What Is The Secret to Great Marketing? or, Why am I Wearing THIS T-shirt?

As I write this I am wearing a sharp black new T-shirt with a small logo on the front and a giant one on the back. It’s a fan t-shirt for my favorite blues-rock guitarist: Joe Bonamassa http://www.jbonamassa.com/

I have a lot of t-shirts. Out here in the Texas Hill country our dress code is typically shorts and t-shirts. And even though it’s Winter, it’s warm here. So I’m dressed appropriately.

But why this t-shirt?

Well, I love Bonamassa’s music. He’s a descendant of the late Stevie Ray Vaughan, my all time favorite blues-rock guitar-slinger. So I’m delighted to wear Joe’s new t-shirt. It makes me feel good, much like his music makes me feel. Plus I think I look good in black.

Now here’s the key question —

Am I marketing Joe Bonamassa by wearing his t-shirt?

And here’s another question —

Am I marketing him by writing this blog post right now?

My answer is this:

I am sharing my passion.

That’s it.

I’m not getting paid to wear this t-shirt or write this post. Bonamassa has no idea who I am. His Street Team http://www.jbonamassa.com/joe_bonamassa_street_crew.htm (of which I am now a member, like many other fans http://www.bonamassabluesrock.com/) doesn’t know about me, either.

So what am I doing?

And why?

I am sharing.

That’s it.

And that’s the best kind of marketing around.

When you have a business so terrific that people will advertise it for you by writing about it, wearing your t-shirts, and telling others about it, (think Google and Nike and “The Secret” http://www.whatisthesecret.tv/) you will have a success.

But the people raving about you won’t be marketing in their mind, they will be sharing their love.

I have t-shirts for Stevie Ray Vaughan, Melissa Etheridge, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Nike, Jack London, Mark Twain, the TV show 24, Steve Reeves, Frank Zane, Harry Houdini, my BMW 645ci, and of course for Joe Bonamassa.

I’m not marketing those people or products strictly speaking; I am sharing my passion for them.

I still remember the massage therapist who spent an hour massaging me while raving about the movie she had seen the night before. She saw What The Bleep Do We Know? http://www.whatthebleep.com/ Her contagious enthusiasm wasn’t “marketing” per se, but her passion got me to go see that movie.

Your marketing should be from that level.

It should be from your heart.

You should be sharing your love for your product or service.

If you don’t love what you do or sell, what are you doing it for?

Think about it.

Ao Akua,


PS – See a picture of the t-shirt I bought and learn about Joe’s hard-rocking house-shaking blues-rock guitar driven music at http://www.merchdirect.net/x/c/home.php?csid=240

PPS – The same marketing=sharing trend is happening with the hot buzz around the movie The Secret http://www.whatisthesecret.tv/, to air Feb 15. I’m in it, and that’s one reason I’ll promote it, but I also believe the movie will awaken humanity. So I’m glad to share my passion for it. Again, contagious marketing works best when it’s not marketing but is heart-felt sharing. Dig?


  1. Craig Perrine-Reply
    January 11, 2006 at 6:04 pm


    I love your blog. It’s fun and has the heart in the right place… up front.

    Your post reminds me of when I was a kid and I was raving about a new bike I wanted and had a zillion reasons why… and though I didn’t know it at the time, that was selling, pure and simple.

    And, I have a blues band I saw in Atlanta, at http://www.mikelowryband.com, so I thought I’d spread the word about them, too.

    Keep up the great posts (and let me know if Lindsay calls)

    All the best,

    Craig Perrine


  2. Success-Magnet-Reply
    January 11, 2006 at 7:25 pm

    Dr. Joe,

    Ditto! Craig (what’s up Spanky? We should chat soon!) took the words out of my mouth.

    “I love your blog!”

    It has opened my eyes to the power of hypnotic and/or outrageous marketing and pushed me over the edge to walk on the ‘wild side’ and write a little outside my old comfort zone.

    Hopefully this makes makes reading my work more enjoyable for the reader…along with piquing their interest & curiosity so they even desire to read it after reading the headline.

    Thanks for being who you are! And thanks for sharing who you are in these blog posts.

    You’re the man! 🙂


  3. January 12, 2006 at 1:43 pm

    Stevie ROCKS! Even in heaven.
    Your black t-shirt is on its way.
    Pa que sepas (so you will know)

    Al Diaz

  4. Barbara Casey-Reply
    January 12, 2006 at 1:48 pm

    Hey Joe… wonderful article! I sent a bunch of folks over to read it. One thing I noticed on your blog… Where is the link to your mrfire site, for those who aren’t familiar with it? It’s in your sig, but I couldn’t find it amongst your links. (Maybe my eyes were too tired today.)

    Barb Casey

  5. Joe Vitale-Reply
    January 12, 2006 at 2:00 pm

    Yikes! Thanks for pointing out I forgot to link to my own website. It’s now on the left, with the other links. I’m glad somebody is looking out for me.

  6. K.C. Gagne-Reply
    January 14, 2006 at 8:19 am

    BRAVO! I’ve learned alot about sharing my passion in the past year. I wish I found it sooner.

    Thank Barbara (comment above) for sharing her passion about your blog. I am now a subscriber!

    K.C. Gagne

  7. Angela-Reply
    January 17, 2006 at 8:09 am

    Dear Joe,

    Hi! I love a guy that wears his heart on his sleeve!! I am also very passionate about Joe Bonamassa’s music. I’m glad you connect with Joe’s music, I feel the same way. My husband’s favorite thing to do is play guitar and he turned me on to Joe about a year and half ago. He said something like… you have to hear this guy, there hasn’t been anyone in decades that even comes close to this guy’s talent…been hooked ever since!!!

    Do you a favorite album or any favorite songs?

    [email protected]

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