The Secret to Instant Manifestation: Part Two

In the first part of this article I asked you to think about how you created this moment. Your answer will help reveal how to speed up the Law of Attraction. If you haven’t reflected on that question yet, please do so right now.

Go ahead. I’ll wait….

How did you create this moment?

How did you create this moment?

For me, the secret to how you instantly manifest anything (including this very moment) is in your unconscious mind, which is where your programming lives. It holds your life operating mental software.

As a reminder, your programming is your belief system, your mindset or paradigm, given to you from birth (even from before birth). In this post I want to explore how to clean up that programming so you can get the results you prefer.

But first things first.

You need to fully realize that your results aren’t completely coming from positive thinking or positive feeling or even positive doing.


Your results are coming from the unconscious beliefs you were programmed with up to now. Based on those beliefs, you have thoughts, which lead to feelings, which lead to actions, which attract results.

In other words, you can think positive all you like but if you have unconscious beliefs about deservingness, for example, you won’t attract what you consciously think about.

And when you don’t, you’ll blame the Law of Attraction, the Secret, and everyone else. You’ll be frustrated, disappointed, and maybe even angry.

With Miracles Coach Janeen Detrick

With Miracles Coach Janeen Detrick

I don’t blame you. I’ve been there. I’ve been broke, unhappy, depressed, despondent and hopeless. When you’re feeling defeated, it’s easy to blame the rest of the world and hard to take full responsibility.

But it’s in taking complete responsibility for where you’re at that real change begins.

Again, you can’t just poke around on the surface of your mind. Affirmations may not be enough. Visualizations may not be enough. Intentions may not be enough. You have to go deeper, into the unconscious where the command center is operating. And again, this isn’t that difficult. You just might need some guidance.

So let’s recap before we go deeper:

What you have right now is exactly what you will allow.

How do I know that?

Because it’s what you attracted based on previous thoughts, feelings and actions. Others joined in “the dance” of life with their own thoughts, feelings and actions, and you ended up co-creating this instant moment. This moment matches your comfort zone, based on your inner set-point of what you believe is possible right now.

Free DVD with purchase of book

Free DVD with purchase of book

But let’s go even deeper –

What you allow is based on your unconscious programming.

If you’re doing everything right and still not getting the results you want, unconsciously you are getting exactly what you feel is suitable for you. I know it’s hard to believe, at least at first. But your deep seated beliefs about money, love, romance, health, and everything else, is what filters out reality so you only see what is a match to those very beliefs.

Those beliefs got there from conclusions you made throughout life. You’re not to blame for any of it. We’ve all been programmed to various degrees.

This bestselling CD set contains advanced clearing methods

This bestselling CD set contains advanced clearing methods

For example, when you watch numerous movies where the wealthy people are corrupt, you unconsciously conclude “money corrupts.”

Later, when you try to manifest some cash, you block it.

It makes sense, doesn’t it?

You wouldn’t want to attract what you think corrupts. So you don’t.

To move beyond all these blocks, you need to get clear of those hidden beliefs.

I’ve written many books and recorded many audios offering guidance on how to get clear, everything from The Attractor Factor and The Key to The Secret to Attracting Money. Many people find using the methods I’ve described is enough. They do them and they make the changes. Done.

I've written way too many books to list here

I've written way too many books to list here

But what about when you try all the methods — whether mine or someone else’s — and you remain pretty much the same?

This is deeper than a blog post can handle, but here’s the answer in short: any counter-intentions in your unconscious will veto conscious intentions.

In other words, if you say “I believe I’ll attract a new job” but underneath it believe, “I’m not worthy of a new job,” or “I don’t have the right skills,” or “The current economy sucks,” then guess what? Those counter-beliefs will attract a match to them.


Your un-conscious beliefs will over-ride your conscious intentions.

Given that, how do you change the beliefs in the unconscious?

How the world works

How the world works


There is hope.

Here are some tips:

EFT/TFT. I’ve been a fan of “tapping” since I learned it via Roger Callahan, the creator of it, decades ago. I call it psychological acupuncture. I use it virtually every day. I believe it’s a wonderful tool for erasing and releasing all kinds of concerns. But in all honesty, I’m not sure how deep it can go. I’m sure practitioners of it will swear by it, but I’ve found deep programming in the unconscious mind hard to reach with just tapping meridians. I’m not dismissing it. Again, I love it. I’m just questioning its depth. Many EFT preachers have personal issues they still deal with. If the method worked, all the time, for everything, it would seem they’d be free by now. Maybe it just takes time. Still, it does work.


Roger Callahan
The Tapping Solution

Ho’oponopono. I wrote the book (Zero Limits, with Dr. Hew Len) on this, so naturally I love it. I’ve been using it since around 2005. It’s saying four phrases (I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you) as a type of petition to the Divine to correct any errors of perception. I do believe this works, and goes deep. It goes to the dark corners without you even knowing it. But I’ve also wondered if a faster approach would be better. As a result, I was inspired to create advanced ho’oponopono, which I explain and demonstrate in my new audio program, The Abundance Paradigm. It rocks.


