There’s a difference between wealth and money.

As one of the speakers (Bruce Muzik) at this weekend’s Attract Wealth II event said, “Wealth is what you have left after you’ve lost all your money.”

I love that definition. It’s the layer of prosperity I usually address when talking about attracting money or attracting wealth.

Wealth is far more important. It’s your essence.

But I also know people want the green stuff.

They want the cash they can put in their wallet or purse or bank.

With that in mind, I created, developed, refined and revealed The Secret to Attracting Money at the event last weekend.

It was the kind of educational talk that was eye-opening. People couldn’t guess the seven steps because I’ve never discussed them before. Ever. It was all new. And it brought down the house. People loved it.

I pointed out that the first step alone is necessary for any step to work. The first ones involves your thinking. I revealed the three beliefs that everyone (including you) has that stops them from attracting money. I also revealed what to do about those limiting beliefs.

My formula for attracting money took me an hour to describe. And that was just the overview. There are deeper aspects to the steps, and more to the story. But everyone at Attract Wealth II got to hear it all for the first time.

If you weren’t there, I have good news.

In just two weeks I will be announcing a detailed course on The Secret to Attracting Money.

This program will include the seven steps I talked about at the event, but will go about fifteen times deeper, cover more material, and even include the wealth mindset as well as the marketing mindset needed to truly attract money into your life.

I’m telling you all this to get you excited. I want you to be ready for this material and one of the best ways is with a mindset of expectation.

In short, Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


ps — If you’re already on my email list, you’ll get noticed when The Secret to Attracting Money is available. To sign-up for my list, see (New subscribers get several surprise freebies upon registration.)


  1. January 13, 2009 at 8:13 pm

    Joe, this is good. How much will it retail for and will you include it free as apart of the Attract Miracles Community membership?

  2. Kerry-Reply
    January 13, 2009 at 10:22 pm

    HI! All this chat about the “green stuff”! Well I beg to differ, its multi coloured , and terrific to look at in my part of the world! 😉

  3. January 14, 2009 at 12:39 am

    Finally, a new post by Dr Joe Vitale..
    I’ve been waiting for your new article
    so I could get to the first place..:grin:

    By the way, I’ve just read your Hypnotic Writing,
    and I absolutely LOVED it!

    Oh yeah, and I’m curious about your
    Secret to Attracting Money 🙄


  4. January 14, 2009 at 2:37 am

    Dear Joe,

    Bruce Musik IS a Really Wonderful & absolutely nice Guy!

    I had the pleasure to meet him in Capetown March 2008 when we both spoke at an Event from a very dear mutual friend forever, Leila Smith..(who is by the way preparing to climb Mount Kilimanjaro to support Network4Life, in June ha..? )

    Wealth isn’t about money, not even for the money printer..hahahaha.. Wealth is a vibe, a flow, it’s what makes you feel incredibly abundant, it’s what attaches you to others from the inside out, it’s indeed your essence… infact.. Showing Your Wealth is Like Speaking From the Soul.. it’s the Souls Desire..

    Though the funny fact is..:mrgreen: even without masses of ‘the Green Stuff’ but with the Wealth.. you’ll never be in short of anything..

    :mrgreen:TGS (The Green Stuff) is just something that you can add to your reality if that’s what you everything else..

    Life it self IS a Miracle.. How can one not expect Miracles..if one is a miracle him/her self.. LOL.. All Magic & Miracles in Life are Created by the Want.. But by only wanting you’re not doing yourself a favor, if you starting wanting to give..everything you want will become more.. and the more you want to give the more your environment starts to give.. The more your environment starts to give, you in the end will even have more then you wanted… Did I aready mention.. Life is Working in Magical & Miraculous ways.. It’s just a fairy tale.. ;-o)

    Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter

  5. January 14, 2009 at 4:33 am

    You just let the cat out the bag Joe. Is this your new Nightingale Conant Program?

  6. Consuelo Sirigu-Reply
    January 14, 2009 at 10:46 am

    Dear Joe
    for me it is an honor to write on your blog. I agree with the essence of true wealth, but as you say in “the Secret”, spirituality is not enough, wealth does have spirituality, but also money .. I do not speak Italian and English, but you can help me the same? Your book “the key is wonderful. Thank you:oops:

  7. Consuelo Sirigu-Reply
    January 14, 2009 at 10:56 am

    Sorry, I wanted to say I’m Italian, and do not speak English. I apologize, an embrace with the heart

  8. January 14, 2009 at 11:40 am

    WOW- WoW, and WOW again- looking forward to this exciting training, even when we are limited in travelling to reach the miracle coaching, somehow, the good Dr. brings it to us via the web…very wonderful, very loving, wouldn’t expect any other type of miracle from you. -DrD

  9. Wendy Price-Reply
    January 15, 2009 at 4:28 am

    Dear Joe,

    I am somewhat of a novice to this new way of thinking. Having read The Secret only a month ago and on my third helping your amazing book The Key, (which has made so much sense to me), my mind is a whirlwind, hungry to fully grasp these wonderful new concepts.

    But I was wondering, it seems that fear can be a huge obstacle as I have experianced myself so very often. Isn’t fear (in whatever form) an acknowledgement within us that the Law of Attraction exists? We are never afraid of things we ‘know’ to be impossible. Isn’t it the fear of that negative possiblity manifesting into our reality that we fear the most?

    Also, I was thinking about belief. I feel that something far stronger than belief is to ‘know’. That quiet, silent place inside, where there is no right or wrong, no good or bad, just the pure essence of something’s existance. Be that money, a home, success, or whatever. It’s like when someone has a natural talent or ability. That flows at it’s highest potential in that person maybe because they don’t consciously ‘think’ about what they are doing, they just ‘know’ they can do it. It’s completely immune to doubt or question of any kind – invincible. It’s got me wondering how I can play with that!

    I might not have much money but I feel like the wealthiest person on the planet! I haven’t manifested any miracles in my life yet (apart from the two books I’ve read so far and everything I already have), to be honest I haven’t really tried. Maybe I’ll do the lottery at the weekend!

    I’ll keep reading and learning!:grin:

    Many, many thanks,

  10. January 15, 2009 at 7:55 am

    Great quote from Bruce. This is the message i work with with my patients and the members on my mentor site.

    Great wealth. Yes!

  11. January 15, 2009 at 5:02 pm

    Hi Joe,

    Do you think it is preferable to attract money to have a project first and then attracting the money for it ?

    It seem in my life that I can acquire what I want after I set a definite project.

    Take care

    Serge goulet

  12. January 16, 2009 at 8:48 pm

    Joe, I’ve been following your work for some time. Aside from Napoleon Hill, or maybe right next to him, you have been one of the biggest influences on my personal success, and I Thank YOU.
    I read somewhere that Wealth is TIME. The amount of time you could sustain your lifestyle if you chose to stop working completely. Thought it was worth sharing. 🙂

  13. January 19, 2009 at 7:03 pm

    Thank you again Joe for all that you do.

    I look forward to learning how to attract more wealth in my life.

    As you know I intend to give away a million dollars. So the bald guy in a blue house needs all the tools to learn how to manifest more money.

    Because I know it is inside me I just haven’t quite figured it out to allow it to come into physical form.

  14. PAT-Reply
    March 25, 2012 at 5:17 pm


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