I received this email and liked it so much I asked permission to share it with you. It helps answer how to use the law of attraction to get what you want while still finding a way to let go and be detached of the outcome. Note: The program he refers to in his email is my audioprogram called The Missing Secret.

Dear Mr Vitale,
I recently had the good fortune to purchase to a selection of your material including “The Secret” and “The Missing Secret” and I have recently ordered some more of your material that I am looking forward to receiving any day now.
The reason for my email is with regard to something you said in “The Missing Secret” ‘How To Let Go’.  What you stated is contrary to what 99% of authors usually say about manifesting what we want.  ie; to focus all of our attention on what we want.
The reason for my email is because I have discovered that I can inadvertently manifest things into my life within a few days “IF” I dismiss the thought just as quickly as it entered my head and you are the first person EVER who has touched upon the phenomena in the Missing Secret.
I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard you describe this because I have NEVER been able to manifest anything into my life by dwelling on it for any length of time, despite what the books may tell us to do.  In fact, if a “stray thought” enters my head about a friend or a loved one becoming ill or dying, I find I MUST dwell on them and that thought to be sure that “My Thought” won’t manifest itself.
I realise that this must sound crazy, but I felt I needed to tell you as you are the first person I have ever heard describe the phenomena I experience.  Perhaps there are different ways of manifesting things into our lives.  My way is like a thought on superfast broadband and usually manifests itself within three days.
These thoughts usually occur whilst I am driving and concentrating on the road.  Within a split second a stray thought can enter my head and just as quickly I can dismiss it and forget about it.  Once I have forgotten about it it always occurs a few days later.  And, the funny thing is, that even though that thought lasted only a split second I can always recall exactly where I was when that thought entered my head!  I can’t explain the fact that I can “remember” where I was when I “forgot” a split second thought but I can always recall exactly where I was when that thought entered my head!!!
A few examples I can cite are:
1.  A couple of years ago my business and myself were struggling with life and I was bored and wanted some excitement in my life.  A split second thought entered my head (whilst I was driving) of being caught up in a robbery and saving the day.  Three days later, I was caught up in an armed robbery in my local Post Office.  No one was hurt and no one was ever caught for the robbery.
2.  A relative of mine has a flash expensive Range Rover Sport and uses it for work but won’t use it to help anyone else out.  At a recent family party he and his wife and their 3 children arrived squashed in his wife’s small car so that he could have a drink.  At the end of the evening as we were all leaving and as I watched him get into his wife’s car, I said to myself, “I hope your car gets written off.”  I said it and forgot it and three days later the brakes on a brand new van careered down a hill into the side of my relative’s Range Rover Sport.  It was a right off!  Luckily for me, no one was hurt but the Police did say if he hadn’t been driving his car he would have been dead!
3.  Since hearing you mention this phenomena I have begun to try and monitor my thoughts.  Obviously this is incredibly hard because if I think of winning the lottery for instance I can’t help myself from dwelling on the thought and almost immediately, I have sabotaged myself!  So, I tried to think of something obscure that I was not bothered about. “A blue Lego brick.”  This was something that I was able to dismiss and forget.  Four days later, one of my twin 8 year old daughters asked me to read her a bedtime story from a book she had been given at Christmas.  “Judy Moody – was in a mood. Not a good mood. A bad mood.” by Megan McDonald.  Page 40-41…I read, “The three of them studied the ground as they walked.  Judy found five pink pebbles and a Bazooka Joe comic with a fortune that read: MONEY IS COMING YOUR WAY.  Rocky found a blue lego and a stone with a hole in the middle – a lucky stone!”  I was dumb struck!

