tiger.jpg  Several weeks ago one of our cats, Tiger, was diagnosed with high blood sugar and diabetes.

The vet advised a second blood test to see if the condition would change.

We did the second test and discovered his condition had actually worsened.

The vet said Tiger would need insulin shots twice a day, else his health would worsen even more.


Twice a day?

Tiger is nearly twenty years old. He’s a maine coon. I’ve had him since he was born feral and came knocking at my door when I lived in Houston.

In many ways, he’s my best friend, though he doesn’t say much (a good thing in a cat) and he rarely likes to be held (he’s a loner).

Still, we’re buds.

I didn’t relish the idea of him being sick, let alone us having to give him shots twice a day.

I’m pretty sure Tiger wouldn’t like the shot thing, either.

I asked Nerissa and the vet if they would give me two weeks to try to heal Tiger.

Neither liked the idea but both humored me. 

I then did three things that I hoped would make a difference in Tiger’s health:


1. I set an intention.

I stated that I wanted to find a fast way to normalize Tiger’s blood sugar level and heal him of diabetes. Nerissa joined me with this objective. A clear target can be very motivating. Two people focusing on it adds to the power to achieve it.

2. I searched for a remedy online.

I jumped online and searched for “Cure feline diabetes.” To my amazement there was a site dedicated to just that. I instantly ordered the special vitamins and started putting them in Tiger’s food. He never ate all of it as he didn’t like it, but I figured a little is better than none.*

3. I gave Tiger healing treatments.

Every day I would hold him, pet him, and consciously send healing thoughts and chi energy into him. I’m a student of Chi Kung/Qi Gong and know how to direct energy. As a metaphysician, I know about mind power treatments. As a practicioner of self-identity ho’oponopono, as described in my book Zero Limits, I know to keep cleaning on anything I see as a problem, whether in me or “out there.” I did all of this daily. Apparently Tiger liked these healing treatments because he started getting on my lap every day, something he would normally never do.

This two week experiment ended yesterday.

We had to take Tiger back to the vet for his third blood test.

Nerissa drove him over while I stayed home and kept cleaning on his health and my worries.

The vet took one look at Tiger and said, “He’s better.”

She noted he had gained weight and looks healthier.

She added, “Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.”

That was good news, of course, but we still needed to do the blood test to confirm that our intention came to be.

The results came in today.


Tiger is better!

The vet said his blood sugar dropped by half.

He dropped over two hundred points.

He’s still not completely out of danger, but she felt he could go without insulin shots as long as we maintained whatever we are doing and he continued to look healthy. 

Not bad, eh? 🙂

Please note how this healing method worked:

1. I declared an intention.

2. I took action.

3. I kept cleaning.

What’s impossible?

Maybe nothing.

Why not go for your wildest dreams?

Why not try the impossible?

Tiger says it’s worth a shot.

And he’s not talking about an insulin shot.

Ao Akua,


PS — Miracles Coaching might be worth a look, too. You don’t have to heal cats in it and who knows what you might achieve?

* The special vitamins formula I found online and bought for Tiger is described at www.petremedy.com/cat/db/home.htm Since he didn’t eat a whole capsule every day, and did his best to eat around it, I can’t say that it helped normalize his blood sugar level yet. But we’re going to keep giving it to him, just in case it did or does help. The site selling the formula has dozens of powerful testimonials from cat owners who have seen miraculous healings. Tiger wants his picture on their site, too.


  1. Erna-Reply
    September 23, 2007 at 1:30 pm

    Wonderful Joe, congratulations!!! Also to your cat of course. She looks so pretty. I wish her a long and healthy life!

  2. September 24, 2007 at 1:52 am

    Hi Joe, I recently bought your book Zero Limits. Previously your Hypnotic products as well as The Attractor Factor. This blog post is awesome though. My wife and I once had a cat with feline leukemia that we had to put down. I wish I knew about all this stuff back then, at least I could have tried it. Keep up the great work, I like reading your blog because you’re right there on the cutting edge!

  3. September 24, 2007 at 5:20 am

    Hi Joe, thanks for sharing this about Tiger. We have a cat my wife picked up at the beach, she would stroll around and sit by her. My wife thought she was beautiful and asked the locals if she belonged to anybody, they said no. So, Tina came to live here. She fattened up considerably and I got concerned, by happenstance I saw on mercola.com an article by some vets saying that you should not feed comercial pet food to your dog or cat. Their digestive system was not designed for grains, specially soy and corn, and this drains the animal of vital energy and can lead to diabetes and tunors. Well, I began to feed Tina raw meat and fish and she quickly lost the extra weight, and she is healthy and full of vitality. Please consider this also for Tiger, here is the link: http://www.mercola.com/2005/nov/12/cats_need_wet_food.htm Take care, all the best to you and Nerissa.

