How to Attract Anything

img00729.jpg How do you attract what you want?

What’s the real secret to making the Law of Attraction (LOA) work for you?

There are a many books, articles and blog posts about how to attract everything from cars to relationships. A lot of it is misleading, usually unintentionally. I see most of it and am often disappointed if not outright frustrated. I’m tired of seeing people mis-taught about the LOA.

I’m considered an expert on the subject, having written books (such as The Attractor Factor and The Key) about it, appeared on Larry King and Donny Deutsch’s television shows discussing it, recorded audio programs on it (The Missing Secret), have a coaching program to teach it (Miracles Coaching), started an online Miracles Community about it, and of course appeared in the famous LOA movie, The Secret

Still, I want to help you understand LOA at a deeper level.

While I released a new LOA program on attracting money just today (called The Secret to Attracting Money) here’s a recent Law of Attraction story to illustrate how to really attract whatever you want…

Last weekend Pat O’Bryan took me to see Tony Nobles, a well-known Texas luthier. I’d heard about Tony for well over five years. His guitars are legendary. Famous performers stand in line to get Tony to repair or build guitars for them. So I was of course excited to meet him.

Tony was a delight. He’s obviously in love with vintage acoustic guitars. He kept showing Pat and me various guitars, all old and collectible. He let me play a few of them, too. It was a crash course in the beauty of vintage acoustic guitars.

I left there feeling inspired, thinking of hiring Tony to build me a guitar, and wanting a vintage guitar of my own.

And there’s the first clue in how to attract what you want:

I wanted a vintage guitar but I didn’t need one. There was no attachment, just a playful expectation. You can attract what you want faster if you don’t NEED it.

I went home and went back to business. I was packing to fly out to LA for the premier of the movie The Compass, and didn’t have any time to think about how to attract a vintage guitar. So I forgot about it.

And there’s the next clue:

When you state your intention and let it go, you give your unconscious mind and the Universe a chance to begin working on bringing it to you.

I went to the premier of The Compass, had a great time meeting people like T. Harv Eker and seeing old friends like Wendi Friesen, and never gave a thought to vintage guitars.

When I returned home, unpacked, and began to catch up on emails and unfinished projects, the thought entered my mind to check out eBay.

I did, and that’s your next clue in how to attract what you want:

When you get the nudge to do something, DO IT. Action is how you magnetize yourself to attract what you want. It’s your part in the co-creation process.

I went on eBay, explored vintage guitars, and was surprised to see a pristine 1934 Martin 0-17 listed.

Actually, I couldn’t believe it. I knew from my quick education at Tony Nobles’ shop that a pre-war vintage Martin 0-17 of that year was worth at least $3,500 and possibly many times more.


The guitar listed was in mint condition. Several photos of it showed it to be almost brand new. It even came with the original case.

How is that possible?

How could I find a vintage Martin guitar only days after Pat and Tony taught me how to appreciate them?

Yes, there are vintage guitars on the Internet, but to find a pre-war 1934 Martin 0-17 in mint condition – and selling without any reserve on eBay — and with the auction ending in only seven hours???

My skeptical mind wanted to talk me out of bidding on the guitar, but I wouldn’t stand for it. I’ve learned to trust my gut and follow my intuition.

And there’s your next clue in how to attract what you want:

I put aside my doubt, trusted I was doing the right thing, and took action. I bid on that guitar.

Of course, the beauty of bidding on eBay is that it is FUN.

And that’s another clue to how to attract what you want:

Do what’s FUN.

Well, the eBay auction was to end only seven hours from when I discovered the guitar. So I watched it, nudged my bid up a notch because it felt like the right thing to do, and won that collectible 1934 pre-war Martin guitar — by a dollar!

Now here’s where an interesting twist messed with my head, but clearly teaches you how the law of attraction works.

All during the finding, bidding and winning of that Martin, I was detached of the end result. I didn’t need the guitar. I have plenty of guitars. So I was simply being playful and watching the process unfold as a curious participant.


But once I won the guitar, my attachment kicked in.

I wanted it, and I wanted it NOW.

No problem, right?


And this is another clue:

When you put too much need on a goal or intention, you actually push it away. Your desperation sends out a signal that “I don’t believe this is real” or “I might lose this if I don’t get it fast” and so forth.  That unconscious signal is what the world responds to. It gums up the attraction process. It’s fear based.

The seller of the Martin wrote me a nice message saying he’d overnight the guitar to me. He said he loves guitars and knows what it is like to have to wait for the next one.