Zero Limits

Reframing: I’ve spoken and written about the power of story in my books, and in both key areas of my life, the spiritual (Expect Miracles, etc) and the marketing (Hypnotic Writing, Buying Trances, etc). When you change your story about your life, you suddenly alter an entire belief system. I remember author Leo Buscaglia saying he had a happy childhood. Yet when his sibling was interviewed, he said he had no idea what Leo was talking about. Their childhood sucked. Well, which brother was correct? BOTH. They simply had a different story. You can rewrite your story today. I believe this will cause things to shift in your world. The only snag with this process is that you may write your new story from within the old one. In other words, you’ll be writing a story for a new you from within the old you, meaning the old beliefs may be tinting what you describe.


Byron Katie’s The Work
The Lefkoe Method

Bruce DiMarsico's Trilogy

Bruce DiMarsico's Trilogy

Questioning: I’ve been using variations of The Option Process since the early 1980s. I learned it direct from Barry Neil Kaufman, author of such books as To Love Is To Be Happy With. But I’ve also had many sessions with the original miracles coach, Mandy Evans. In short, it’s a way to question your beliefs with love and curiosity. I’m pleased to report that the creator of Option, the late Bruce Di Marsico, has three volumes of teachings now available, called The Myth of Unhappiness. I also feel that this is a tough process to do on your own. You can do it, but since you’re the belief owner trying to find your own beliefs, which is operating your very looking, it may be sluggish.


Mandy Evans

Coaching: My life skyrocketed when I found a good coach. I had been doing everything right; reading the right books, listening to the right audios, attending the right lectures, and even doing the right things. I had baby step success. But when I got a coach, things exploded. Barriers melted. Why? My own view is that a coach can help you see your belief system and programming. Again, you looking at your own beliefs is a challenge as you are looking from within the very beliefs you need to see. A coach can see from the outside. Obviously, this is the way to go. Because of the power of this, I created Miracles Coaching.


Miracles Coaching

Again, I’m not dismissing anything else. I’ve been studying hypnosis since the late 1960s, for example. It’s another powerful tool. So is cognitive therapy. And positive psychology. So are clearing audios.

If you have something working for you, keep using it and tell us about it. But if you’re not attracting what you want, it may be time for a change.

Finally, you might want to remind yourself of this —

You are a work in progress. It’s important to not judge yourself or your process. After all, when will you one day think “I’m done growing! I’ve arrived!”? You’ll be working on yourself till the end. That’s the life adventure. Enjoy it.

So maybe the best news of all is that you can accept yourself and your situation and your process right now, knowing it will transform as you do.

The more you can be happy now, the more you will relax the desperation, release the stuck energy, and slide into a new paradigm.

I’ve said it before and here it goes again: the miracle you seek is right here, right now.

The more you understand that this moment is it, and be grateful for it, the more you will move into the world of instant manifestation.

Expect Miracles.

There’s one right now.

Ao Akua,


PS – I can’t stress enough that the real secret to instant manifestation with Law of Attraction is in truly appreciating this moment. Look around. There’s bound to be something you can be thankful for in this moment. Focus on it. Feel the gratitude. I mean really feel it. The more you do, the more you will morph your energy into one of well-being and happiness, and that very feeling will attract more moments even better than this one. Why not try it right now?

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


  1. February 25, 2011 at 9:31 am

    Dearest Dr. Joe, thank you so much for all the insights you provide – you are truly a joy to read and a blessing to the world. This information is so important. Bless you! With Love, and Gratitude 🙂

  2. Stacey-Reply
    February 25, 2011 at 9:42 am

    Love it! Great post, Joe.

    When you’re unsure as to why you’re not getting results with LOA, realizing that you have counter-intentions (dis-empowering unconscious beliefs) really helps to accelerate your manifesting practice.

    Many people need this insight. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Lisa Alarcon-Reply
    February 25, 2011 at 10:29 am

    Thank you Joe! I really enjoyed reading this helpful information. I look forward to more!

  4. Roger-Reply
    February 25, 2011 at 10:38 am

    It is always very encouraging to feel that the development and personal progress is gradually becoming clearer and clearer with every step taken on daily basis. I am thankful to you and many other authors who I have read in the past o come this realisation that everything is moving in a circle and the circle begins with ones own thoughts and complete with the attraction under the Law of Attraction principles. I am grateful to everyone who has played a role and contributed and appreciate their efforts to get the concepts cleare and vivd in order to manifest the desires. Many many thanks to you and otheres whose work has impacted over the years to make my convoluted thinking into clear as a crystal for me to enjoy and live a wonderful life. Once again thank you very much.

  5. Maria-Reply
    February 25, 2011 at 10:42 am

    Dear Dr. Joe,

    I would like to thank you for the awesome job you are doing. I have taken great help from you and I admire you for helping people, even without a profit. Your books are miraculous. I have tried many of your methods and I have results but I feel stuck at the moment. I have attracted only the basic things I wanted but I haven’t attracted this “more” I want from life. Any ideas? Again thank you and thank you!

