such sci-fi ideas as time-travel, phasers, force fields, invisibility, precognition, telepathy and much more.

He looks at each of the woo-woo-ish or Star Trek-ish concept in light of our current understanding of physics. He’s open minded enough to know science can change its stance as new discoveries are made (which means current physics might become a joke one day) but he uses our present understanding to see if there’s a possibility for the impossible.

The chapter I found the most interesting was the one on precognition, or the ability to see the future.

He basically says with our current understanding of what’s possible, precognition is basically impossible.

There’s no way to predict the future.

I was a little sad to hear that, as I want to believe in precognition, but the good news is this means we have free will.

The reason we can’t predict the future is because what you do next will alter it.

So, what are you going to do next?

Ao Akua,


PS — Kaku admits that precognition could happen one day, but that if it did, it would shake the world of science to its core. For now, I say make wise decisions in each moment and enjoy the journey. You don’t really want to know how it all works out, do you, and spoil all the fun and all the surprises?

PPS – For the record, almost everything else Kaku looks at in the book, including time travel, is possible. Of course, he’s predicting the future when he says time travel is possible, which he says is impossible to do, but that’s another story for another day. 🙂


  1. Kevin and Karen-Reply
    April 3, 2008 at 8:12 am

    All you need can be found at


  2. April 3, 2008 at 10:04 am

    Joe, how timely this blog entry is! I sent you an email on 1st April re this very subject, regarding you and Nerissa (and no, it wasn’t an April Fool’s joke it was very genuine). Have you had time to read it yet?

  3. Hossein-Reply
    April 3, 2008 at 6:26 pm

    This is a fascinating topic, Joe.

    I am going to order this book since I am very fascinated by both Outer and Inner space (spirituality) and quantum physics.

    Does this mean that the future is not fixed and there are probable futures?
    If so, we can only create a possibility of a desired future?
    I understand what you wrote here partially. How about intuition? isn’t it a way of predicting the future?
    I have had frequent experiences of intuition in the past half year: I was either sensing that something was about to happen or wanted it to happen and it happened.
    Can you tell us more about this topic?

    Thank you…Love you,
    PS. I think my powerful intuition experiences have been because of 2 reasons: 1. clearing techniques some of them recommended by you 2. http://www.probablefuture.com

  4. Harry-Reply
    April 4, 2008 at 2:46 am

    Hi Joe,

    I’m reading “The Sense of Being Stared At” by biologist Rupert Sheldrake. ( see http://www.sheldrake.org ) Doesn’t cover sci-fi technology, but it does look at accounts of knowing when we are being watched when our 5 every day senses cannot tell us. Pets that know when their owners are coming home (long before they’ve arrived, and even if it’s out of routine. Telepathy and precognition are also covered, including results of experiments that prove the existence of these things, but so far the explanation of how it works is still theory.

    But then, do you need to know how gravity really works (& does anyone, really?) to use it successfully? We just need to know how it behaves.

    Best Regards,


  5. Chris SD-Reply
    April 4, 2008 at 7:00 am

    Hey Joe,

    I admit, I haven’t read the book yet. I’m sure it is fascinating. The concept of time travel, however, I don’t believe will happen.

    My main reasoning behind that is that time would have to have a real existence in order to travel it.

    Even so, I do think that precognition may become possible to greater and greater degrees. We have precognition even now. I think that “The Minority Report” had a good example. Tom Cruise sends a ball rolling along a ledge showing how we knew where the ball was going.

    I think precognition is like that. There are certain events that we can see must happen unless they are acted on by an unknown force. The more forces we know, the better our ability to predict the future.

    Of course there is also the “law of attraction”. When you exercise the law of attraction, you see the future before it happens, too.

    Even so, I think most of us should spend more of our time being thankful for what is in our lives now. In my current opinion, knowledge of the future is primarily a tool. It helps us see if it would be a good idea to bring an umbrella with us, or wear a warm jacket. If we can use our knowledge of the future to help us coordinate our actions for positive growth, then it is particularly useful. More often than not, however, it seems like people use their knowledge of future events to worry about how they will be personally effected, and as a result, they forget what they have now.

