Buddha's Money-Making Secret

diamond-cutter.jpg I’ve been reading The Diamond Cutter by Geshe Michael Roach. It reveals the ancient Tibetan wisdom of Buddha on managing your business and your life. It could be called the Buddha’s money-making secret.

I’m not a Buddhist (I’m more a Transcendentalist), but I’ve gained insight and value from many of Buddha’s teachings. I enjoy practical metaphysics, which is the take-it-to-the-bank school of philosophy, which led me to picking up books such as The Buddha’s Teachings on Prosperity, and of course The Diamond Cutter.

I’m loving it. The latter ties in to two of my own books, The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits, and even my recent audioprogram, The Secret to Attracting Money.

The Diamond Cutter is a practical and reflective book asking you to look at and change the mental imprints in your brain causing you to attract the results you have in your life.  This includes whether you have money or not.

Mental imprints are being planted right now, at the rate of sixty-five per second. They are the “thought forms” in your mind that cause you to perceive the reality you get. They are the “perceptions” you created in earlier situations which are causing you to recreate similar situations.

Think about this:

When you look at a situation, you perceive it through a mental imprint.  More than that, the mental imprint brought it to you.

Going even further, you’re creating new mental imprints right now, as you read this.

If you’re reading this feeling love, a future moment will have you being loved.

If you’re reading this with judgment, a future moment will have you being judged.

And so it goes.

Talk about karma.

In short, you rarely ever experience objective reality. Each moment is not only colored by the past, but brought to you by the past.

As you might imagine, if you don’t observe and change the mental imprints you are creating (sixty-five per second, remember), you’ll just be knocked around by your own mind and you’ll blame it all on luck or fate or other people.

And don’t be so smug to think you’re above all this.

The next time you’re about to complain about lack of sales, or a bad economy or market, or a troublesome employee or customer or client or friend or loved one, stop and consider that a previous mental imprint brought the situation to you and you are right then and there creating a new mental imprint that will cause you to attract more of the same situation.

Re-read that!

It’s not the situations that cause you problems, it’s the mental imprints.

While the author doesn’t use the phrase “Law of Attraction,” I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that’s what his book is about. In short, your mind is creating your results. Change your mind, change your results.

But how do you change your mental imprints, especially when you have a storehouse of them and you are creating sixty-five new ones per second?

A clue is given in Roach’s book:

“Money itself is created by maintaining a generous state of mind.”

I just pulled that line at random out of the book. There’s more to the story and the remedy, but at heart the answer is the same: look at every moment with love, forgiveness and generosity. When you do, you begin to create new mental imprints to begin to bring about new realities.

For example, most people who hear the mainstream news reporting on a failing economy, fall into fear. They then act from fear and close off their actions, which causes them to shut down avenues to their own success. They are coming from a mental imprint that is based on fear. The result is more things to fear. And no money.

A more enlightened approach is to hear the same news but consciously respond with love, forgiveness and generosity. Instead of stopping their actions, they maintain them; instead of stopping their spending or their development, they maintain it; instead of stopping their giving, they maintain it or even increase it. The result is wealth. And lots of money.

The person who comes from a fear mental imprint will create a future of more fear-based mental imprints.

The person who comes from a prosperous mental imprint will create a future of more prosperous-based mental imprints.

Do you see how this works?

Your past thoughts, unconscious or not, brought about your current situation. Unless you change those thoughts as they are happening right now, you can predict your own future: the same as the past.

If you’re ready for a change, ask yourself what you’re feeling about this moment — yes, this one right now.

Personally I think just repeating the Zero Limits‘ mantra (I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, thank you) non-stop can clean up those mental imprints. But I’m no Buddha. Do what you feel inspired to do.  

But do something.

I created The Secret to Attracting Money program to help you clear those programs, beliefs, thought forms and mental imprints that are causing you to have problems with money.

