When Pat O’Bryan handed me the music track to The Advanced Clearing Audio, I didn’t know what to expect.

I knew my guitar playing was on it, but that’s it.

I had no idea how he would use my guitar playing, or what the finished music would sound like.

So I nervously clicked play and listened.

The music started slow and gentle.

Then picked up speed with a happy cadence that made me smile.

I love the music.

It has a joyous, feel-good vibe to it.

But something was working below the surface, too.

I started to feel emotional.

I actually began to weep.

It was a good crying, though — the kind that is a release of something held inside for too long.

I’ve lost a few friends and relatives recently, and their passing on had me grieving.

But the music had me clearing the pain.

Pat somehow took my loving guitar chords and weaved them into a masterpiece of original music that affects me deep inside.

Listening to it makes me feel glad to be alive.

Everything seems brighter.



I thank Pat for his talents. This music is a classic.

I then listened to The Advanced Clearing Audio with the special statements read by me (and a secret female voice), heard over the music, and the result made me feel super human.

The spoken words were the high-level self-talk that could help me achieve the impossible.

I then listened to the music with the special statements hidden, where they spoke to my unconscious mind but I couldn’t actually hear them, and I felt like my body was glowing.

This is beyond words.

The music itself may explain why The Advanced Clearing Audio works so well.

As you probably know, you create reality with thought and feeling.

Thought alone usually won’t do it.

Since the music evokes the emotion of love, combining the special statements to it creates a re-programming experience.

As a result, you can clear issues of self-confidence, self-image and self-esteem.

And it all happens just by relaxing to the music!

This is truly incredible.

You really have to experience this for yourself.

I strongly suggest you get this audio — it comes in seven downloadable forms and includes a surprise bonus — and note what it does for you.


Ao Akua,


PS — You cannot have The Advanced Clearing Audio unless you have The Clearing Audio and have been using it for at least 30 days. The Clearing Audio gets you relaxed and prepared for deeper work, which The Advanced Clearing Audio provides. See www.theclearingaudio.com 


  1. Mark Ryan-Reply
    April 6, 2008 at 4:22 pm

    Thanks for sharing this personal moment with us Joe

    Light & Love,


    PS i hope you 2 sell a million of these audios and help a million people

  2. jc-Reply
    May 21, 2008 at 2:25 am

    looks like the links to buy the clearing audios are broken…


    is where you end up…”page cannot be found”

    both advanced and the first one; too bad, was going to purchase…


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