  6. February 25, 2011 at 10:49 am

    Thanks for sharing your insights, and thanks for the reminder of appreciating this moment!
    There really is so much to enjoy right now 🙂

  7. February 25, 2011 at 10:54 am

    Thanks a lot, Joe.
    It’s very inspiring for me at the moment. Yes, truly appreciating this very moment. Sometimes it’s not that easy.
    I needed this post today! Thanks!

  8. Jeanne-Reply
    February 25, 2011 at 11:12 am

    I Love You Joe! Truly I do! It’s been a bit of a challenging year and I don’t know how I would have gotten through it without you. What my mind’s eye see and believes and what this has been happening are 2 different things. But I know MIRACLES are happening constantly. I have complete FAITH that all is well. And I’ve been getting subtle glimpses of my hidden believes. I honopono them immediately as they try to hide again. The deserving and feeling stuck issues. Those unconscious believes can be very sneaky. The tools I’ve used are the Awakening Course, The Abundance Paradigm and Prosper. All absolutely awesome. Yet I am still experiencing challenges. When you think of it, can you please clean with me. I’d really appreciate you energy. Yes, we have definitely attracted each other. You are a big part of my daily life. Thank God! 🙂 Take care. Love to you and your family and please keep up the awesome work. Your LIGHT is shining.

  9. Joe,

    Great job covering so many areas.

    To Your Best,
    Doc Houston

  10. February 25, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    Thanks again for sharing Joe,

    I want to share a recent story of mine;

    A few months ago I had purchased a “Gratitude Rock,” a little shiny stone that says “Gratitude” on it. I keep it in my pocket always, so that when i put my hand in my pocket I can feel it, sometimes take it out, and be reminded of right now. Be reminded to be thankful of right now. Anyways, about 3 weeks ago I broke my rock…I was a little upset at first, but none the less kept the two pieces in y pocket. By about the fourth time of taking it out of my pocket and looking at the pieces I noticed it broke right at the “R” of “Gratitude”, leaving the big part saying “atitude.” Right there I thought, thats right, it is all about attitude, and I was again thankful for the reminder. At the same time I was still a little disappointed in my still broken rock. I wen back to the store and purchased a new one, when I told the lady that I broke my other one she was excited for me and told me that means my energy level was high. It completely changed my perception on it and was thankful for the new insight. i gladly thanked the lady and put my new rick into my pocket.

    This is just one way i stay thankful throughout my day.

    thanks Joe,

    Shea Noble

  11. Joe,

    Great job covering so many areas.

    To Your Best,
    Doc Houston

  12. February 25, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    Thanks again for sharing Joe,

    I want to share a recent story of mine;

    A few months ago I had purchased a “Gratitude Rock,” a little shiny stone that says “Gratitude” on it. I keep it in my pocket always, so that when i put my hand in my pocket I can feel it, sometimes take it out, and be reminded of right now. Be reminded to be thankful of right now. Anyways, about 3 weeks ago I broke my rock…I was a little upset at first, but none the less kept the two pieces in y pocket. By about the fourth time of taking it out of my pocket and looking at the pieces I noticed it broke right at the “R” of “Gratitude”, leaving the big part saying “atitude.” Right there I thought, thats right, it is all about attitude, and I was again thankful for the reminder. At the same time I was still a little disappointed in my still broken rock. I wen back to the store and purchased a new one, when I told the lady that I broke my other one she was excited for me and told me that means my energy level was high. It completely changed my perception on it and was thankful for the new insight. i gladly thanked the lady and put my new rick into my pocket.

    This is just one way i stay thankful throughout my day.

    thanks Joe,

    Shea Noble

  13. Kristian-Reply
    February 25, 2011 at 1:01 pm

    Hi Joe,

    It was wonderful to read this article, thank you!

    As it is many times, with your articles, books, videos, and audios, the words you write are like a warm blanket in the coldest of winter nights but more than that, your words are colored with hope and love. But most importantly, it is possible to understand what you´re saying and take action from it. You truly care and I´m so grateful for that…

    Thank you!

    About five years ago I met the great love of my life. 99% of the people out there would have said that it was completely by accident, but I know that there are no “accidents.” We met on the internet. It was during one of the most depressing periods of my life…

    One day a young lady was in my Live Messenger chat box and I thought, “how can this be possible, I don´t know this person?” She had a friend who was interested in learning the Finnish language. And since I´m Finnish (living in Sweden), she thought that I could help her friend with learning the language. I thought, “Okay, I don´t have anything better to do.”

    After two days of chatting, we were in love. It felt like we were soulmates. Even our fathers looked like twins. She came from Germany. Unfortunately, we were both depressed souls.