Until you get clear of the mental programs, you will keep getting the same or similiar circumstances. You’ll say “Those lawyers are all the same,” or “Those construction companies are all the same” or “Those politicians are all the same,” or “Men are all the same” or “Women are all the same,” when in reality the only thing the same is you.

Roach’s The Diamond Cutter goes into all of this thinking with great depth and great writing. I’m loving it and I encourage you to read it. The book is in book stores and of course at Amazon. The author’s site is www.enlightenedbusiness.com

Remember, mental imprints are running your life. You can change them – with awareness, intent and work.

What do you want this moment’s mental imprint to be?


Ao Akua,


PS — I can’t wait for Roach’s next book: Karmic Management: What Goes Around Comes Around in Your Business and Your Life. (Due out in September.) Meanwhile, go get The Secret to Attracting Money.


  1. March 30, 2009 at 3:16 pm

    Hello Joe,

    Another book to put on my list.
    I particularly like the concept of 65 a second. WOW!

    Thanks Barry

  2. March 30, 2009 at 4:40 pm

    Great post, Joe. Funny—all I could hear was a TV announcer saying, “This program brought to you by… The Past”, as if the Past is the program sponsor. 😆 Which I suppose it is!

    It makes perfect sense… of course the key is to maintain participation in the Flow so that others will participate in flowing things back TO you. Any thoughts on how a person could jumpstart the Flow back to them alternately, when in a situation where the outcome to income ratio is grossly imbalanced and spending generously isn’t an option? Perhaps a good way to override the overwhelming Fear And Doubt Factor?

    Thanks, Joe!

  3. March 31, 2009 at 2:28 am

    What a great article. One of my favourite quotes is:

    “Because you counter the majority of your thoughts with opposing thoughts, you believe that you are not powerful. When you no longer split your flow of energy with contradictory thoughts, you will know your power.”

    And that’s the challenge we face – to maintain consistent thoughts that serve us so that the mental imprints we create manifest what we desire in life. So it’s important to be aware of the thoughts and feelings we experience in reaction to the various situations that we go through on a daily basis to see where we are self-sabotaging our success.

    Best wishes


  4. julie-Reply
    March 31, 2009 at 6:18 am

    Wow!!!! I’m going back to ZERO starting right now! Thanks for one of the best articles I have seen in a long time. I love you,I’m sorry,please forgive me and Thank you. I love you Joe

  5. Khady-Reply
    March 31, 2009 at 11:22 am

    😯 wowza
    love love love this post.
    This book is definitely on my list of books to read ASAP.
    Thank you!!

  6. March 31, 2009 at 9:06 pm

    I love your Attracting Money Program. Interesting combination of EFT and Hooponopno on disk 5 I believe it will really help people.

  7. April 1, 2009 at 7:51 am

    Thank you Joe for sharing!

    The more programs and methods for cleansing and enlightening that is offered and available, the better.
    Love, forgiveness and gratitude is absolutely essential, as Joe shows in Zero Limits. Thank you for this wonderful book.

    Love and Blessings to Joe and to you all, wonderful people!

  8. April 1, 2009 at 10:13 am

    Well Said, as always. It seems that the more the message is spread, in greater and greater variations, the more people are beginning to get “IT”. Keep up the Great work, Joe, I’m right there with ya.
    Paul House.

  9. April 1, 2009 at 3:24 pm

    Have to say… I just love it… I try to clear constantly… actually I believe that it does happen that way… I recently found a list from June 25/07… I couldn’t believe that every item on the list was completed!!!! That was a list of 100 things… very very powerful stuff.. thank you so kindly for sharing this with us, Joe… by the way I Love your Scorpion… Thank you, I love you, I’m sorry Please forgive me…. Elle

  10. Shosh-Reply
    April 2, 2009 at 12:51 am

    Beautiful and true!

    I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, THANK YOU!

