Group Thoughts

I’ve been watching people lately. Pretty fascinating.

Almost everyone is complaining and blaming. They are paying attention to the mainstream media, getting terrified, and then making poor choices.

The media then reports on those poor choices, people watch the bad news reported to them, and they make even more poor choices.

The cycle continues.

The thing is, the same underlying principle at work in the media-bad news-poor choices scenario can be used to create a more positive outcome.

For example, nineteen scientific studies prove that when a small group of people get together and meditate, the violence and crime in their area goes down and the abundance goes up.

I reported on this in my book, The Attractor Factor. This is called The Maharishi Effect. Transcendental Meditators first experimented with group meditation in the 1990s and repeatedly proved it made a difference.

Back to our modern reality…

What if you and I joined forces with people trying to think positive, meditate, and focus on clear intentions?

Wouldn’t we create the opposite of what the mainstream media is doing?

Instead of seeing the bad, feeling the bad, and then acting from a place of desperation and insecurity, we would see the good, focus on the good, and act from a place of security and faith.

Which would you prefer?

To help both of us, I’m creating a site (with Craig Perrine) where a group of people can go and support each other in their intentions.  (You can register to be notified when it goes live at

Pass the word. The more of us that focus on the positive, the more we can uplift each other to health, wealth and happiness.

Or, if you prefer, you can keep watching the mainstream news.

Ao Akua,


PS — Remember, the basis for the site I’m creating is the scientific evidence that when a small group of people hold an intention for you, it tends to become reality FAST. There’s no woo-woo here. It’s all results oriented. Go see for yourself over at 


  1. December 4, 2008 at 9:11 am

    Brilliant. I told a reporter from FT to ‘GO AWAY’ yesterday after he started saying something about this period being the ‘worst period our parents & grand parents had seen’ I told him I blamed the media for this effect but mainly people for going along with it. I have banned news and newspapers from my house and start my day with positive affirmations.

    What you are trying to do with this website is absolutely brilliant and I agree and support it 100%. It’s common sense. The more people say negative things and announce, and write about it and report it the negative it will become. I wish this message would reach the mainstream media but I think they are not at the attraction level that we are in. If only executives at CNN, BBC and many many others understood the effect they can have and started spreading positivity and abundance. Because there are many!

    I will most definately join this site and will spread the word…

    Lots of love and light and abundance and health and wealth


  2. December 4, 2008 at 5:39 pm

    Great idea, Joe! I’m committed to joining you in this adventure. I agree. I’ve been dealing with real estate agents whose attraction level is out of alignment with mine and it’s been a challenge! What we all couldn’t do with a good life coach on board.


  3. December 4, 2008 at 9:34 pm

    Joe, I commend you on what you’re doing. The mainstream media I don’t care if it’s Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN , etc is getting worse. It’s the same tired baloney of someone getting shot, robbed, the economy, General Motors bailout(I’m real upset about this), the AIG bailout. When the mainstream media enters the building, that ancient saying “If You Don’t Have Anything Nice To Say, Don’t Say Anything At All. Nice things are positive and the mainstream media isn’t positive. This is where Dr. Hew Len and Ho’Oponopono comes in. Say “I Love You”, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me and Thank you prayer and change by not allowing myself to watch the news at all or read the newspapers. It’s one sided, negative and not uplifting at all. But expecting the media to change first is an insane approach. Changing you is a lot easier way to take that first step and will lead you to taking the whole staircase. There are always solutions out there. Well first the solution is within you because Dr. Hew Len and you Joe said there is no such thing as out there. It starts within you and the solution shows up on the outside. Joe, you’re the man and I love you. Let’s start our own news network.

  4. December 4, 2008 at 9:36 pm

    Joe regard my quote of the ancient saying I forgot to add that when the media is on the TV, that saying goes out the window. And what I mean by our own news network, I mean a news network that’s Positive. The name of the company should be called Hypnotic Positivity!