Awesome! I couldn’t wait to receive it.

But the next day he said he used the United States Postal Service to overnight the guitar.

Ut oh.

There is no next-day postal delivery in my rural area. That means I would not receive the guitar the next day.

I was instantly bummed.

I had gone from not even knowing the guitar existed to winning it and now desperately wanting it.

Well, my desperation was pushing it away.

I had to clear that issue within me. So I started doing the Self-Identity Ho’oponopono process I describe in my book, Zero Limits, and began silently saying “I love you” and “Please forgive me” non-stop.

And there’s another clue to how to attract what you want:

When you realize there’s a block, clear it. It’s in you, not the outside world. It’s in YOU.

I kept doing this clearing until I almost got to the place within myself where I could be fine with or without the guitar. After all, if it didn’t arrive the next day, it surely would the day after. No big deal. I could live with that.

In short, I was working to get back to a state of peace with the guitar.


And that’s your next clue:

When you are at peace with what you want to attract, you will attract it (or something better) at lightning speed.

But the guitar in fact did not arrive the next day.

Why not?

What happened?

What did I do wrong?

Because I did not reach that state of peace, the guitar was still repelled. I was working at it, but I did not achieve it. Too much of me was impatient. If you noticed, what I said above was that I was almost clear with the guitar’s arrival.

And this is an important bonus lesson:

The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it.

That’s worth repeating: The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it.

In other words, I created the delay in getting the guitar because of my impatience for it.

When the guitar was obviously delayed, I remember thinking, “I’m always impatience when something is to arrive by US mail. It rarely works out for me.”

That statement of meaning — “I’m always impatience when something is to arrive by US mail. It rarely works out for me” — is the actual belief that attracted the experience!

My impatience attracted the delay.

Release the impatience and I’ll have the guitar.

Since I’m no longer mentally waiting for the guitar — I’ve finally achieved that inner peace about it and know it’s to arrive when it’s to arrive — it is free to arrive here safely and on time.

Well, it arrived today.

And I love it.

Re-read this post to fully absorb the lessons and clues on how to attract whatever you want.

While you do so, I’ll play a soft melody on my Martin guitar as gentle background music to your relaxed reading….

Ao Akua,


PS – Okay, forget guitars. How do you attract money? Get my new Nightingale-Conant audioprogram The Secret to Attracting Money at missing-secret-nc-set.jpg It’s a full course of CDs, DVD, and guidebook on how to use the Law of Attraction to attract money. (In fact, it goes way beyond LOA.) And with money you can buy virtually anything — even a vintage Martin guitar.


  1. jimmy burchett-Reply
    February 13, 2009 at 3:02 pm

    Thanks a million! I used to KNOW this stuff years ago, and was having decent success with it. But I got distracted, and one thing went bad, then another, and soon it was like a house of frickin’ cards, fallin’ in around me. The LOA went right out the window….This is like the biggest lightbulb in the world going off in my head; ‘Yo! Dummy! Remember the Law Of Attraction?!’ Man! I can’t believe that I totally forgot this stuff….Anyway, thanks again, man.

  2. February 13, 2009 at 3:23 pm

    WOW!! What a clear explanation & experience!!! Thanks so much for helping to make that concrete & showing us how to use the tools!! WOW!!

    Biggest Aha moment yet!

    Thanks & much love, 😀

  3. February 13, 2009 at 3:34 pm

    Thanks so much Joe – I needed to know this!

    Really appreciate your generosity in sharing so much of your wisdom freely. Enjoy that guitar!

  4. February 13, 2009 at 5:50 pm

    Saw your tweet about the blog entry + had to come check it out. Nice post. As usual.

  5. Marianne-Reply
    February 14, 2009 at 2:34 am

    Thanks for the wonderful article on your new vintage guitar……. you offer such amazing insights!

    I am grateful that you are willing to share your understanding of why, sometimes, it doesn’t quite go the way (even) you had planned, yet these stories make me wonder – just how can I manifest something I perceive as “critical”?

    You pulled yourself out of critical….. I read about it in your books and heard it in your audios. What I couldn’t “hear” (I take responsibility) is how did you let go of the “critical” feeling and make it “fun”? How did you forget the possible consequences and just attract what you believe is necessary?

    I know that letting go and making it fun is the key…. I have the key…. I just can’t seem to turn the lock.

    Can you help?

    Happy Strumming, and plucking or (dare I say) slapping, your new guitar!