    After a while she decided to end the relationship even though it was “perfect.” She said that things are too good between us and that she felt overwhelmed. At the moment I could not understand that. I went into a deep depression again, my world fell apart…

    Today I know that it was about how she felt about herself. She felt that she did not deserve love and happiness. Of course, that happened unconsciously…

    Ever since she was a child, she has been attracting unhappiness and illness into her life. When she was about 9 years old, she saw her father have an asthma attack that nearly killed him. She believed it was her fault, she believed that if she was happy, her father would die as a consequence of it. So she stopped eating and drinking water. Her parents had to force food into her…

    These kinds of false beliefs have been running her life since that day. She feels loved when someone feels sorry for her. And I know that it´s easy to fall into this trap, I used to have a victim mentality too…

    But a couple of years ago I decided that feeling sorry for myself, being in a victim based mentality, was the most disgusting and disrespectful thing I could possibly do to myself!

    That was such a huge eye opening revelation for me. I stopped being constantly depressed. I realized that I was the most important person in my own life.

    My ex-girlfriend had attracted a rare illness into her life and she almost died a couple of months ago. Basically, it´s a blood disease, it´s called the JO-1-Syndrome. JO-1 is a special antibody in the blood that is somehow connected to the muscular system. This antibody gives wrong signals to her brain and causes her muscles to become weaker. It´s the muscles in her legs, upper arms, and her lungs that are affected the most. Some of the muscles are damaged…

    The doctors said to her that this disease can not be cured which really made me upset. Saying something like that takes away hope. Just because they cannot do much about it, other than treating her with high doses of cortisone and physiotherapy, does not mean that there is no cure!

    I believe that it is possible to cure any disease or illness. Otherwise God´s Universe would not be perfect and God himself would not be perfect…

    The problem is that she is not very open to learning about her own great powers that she has within her. She is actually scared about mental and spiritual self improvement. She believes in God though.

    Joe, I don´t know which is the most effective way to help her. I have read the Zero Limits and Dr. Hew Len´s method but it feels like if I recommended it to her, it would just fall to deaf ears. I also sent her the book The Secret but I don´t think she has read it. She always ignores me if I mention anything about self-improvement and so on…

    Around Christmas, I received a letter from her where she told about her illness…

    Joe, do you think that it would be a good idea to hold the letter in my hands, read it and do the cleaning? Is this how Dr. Hew Len would address the problem?

    The reason why I´m asking this is because he healed the criminally insane patients in Hawaii by looking at their charts.

    Thank you for all the amazing things you do in the world, Joe, and keep spreading the love…


  14. February 25, 2011 at 1:10 pm

    A very good article with great simplistic writing style which I love, but this insight is nothing new as this information comes through many other different sources – Spiritualists, Psychologists, Hypnotherapists such as Paul MacKenna and other Metaphysical Teachers such as Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Sylvia Brown, John Edward etc. God is the creator of all there is and the real secret of success with fulfillment and happiness is to allow help from a ‘higher power’ to co-create your life with you. Other wise you will always feel like there is something missing even if you have financial success! Let us have great wealth, health, loving relationships and live a joyous life by co-creating……. I know I do and I am extremely grateful. We are all on different levels of spiritual growth and vibration and need to help others who are still so-called spiritually sleeping, or are newly awakening. So yes, I enjoyed your article but I must admit that I find it very amusing that you ask whoever enjoyed it and would like too – to buy you your favorite gift of an amazon gift card. I guess that’s your choice and good for you, but personally what would be awesome would be to help a good cause. I know you do but that’s not what I am saying here and now. Yes I have also read that you should give money to whom you have received inspiration from, but this is just my personal thoughts and my honesty. As I enjoyed it I decided to give some cash to a woman who was selling magazines on the street instead, as she obviously needed more help. Great wealth is accumulated when you reach out to someone in love and give without any ulterior motives. God bless you & keep on stretching your level of vibration, as you are helping many people to wake up………….Angel Blessings, Joanne Brocas, Author & Intuitive

  15. sallie-Reply
    February 25, 2011 at 1:42 pm

    Thank you Joe. I am working with someone who has been working intensely wilth Hoponopono and Zero Limits 111 so we thank you so much for all your clarification about all you have learnt in life and especially regarding the big One, which is just energy, MONEY!!!!!!

  16. February 25, 2011 at 1:51 pm

    This is a great summary of your work. I especially like the picture of you and all of your publications.

    My light-bulb moment of the day is that I can erase my blame. I know I am always “changing the channel” when I feel less than grateful or less than positive, yet I was feeling guilty that I hadn’t become self-sufficient yet.

    I was sure that something I was doing on a conscience level was keeping me from manifesting all that I deserve. Today you have shown me that I don’t need to blame my conscious self, but work to correct the unconscious.


  17. Arun-Reply
    February 25, 2011 at 2:03 pm

    Dear Joe, every time I read an article from your blog it makes completely sense. I have read UG Krishnamurti. And although he has an whole other vision about life and talks about really something else. I can see a lot of coherent messages. I am truly grateful for your insights. And I love to play this game called life. It’s really up to yourself what you make out of life. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  18. February 25, 2011 at 2:18 pm

    Joe Vitale:

    god bless you!

    i was waiting for this all my life!

