A few weeks ago I was stuck at the San Jose airport, waiting for the airline to find a safe plane to get me back home to Texas.

I sat there for nine hours.

While a lot of other passengers kicked and moaned and otherwise had a fit, I and maybe a dozen others went with the flow.

I used the down time to write, read, and relax. One of the books I had stuffed in my bag was good for my mind, was a delight to read, taught me a few things, and prompted me to write this post.

According to Richard Restak, in his book, The New Brain: How the Modern Age Is Rewiring Your Mind, your brain is plastic.

You can teach your brain new tricks, skills, languages and more with repetition, intention, awareness, and patience.

He says there is a 10-year rule stating that virtually anyone can become a genius — or at least a superior performer — in a niche if they apply themselves in that area for a decade.

As I think about how I became an author, then a copywriter, then a publicist, then a speaker, and then an Internet marketer, I can see I spent decades learning those subjects and honing my skills.

I read books. Studied authors. Bought courses. Invested in weekend seminars and trainings. I put myself through a relentless and disciplined self-study and home-study quest to learn and grow.

I still do this today. I was stuck at the San Jose airport because I had flown there to attend a weekend seminar. And just last weekend I held the world’s first Manifestation Weekend www.BeyondManifestation.com where already successful people came from all over the world to see how much more successful they could be.

The point:

If you want to become a marketer, or copywriter, or author, or anything else, you should expect to invest time, energy and money to learn the craft. You should expect it to take longer than a weekend. You can start the process in a moment, with a decision, and you can see progress very quickly, but mastery will take a little longer.

Maybe even ten years.

But if you don’t start now, where will you be in 10 years?

Ao Akua,


PS – Speaking of starting right now: I can easily train you in my Hypnotic Marketing Formula, and I can teach you how to go Beyond the Attractor Factor — and I can do it while you sit right where you’re sitting now. All you have to do is watch me on your monitor, talking direct to you. The technology that makes this possible is called M2S, which means Multi-Media Seminar. You can see it explained and demonstrated at http://hypnoticmarketingformula.com/ or http://www.beyondattractorfactor.com/ Go see.

PPS – If you haven’t seen my Hypnotic Selling Secrets course – the giant definitive DVD, CD, and e-book collection on Hypnotic Writing, Hypnotic Selling, and Hypnotic Marketing, which now includes virtually all of my previous e-material listed below – then zip over to www.hypnoticsellingsecrets.com/g.o/10386 right now. The last 39 sets go off the market tomorrow night at midnight. In fact, you currently cannot get any of my products listed below —


The only way to get them is revealed at http://www.nitromarketing.com/fool/ If you’re ready to train your brain, then invest in Hypnotic Selling Secrets right now. Go for it.

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