  6. Caelan-Reply
    February 14, 2009 at 2:59 am

    Wow. I just read a post on something almost identical about four blogs ago…it said that if you were focusing on something you were desperate for, and you visualized feeling the excitement of attaining it…well, that excitement is really just a mirror of your desperation.

    Detachment, it counseled. Think of something you already have in abundance. Like water. Go turn on your faucet, and there is plenty. More than enough.

    Approach your goals with this method, and they come about faster.

    A brilliant story, Joe. A great way to describe this very complicated point.

    I will be visiting your blog much more!

  7. February 14, 2009 at 5:33 am

    Great story, I like your style. I hope the guitar brings you much pleasure.

  8. February 14, 2009 at 7:08 am

    Powerful explanation of exactly how to use law of attraction to attract what you want. One of your best articles, Joe. Maybe because I like guitars too:grin:

    If you come to PA, I’ll drive you to the Martin factory for a tour.

  9. Nohelani-Reply
    February 14, 2009 at 9:21 am

    Excellent explanation for attaining our desires. But what about those things we actually do need… money for rent today, a disconnect notice from the power company, or food? It’s hard to be detached from wanting food when you’re hungry and have no money.

    Your thoughts?

  10. February 14, 2009 at 11:04 am

    Hi Nohelani. I appreciate the question but you have to understand it’s actually a trick question. What does anyone really “need”?

    Food? You can go without food for thirty days. You need water but not food. (I just went on 500 calories a day for three weeks.) I know it’s not ideal, but you could do it. Some people go on fasts for 40 days. I’m sure they don’t think they “need” food.

    Power? Yes, you want electricity, but could you live without it? You bet. During the last hurricane in Houston, friends of mine went without power for three weeks. And I know people who go camping and insist on not having any power.

    Rent money? Of course you want it, but do you “need” it? People ask for extensions on payments all the time. And if you have to move, it may put you in a better place or better location.

    The point is to not dismiss your question, but to understand “need” is relative. I fully understand it can FEEL like need at times, but that’s the point: you can detach from it. And when you do, you up the chances of attracting what you really want.

    The best thing to do is appreciate what you have. When you do, with sincerity, you attract more moments to apprecaite.


  11. Eunice-Reply
    February 14, 2009 at 8:36 pm

    Regarding Joe’s #10 reply to what is a need. I too was homeless. I was a woman in her thirties at the time with recent foot surgery that took longer than normal to heal. Going through a rough divorce, taking a beating which injured my back, lost all my “so called friends” and relatives and ended living out of my car with $1.50 to my name. Scared yes! But, little did I know at the time that the Universe was with me every step of the way and helped me to rebuild my life based on a firm foundation. I found a way to increase my education in a practical way to get a better paying job. Went thought the recession of 1990 and came out of it and beining able to buy my first condo. My life is still improving. Losing what I did was a shocker but, what I have now is quality. What I lost going down to nothing was never regained. What I have now is so much better. Everything is of quality. The biggest challenge is “letting go”. You have to. There are better things, and people coming and you need to have room in your life for it.

  12. February 15, 2009 at 8:49 am

    Wow. I loved this post. It was just the right thing at the right time for me to hear now. Thank you Joe.

  13. Lori-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 9:09 am

    thanks forr sharing Joe

  14. Holly Wood-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 9:10 am

    Excellent post! Thank you! Concise and to the point. These are the exact steps I’ve always taken in manifesting things. What’s fun for me is also being a tool of the Universe. I often “hear” the wishes of those around me and assist in facilitating their wishes….

    What I’ve been reminded of recently – and I suppose it plays into the act of letting go of my own intentions – is that when I focus completely on helping others I’m more prone to let go of my own attachments. It makes it SO much more fun when the Universe just drops things in my world when I’m busy doing something else.

    Make it a great day!

  15. February 15, 2009 at 9:19 am

    great information and thank you for sharing and giving from your heart and soul…you definitely give abundantly….your sharing helps thousands…keep up the great manifesting and then sharing it….


  16. February 15, 2009 at 9:27 am

    Hi Joe

    Thanks for this very informative post. I am grateful.

    I have been having clear visions about how The Lawttery of Attraction is going to end.

    They’re Vibrant.



    I am a Chesire Cat everytime these visions zoom into my cranium!

    You see it is a 2hr fast paced, music blaring, hair raising, joyful fun loving celebration.

    However when I go to write down these thoughts and actions I am very serious.