4.  I tried an equally obscure thought: This time it was a turtle.  A few days later whilst working at my desk, I glanced down at the clear plastic water bottle I had on my desk and the base of the bottle resembled a turtle with its head and legs all stuck out.  I realised that I needed to be more specific about what I thought about.
I have not taken this any further but I have found myself devouring books at an incredible rate since the beginning of the year after reading the Master Key and watching the Secret and listening to your Missing Secret.  I am now consuming books in days where once it would have taken me weeks to read through them.
I realise that I am only accepting or receiving thoughts rather than instigating them.  I have often been able to think of a TV programme or a film only to discover a few days later that it would be on TV.
Obviously, the TV schedules are planned weeks or months in advance, so I must have picked up on a vibration about these programmes from someone at the TV station… I guess!
I don’t believe that all of this is coincidence because in 1984 I accidentally tapped into this phenomena after splitting up with long time girlfriend.
Christmas Eve 1984 I sat down to watch on TV for the first time, “It’s a Wonderful Life.”  At the end of the film Jimmy Stewart’s character stands on the bridge and pleads to God, “Please God, let me live again.”  It was the most moving film I had ever watched.  I went to my bedroom and prayed with tears in my eyes and pain in my heart, just like Jimmy Stewart did.  Probably because of my sadness due to the breakup with my girlfriend (heightened emotion) my prayers were answered.  I began writing.  I was a graphic designer not a writer.
I had no desire or plan to write, I just began writing, and seven days later I had written a book called “THE QUIET QUEST FOR SUCCESS.”  Every word came to me one after the other.  Quotations I used came to me from books I had never even read but I knew exactly where to find them.  I felt as though the book was being dictated to me.
My book was well received by family and friends who insisted that I get it published.  I felt uneasy about this because I was not a success, I was far from a success.  I was a lowly paid graphic designer.  How could I tell people how to become a success when I wasn’t one myself.  However, I did send my manuscript to a few publishers and it was politely rejected by them all.  The book sat on a shelf in my bedroom and then ended up in a box and remained in the loft of my house when I moved here in 1987.
In 1986 I met my wife.  She took me to visit a village in the Peak District National Park here in the UK called Eyam.  Eyam is famous in the UK as the plague village because in the 1600s the local vicar isolated the village to stop the plague from spreading.  Whilst we were walking around the village with the old church, the village sign and ‘ye olde stocks’ I thought to myself, “I would love to live in a village like this” and dismissed the thought.
I lived in the heart of the steel city of Sheffield and I didn’t venture very far outside the city.  At night from my bedroom I could hear the trains running by and the boom boom of the forge hammers at the steel works, so this village was magical to me.
The following day, I cycled to one of my sisters’ homes.  When I got there a friend of hers (whom I had never heard of or met before) was visiting.  My sister had told her that my girlfriend and I were looking for a house and her friend said to me.  “We are selling our home, why don’t you come and have a look.”  They were selling it for £32,000 which in 1986 was way beyond our means, so I politely said I would get the details from their estate agent, but deep down I had no intention of doing so.
A few days later my sister’s friend phoned me and asked me if I was coming to look at her house.  I said I would get back to her once I had spoken to my girlfriend.  That week I went and got the sale details and discovered it was in a place outside Sheffield called Harthill.  I had lived in Sheffield all of my life and I had never heard of Harthill.  I looked for it on a map and it seemed miles away, the other side of the motorway.  To someone like myself who didn’t venture too far outside the city the other side of the motorway was like visiting another country!
We arranged to view the house and it was located in a pretty village, with an old church, a village sign etc., everything I had wished for in that split second whilst visiting the village of Eyam!  They sold us the house at the reduced rate of £29,950 and we have lived here for the last 23 years.  It is a quaint English village.
Over the years I had often thought about my book and digging it out and rewriting it or at least getting it on to the computer.  Although I had looked for it over the years, I had never been able to find it.  In October 2009, I purchased and read the Master Key and within a week of finishing reading it I found my manuscript 25 years after first writing it in a box only 12 inches from the loft opening!  I had never noticed it before now.
After I had written “THE QUIET QUEST FOR SUCCESS” I sat down on the floor of my bedroom with my head in my hands and prayed. Opposite my desk I had a large old TV.  As I raised my head, I noticed a reflection on the TV screen of a person sat at my desk with their arms outstretched.  It looked like the popular images we see of Jesus.  I immediately looked across at my desk to see no one sitting there, and when I looked back at the TV screen the reflection had also disappeared.  I can’t explain it and it is not something that I have mentioned outside of my family before.  It was uncanny.
5.  In 1985 I heard a song on the radio called “You’ll never find another love like mine.”  I didn’t know who sang it back then but I felt this was the ideal song to send to the girlfriend who had recently dumped me.  One day whilst on my lunch break, I came across an old record store that sold second hand records.  I had never seen the store before and I had never been in the building before, but that day, I walked into that store with the desire to find that record.  I walked straight in, walked to the back of the store flicked through the records and the first record I came across was; “You’ll never find another love like mine” by Lou Rawls.  I kept the record.
Between 1990 when I married my wife and now, life has been difficult with redundancy etc.  I have worked for myself for many years now (mainly as a writer) but I have never made any real money.  My wife and I were unable to have children of our own.  We tried IVF but it never worked for us, so in 2002 we chose to adopt and we adopted twin girls and they are everything and more to us.   Boy, do they put life into perspective!
However, before they came, I had turned my back on God (I was brought up a Catholic), my friends and my family and I suffered accordingly for it… I am only beginning to realise that now.  It has taken me 25 years to learn that lesson!   However, I now feel like I am being given another opportunity, so when I heard you describe “How To Let Go” I had an overwhelming urge to contact you.  I don’t know why I had to contact you but I am beginning to realise that I should no longer question what I am told to do, when I am told to do it.
Thank you for reading this far and for giving me hope and understanding…at last!
With grateful thanks!
Paul Rowland.
Genealogist, Researcher,

British-India Historian,
Writer & Publisher,
Editor, The Indiaman Magazine

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  1. Phil W-Reply
    February 22, 2010 at 2:25 pm

    Haha, that happens to me with TV shows all the time!
    But does that mean that I was thinking about it, or was someone else thinking about it and I recieved it?

    • February 28, 2010 at 2:48 am

      Since I emailed Joe about my experiences with “Letting Go” I decided to see how far I could take this phenomena. To be honest, having accidently manifested things in the past that I had thought about and immediately dismissed did scare me a little. However, I decided to see if I could get some control over “this thing”!

