Forget resolutions.

They’re usually based on magical thinking, wishful thinking, and lack any real commitment or plan.

We’re already weeks into the new year and you’ve probably already forgotten your resolutions.

Well, so has everyone else. Welcome to the club.

That’s why resolutions are for wimps.

A better choice is to attract your new reality with what I call Positive Predictions.

It’s a fun and creative exercise that allows you to visualize the future, contemplate unlimited possibilities, and actually begin to attract the new reality to you.

Of course, all too often individuals fixate on negative future predictions. 1984, Y2K and 2012, are just a few of the dates that come to mind. It seems there’s always an apocalyptic event looming on the horizon. Unfortunately, when these dates come and go without incident, they are quickly replaced by new, even more menacing predictions. Ho hum.

There’s a better way. Instead of imaging a doom and gloom scenario, let’s imagine a happy and prosperous one. Let’s make 2010 the year of Positive Predictions. For example, here’s a sampling of the Positive Predictions I’ve added to my list for 2010:

Buoyed largely by the creative ideas of marketers, inventors and entrepreneurs, the United States explodes out of the current recession by harnessing several new technologies. People experience prosperity again!

Alternative sources of energy and innovative automobile technologies begins to reach a level of critical mass, resulting in dramatically lower demand for fossil fuels. We exit 2010 at an average price of $1.90 per gallon of gas — and falling.

I climbed to the top of my 15 foot climbing rope with my arms only and it becomes an inspiring YouTube video.

My free book Attract Money Now is translated into every major language, is downloaded by tens of millions of people worldwide, and becomes a New York Times bestseller after a publisher pays me a huge seven-figure advance for the rights to it.

Operation Yes makes a major impact in ending homelessness in America.

I launched the first ever Billionaire Bugatti Mastermind.

The Attract Miracles Community reaches critical mass and transforms the planet with a single thought projected around the world – by thought alone.

I went on David Letterman, Jay Leno and Jon Stewart’s TV shows, showing my incredible Alien Guitar.

My hydrogen-gas super car, The Scorpion was delivered mid-year and got front page news across the world as the first truly sexy environmentally friendly muscle car. I love that car!

joe_scorpion smaller

As you can see, this exercise is exciting. You might also note the “predictions” are written as if they are after-the-fact reports. It’s based on a process I call “Nevillizing,” named after famed mystic Neville Goddard. I discuss the practice of “Nevillizing” your goals in both The Attractor Factor and more recently in Attract Money Now.

“Nevillizing your goal” is imagining or visualizing what life would be like if your goal were already achieved today. The objective is to make an emotional connection to your future. You pretend it has already happened. This allows your subconscious mind to believe it’s possible, as well as to program the Universe to bring that vision into your reality.

Neville himself said —

“There is only one cause, and that is consciousness. Your consciousness is the center from which your world mirrors and echoes the state you presently occupy.”

Consider the act of making a prediction. Generally, meaningful predictions require that you step out of your comfort zone and take a risk. I’m not talking about unimportant predictions that anyone can make. I’m talking about “worthy” predictions that make your subconscious mind take notice and say “Wow, this guy/gal isn’t fooling around!”

Contrast this to the standard practice of creating New Year’s resolutions. If you are like many individuals, you may write down a list of resolutions for the year. This ritual has become so routine that very little emotion if any permeates to the subconscious. Not to mention there’s virtually no personal accountability tied to the resolution.

Need proof?

You need look no further than your local health-club or gym. I’d be willing to wager that most are bursting at the seams with new members. Check back with these same clubs in July and you’ll notice that their attendance has dropped back to late 2009 levels.

Generally, resolutions are easy to forget or dismiss. However, Nevillized Positive Predictions have much stronger emotional ties and longevity. They will begin the process of attracting a new reality based on the Law of Attraction and the power of intention.

So here’s my personal challenge to you: Create a list of Positive Predictions. Do it today. Right now.

Have fun with it. Like mine, some can focus on world events. Others can be personal challenges that really stretch your boundaries. If you have already created a list of resolutions, you can easily convert them into predictions. Just remember to make them worthy. And be sure to write them as if they already happened. And record your excitement.

A great way to ensure that your Positive Predictions become a reality is through Mastermind Groups and Personal Coaching. Both can provide the necessary accountability, access to creative ideas, and insights to make your wildest predictions come true.

Here’s something most people don’t know:

Years ago I walked into my Mastermind Group at the time and stated that I wanted to be in a movie. Not just any movie, and not as some fly on the wall. I wanted a noteworthy part.

At the time I had no movie experience or connections. But I stated my goal and let my Mastermind Group support my intention with their good thoughts.

That’s it.

I didn’t try to get an acting job.

I didn’t send out resumes or sexy photos of myself.

I just waited, expecting my miracle, and ready to take action when inspiration or opportunity appeared.

Three months later a woman named Rhonda Byrne read my book, The Attractor Factor, and called me, asking if I’d like to be in her movie, called The Secret.