  19. February 25, 2011 at 3:20 pm

    Awesome Joe! I use a style of EFT tapping that combines hypnosis and NLP to “re-write” your story. For me it is all about letting go of the negative emotional baggage that supports the hidden belief that somehow we “don’t deserve it”. Healing starts within. Learn to love yourself first. Peace.

  20. February 25, 2011 at 3:20 pm

    Awesome Joe! I use a style of EFT tapping that combines hypnosis and NLP to “re-write” your story. For me it is all about letting go of the negative emotional baggage that supports the hidden belief that somehow we “don’t deserve it”. Healing starts within. Learn to love yourself first. Peace.

  21. Ramon-Reply
    February 25, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    Dear Joe, cannot get enough of blogs like this, more people here in Europe should read and listen your work! If you teach
    me, i will promote you! Best wishes from Holland ( Spykerland for
    you )

  22. Pete-Reply
    February 25, 2011 at 7:33 pm

    Thank You Joe for this post and most importantly the last one, it has helped me uncover the limiting belief that money is the root of all evil, I have been clearing for about a year now, with the help of the lovely Janeen and the new tools she as blessed me with, I take full responsibility for myself with love and gratitude.

    It was interesting, while I was laying in bed the other morning mulling over your comment in the last post “You can think “I’m attracting money” all you want, too, but you won’t attract much if you unconsciously believe “Money is the root of all evil.” as I find this is my best time to communicate with the universe and I felt this very uncomfortable feeling so I dug a little deeper accepting this feeling and out of no where the money belief popped right out in front of me. So with a great deal of gratitude Joe, for you and your work, including all your affiliates I am moving a little closer to Zero in my life’s experience, A WORK IN PROGRESS.

    Kindest regards,


  23. February 25, 2011 at 11:20 pm

    Dear Joe,

    Thank you so much for sharing your own insights and modalities. Yes, a coach is so valuable. I have been using one the last 6-8 months and it is amazing. Highly recommend it too.

    Also I found that EFT alone didn’t always create the shift I wanted, so I mixed it with meditation and theta brainwave (Silva method). Someone is already doing something similar; “Matrix Reimprinting” by Karl Dawson and Sasha Allenby. (Hay House)

    May your life continue to be blessed beyond your wildest dreams.

    I Love You,

    Rev. Mary Madeline Day
    Freedom Coach

  24. February 26, 2011 at 1:12 am

    Finally, the sequel of the secret to Instant Manifestation is out!!
    I’ve been waiting this article for two days. I agree with you Joe. The “worker” is unconscious. As long we are ignore the unconscious, we are hardly to meet our goal.
    I wonder what the third article about Instant Manifestation talk about. Can not wait to read it. 🙂
    Also there is useful information you put there about how to deal with our unconscious. Personally I use your hooponopono method also sedona method and releasing technique. Those method are very helpful to me.

    By the way, I like your picture with lot of books up there.

  25. Thanks for sharing this post, Joe 😀

    I love the phrase “Law of Creation” as I do believe that we create everything in our lives more than attract them.

    But I totally agree, that you have to clear your unconscious beliefs to be able to start creating what you really want from your conscious mind.

    Have a great day!

    Warm regards,
    Claus 😀

  26. Thanks for sharing this post, Joe 😀

    I love the phrase “Law of Creation” as I do believe that we create everything in our lives more than attract them.

    But I totally agree, that you have to clear your unconscious beliefs to be able to start creating what you really want from your conscious mind.

    Have a great day!

    Warm regards,
    Claus 😀

  27. February 26, 2011 at 5:21 am

    Thank you so much for share this.

  28. Paul-Reply
    February 26, 2011 at 8:46 pm

    Congratulations Joe!

    Another sales pitch disguised as “free” self help.
    The very title is misleading, “Instant manifestation”. You know very well that money, romance, house-the things we want to manifest-take plenty of time. NOTHING “instant” about it.
    Except that “instant” is one of those slick sales-pitchy words used to lure sad, desperate people.
    Then you bring up the old, tired idea of “deep” unconscious “programming”. And how most systems-except yours, not surprisingly-don’t get to the root of the problem.

    Let me offer the only true way to get what you want.
    Work with the power of positive reinforcement!
    Do something positive that the REAL world rewards you for, however small. Then do more, get bigger rewards. Eventually, you’ll “manifest” what you want from life.
    When OTHER people positively reinforce your behaviors, you’ll reprogram your reality at the deepest level.
    This is NOT mambo-jumbo mental stuff, but rather making contact with the real world-other people.
    Nature designed us to work at our most successful when our actions receive abundant positive reinforcement.
    Problem is, manifesting desires by means of positive reinforcement takes times and planning. That’s where a coach can come in.

    If you do something positive for yourself, however small, and other people reinforce your behavior, you will become encouraged to do more.
    That’s the “secret” of reprogramming your unconscious at the “deepest” level.
    ONLY conscious, reinforced behaviors that work towards a goal will reprogram your psychology.