      Last Monday I put this to the test. I imagined myself receiving £1,000 (approximately $1500) I didn’t imagine a particular source where this money was to come from nor the time scale when this was to be achieved, just the outcome of receiving £1,000 and I “Let Go” and dismissed the thought. This is the first time I have knowingly been able to do this with money. I was probably able to do this because I did not truly believe that it would work. I’m learning!

      The next day I was “AMAZED” because I had received a number of orders in one day totaling £945.00 into a Paypal account from a product that I had been selling last year and which had stopped selling. Okay, it was not the £1,000 I had imagined but it was pretty close to make me realise that this was no coincidence!

      It may seem funny that we can easily manifest TV programmes by simply “Letting Go” and then disregard the fact that we may have actually picked up on “something”.

      No one was more amazed than I was when I saw my bank balance had grown by £945.00 twenty four hours after I had imagined it to be there and then simply “Let Go” of the thought.

      If the majority of us can do this with TV programmes now, imagine what we might be able to achieve if we truly tried to master and control this phenomena!

      • March 1, 2010 at 5:30 am

        Last week I requested £1,000 from the Universe as a test for myself to see if I could manifest a sum of money by using Dr Vitale’s technique of “Letting Go”. This is something I have never been able to do before.

        Within 24 hours I announced on Dr Vitale’s blog that it had worked and I had made £945.00 using the technique that Dr Vitale refers to as “Letting Go”. I was overjoyed.

        Well, this is an update to let you know that the £1,000 that I requested from the Universe “EXACTLY” seven days ago and then “Let Go” of the thought has manifested today into £1,005.45 ($1,532.15)!!!

        LET GO! It Works!!!! 🙂

  2. Shirley-Reply
    February 23, 2010 at 10:23 pm

    Hi Joe,

    I’ve recently read your book “The Key” … I was following up the healing exercise that you wrote & I just thought & feld that I would like to take a Ho’ponopono workshop or a class… So I decide to write you and ask for information that you may gave us.

    A little detail… I’m in Peru (South America).. so whatever those clases are available I’ll took them on holidays 🙂

    Greeting & Blesses
    Pls, forget my redaction / grammar …

  3. maria-Reply
    March 5, 2010 at 2:19 pm

    Hi Joe,

    Was reading this and really felt the need to respond. I am very new to all this and was actually introduced to the concepts of it all through chat conversations with the most wonderful person I have ever met, who is no longer talking to me because of uncontrolled thoughts. Since starting all this I too have noticed that it seems that when brief passing thoughts slide through that I dismiss quickly they seem to materialize and unfortuneately not all of them have been good. When I seem to focus on something with intention I don’t see results so I know now that I can’t cling to the things I am hoping for. I am currently reading your books and listening to your tapes trying to catch up and trying to put it all in perspective. Anyone with a thought as to if there is a particular book that should be read before any of the others please feel free to chime in……

  4. March 22, 2010 at 11:19 am

    che bello sentire che a molte persone che fanno ho oponopono, legge di attrazione, pensieri positivi, mettono in funzione tutti i segreti della chiave a zero limiti……chi più ne ha più ne metta!!!!!!!a tutti succedono trasformazioni positive nel giro di pochi giorni o addiritura in poche ore, sono contenta davvero che a loro vada tutto ok, a me non stà succedendo nulla anzi il contrario, e non ditemi che è perchè non sò chiedere, l’intensità che ci metto è più elevate per le cose belle ma il contrario arriva anche con intensità bassa!!!!la speranza c’è il miglioramento lo aspetto lo stesso, grazie, mi dispiace, perdono e ti amo . namastè da morgana

  5. March 23, 2010 at 6:03 am

    Hi Joe,

    I noticed the phenomena Mr. Rowland talks about as well, but I must say I feel rather puzzled. Sometimes it happens to me to have a brainstorm -something that lasts just a few minutes. I think about it and consider it, than I put the idea into practice, but while I’m doing so I feel as if I cynically mocked it. And then the brainstorm brings something I wanted into my life.

    That is an example. I wanted like mad to receive a reply from an actor I wrote to, but every time I was confident he would have replied, he did not. Then one day I wrote him, and was quite cynical about his reply. While I was sending him my message, I was doing it with a sneer. I could hardly go to the kitchen, drink a glass of water and come back to my room, that he had already replied me.

    How can it be possible to attract things we want so badly by sneering at them?

    With love,


  6. April 2, 2010 at 5:50 am

    How can manifest things while we are sneering at them? I would say its either coincidence, or you are more intensely involved in your negative feelings than you are in your positive felings. Therefore even when sneering and thinking this won’t happen when your intention is for it to happen then ironically it happens when you are disparaging the whole thing. I use the mind spa to help me become more congruent. Its an AVS device that trains very specific states of mind. It works like magic and is a great tool for those interested in LOA. You can find out more by visiting: http://www.mymindspa.eu


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