The rest, as they say, is history.

This is the power of Positive Predictions, Mastermind Groups, and Personal Coaching.

There are many excellent coaching programs available. Take for example, my Miracles Coaching program – we’ve helped hundreds of individuals both formulate and achieve their goals and predictions over the last four years.

The Joe Vitale Miracles Coaching will provide you with a personal coach that can help custom tailor a formula to achieve your goals. Also, you will have access to well over 100 courses and supporting curriculum. This is the perfect way to kick-start your 2010.

Or consider my Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind. This is an ideal venue if you’re interested in personalized brainstorming and strategizing as you ride in the lap of luxury. Many have found this to be the perfect catalyst for developing inspired ideas. (ABC News is covering the one I’m doing this Monday with Jennifer Nicole Lee.) Furthermore, the Phantom Mastermind may be a prerequisite for those wanting to attend the Billionaire Bugatti Mastermind. 🙂

Whatever you decide, remember to “Dare Something Worthy.”

Your future begins right now.

Ao Akua,


PS – Heads up: There’s just one seat remaining for my January 21st Phantom Mastermind. I predict that the individual that fills this slot will have an inspired 2010. Call my office for other dates in 2010 or just click right here.

AMN banner


  1. January 15, 2010 at 12:50 am

    Very inspiring, as usual.

    We just finished one of your suggested readings – Claude Bristol’s “The Magic of Believing”. It was powerful!

    Thank you again for sharing all your ideas and useful info. When I think of one person that inspired me the most in 2009, that was you. Today, we’ve made a lot of people (strangers) happy (we did some random acts of kindness), and we got that idea from you.

    Thank you, Dr.Joe. We love you!

  2. Hey Joe!

    Great and inspiring post.

    Do you think some people have more “talent” for creating their own life? I mean you seem to really have a talent for attracting/creating a life of your dreams.

    I mean everyone can learn to play the guitar, but some have more talent and plays it better than others!

    C ya,
    Claus D Jensen

  3. Hey Joe!

    Great and inspiring post.

    Do you think some people have more “talent” for creating their own life? I mean you seem to really have a talent for attracting/creating a life of your dreams.

    I mean everyone can learn to play the guitar, but some have more talent and plays it better than others!

    C ya,
    Claus D Jensen

  4. January 15, 2010 at 10:29 am

    Hello Joe,

    I love the idea of positive predictions.

    I loved my experience of our Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind together and where I have grown since is my alignment with Positive Predictions.


  5. January 15, 2010 at 12:15 pm

    Thanks for your inspired words Joe. They are always a welcome addition to my inbox. I love your predictions and will be sitting down later to do my own. 2010 is truly going to be a year of positive change for me and I can’t wait to look back and say 2010 was the year Amanda J Evans really made her mark on the world and became the inspired writer that she always knew she would be.

    Thanks so much for sharing.



  6. January 15, 2010 at 2:49 pm

    Leave it to Joe to inspire us for the next year. I really enjoed how he made it into news. Thanks!

  7. January 15, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    I did exactly that, only I called it “writing my 2010 Annual Christmas Brag Letter a year ahead of time”. Great post, as ever, Joe. 🙂 Happy and Prosperous New Year!

  8. January 15, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    Wow Joe, the Scorpion looks an amazing car!

    Great Post,

    All the best

  9. January 15, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    I love you, you wonderful man!
    You are so uplifting. 🙂

  10. January 15, 2010 at 6:38 pm

    Hello Joe,

    You mean to tell me that Jennifer Nicole Lee, the same girl who has that Ab Circle Pro product jumping in the Rolls Royce with you?

    You must have a serious impact on some lives Joe.

    Wish you well,

    Paul Wilson

  11. January 15, 2010 at 7:59 pm

    I predict this will be a year to remember.
    I will improble my English average.
    My photos will better, a lot better.
    I will writet a hypnotic COPY (Yes I have your books about this)
    I’ll star my new book. Beware Harry Potter!
    and in a future, closer than I can guess, I will incribe in Miracles Coaching program.

    Feliz Año, desde Colombia
    Thanks God for this or something better

  12. January 16, 2010 at 1:55 am

    Well said buddy. This year I exploded out of the gates before new years after receiving your e-mail about Kevin Trudeau’s Your Wish Is Your Command which finally help me really get it, now all the knowledge I’ve learned from you is working a lot better because I never had someone drill in about “The Basics” you know it has always been the 10,000 different techniques I tried to use before learning the very basic idea’s of the Laws of Attraction.

    I’m truly thankful that I was in the right place to attract that e-mail from you, your a great beacon that many people to run through and that is why your life is great and I appreciate that you enjoy life so much that it has been able to spill out to people like me searching for answers.

    Thanks Joe.

    I will be seeing you around & great predictions 🙂


    PS: Don’t you notice how your reading MY Powerful Statement!? 😛

    • April 29, 2010 at 11:48 pm

      Yep, a couple months down the road.