    In fact all day I am very serious.

    I am throwing the serious bald guy out the window of the blue house. And bringing in the more playful one.

    And you know what?

    If it doesn’t happen what a show I have seen.

    Thank you for this reminder.



    P.S. I see you and Rhonda on the stage. You are playing and having fun with the crowd. At the same time you are sharing this exact method to attracting your desires. Awesome!

  17. Lilyell-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 9:40 am

    I just realized that we are big children, still playing but forgot that, when we get upset for not winning, nobody else plays with us. So we keep getting upset for not winning the games that we created the rules of. If things don’t work, we only should change the rules of our game. This way we don’t NEED stuff. We just playfully maneuver stuff around. Upsets are foolish, because they are on things we can easily change. HAPPY VALENTINES!

  18. February 15, 2009 at 9:45 am

    Joe, you have always been an inspiration and educator for me, but this post comes at such a critical time for me. Along with being a Life Coach, I am a caterer and I have been given this huge opportunity to take over a restaurant at a very high end Fun Park, along with all their coporate catering events. I was waivering a tad as I had to do my homework. now with my decision made that I want this opportunity, I need to know how to completely clear myself to not feel the desperation of needing it, as my catering business is down during this ecenomic slump. I feel thsi is the Right time to start a new business when the economy is down. I want it, I believe in it and I want to attract it into reality!

  19. Jim-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 9:48 am

    I have a couple of items that I’ve been “stuck” on.
    1. I’ve had my house for sale for 1 year
    2. My business has been successful, but with flat revenue for a couple of years, although I know the upside potential is enormous since I do business in 70 countries.

    Both situations can and will change, I have been listening to Joe Vitale audio materials for some time now, and they really resonate with me. I highly recommend them to anybody. I’m still doing the work to “get clear” but I do see a lot of progress. I have been listening for, and following my intuitive “nudges”. I have been ignoring my limited beliefs. It is working, I’m where I want to be yet, but the more I use these principles, the closer I am getting to my goals. For instance, I’m now finding a majority of my social and business encounters are at the CEO level, which can only lead to good things. That is just one small example. Instead of worrying about my house being sold, I can appreciate that I have an acre of waterfront right now, and there are two new BMW’s parked out front. This is a rambling comment, but I can tell you this stuff works if you keep following it.

  20. Kate-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 9:51 am

    You know, I have this experience every time I play pool. I used to be pretty good. My high school friend and I would practice at his regulation-sized table every day after school. I got good at combinations, some trick shots (but not bank shots.)

    Senior year, when we were 16, we’d go to the pool center at the nearby university and often get a small crowd watching us play 9-ball.

    Now I’m 32, and I didn’t play after freshman year of college. But occasionally, I will go out with my dad and brothers to the local watering hole, where they have red felt tables (oooo!) Sometimes my brother’s friends will be there, and my dad will say, “She is really good.”

    “Oh no,” I say. “Not anymore. I used to play a lot in high school.” With a shrug, I’ll chalk up and take my best shot. If I really care, I won’t make it, especially on a break.

    But if I truly *don’t* care, I will make 5 or 6 shots in a row. As long as they aren’t bank shots!

  21. mun-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 9:57 am


  22. Duane-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 10:14 am

    Hi Joe,

    Thank you for the great information. Just finished the Attractor Factor yesterday and started zero limits last night. All this is quite new to me but making some sense. I feel the most challenging part of all this will be letting go. I look forward to learning and attracting more in my life. This is my first visit to your site, I will stop by more often. POI Joe

  23. Appasamy-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 10:14 am

    Great Stuff.
    Will read it again and again , and start practicing it.
    Thanks Joe ,for sharing. For sharing is a blessed form
    of receiving in many folds.

  24. Leslie-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 10:22 am


    When I started to read it I understood exactly what you were saying as I related it to events in my life. You made it clear in choicen words and perfect story telling. I was also effected by Eunice…good job, great understanding. I am sure the road was not easy at the time. But you made it through with a clear understanding of how to act and react, which brought you to were you are now. Great Job!

    I am two years in to my enlightened journey. I smile each day glad to have found the path, grateful to walk the journey.

    May all be blessed with a true spirit and beautiful journeys

  25. Thomas Houston-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 10:26 am

    Great story, Joe! I , too appreciate guitars…in fact I have a vintage stratocaster that “floated” into my life when I was a young teenager.(back in 73 or so..)
    We recently got a new car through “allowing” it to flow into our life. I even have a Blog about it on The Boundless Living Challenge which I’m a member.
    Good to see the picture of you with those beautiful guitars. Who knows, maybe the universe will bring us together somehow/someway to jam with our beauties! Cool!