  6. April 6, 2008 at 9:52 am

    Dear Joe, this fascinating subject is always timely.No one can predict the future becaseu the future is determined by the choices we make in the current moment. At any given time there are miriads of availble futures for us to create and manifest, however their scope is limited to what is possible and probable for each one of us at the moment based on our belief system and

  7. April 6, 2008 at 5:53 pm

    This is my 3d attempt to finish the comment but unfortunately the email “jumps off”and is gone befor i can conclude the thought. please, forgive me and my faulty computer:). What I am saying is this: as we expand and grow – our belief system changes, and it becomes possible for us to imagine more and more exciting futures for ourselves, similarly – if we choose to dwell in darknes and negativity, it becomes more possible for us to bring in darker and more negative futures. Thus the range of what’s possible for each of us is not static, but changes as we change.
    It is impossible for any psychic to accurately predict anyone’s future for this reason. All they can see is what’s most probable at this particilar moment. If we don’t change, then there is more chance that they can be accurate. But the power is always in our hands. We can always make a different choice thus changing the most probable future.
    As to pre-cognition, I don’t think this is something that is of the realm of science. Pre-cognition has to do with intuition. Intuition is a very real phenomenon, and some people are better at it than others. Everyone has intuitive hits. If we dismiss them, they come less often, if we follow them, they come again and again. Intuitive abilities can be developed. It is what we call the gut feeling. In my own life, all I can say is this: I am in trouble every time I dismiss something I know intuitively, and I always win when I follow it. Both intuition and logic are very important in making any decision. One does not negate the other. Trying to explain pre-cognition scientifically is like trying to explain God scientifically. Calr Jung once replied to the question “Do you believe in God?” by saying “No. I know God.”Either you know or you don’t know. Looking for proof won’t help in this case because some things cannot be proven, just uncovered and then – known.

  8. April 9, 2008 at 2:46 pm

    knowing the future has been practiced by Christians and occultists for millenia. The christians listen to God the Holy Spirit tell them what’s going to happen. The occultists listen to demons tell them what they think is going to happen. We humans don’t have any ability to foretell the future. We just have to chose whom we are going to serve.

  9. April 10, 2008 at 12:55 pm

    I’ve studied a lot of this stuff from a variety of sources, and for those of you who are interested in channeled information you might want to check out http://www.thewonders.com.

    Life is just a flow of choices and probabilities, so, from a multidimensional perspective, multiple futures can therefore coexist at once and even though time itself is a human overlay, there is no reason why high probabilities can’t be tapped ,by those who are open, within the linearity illusion we create.

    We tend to get in patterns of choice, actions, some would call them habits I guess, and those patterns including the food we eat to the jobs we stay in are all forming probabilities, including when we’ll die. However our free will and free choice are
    changing the probabilities in our existence all the time.

    So even our psychologies and fears will create probabilities of choice for each new layer uncovered on the inward journey will reveal new opportunities and awareness to make new choices thus creating the flux of changeable futures.

    Ofcourse, as a race we collectively move towards events like wars etc and again based on the consciousness of the human population at any given moment we create probabilities of events but they are never set in stone.

    Could you tune into probabilities?

    One thing to note in all of these discussions is when uncovering the complexity of the universe, logic doesn’t always cut it because it relies on understanding every part of whats going on in this universal mystery, which we clearly don’t.


  10. Jack Dixon-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 10:27 pm

    I believe that there exists an infinite amount of possible futures and I believe there are some people who have the ability to perceive the most probable future. I believe the most probable future is the combination of the free will thinking of all life on this planet at any given time and those events not influenced by free will.. I believe there is a pull towards this future, but it doesn’t have to happen also because of free will. I think the only most probable futures which can not be easily altered are those events that do not rely upon free will such as earthquakes, meteors, hurricanes, and other natural happenings. Just because a predicted event does not happen in our timeline, doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen within an alternative future.

  11. Johnf813-Reply
    August 1, 2014 at 4:44 am

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