      Result? More money then I’ve ever made before in my life.

      — Heh. I don’t know, there couldn’t be anything connected, right Joe?

      Keep it Rollin Yo!
      I’m attracting a Dodge Viper 1996′ – I love the ride you got, very kickn my internet marketing buddy.

      Take it easy.

  13. January 16, 2010 at 2:17 am

    Hi Joe, thank for the post
    Actually I am looking for a better method to attract what i want, since I haven’t set my new year’s resolution yet because there was lot of criticizing about new year’s resolution.
    Maybe I should work with Positive Predictions, may this year will be my great year!

  14. January 16, 2010 at 4:23 am

    Man you rock. Arohanui.Alan

    • September 27, 2011 at 6:12 pm

      If not for your writing this topic could be very convluoetd and oblique.

  15. Owen Whisker-Reply
    January 16, 2010 at 5:21 am

    Great stuff, although it’s not a new idea. It’s sort of summed up by the phrase that “the best way to predict the future is to invent it”
    Most people know this unconsciously but don’t consciously put it into practice. Visualisation is like creating in your own mind a blue print for an alternate reality in which you are the main character. For example let’s forget about growing old and dying-it’s a myth and a belief that should be cleared at once. My positive prediction is that I will stand on a hill somewhere and watch the sunrise in the year 3000
    Because I know that where my mind goes my body will follow. A youthful state of mind, equates to a youthful body for as long as you want to retain your physical body in this world

  16. January 16, 2010 at 10:48 am

    Thanks Joe! This is awesome. My predictions for 2010 are that my coaching classes and programs blow the roof off of limitations for the participants. I contribute to the recovery of the economy in this country significantly by helping entrepreneurs think outside the box and support them in creating global coherence for prosperity and awesomeness!

    Iyabo Asani

  17. honeyeater-Reply
    January 17, 2010 at 9:27 pm


    Get joy from doing and finishing

    Not planning and longing!

  18. January 17, 2010 at 11:20 pm

    What a fun way to breathe life back into personal development. I can’t wait to start putting some predictions together for my life and even for my son. Just re-read “The Key” and got me out of some negative thought patterns. Thanks again Joe.

  19. January 18, 2010 at 4:30 am

    As someone who finds resolutions tough, I love the idea of Positive Predictions and pretending that you have already achieved your goal. It creates such a feeling of optimism compared to the demoralization of striving to “keep” a resolution. I am definitely inspired to write my Positive Predictions list.

  20. Ravin-Reply
    January 21, 2010 at 8:14 pm

    Thank you for this inspiring post. I am going for my better future and i am creating it. 🙂

    Thank you again


  21. January 22, 2010 at 8:52 am

    Thank you for all you are doing.
    Here is something that can benefit you and certainly help a lot of people who are visually challenged:

    Publish your work in PDF format. Example: I want to buy a copy of ZEROLIMIT, but regular print is difficult for me after eye surgery.
    PDF format is marverlous! I can enlarge it to fit my challenge.
    Thanks Joe

  22. January 25, 2010 at 9:43 am

    It’s nice to be reminded of this, Joe. One thing I am doing in my meditations this year is having the intention of being happy for no reason. Got the idea from Saint Germain and it’s working. This then attracts all sorts of fun things.

    I went to the health club to swim last week and a sign at the front desk said ‘No hot water, sorry.’ I thought I should just go home, then remembered my power. I said to everyone I met, “I will do my swim and the hot water will be back on when I come back into the locker room.” They mostly laughed at me and I laughed along.

    After my swim, the sign at the showers said “Hot water will be back on at 1PM.” It was 12:45. So, I hung out in the steam and sauna for 15 minutes, then took a nice hot shower! This manifesting stuff is fun and funny.

    Best, Heidi

  23. January 25, 2010 at 11:54 am

    Great post Joe, I thought I should comment since you mentioned my relative Neville Goddard (not really: ).

    James Goddard
    Author of Freedom For a Day

  24. January 27, 2010 at 5:28 am

    Hey Joe,
    Thanks for the wise post. As usual, you’ve hit upon some “home truths” regarding NYE resolutions. We DO make them without positive emotion or any expectations of them coming to fruition. In fact, I’ll take it one step further and suggest that many of us sabotage our resolutions by assuming that after a few weeks, we will drop them by the wayside, as you suggested in your gym/workout example. By the end of today, I will have written down my Positive Predictions for 2010 with the knowledge, faith and expectation that I will greet them warmly when they arrive.

  25. February 11, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    Thanks so much Joe for yet another great idea of how to jump start the manifestation process. So many people spend their time listening to the lame-stream media and their gloom and doom stories. It’s much better to create your own news headlines that are positive and uplifting! Great stuff 🙂

  26. February 14, 2010 at 1:21 pm

    Excellent! That goes to show that if you think, feel, and visualize what you desire, the universe will align you with everything that will bring you towards that vision. A must read inspirational story everyone must read!


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