  26. February 15, 2009 at 10:30 am

    I just love you! You’ve been talking to me for years with your books, audios and blog posts. I love watching you grow and take us all with you. Thank you for sharing this information. I’m really beginning to see that having what I want can be easy and fun.
    With great appreciation,

  27. Robin Marie Ward-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 10:30 am

    Hello Joe,
    Just exercised my intuition and drove from collapsed California to Massachusetts, starting with zero dollars. Attraction factored, I manifested the trip. As I rolled up the hill 3/4 of a mile from my friend and benefactor’s house,where I will refinish a floor starting Monday, one of my trailer tires blew. I had a spare so pulled it on the rim into her yard. I call it Wing and Prayer adventuring. After changing the tire, I discovered the reason; the bearing is gone. Talk about just making it!

    After studing Matsura Emoto’s “water” work, I feel I heard a definitive call to head East for a mission yet to be fully revealed. Images have come and knowledge has been provided. One bit of knowledge was that having water to the West of your house in Feng Shui would drain away money. I lived in Pacifica CA, the struggling community of crafters of housing. Interestingly, the communities of Burlingame, Hillsborough, and Palo Alto are on the East side of the penninsula (San Francisco-San Mateo), and Daly City and Pacifica on the West
    The Chinese stubbornly held their foot on the East Side of San Francisco, where the Bay is the water more prevalent on the East. Interesting folklore, wouldn’t you say?
    Yesterday I was asked if I came to New England to take the last job from a local carpenter. My thought was, maybe, and if I were, it would be because I was SUPPOSED to take that job; Higher Power I choose to call Aumakua Guardian of the Castle, wanted it that way.
    Here I am, with no formulated plan, no formulated tightly designed goals, working on following this water born intuition thread laid out before me. My grandfather’s house at Lake George NY was on the East side of the Cleverdale Penninsula, the wealthy side.
    Electromagnetics play a part in attraction. The Nevada Mountains are very electric whereas my former home Martha’s Vineyard, was very magnetic, especially my waterfront home. Just now thinking this through as I peck, Nantucket, Island of the very rich, is way out East in the water, and the west end is the “poorer” end.
    Hmmm, maybe the reason New York–Financial Capital of The World; CNBC– is on the East Coast.

    Love and womanifesting

  28. February 15, 2009 at 10:30 am

    I just received a job I had completely forgotten about applying for… hehehhe… meanwhile the ones I worried about getting because I really wanted them never happened. 🙂

  29. aeaeae-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 10:51 am

    Dear Joe: my mind has opened up! Cheers, aeaeae

  30. Martin-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 11:14 am

    I can’t see you helping much more than the other writers do. A lot of it was misleading, usually unintentionally, you said. Yes, including your stuff on this website. Why? Because all this stuff, all your words are incomplete… when incomplete they can not be understood corectly, especially by ‘beginners’… It may build, in people in real need, addiction of collecting audiobooks etc. which can turn their attention from real changes and their life to some kind of being odd and spending too much time listening audios, reading… All it may happen because of misunderstanding…
    I appreciate your teaches anyway, but everyone is different. So they may need different help but are already caugh by… Certainly! …
    Another thing… The words ‘The Secret’, ‘The Law Of Attraction’ seem used and repeated too many times… What about the other laws? We have also the Law of Cause and Effect, The Law of Increase, and few more laws which are worth to understand…

  31. February 15, 2009 at 11:19 am

    Hi Martin. If you read my books or listen to my audios, you’ll see that I talk about the other laws. In my new program, The Secret to Attracting Money, I spell them out for you. This post was a simple illustration of a deper understanding of LOA. Nothing more. Nothing less.

  32. Azrai-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 11:28 am

    I can relate to Joe’s guitar story. First of, I’m delighted to say that I’m doing what I love. I got my dream job almost 2 years ago. Before that I was jobless. I unintentially applied LOA to get the job. No idea what LOA was at that time.