    Forget the “law of attraction”, mantras, intentions, and anything else hucksters try to sell you.
    The REAL secret remains as it’s been for thousands of years: Break up a goal-romance, house, career-into small steps, get positively rewarded by OTHER people for each small step taken, and in due time, you’ll manifest your desires.
    There is NO such thing as “Instant Manifestation”!
    Nor is the Universe involved with how others positively reinforce your behaviors. YOU, and you alone, must go out into REAL life and get REAL positive reinforcement/acknowledgment from others.
    Give Joe credit. Joe gets real world positive reinforcement all the time. That, and that alone, manifests his dream world.
    The law of positive reinforcement is the ONLY psychological law you can trust 100% to get you the results that you desire.

    Positive reinforcement from others works miracles on our energy levels and motivational strength.
    When OTHER people applaud you, you can work miracles.
    So, break up your desires into small, sequential steps, then TAKE ACTION and get positively reinforced from others.


    • bric-Reply
      March 4, 2011 at 7:46 am

      Hi Paul, I’ve found your comment very interesting. because there was a part of me which really didn’t trust the power of the law of attraction and “manifestation”. I think the question is in the difference between the process of cause-effect (which you describe so well when you say that the real secret is: “Break up a goal-romance, house, career-into small steps, get positively rewarded by OTHER people for each small step taken, and in due time, you’ll manifest your desires.”) and the process of intention-manifestation.
      You are absolutely right, when you have a goal, and when you are positive and when you take action, you have great chances that you will succeed.
      The model of intention-manifestation also works and its very powerful.
      For example, suppose you hold the intention to manifest money. The next day someone brings you an opportunity, you act on it, and you make some money. The manifestation of your intention is actually the whole apparent causality chain of discovering the opportunity, acting on it, and receiving the money. It looks like the opportunity produced the chain of events that led you to receive the money. But in fact it was the entire causality chain that manifested from your intention.
      last year, I set an “intention” to “manifest” a certain amount of money, very UNREALISTIC for me, by this year. I wanted to see if what Joe teach is true, I had nothing to loose, so I did it just for “fun” but as seriously as I can.
      I’m still involved in this intention/goal because I haven’t yet reach/manifest it. but, as I follow what Joe teach (in the books I’ve read and in this blog) which is not definitely contrary from what you have said (be positive, take action, etc) I’ve had some wonderful results:
      I’ve read the rights books which explained me how I could make a lot of money (including “attract money now” from Joe for free, which help me to be clear about money); I’ve met the rights persons who are continuously helping me; I’ve met others great opportunities almost effortlessly, just by taking inspired action. and by now, I don’t just believe I can have the amount of money I wanted, I KNOW I’ll have more than I wanted.
      So, like you said, I have a plan, I have a positive reinforcement, other people who help me, and I take action. I have a clear plan.
      At the end of the process, when I will reach my goal, someone could say that I get this results because I have done A+B+C. Yes, but deep down, I know the truth( where my results really come from). And the truth is, I’ve follow Joe’s recommendation, then I have set that intention, then I have visualize, then I have try to shift my paradigm, etc. And opportunities started to appear, and when I acted on them (and I continue) I’ve get the results.
      What I have learn the most is that, If you want to achieve a goal you’ve set, the most crucial part is to DECIDE/INTEND to manifest it. It doesn’t matter if you feel it’s outside your control to do so. It doesn’t matter if you can’t yet see how you’ll get from A to B. Most of those resources will come online AFTER you’ve made the decision/intention. And you will manifest what you want.
      That’s why Joe’s work is very wonderful; it help us transform our inner self to easily manifest our outer results.
      I should admit that the “impatient side” of me is not very satisfied after reading “instant manifestation” because I tought that it will be one particular formula which can make you INSTANTLY manifest a miracle. for example if I want to win the lotto this week!!! but I think it resumes perfectly the teaching of Joe, and for me, IT WORKS.

  29. bric-Reply
    February 27, 2011 at 4:08 am

    Thank you Joe. God bless you

  30. February 27, 2011 at 5:17 am

    Hi Joe,
    Great job. You are really helping everybody with your advices. But I think you should also include the “scenario” that you mentioned in one of your books. You know, the one that your friend Carol Truman speaks about. It isi really helping , I think you should metioned it to your audience. Greetings from Romania 🙂 and thank you

  31. Carolina-Reply
    February 27, 2011 at 3:39 pm

    Dear Joe,
    This was fantastic! Thank you! I am so grateful for all your work that all that gratitude feels amazing, simply wonderful.

    Now, I read Kristian´s story and it really touched me.. maybe because also I am finnish and I really feel for you. And I want to say, that also I have been in a very similar situation, only not because of a dangerous illness of my partner but because of his.. how to say it… unmanageable feelings about financial problems. I have tried to support him, couch him, I gave the books and talked, talked and talked. But he just can´t concentrate. All the money problems seem so overwhelming to him that it´s like looking a nervous lion in his cage. So now I go on with ho´oponopono. Also I don´t feel so deeply in touch with EFT although I now that it works, but it´s like it´s not so complete.. I get better in touch with the subconscious using Ho´oponopono, it goes deeper. And now I will do that also for you Kristian.. You´re in my Ho´oponopono.