  11. April 2, 2009 at 5:16 am

    Sometimes we dissect things with perspective, don’t we? While going through your article i call to mind a bunch of your books and audio and video material. so I know this article is a marketing tool. Here’s the thing , though:
    i think this article ranks in win your best work in the market! It actually feels like a good sharing. And those things are truly meant to blossom.
    Keep at it, Joe!
    – Strix

  12. April 2, 2009 at 5:44 pm

    Thanks for Twittering this, Joe, a must read I wouldn’t have known about otherwise. Much appreciated 🙂

  13. April 3, 2009 at 3:59 am

    Thank you Joe for challenging me to change my life! I love all your books, films, blogs, etc. I am now on my completely new way of living. But you were the begining of my journey. I bless you and all of the above and below commentators!
    Ralph (Poland)

  14. José Manuel-Reply
    April 5, 2009 at 10:22 am

    Thank you very much, Joe Vitale, you’re a great living example of the future I desire and deserve for myself. Much love, and hope you help to transform a lot more of people’s lifes, changing this world into a better place.

  15. Richard-Reply
    April 9, 2009 at 8:27 am

    I read “the Key” and take the most simplest way that saying “I love you” and “Thank you.”when i was free and some noise come into my brian. Gosh! My life became changed! I feel very very pured and easy, and I can use this way to keep good frequency, thank you, Dr. Joe, I love you, it’s really work! 😛

  16. Ruel-Reply
    April 10, 2009 at 1:27 pm

    Everything on this post makes perfect sense. Thanks you for the work you are doing.

  17. Nancy McGlinchey-Reply
    April 15, 2009 at 11:48 am

    Gosh – I’m reluctant to offer a discouraging word amongst all this love – but it seems like I’ve given Joe a lot of my money and I’m still not a millionaire. Then he taunts me with his fancy cars and I sink a little further into the gloom.
    Isn’t something amiss when it takes so many different books to try to deliver the same message?

  18. April 21, 2009 at 10:35 am

    Took your suggestion and purchased “The Diamond Cutter.” GREAT BOOK. Thank You! Have a great day!

  19. jimmy burchett-Reply
    April 24, 2009 at 6:11 pm

    Hey Nancy.
    Have you read ‘Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting’, by the late, great Lynn Grabhorn? Excellent book. You have to feeeeeel (her word) what you want, as if you’re already holding it in your hand(or whatever). I’m not a millionaire yet either, but I feeeeel like I’m on the right track.

  20. Nancy-Reply
    April 25, 2009 at 10:17 am

    Jimmy – Thanks for the hot book tip. I’m a self-help-book junky. I’ve heard that said, too, about feeeeeeling. What stumps me is: how can you force yourself to feel something as intangible as the future?

  21. Karen-Reply
    April 27, 2009 at 7:56 am

    I ordered The Attractor Factor back in February, and was just notified by Amazon that it is no longer available…. 🙁

  22. April 27, 2009 at 8:34 am

    Karen, look again. The old version is out of print. The new version is alive and well. Same title, only called The Attractor Factor (second edition). It’s in all book stores, at Amazon, etc.

  23. jimmy burchett-Reply
    May 1, 2009 at 6:20 pm

    Hey Nancy. I think that you have to feeeel all the positive, wonderful emotions that you’re going to be experiencing in the future, when all of you desires manifest for you, (by simply feeling good when you think about them), and not necessarily the ‘future’ itself, since we know that there’s no such thing as the future, there’s only now, correct?
    P.S. I am a self-help-book junkie myself, probably for thirty years or more. Started with Silva, Wayne Dyer, Abraham-hicks, you name it, I’ve probably read it. Anyway, blah, blah,blah. Good luck with your quest.