  4. September 24, 2007 at 5:24 am

    Tiger must love you veeeeeeeeery much to offer you this occasion to heal.
    Goethe said “I love those who yearn for the impossible”.
    Napoleaon Bonaparte said: “The word impossible is not in my dictionary.”

    P.S. Bastet the Beautiful Bengal Cat sends his love to Tiger

  5. September 24, 2007 at 5:26 am

    Forgot to spell check, it is “tumors” not “tunors”. A link on the specifics of meat for pets is: http://www.mercola.com/2005/aug/27/meat_first.htm
    Best of health to all your cats! Regards, Al

  6. September 24, 2007 at 6:03 am

    will it help with HIV…..????

  7. I’m so glad Tiger is doing better. 🙂



  8. September 24, 2007 at 7:45 am

    What a wonderful story! Give Tiger my congratulations! I also have an old cat, a 20 year old ragdoll who is so far in pretty good health. I will definitely be trying some healing if and when the day arrives. I already have a cat story to tell, however. This same cat has had a dreadful habit of yowling and screeching at night. It’s gone on for years and I have tried many things, all to no avail. Not long ago, I did a huge amount of work clearing nyself of negative beliefs, emotions and energies (I used EFT combined with the Silva Method). When my beliefs cleared, the cat stopped screeming. To me, its nothing short of a miracle — and suddenly getting a decent sleep at night is doing wonders for my outlook too!

  9. Tony Guy-Reply
    September 24, 2007 at 12:11 pm

    Now thats the old Joe that we all know and love. Wonderful story in re cleaning, clearing and transferring postive energy. Kudo’s for Tiger and you also Joe!
    Tony Guy

  10. Maria Hernandez-Reply
    September 24, 2007 at 5:27 pm

    Wow! that is just amazing and beautiful.

    Thank You

  11. September 24, 2007 at 7:00 pm

    Hi Joe, I met & spent time with “Mahiki” this month at the LA seminar. I’ve been doing the cleaning since getting the book a few months ago.You might want to (if not already doing so) give him the Blue Solar H2o and some of the other “remedies”. Can’t go wrong with more EFT & tap on him directly on spine.
    Live Long & Prosper Tiger!

  12. Elaine Caskey-Reply
    September 25, 2007 at 9:14 am

    What a wonderful healing. I am going to try this on myself. I just had surgery and maybe it will help my stiches. God bless you and Tiger. I love cats and all animals. Keep up all the good work. Elaine

  13. September 25, 2007 at 12:32 pm

    declaring an intention has nothing to do with ho’oponopono. it’s the opposite of ho’oponopono, it’s against ho’oponopono. as clearly stated in your book…

    but you did the right thing. i also think that ho’oponopono doesn’t work, except for people who may have special powers, or some kind of direct connection with their unconscious mind or inner child. and i’m sure there are many.

    and cats are the most beautiful thing in the world.

  14. Peter-Reply
    September 25, 2007 at 3:37 pm

    Hi Joe, The story about Tiger is wonderful.I am happy that he is well.I found that ho’oponopono is wery powerful and anybody can practice it .I just read Zero Limits and I have the question. The cleaning you did with Tiger, you cleared yourself, actually the memories and programs, or you cleared Tiger?
    Thanks Peter FL

  15. September 25, 2007 at 6:42 pm

    Re Tiger, good for you Joe.
    He’s lucky to have you and Nerissa and an open and wise vet helping him live out his nine lives happily and comfortably.

  16. September 25, 2007 at 6:47 pm

    Hi Joe,

    My cat CB (cry baby) had diabetes, received two insulin shots a day for five years and lived a normal life span. I am not surprised in the least that your intentions are having an extremely positive effect. Keep it up!

    P.S. – I must admit that my bond with CB was increased due to his condition. It was indeed a blessing in a strange and amazing way to give him life sustaining shots every day. If indeed you do have to resort to two-a-day insulin shots, I’m sure you’ll feel blessed that you have the ability to provide Tiger with health and happiness with 20 seconds of loving intervention a day. Btw, the only time it was ever difficult to give CB a shot was the first time. It is one of the easiest things to do for a cat and by far easier than trying to give your cat a pill. Just thought you would like to know.

    Please email me if you have any questions or have Darcy Hoag give you my phone number.

  17. Ron Kaye-Reply
    September 26, 2007 at 2:53 pm

    Reading through the latest post (and especially the response to Zero.data), I am reminded of something Margaret Thatcher once said, “Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell everyone you are, you aren’t!”