    • Kristian-Reply
      March 11, 2011 at 12:14 pm

      Thank you Carolina 🙂

      I really appreciate it, your story touches me too… Now you and your partner are in my Ho´oponopono. I would like to believe that the shared energy helps because now it´s doubled 🙂

      I have the same feeling about EFT, I know that it works but I have not felt it deeply. Maybe we need to practice it more. Ho´oponopono on the other hand, has helped me with high blood-pressure, changed a totally unfair situation at my work for my benefit without me having to do much about it. I just said a couple of words at the exact right time, while a “war of words” were going on around me. I choose to believe that those things were not coincidences because I was totally committed to being calm, trusting and doing the Ho´oponopono. Well, at least I kept saying the 4 phrases as often as I remembered.

      It´s cool to have Joe Vitale as a “guide” through life. It´s like he´s going through the jungle with a huge machete, exploring what´s ahead and creating a new path to enlightenment for himself and others who want to follow him.

  32. Christina-Reply
    February 28, 2011 at 1:59 am

    Thank you Joe for another great lesson. While Paul above has a good point about getting better results in various aspects of your life when you receive acknowledgements of a job well done, that is not all there is to it. You have to remove the things that are holding you back.
    You can believe 5000 years ago when some brilliant fellow invented the wheel he did not have others giving him encouragement along the way, he may even have lived on his own…he acted on inspiration..with results! When you think back to what it would have been like to live in that era, compared to now, times would have been very difficult, but at the same token, people would not have been programed with quite the same things, that in modern times, are holding the rest of us back. Yes, they had their own sets of programing, but they also knew they could do what they wanted, they were in a pure form, right from the Universe (God), to go into the world and do all that is good for them. It came naturally, simple as that. Just look what that fellow gave us..we, as a world, could just not function the same without the wheel.
    As time went on, man became more and more acustomed to various inventions, money, etc., some had, some did not…those who did not, have passed down through the generations, roadblocks for us to deal with…these did not come from the Universe. They are man created and they have to be delt with.
    What I think Joe is saying, is that we have to get back to our origional stat of being that God created us as. We have the power to do anything..we were made that way.
    Yes, when somebody gives you positive feedback, you do start having better results, that is because some of your roadblocks are being shifted out of the way, you are being cleared without even knowing it and you feel like a million bucks and can go on doing greater things. It is not only what you CAN think, but what you DON’T think as well.
    Read the post again and follow the links, everything you need is right there without having to spend a dime. Yes, you can purchase the products to further insight, but this is not a sales pitch, things are put out there, people just need to look at them from a different point of view and the most important of all the teaching in this post is as visible as can be…The real secret is to enjoy THIS moment. Just try it, you will see things start to fall into place quickly. In fact, after being out of work for a year and a half, I am one of five called into a job interview Thursday, from over 800 applicants and I don’t even have all the required is that for using manifestation 🙂 Everything I put into practice, I have learned from Joe (I read what others teach as well, but he is my favorite), and I would say 98.8% of what I put into use, he never charged a penny for.
    Thank you Joe for another wonderful post.
    You are a great teacher to us all.
    Love from Denmark,

  33. February 28, 2011 at 4:51 am

    Dear joe, I’m an artist from Italy and I’m a lot grateful to you because I have received a lot of help from your work. My situation is notably improving and I have learned to be thankful in every moment for what I possess. You have helped me to believe in my projects even if some times they seem absurd. I have so many ideas that flow me in the mind and I would like to tell to you of they. I feel to be able to transmit important messages through my art and I am working for this. I am reading “Attract money now” but with the translation I find it hard, I don’t know well the English language. I have a great perception of the Love that you have for the humanity. Thanks still for everything and I love you!

  34. February 28, 2011 at 9:58 pm

    You ROCK Joe! Thanks for showing people the reality as to why they can’t manifest things into their life. It all starts with a person’s beliefs. This should be the first part of the manifestation process, changing your beliefs about the thing that you want to bring into your life.

    You have also given some great methods to make changes from within. All of these are great tools that a person can use to better their life.

    Keep up the great work!

  35. Arun-Reply
    March 1, 2011 at 2:36 am

    Dear Joe,

    It’s sometimes hard to believe what you are doing without any specific determined expectation (I’ve listened to your awakening course). And sure not everyone has the oppurtinity to get your insights. But still the way you give it all away is remarkable.

    I had my limited believes (all right still have them sometimes), but as every day passes the more I let them go, and the more I let myself go. And as time goes by I find myself more in peace.

    The funny thing is most of the time I am not even aware of it. It’s as if you are enjoying the sunset but once you are aware of the fact that you were enjoying it it devalues the experience so to say. What I want to say is that I don’t need to describe or know anything just to enjoy my life. It’s also not necessary for me to control everything in my life. And through your insights I’ve come to the point, that I know I can not do anything at all. Although this sounds maybe depressing, it makes me more comfortable than ever. It’s as if my narrow vision has gone to such a broad vision where I can not determine where my vision started or ends.

