Tag: law of attraction


US President Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Joe Vitale

On May 18 2024 I was given the US President Lifetime Achievement Award in Temecula, California.

The Los Angeles Tribune nominated me and the Oval Office approved it.

Words still fail me.

All I can say is “Thank you.”


Dr. Joe Vitale

PS – My latest book is available for preorder: www.ZeroLimitsLivingBook.com



Zenith: The Year of Zero Limits Living

Happy New Year!

My 2024 private mastermind – what I’m calling Zenith – will reveal 10 precepts over 6 months.

These are 10 practical wisdom truths I’ve never discussed before.

They are the secrets to my own success in numerous areas, from spirituality to books to movies to music to wealth – and more.

You will receive one precept every two weeks, along with my explanation of how to apply it in your life.

You will also get my personal help in setting and achieving your biggest goals for the New Year.

We’re talking goals you’ve not been able to attract before.

Maybe goals you’ve never imagined before.

We’re talking spiritual and material breakthroughs.

In addition, you will receive help from the other 7 people in this unique mastermind.

Their insights, resources, tools and support can help you achieve what others might call miracles.

In short, Zenith will reveal how to experience authentic Zero Limits Living.

What would your life be like without limits?

What could you attract?

What could you do?

What miracles await?

Because I can’t easily convey the power of Zenith in this post, please go see –


Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,
Dr Joe

PS – Only 8 can attend and only you can say yes. We begin January 11. Go see –


The Greatest Quote

You’ve probably come across this famous quote by Napoleon Hill in some form or another, whether it was on a poster in a classroom, a motivational meme on Instagram, or maybe even a pep talk from a friend.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
– Napoleon Hill
Let’s dive deep into why this Napoleon “Think and Grow Rich” Hill quote isn’t just a catchy phrase, but a life principle embraced by many successful people.
It may be the only quote you need to succeed in life.
I’ve seen variations of it over the decades.
One version is from Mulhammed Ali, who said –
“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it.’
Obviously this is an important quote. So let’s unpack it:
Imagine for a moment that you’re at a party, and in the corner, there’s a makeshift karaoke setup. You’re feeling the vibe, and your favorite song has just started to play. You think, “I could totally sing this!”
That’s you **conceiving** the idea.
But then, the self-doubt creeps in.
“What if I’m terrible? What if everyone laughs?”
However, if you brush that doubt aside and wholeheartedly **believe** that you can nail that song, chances are, you’ll grab the mic and give a memorable performance.
That’s you “believing” in the idea.
And your belief can nudge you to take action.
And that’s you **achieving** it!
Let’s take a real-world example: Walt Disney.
When he conceived the idea of Disneyland, many deemed it an impossible dream. But not only did he conceive it, he passionately believed in it.
Against all odds, criticisms, and financial troubles, Disneyland was built. Now, it stands as a testament to what the power of belief and action can achieve.
And how about J.K. Rowling?
She conceived the magical world of Harry Potter, not in a grand office or a fancy coffee shop, but on a delayed train.
Rowling faced rejection after rejection from publishers, but she believed in the magic she had penned down. And well, we all know how that turned out – millions of books sold, a successful movie franchise, and theme parks dedicated to the Wizarding World.
All because she believed!
The underlying power of Hill’s quote is the marriage of imagination and confidence.
First, you’ve got to dream and allow yourself the freedom to envision even the wildest possibilities (the conceive part).
But that’s just the starting point.
The real magic happens when you have unwavering faith in that dream (the believe part). Without belief, ideas are just fleeting thoughts, like clouds passing in the sky.
Of course, action is essential and Hill would be the first to agree.
He wrote, “Action is the real measure of intelligence.”
Your belief should ignite a fire in you to move.
And that movement stirs the world around you to respond.
The combination of all this – conceive, believe, achieve – is the formula for success.
The importance?
Well, if you dissect any success story, at its core, you’ll find a person who dared to dream and had the confidence to pursue that dream.
Every innovative gadget you use, every inspiring book you read, every movie that moves you – they all began as a seed of thought in someone’s mind. That person not only conceived an idea but believed in its potential, and thus, they achieved greatness.
Now, relevance?
In our current world, with rapidly evolving technology and a shift towards valuing creativity and innovation, the ability to conceive, believe, and achieve has never been more pertinent.
Start-ups are turning into tech giants, young artists are becoming global sensations, all because they dared to think differently and had faith in their vision.
However, a word of caution: while the quote is immensely motivating, it’s essential to understand that mere belief doesn’t guarantee success. It’s a starting point.
You still have to put in the work, face setbacks, and keep adapting. But, with a robust belief system, those challenges become surmountable.
And note the word choice made by Hill in his famous quote.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
He didn’t say you “will” achieve success; he said you “can” achieve success.
In other words, you can do all the right things and still not achieve or attract your goal.
Success is not guaranteed.
But what’s the alternative?
Don’t conceive?
Don’t believe?
Don’t try?
Going for your dreams brings life; giving up brings death.
It’s your choice.
In a nutshell, Napoleon Hill’s quote is a timeless reminder that our mind’s power, combined with faith in ourselves, and persistent action, can be the blueprint for success.
But is it really the “only” quote you need to get through life?
Hill’s quote isn’t the be-all and end-all of what you need to know, of course. He wrote numerous books to expand on all he discovered. His mammoth Law of Success masterpiece alone will keep you busy understanding the science of personal achievement.
But if you need a quote to carry you into and through your next adventure, Hill’s is a good one to pack for the trip.
So, next time you’re at a crossroads, pondering a new idea, remember to not just dream it, but believe in it and take action toward it.
Who knows?
You might just be on the cusp of something incredible!
Expect Miracles!
Ao Akua
Dr Joe

