'What can I do?' - SiCKO

Last night we sat in a sold out theatre and watched the premier of Michael Moore’s latest documentary, Sicko.

Moore is one of the most powerful and smoothest persuasion masters of modern times. He’s made several controversial movies before this one. This time around he tackles health care in America.

The movie makes you want to overthrow the system, move to another country (such as Cuba or even France), or get so independently wealthy that you aren’t worried about health care costs for you or your family.

Moore’s movie flows easily, has humor as well as shock, and clearly makes his point: something has to change for we Americans. The system is sick and we’re not getting well.

I admire Michael Moore’s positive use of his hypnotic persuasion skills. I admire his message.

My only complaint is he doesn’t tell you what to do to solve the problem. For that you have to click here:

'What can I do?' - SiCKO

I urge you to see Sicko when it opens June 29.

Meanwhile, stay well.

Ao Akua,


PS — There’s an elderly English chap in Sicko who stands out for his wisdom and articulation. If you know his name, please tell me. I want to talk to him. Thank you.


  1. June 24, 2007 at 9:50 am

    Hallo Joe,

    What about the approach of the movie. I haven’t seen it, but I know some of his previous movies and it just seems that he focuses too much on what is wrong with the situation. I saw the request on YouTube, asking people to send him stories to include in the movie. But what about the good ones?

  2. June 24, 2007 at 9:53 am

    Hi My love, thanks for going with me last night! Your readers can check out my perspective about SiCKO if they want via my website.

  3. June 24, 2007 at 10:23 am

    Hi Angel. I think he focuses on what is wrong here in the US, and what is right in other countries, in order to make his point: we need to fix the US. I think you would enjoy the movie. It may be his best.

  4. June 24, 2007 at 10:24 am

    Nerissa’s site is at http://www.thevideoqueen.com Go see it.

  5. June 24, 2007 at 10:26 am

    Nerissa’s actual review of Sicko is on her blog at http://www.thevideoqueen.com/articles/article/4253992/81334.htm

  6. June 24, 2007 at 10:27 am

    I will see it. Thanks Joe

  7. Joan-Reply
    June 24, 2007 at 9:09 pm

    Hi Joe:

    I wonder if Mr. Moore has ever heard of Ho’oponopono–send him a copy of your “Zero Limits”, or better yet let him buy a copy. I wonder what would happen if he approached our most pressing social issues in this method instead of the negative in-your-face style that seems to capture the attention and $’s of the public. We are SO blessed in the US, if people think it is so bad, travel to second world countries and try to get a Dr’s appointment or even an aspirin. This in no way excuses our problems, but I am so thankful for my blessings and spend each day in a concentrated effort to ‘share my blessings with others’ (as you do). Thank You for your years of love and giving to your fellow man.

  8. June 25, 2007 at 12:26 am

    Hey Joe. Usually I read your post and think about it and move on. Not this time. I stay well. Two of my children nearly died because “health care providers” didn’t know what the bleep they were doing.

    I use nutritional supplements to stay well, and would use extras if I do run into troubles with something. Not one member of my family has needed to see a doctor since I started us using these. The answer, as you mentioned, is BE WELL.

    This is my baby… I learn, teach and market products that help us BE WELL. It’s our only defense. But it’s enough. Don’t get me wrong Joe. I teach combo thought/product techniques.

    I love and admire what you teach. Not nearly enough people are ready for what you teach. So those people who aren’t ready to manifest great health ESPECIALLY need the nutritional products and lots of em.

    You’re the best of the best.

    Lisa Dingel

  9. June 25, 2007 at 4:17 am

    Hi Joe

    Is this movie saying the US does not give a damn about its countrymen? I understand you have to have medical insurance cos without it you’re up the creek without a paddle? as far as healthcare is concerned.

    Please enlighten me if you are able.

    It will be sometime before we will see SICKO in NZ.


  10. June 25, 2007 at 6:16 am

    I’m looking forward to this one.

