There’s a recent in-depth review of my book Zero Limits at Enjoy.


  1. November 3, 2007 at 11:36 am

    Joe – The article that your link led me to was a review of Zero Limits, not The Key.

    Ted Pawlikowski

  2. November 3, 2007 at 12:04 pm

    Joe, I followed the link, and the article seemed to be about “Zero Limits,” not “The Key.” Just FYI.

  3. November 3, 2007 at 12:38 pm

    yikes. thank you. it’s corrected.

  4. Ray Kelly-Reply
    November 3, 2007 at 3:38 pm

    Your book “The Key” is really the perfect companion to “The Secret”.
    Your explanations are so insightful.
    Thank you

  5. November 4, 2007 at 7:25 am

    The opposite goes here.

    My RSS reader shows “The Key” but when I land here, it shows “Zero Limit” 😀

  6. November 4, 2007 at 1:30 pm

    Dear Joe —

    You are the person who introduced me to ho’oponopono. This has changed my life. And has led me to people I would never have met otherwise. I can’t thank you enough.

    My car got broken into on Friday or Saturday. Gratefully, I have been able to experience this event in a way that is very different than I would have in the past. The funny thing is that a similar break-in happened before. It was a different car, different stuff taken, and a different city but the method was very similar. So, I’ve been given a great gift — I see how differently I’m reacting than before.

    Thank you again for giving me this wonderful gift.

    All the very best!
    Frank Butterfield

    P.S. I wrote about it on my blog if you want to read more… Open Letter

  7. November 5, 2007 at 1:32 am

    Fascinating stuff. How do you ‘Ask’ for something? Still can’t get that. I thought with belief you have to ‘demand’ if you truly believe.

    It’s the one concept I always stumble on.

  8. Federico Suárez-Reply
    November 5, 2007 at 7:56 am

    Great article, it’s also nice to see how are you become evolving spiritually in your life. Congrats Joe, and keep up growing!

  9. Sara-Reply
    November 6, 2007 at 9:36 pm

    Hey Joe-

    Loved Zero Limits- downloaded from Audible- but now need CDs for gifts….
    sent you an email too….Where can I get cds of Zero Limits??

    Thank You!!

  10. November 6, 2007 at 11:21 pm


    Zero Limits–

    There is no limit of what to speak of regarding this most inspired teaching (it is so well-written you really forget that you are being taught).

    Anyone who opens up to this book will be amazed and transformed by the content. My miracle of Hooponopono goes like this:

    Ironically, I have written a book called THE FORCE OF LOVE. Prior to my purchase of Zero Limits–get this–my husband and I were having a strain in our relationship (what has now diffused into absolute sweet perfection–after learning–actually recieving strong reiteration–that we are all perfect in the eyes of the Creator–everything else is “B.S. stuff.” (Dr. Ihaleakal Hew Len)

    Now (and I am going to make this short)–I am forced to practice love (because I really do love my husband), and also because I wrote the book on love–and how love never fails. Ive been teaching it to my children and grandchildren; and, wonderfully it has spilled into the depths of our hearts.

    My husband and I were still on “not so good terms”, but I would always remain kind, loving, etc.

    On this night, I was going to run an errand–I’ll never forget this night–I asked him–“Honey, do you want something from the store?”

    “Sure”, he said, “if you’ll please stop at Barnes and Noble and pick up a book they have for me there.”

    I get to Barnes and Noble–I first go to my favorite section and I see this ZERO LIMITS…HOOPONO SOMETHING (My brain read).

    I almost left the book on the shelf because I could hardly pronounce, what I have learned now, is the most joyful, pleasurable, uplifting, lifechanging spiritual encounter I have ever received.

    There are many other amazing stories since I have purchaced this most Divine work.

    The beauty is…the miracles have just begun.

    I love you Joe! I love you Ihaleakala! Thank you both for your diligence, faithfullness and hard work!

  11. November 11, 2007 at 7:33 pm

    I would like to know if there are any updates about the people who were released from the state hospital in hawaii after they received Ho’oponopono? It would be nice to have a followup to see how these people are doing? What kinds of lives do they have now? Are other mental hospitals aware of this?

  12. November 12, 2007 at 1:12 pm

    Joe You were fantastic on the video.Love to listen to you & your wisdom of the ages that flows from you.I get really excited to how simple you make all this.One life to live & you make it look easy to be the best.
    I am glad to share with you Who I am–an international athelete,versed in eastern Philosophy of life & Ayurveda.Sharing Internet marketing with the world on the best health giving Ayurvedic preparation.

  13. November 12, 2007 at 1:12 pm

    Joe You were fantastic on the video.Love to listen to you & your wisdom of the ages that flows from you.I get really excited to how simple you make all this.One life to live & you make it look easy to be the best.
    I am glad to share with you Who I am–an international athelete,versed in eastern Philosophy of life & Ayurveda.Sharing Internet marketing with the world on the best health giving Ayurvedic preparation.

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