  24. Nancy-Reply
    May 2, 2009 at 10:55 am

    Jimmy – Through those thirty years of study, have you managed to manifest all your desires? Is there a particular method that worked best for maximum manifestation? Or is it all just a cruel hoax and the key is to sell many, many books? I’m serious…

  25. jimmy burchett-Reply
    May 2, 2009 at 2:50 pm

    Honestly Nancy, no not all my desires. I’ve been able to manifest certain things now and then. The easiest thing for me to manifest seems to be relationships. But then I sabotage them when things start to go too well. My biggest hurdle is how to manifest money. However with all my lack of ability to manifest came the realization that I’m not actually a very materialistic person to begin with. It’s only taken me 30 years to figure out that I’m actually happy being alone, without a lot of ‘stuff’ to keep track of. And something else I’ve recently discovered. Although Ho’oponopono has been mentioned on here for some time now, I’ve only just started seriously saying the ‘I love you, thank you’ thing, like within the last week or so, and you know what? I can actually feel the difference. Not having any goals, just cleaning on a daily basis, every time I think of it. Maybe that’s the answer, just constantly clean, and let God bring us that which is right for us. I do believe that there’s a lot of hoaxters out there, jumping on the LOA bandwagon, you just have to follow your gut feeling about any of that stuff.

  26. Nancy-Reply
    May 3, 2009 at 12:32 pm

    J – I’ve sporadically used the “love you” mantra, too, and it seems to work in a mysterious way. I think it promotes compassion.

    As for wealth, I have enough money for my basic needs, but I would like to have a lot more to give away. I always liked that old TV show, “The Millionaire,” where every week the old guy would anonymously select someone to receive a million bucks. How much fun would that be!

    I can’t come up with the belief that there is a “God” tracking our every move and giving us what’s right for us (misery and suffering on a global scale?). And if it’s true that we manifest what we think and imagine, what’s God got to do with it anyway?

    (Sorry, cynicism is my middle name.)

  27. Nancy-Reply
    May 3, 2009 at 1:33 pm

    P.S. “The Diamond Cutter” is a fascinating book – not only as a glimpse into the private world of the diamond trade and Buddhist teachings. The notion of “imprints” on the mind nicely dovetails with the Scientology theory of “engrams.”
    As yes, all roads lead to Rome…

  28. jimmy burchett-Reply
    May 3, 2009 at 1:37 pm

    Nancy, I used to have the desire for large sums of money, I guess that my non-materialistic viewpoint is more of a self defense mechanism than reality, after several years of not becoming a millionaire, I just gave up trying. I read lots of things that say that we were put here to prosper, and that the Universe loves to bring our desires to us, but there was always something missing, such as ‘how’? As for the whole ‘God’ thing, it took years for me to be comfortable with that word. Like you, I can’t believe that a God would allow some of the things to go on, that are happening today. However, I totally accept responsibility for EVERYTHING that goes on in my world. Of course, the first time I read those words, I threw the book across the room, and didn’t pick it up for quite a while. But I eventually allowed the possibility to sink in that maybe we are responsible, and now I have no doubt that this is 100% fact. I still don’t care for organized religion. I actually prefer to believe that there’s an intelligence that permeates everything, and we all have access to that intelligence, and are actually part of that intelligence, if we just learn how to tap into it, and allow it to work for us. I guess that I’m comfortable with every point of view, I can’t really say that this is wrong, and that is right. I suppose that all my reading has exposed me to too many different opinions, and I just can’t decide that one is necessarily better than the other. Seems like all these books, and schools of thought have at least one grain of truth to them.

  29. Nancy-Reply
    May 3, 2009 at 10:13 pm

    Jim – I would guess that the key element in what you wrote is learning how to tap into the intelligence that seems to permeate everything. That must be where our responsibility lies.

    It also seems like the stories of self-made millionaires start with them being at a desperate low point, financially and emotionally. If you happen to be a little bit comfortable, motivation is limited.

  30. jimmy-Reply
    May 4, 2009 at 7:01 am

    Thanks, I’ll check out ‘The Diamond Cutter’.