  11. June 25, 2007 at 7:16 am

    Thank you Michael and thank you Joe! I hope the WHOLE country (and my family! LOL!) go to see this! I have been saying (over and over and over) these same things for so long. Too often I get the “brush off” saying I’m just controversial or looking for issues. I don’t think so..

    This system is SO SICK and BROKEN it needs to be ripped out completely and a given a complete overhaul or better yet…. thrown out! Loved Nerissa’s review of the night and the film too.

    Yep, move to Cuba (great medical system) or the UK or anywhere for healthcare!

    Thank you again for bringing this phenomenal movie to everyone’s attention Joe and Nerissa!

    In Gratitude and Appreciation!


    PS – I love you

  12. TommyT-Reply
    June 25, 2007 at 11:15 am

    Moore is a marketing genious, and the ultimate snake oil salesman. His face should be next to the word “spin” in the dictionary. There is incredible health care available in Cuba… for the Comunist leaders, and wealthy friends of the government. Unfortunately, not for the average citizen there. Why do you think people are trying to escape from Cuba? Why do people from Canada come to the US for medical treatment when Canada has socialized medicine for all? Use Google, folks. Here’s a place to start:
    If Moore was truly a great documentary producer, he would show the entire story. But that wouldn’t sell and support his lifestyle. Do your homework. There certainly are great lessons in marketing from observing Moore at work. If I was an amoral P.T. Barnum, I too could be ‘Michael Moore wealthy’. Hmm…. will selling one’s sould yield enough to buy some video equipment??

  13. June 25, 2007 at 11:19 am

    While I am not a fan of Micheal Moore, I am worried over our health care system. Yes, third world countries do have greater health concerns, however in this nation I am without insurance. The other day I twisted my ankle. What could I do?

    Prop it up, put ice on it, then go on with life. I am trying to pay bills, never mind a hospital bill. My fiance is a Type 2 diabetic, we are just trying to get major medical on him. He is considered “uninsurable.” The insurance told me to get a job with a company that has insurance, well we both want to be self employed. But even if we didn’t there aren’t many places that offer health insurance.

    And I wouldn’t get health insurance, if I didn’t know that even stitches cost more than I can afford. I am pretty healthy, my fiance is pretty healthy, but life happens. A broken tooth, pnemonia, a twisted ankle, even with vitamins those aren’t avoidable.

    Our healthcare needs help. Only the rich or the fully insured can afford health care?

    Thank you Joe and Nerissa for all you do.

  14. June 25, 2007 at 3:31 pm

    Mr. Moore is great film maker and quite persuasive. But Michael Moore theory is all wet. Do we have problems? Yes. Is it as bad as Moore says? Maybe. But his answer is the government? I’d say the government caused the problem in the first place. When people pay for medical care the market drives service and cost, but today with all the regulation, third party payments, and entitlement programs, people have no idea what they are paying for…

    I just talked to a hospital administrator who said that they need mobile automated solutions to deliver meds to hospital patients. When I asked why, he said that it is becoming unmanageable because the AVERAGE patient takes 19 meds! People have no idea what they are getting from health care. Now they want the government to do it. No thanks… I’d rather try to understand it myself. You know… think for myself!

  15. Gary Brookes-Reply
    June 25, 2007 at 4:28 pm

    Dont believe everything Michael Moore tells you as he has a left wing agenda. Canadian health care is pretty good but it too has its problems. It is like a free bar at a wedding, open to abuse and overuse. Our Canadian health system is going broke because of the aging population and lack of qualified staff. All the specialists want to go to America because they can make alot more money south of the border. So we have waiting lists to see doctors and underfunding of the system. The taxpayers dont have anymore money to give so the system needs a major overhaul, maybe a hybrid of private and government funded healthcare.