    I always thought it was all mumbo jumbo. But the funny thing is in someway I can see a direct connection to the ideas of UG Krishnamurti and yours. There’s nothing to gain, only your believes make it so. In fact I don’t need my believes just to enjoy my life. When they are positive or negative, I am not worried by that anymore.

    For most of the time in my life I have tried to protect my selfish fortress only for the good of myself. Now I see that I/ myself was the only problem which needed to be let go.

    As UG would say: “Whatever pursuit you are indulging in, somewhere along the line it has to dawn on you that it is not leading you anywhere. As long as you want something, you will do that. That want has to be very, very clear. What do you want? All the time I ask you the question, “What do you want?” You say, “I want to be at peace with myself.” That is an impossible goal for you because everything you are doing to be at peace with yourself is what is destroying the peace that is already there. You have set in motion the movement of thought which is destroying the peace that is there, you see. It is very difficult to understand that all that you are doing is the impediment, is the one thing that is disturbing the harmony, the peace that is already there.”
    From The Courage to Stand Alone: Conversations with U.G. Krishnamurti (2001) edited by Ellen J. Chrystal

    Thank you.

  36. March 1, 2011 at 5:15 am

    Is there anything that could be more useful in our real life than the methods you sare with the world! I’m so grateful to you, dear Dr. Joe Vitale and send you many thanks from Russiam auditory.
    I’ve translated the previous part and posted it here:
    People are asking for more, I hope you don’t mind?
    With love and gratitude!

  37. Yelena Gerts-Reply
    March 6, 2011 at 5:13 pm

    Dear Joe! I cant wait to share my news with you!
    I really Hope you will read my post! My younger son was born with a rear genetic disorder and the doctors told me that he will never walk or talk. Basically they told me that he was a mistake, I was really depressed for a long time, lost all my hopes and dreams, lost my faith………and then i came across your books! i started reading one by one. Finally after reading at least 10 books of yours , i realized that i can heal him, all by myself!
    SO, i set an intention. I faced the fact what i did not want- which was for my son to walk on the walker and not being able to walk independently and then i realized that i wanted more then anything in this world – is for him to walk independently, all by himself! I gave thanks for it, i felt that feeling, i dreamed about it every day. and i gave thanks for it! And today finally it happened!!!! I am so happy! Thank you so much for your books, thank yo so much for everything that you are doing! I know now, that is only the beginning! Thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    April 9, 2011 at 5:00 pm

    hi joe!

    im loving every minute of spending my time with you. i feel bless!!! beyond my wildest dream….from this day 4ward i am aware of my thought, i watched my words, and only expect the best, i expect miracles. youre an inspiration the source of my spiritual nouristment!!!

    i love you joe, i love reading francine, my car’s name is dazzle it’s a subaru outback which i manifested 3 days ago. for the last 5 years, i have been writing my gratitude in a journal….every day before the end of each day i have 50+ things to be thankful for. the universe clear the road for me as i wish while everyone is stack in traffic after i got to my destination. im loving everything in my life.

    god bless you joe….you’re a treasure to the world!!! and i love you, one day i wsih to meet you and give you a hug! we just go to max brenner and have some chocolate ceremony and drink from a love hug mug. come to australia joe. i live here in melbourne. have a seminar here during the mind,body and spirit festival.



  39. Tanya-Reply
    May 7, 2011 at 4:25 pm

    Joe, thank you for this post.

    One question: if you think and feel positively long enough, these new thoughts HAVE to reprogram your subconscious, right? So where is the issue?

  40. god of mind-reading-Reply
    June 24, 2011 at 1:42 pm

    I’m trying to find help, REAL HELP, and every time I read another paragraph your site is trying to sell me something. I am starting to believe that part of your intent here is to capitalize on Rhonda Byrn’s Book. I know your not going to write back or comment here but just put your self in your shoes back when you needed real help, did you want to here your help might be presently unaffordable to a degree? Don’t worry you didn’t attract this moment, I can over ride peoples attraction abilities as long as I don’t abuse it(i.e do evil). So what is the Secret To ‘Instant Manifestations’ Again? please help me if I missed it in this website.

  41. god of mind-reading-Reply
    June 24, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    no I will not read your mind, with out God permission and yours lol

  42. Petra-Reply
    February 13, 2013 at 6:55 am

    Dearest Joe,

    Your Ho’oponopono book is one of the best books ever!!! I have read it many times. In this book you are saying that if we clean the negative records in the subconscious mind, these records change in all existing mind even in animals, minerals and plants.
    I read a lot and I’ve put the details together. I just realized how Ho’oponopono method works, why it is effective. It works because we live in a holographic universe, and in this holographic universe everything is connected with everything.
    All fragment of the pattern contains the whole pattern.
    We are all holographic in the Universe. The whole Universe lives in every single cell of our body. As William Blake said: “To see a world in a grain of sand”.

    Thank you so much for your amazing work!

    O ka Maluhia no me oe, Ku’u Maluhia apau loa.

    Petra from Hungary

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