  31. jimmy-Reply
    May 4, 2009 at 9:48 am

    Nancy, I agree about the desperation playing a factor. It seems like on those occasions when I managed to manifest my desire, it was only after I’d reached the point of being totally frustrated and at a loss as to what to do next. After trying everything that I knew to try, and at my wits end, not knowing what else to do to achieve what I was wanting. I would scream, and swear, and get totally furious at the universe for ignoring my needs. Then, once I had completely vented all the emotional energy I would just forget about it. Then, what I wanted would show up for me. Unfortunately, I don’t enjoy putting myself in that state, so that may be the reason that I haven’t achieved more of what I’ve wanted in life.For me it is nearly impossible to manifest as long as I’m comfortable with the way things are.

  32. jimmy-Reply
    May 4, 2009 at 1:14 pm

    Nancy. Please excuse my terrible English. I’m trying to kick coffee–and it shows in my writing.

  33. Amy-Reply
    May 17, 2009 at 2:00 pm


    I have many of your written publications, including the audio The Missing Secret. You are by far, my favorite guru…you’re amazing. You speak in a way that breaks it down and makes it easy to understand.

    Mastering one’s own mind is a daily, no make that hourly (heck, sometimes minute by minute!) process. I think this is why people will say that LOA doesn’t work for them. It’s far too easy to let the old programs take over and sleepwalk your way through life. To make LOA work for you (hey, it’s always working…I’m talking about making it work FOR you) one must be AWARE. Your POWER is in your AWARENESS…of your thoughts, feelings and desires….and may I say, Ho’oponopono rocks. I have seen my own magic and miracles happen utilizing your tools.

    Thank you and I love you! 😀

  34. Amy-Reply
    May 17, 2009 at 2:43 pm

    And Jimmy,

    I loved the shout-out for Lynn Grabhorn’s book “Excuse me, Your Life is Waiting…The Astonishing Power of Feelings”. This was my first intro to LOA some years back and it truly changed the way I think (and feel).

    Just thinking positively isn’t enought though…it’s gotta be backed by feeeeeeling. Joe uses the term Nevillize…same thing. You’ve got to get into that make believe mode…fantasize and feeeeel the feeeeeelings. Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled! What does it FEEEEEEL like!? Children can do this but somehow as adults we lose that playfulness.

    And Nancy….as far as Joe continuing to write new books (and why does it take so many books to deliver the same message, your words)…I believe he too, is also always in a state of learning and growing and continues to share that with us through his new publications. I “get” something new with each book/audio I buy.

    I’ve never perceived Joe as “taunting” me with his wealth. He is now clearly comfortable with his wealth, his deserving-ness of it. This wasn’t always the case for him. I think he uses these examples as teaching tools to show you where he was and where he is now with wealth…by using his methods you too, may receive wealth (whatever that means to you…money, cars, health). Ah, I could go on and on…but I don’t have to. Just read, and re-read his books (I really love his audios). I have them on my Ipod and listen every chance I get. Your power is in the awareness of your power, so keep on top of it! Your beliefs become your reality, there is no “out there”…in all starts within you….

    Have a beautiful day 🙂

  35. Nancy-Reply
    May 18, 2009 at 11:05 am

    Hi Amy – I agree that Joe is amazing and his books and tapes worthwhile. Saying he was “taunting” was just a bit of sardonic hyperbole. Success (or failure) is a personal responsibility and Mr. Fire gives us plenty of shining examples about how it’s done.

    ILY, IS, PFM, TY

  36. May 31, 2009 at 1:43 pm

    “To Become Rich You Must Enrich The Lives of Others”

  37. June 14, 2009 at 10:00 am

    sir i,m 30 i could nt further my education due to my poor background i read lot of book,s on how to make money but each time i try somtime,s i can,t even get the money to go to net plz i really want to knw the secret of making money ,,
    you knw the worsth of it each time i rty to do a small business i will not make it ,sir how do i start i,m glad to meet u ,at the age of 30 i,m squating with a friend in a room ,sir god will rally give u more wisdom as u enrich others with what u hv thank

  38. January 22, 2012 at 4:43 am

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