  5. December 5, 2008 at 1:16 am

    Joe, Your Article covers entirely the Main Reason Why we are Organizing in the Netherlands (to start with) an Event with Bob Nicoll ( and the Worlds Fastest Golfer, David Ogie Ogron!

    Remember the Ice is about the Power of Clarity in Your Articulation.. and according to Bob is what Ogie is Performing a Perfect Example from how Clear and Pure Communication can excist between Humans!

    Ogie’s message to the World is; Never take No for an Answer! (His story is Amazing, could be yours!!)

    Couple of weeks ago, Ogie called me.. just out of the blue.. We were already working on Bob’s Events when I accidently found out that Bob is one of Ogie’s greatest fans..

    What I’d like to share with this story is this: If you Focus on What you Want, if You Focus on Doing something that touches all.. Be sure, the Universe will set you up with the right people in the right time.. Everything will come together.. But.. when your attention is with the illusion some call reality (there can’t such a thing as a Reality, because reality is all about perception and belief.. and there are at least 6 billion perceptions on this earth.. so how can you speak about reality, lol), the illusion will be attached to what you think is real..

    My Reality is that I’ll be in Chicago for a couple of days next week, that I’ll be in an Expert Panel next year, that we’ll be organizing Remember the Ice & the Miracle Golf Tour through out Europe (we already sold the event to the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Swiss & catched interest in South africa and Dubai)..

    In my reality there is no such thing as a depression or financial crisis.. In my reality Life IS Simple, Life IS Good and Life IS a Miracle…,

    Ey.. Just hook upon my reality and let’s make is ours and share it with the rest of the world!!

    Wishing you Another Wonderful Day, a DAy Full of Wonders!

    Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter

  6. Kelly Sunshine-Reply
    December 5, 2008 at 3:42 pm

    Dr. Joe,
    I love this idea and am going to sign up. I’ve been finding myself getting so discouraged by such negativity, and the doom and gloom message that so many are passing on to each other. My parents watch tv news for hours a day, and it’s no wonder they fear so much “out there”. I want to create a tv news show called “Good News”, and have only the uplifting, positive bits of information go out to those who tune in. It’s all in the perspective. If you watch or read news that reports all of the problems going on, you will believe the world is only full of problems. If you watch or read news that is only “good”, you will believe that you are surrounded by a good people in a good world. Thank you for all of your wisdom and energy!

  7. December 6, 2008 at 6:47 am


    My mom does the same thing and what I mean by the same thing, she watches the news a lot. She’s a news freak. I currently work at a nursing home. The older folks have their TV’s blasting with the news channel and Cincinnati Enquirer (our local newspaper) coming in everyday. It’s sad. After a while you get tired of all that negativity. My mom thinks she has to keep informed with what’s going on in the world, when all you’re getting informed with is what the media wants you to hear. One thing I say about my mom is that she watches TNN a gospel channel on the Direct TV satellite and even the church shows are more positive than mainstream media. Hey I’ll have to clean on my mom.

  8. Lore-Reply
    December 7, 2008 at 4:54 am

    Hi Joe,

    one question, do you know anything about Richard Bartlett and Matrix Energetics?


  9. December 12, 2008 at 1:17 pm

    Thank you so much Joe 😎 All my love goes out to you and yours. I recently found your books and then your site. Your writings are such an inspiration to me and many others. Peace love and joy to you 🙂

  10. December 16, 2008 at 7:50 pm

    Thank you Joe for your brilliance in creating an arena for positive focus where the impact of clear, grateful, living will outshine pitiful complaining and the fear-based attitudes of those who fall victim to “these depressing time” because of the economy. It seems to me that this is the BEST most exciting time to be alive and experience 2008. I see it as an incredible opportunity to attract what is desired at a very clear level and to collectively align with others in this attraction, showering light and love and gratitude with the whole world. Love your inspiration Joe. I am grateful for all that you bring to mankind.

    Merilee A. Warde
    Certified Miracles Coach in California

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