    I would say that the same holds true for knowledge/wisdom/enlightenment/awareness. Might be something worth cleaning on. 🙂

  18. September 26, 2007 at 4:15 pm

    Ron, when you notice something that needs cleaning, YOU are supposed to do the cleaning, not tell the other person to do the cleaning. The first comes from total responsibility; the other is an ego trip. Reread the post and my response and note the difference.

  19. September 26, 2007 at 4:17 pm

    Hi Peter. I cleaned on anything and everything in me, in Tiger, or anywhere else, that might hold back Tiger’s healing. I trusted the Divine to do the healing, wherever it needed to happen.

  20. Ron Kaye-Reply
    September 26, 2007 at 4:34 pm

    I was *responding* to the ego trip (and the condescension). And I was being facetious in my recommendation that it “might be something worth cleaning on.” Such dismissiveness is a defensive action, and one in which a true teacher would not engage, IMHO.


  21. September 26, 2007 at 9:54 pm

    Ron, good point.
    I deleted my response.
    Be well.

  22. vital from slovenia-Reply
    September 27, 2007 at 3:33 pm

    20 years!! wooow!! my cat Jerry is 13 and she’s also my great buddy, the same as yours she’s a loner and doesn’t say much. I like her for that. But recently a lump of the size of a big nut started to grow under her skin on the side of her body and when I took her to the vet, he said that it’s a tumor and that an operation is very tricky as it can be deadly…. hmmmm.. now I don’t know what to do. My cat is also still very vital, just like my name is 🙂 I d’n’t know, but maybe I should also try with the energy–I was initiated into Reiki level 1 a few years ago but haven’t used it, so maybe now it’s the time to try to heal her….she has been very lucky so far as all our other cats (and we had about 7) were killed by cars as we are very close a road..I think it’s because she’s black and the driver’s are afraid of her 🙂
    I wish you luck with Tiger!!!! 🙂

  23. September 27, 2007 at 5:17 pm

    Hi Joe,

    First of all, I am glad for you and Tiger that Tiger is on the better hand. When reading your post, I immediately recognised the process, and the healing with energy is a common factor in my life. I have learned to use energy to heal others or myself, and the other people do not have to be in the room. It is amazing, and it works. I learned this from a friend, who heals horses and people with energy and vitalised water. This article may interest you: http://www.aqua-aurora.nl/EN/project.php?id=22

    All the best with Tiger, and keep up the good work.
    Coach Erwin

  24. September 28, 2007 at 10:32 am

    Hi Joe-totally getting a huge kick and inspiring jolts around your books/articles. I read your article about Ho’oponopono when it came out. Speaking my language. I zipped through Zero Limits. Thanks for putting this into a great book. It ties all my studies and personal philosophies together. Yeah! I am using it every day and I love it.

    Good job on Tiger. I am going to do this with my wonderful dog who is 14 and is getting deaf (an incontinent but still very perky).

    I love you, Elizabeth Sadhu, Warrior Goddess of Light

  25. October 2, 2007 at 11:09 am

    Oh Joe – this is great. Really great.
    However, it also makes me sad. I lost two cats I loved very much, actually they were MY best friends. One died in 2004, aged 17, after a long painful sickness that I got to realize too late, the other, crippled by an accident she had a few years ago and also very much in pain, as I believe, died only this January, alone, in the vet’s surgery… I still can’t think about that without wanting to cry, because I feel I betrayed her, left her to die when all she wanted was at least to die at home. I could not help either of them, and I feel sad and guilty for that. Now that I’ve read Zero Limits, I think it sounds great but somehow it’s still a strange, unusual idea. However, it might have healed my two… might. Might…
    Sad. Too late.
    However, I do so hope you can get Tiger all well. All the best for the both of you – and thank you for all the inspiration and hope your writings have given me so far.

    Love and blessings

  26. October 10, 2007 at 2:19 pm

    Thanks for sharing your experience Joe.

    I’ve been practicing Ho’oponopono since discovering it a couple of months ago and although I cannot share a case study on how it has changed anyone’s health for the better, it does give me a sense of contribution in helping others.

    Hopefully some day soon, I’ll be able to share a similar story. If not, that’s okay too. I am not attached to outcomes.

    Laurie Hayes

  27. October 22, 2007 at 1:43 am

    You are right, what was I thinking.

  28. January 23, 2008 at 6:17 am

    NCD Drop will remove the heavy metals and help him heal- Great stuff go to mywaiora.com952210-plus learn more at humanoctane.com

  29. Tee-Reply
    March 24, 2009 at 4:35 pm

    Hi Joe,
    Any advice for me? My cat has stage 3 cancer. We are going through the recommended treatment but its not hopeful. I am willing to do anything.I want to totally cure my cat with Ho’oponopono. Can you help me though, I feel at a loss as where to start…

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