  16. June 25, 2007 at 7:04 pm

    I agree with Gary Brookes. I also live in Canada and the system is abused down here. People rush to the hospital for simple cold symptoms or a headache or stomach problem that deep down they know it’s not life threatening (I call them Piddly Pains) Now a pain in the chest that’s real matter that needs to be delt with by a physician right away. I also think it’s easy to point out all the problems and the problems can be minimized if people solved their own problems or did not create the problem in the first place. That’s my opinion. Everyone should treat their body, mind and soul as the only matter that counts for existence, and to improve it’s state of existence, you must start at changing the perception you have of yourself.

  17. June 26, 2007 at 9:31 am

    I am wondering if this review of “Sicko” and professed admiration for Michael Moore indicate that you are revealing you lean towards the liberal? 😐

  18. June 26, 2007 at 10:25 am

    Now, now. Don’t take a brief review as an endorsement of a man and his work. I admire Moore as a hypnotic persuader but that doesn’t mean I agree with him. As a marketer, I suggest you study his work, as he knows every trick in the book when it comes to visual persuasion.

  19. Nick Braak-Reply
    June 26, 2007 at 2:56 pm

    The Englishman in the film is Tony Benn, a former cabinet member and a very well known “left-wing” politician and public figure.

    Whether one agrees or disagrees with his politics he has lived a very full and principled life.

    See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Benn.

  20. June 26, 2007 at 2:56 pm

    I am an acupuncturist in a nationwide movement to open natural healthcare to the masses – it’s called community acupuncture. Treatments take place in a community setting, at sliding scale rates that go as low as $20 to $15 per session. This movement will catch on, and when it does, the health of our neighborhoods and our nation will rise. Suddenly, we’ll be less reliant on big insurance and pharmaceutical companies for our healthcare. See the national website at http://www.communityacupuncturenetwork.org . Then, when we all learn ho’oponopono, even more change will happen!

  21. June 26, 2007 at 3:28 pm

    No doubt, Mr. Moore is a master at what he does. And whether you agree with them or not… you’re right Joe… we must learn from the masters. I watch every Moore film… not because I agree with all of his content… I want to learn how he does it.

  22. June 26, 2007 at 7:30 pm

    Hi Joe,

    The twisted and demon style of Michael Moore is not what we need in this country. I will not support anything that has to do with this Anti-American. Truth is not one of his strong points! Exaggerating and blowing the American system out of proportion seems to be the norm. Just ask Canadians how socialize medicine works for them. He might be a master of deception, but I would not give him one cent for his thoughts, much less watch his crap at the theatre pay him money? I can find better resources for persuasion of mankind.

  23. June 26, 2007 at 8:08 pm

    I liked your answer, Joe, and I promise to take your advice and look at the film in the persuasive brilliance context. That’ll be sometime after I complete the Hypnotic Marketing Fusion super duper bonanza of materials my husband and I gave each other for Christmas last year. What a goldmine. We often muse, how does that Mr. Fire have time to do all the stuff he does? I don’t see you as someone wedded to formal time management, but rather a creative scientist sort. Am I right?

  24. September 5, 2007 at 12:37 am

    Hi Joe,
    I also liked your answer as well, and i agree with Nick Braak and thank him for sharing the link, And thank you joe it’s really a nice subject in here.

  25. October 2, 2007 at 11:23 am

    I’ve worked in hospitals/clinics 40 years. Also, spent nine years overseas in assignments. Moore’s appraisal of our health care system as compared to overseas is right on the target. Sure, Canada has long wait times and Britian has problems. So? There is one big thing other industrialized countries are missing, however. That is the misery, anxiety and uncertainty which Americans live with daily because they know any accident or sudden illness can bankrupt them. Its disgusting that Americans would continue to allow this misery while their leaders enjoy luxurious medical care. Dick Cheney has his own tacpayer-funded “ambulance detail”–an ambulance and physicians (2) who follow him everywhere. All this, while other Americans die in health care bill-induced poverty and insurance companies and pharmaceutics enjoy profits which are the envy of the corporate world. Moore speaks the truth, and he takes the blows for it.

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