Imaginotions #12: Poem for Peace

The Poem for Peace

In the weary marrow of this world, where uncertainties abide,
Tumult whispers to the wind, confusion at its side.
Yet in this dance of shadows, let not your hearts be swayed,
For peace and prosperity are gems, not easily decayed.

Look! The world is like a reed, bending in a storm,
A symphony of chaos, struggling to transform.
Yet amidst this worldly uproar, the flute begins its song,
A melody of harmony, where peace and love belong.

Can you not hear it whispering, the tune that calls for peace?
A gentle hymn, a lullaby, bidding turmoil cease.
Sung by the soul, that ageless voice, echoes in our core,
An eternal rhythm pulsing, reminding us of more.

Through the looking glass of fear, we see but dire straits,
Yet, a garden blooms within, behind life’s iron gates.
Tend to your inner sanctuary, make it grow and shine,
In it, find your peace and wealth, the truly divine.

Do not bind your spirit with chains of gold and silver,
Prosperity lies not in excess, but in love’s shiver.
In giving, we receive; in serving, we are served,
In this circle of life, true wealth is conserved.

Look to the sun, that radiant orb, gifting us its light,
Ask not for its bounty, yet it shines so bright.
Take your cue from nature, be generous and kind,
In this giving, find prosperity, leave avarice behind.

In the marketplace of fears, buy not the merchants’ wares,
Instead, purchase patience, sow seeds of love and cares.
When you find your heart at war, plagued by strife and doubt,
Seek the quiet within, let tranquility sprout.

It’s in silence we discover, the peace that always was,
A mirror pool of serenity, unaffected by worldly cause.
The prosperity we yearn for, it resides within our soul,
An inner wealth, a joy untapped, making us whole.

There’s a hidden sweetness in the stomach’s emptiness,
From fasting of worldly greed, springs the fruit of kindness.
Feast not on the husks of excess, the hollow glamour and gleam,
But nourish on love and peace, a richer stream.

We are not just earthly beings, born of dust and air,
But celestial bodies, with a light we’re here to share.
Awaken, dear friend, from this deep and fretful sleep,
Realize your potential, promises to keep.

In the heart of uncertainty, a constant truth remains,
Peace and prosperity exist, beyond life’s gains.
Look within, dear friend, unlock your inner door,
In this vast mansion of the soul, explore, oh explore!

Remember Rumi’s words, uttered in the dance of the pen,
“In silence, there is eloquence. Start anew, again.”
In the quiet of your being, in the stillness of your mind,
The poem for peace you’ll find, leaving uncertainty behind.

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe

Note: Other Imaginotions by Dr. Joe Vitale







Imaginotions: Part Eight
Imaginotions: Part Nine
Imaginotions: Part Ten



Is It All A Scam?

Someone posted this question on Facebook –

“Dr Joe offers so many programs, all being billed as
THE one, how do I know which one is REALLY the one,
or is it all just a scam?”

I can imagine it gets confusing.

After all, when I offer everything from courses
on The Law of Attraction to courses on The Fourth
Dimension Process or The Remembering Process or
Wealth Trigger, or anything else, how do you know
what’s right for you – if any?

The truth is, it depends on where you are in
your own spiritual growth.

I wrote a book and created a program years ago —
yes, another one – called “The Awakening Course.”

The Awakening Course explains four stages of consciousness.

Depending on where you are on the map of awakening,
some courses will be more relevant to you than others.

For example, I wouldn’t give my books on ho’oponopono
to someone who just watched the movie The Secret and
just learned about The Law of Attraction.

The Secret is from stage two of awakening.

Ho’oponopono is from stage three.

Ho’oponopono, and my books ‘Zero Limits’ and
‘AT Zero,” would be confusing to someone still
in stage two of awakening (and more so if they
were still in stage one of awakening).

Look at it this way –

If you had a child in first grade in school,
you probably wouldn’t teach him or her calculus.

There’s nothing wrong with calculus.

It’s not a scam.

But it’s not relevant, useful or understandable
to a first grader.

By the same token, if you were in college and you
studied math, you wouldn’t say it was a scam if
the university also asked you to study algebra.

You would simply think algebra was the next course.

It’s the same with my courses.

I design them and create them and promote them to
help you – but which one is right for you depends
on you and where you are in your life.

If you’re in stage one, you’ll call it all a scam.

If you’re in stage two, you’ll see value but may not
yet understand the advanced courses from stage three
or stage four.

All the courses are useful – but it depends on your
current consciousness just HOW useful they are.

If you want to understand this more, please consider
the online course –



Or the actual book (printed, audio, or Kindle) –


Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you really want everything to be free,
remember all the freebies I already offer to you —


These are also all free —