    Anyway, my employers offered the job in November 06. Weeks went by and there was no indication of when I would start. I was starting to get frustrated. I was jobless. More frustrating was that those close to me began to doubt I’d get it re inforcing my own fears that “This is to good to be true..” It was already end January 07. I decided to let it go and go get a temp job (I like to work on cars so I worked with my uncle who ran a shop). At least that would keep my mind busy and those around me from making noise. After two weeks the company called me and asked me to start the following month. I’ve been here eversince and consider myself very blessed. Within one year I went from no job, no money, no car, staying with parents to Dream job, new car, own apt, married. I also got a big raise a few months ago! I’m also getting a lot of recognition from people in general for some reason. Strange.. but I welcome it. 🙂 I even appeared on the cover of a magazine! it’ so cool..

  33. susan-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 11:40 am

    Thanks Joe. In addition to being a great reminder, this also really struck my funny bone because I’ve had similar thoughts/beliefs/mistrust of UPS! (ha) Started with one or two little things, then built up into this whole big ‘thang’ that I really had to clear out (and guess what – clearing it worked).

  34. LUDMILA-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 11:45 am

    I never want much more money ,I’m not afraid to be poor. but I always receive. with no effort. I have a firm and all that I do is for fun. and money … coming all the time.

  35. February 15, 2009 at 11:52 am

    Dear Joe,
    Thank You for sharing These Seeds of Enlightenment.
    It seems to us if You were “perfect” You would not be Learning lessons from which we all Benefit so take It easy on Yourself with Your Impatience, etc. It serves Your Public.

  36. October-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 11:57 am

    This has really helped me a lot today too. I struggle to keep myself focused at times. I have a path laid out before me, I know it is a chosen path but not everyone is in agreement with me… I was just thinking how everything has unfolded to bring me to this point and I can’t help but trust in it… On top of that, I’ve been reading all these comments and I think my career may have just jumped out at me!!!! I try to be as detatched as possible, when you are all that’s left is joy and happiness, I know there are good things in store for me, thanks Joe!!!!

  37. February 15, 2009 at 12:13 pm

    Joe, So fine to find this in my inbox today. I’m seeing a Happy Valentine’s day year rolling out for us all in 2009. The energy of gratitude and grace is coming in waves now, carrying me effortlessly into joy and fulfillment. The clarity, intelligence, succinctness of this post are masterful. I’ve been a practicing student of LOA (grace of Abraham-Hicks) for about 6 years. Never knew of you before The Secret. Attracted Zero Limits (it was THE perfect title to grab my attention, aligned with my native intention) about 11 months ago. It was the critical pivot point on this path. You are an exemplar par excellence of the teacher (much less master) whose integrity and influence relies on his perpetual status as student. Thank you!
    Also, the quality of the posted responses attest to who you are attracting now, and are a joy and inspiration and support to each of us others. We are all so supremely blessed by this Internet, and my gratitude to every soul who contributes to its functioning. Happy Day and Joy to all! And I can imagine you, Joe, someday just serenading us with simple poem/haiku/Songs Of The Divine acommpanied by your Martin, on video, riding in you Rolls through landscapes of transcendant beauty! A toast to a Divine ’09!

  38. February 15, 2009 at 12:26 pm

    Hi Joe, a clear lesson. Outstanding, as usual. One particular point reached me. I quote:”That statement of meaning — “I’m always impatience when something is to arrive by US mail. It rarely works out for me” — is the actual belief that attracted the experience!”
    The Post mails in any country have that bad classification. So they are what we all think . We can extend that to others “beliefs” we have as correct and then we want to receive what we think,not considering that we are the own problem creator. I was very shocked with that discovery you brought to us. Thank you.

  39. Wanda-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    Dear Joe: After recently losing a job and a whole bunch of money i am now scared. this post is inspiring and i will try to release these feelings of desperation. Yes, i can fast, and maybe not pay rent in time, but how do i get rid of the feeling of not being productive. I feel so much like a failure for i can’t see a way out. Sorry to whine and yes thanks for your insights, but i just wanted to tell someone how i feel. God bless you for all your fine work. Wanda

  40. February 15, 2009 at 12:49 pm

    Hi Joe!
    Thank you for your continued gifting! Again and again you have given me your delight in discovering play! I really enjoyed the journey of this blog… and I just can’t wait to go there again… for the fun of it!
    I just recently used my very first exploration into marketing (I’ve been studying your programs) and had great success! The truth is, I knew I would… I felt it! And feeling the succes WHILE creating the announcement email brought me a LOT of joy. I was nearly bouncing up and down in my seat while creating it. I kpet saying “the are going to love this!” Not as a creation, but as a realization. As I reflected back on the experience, there wasn’t a bit of “need” involved… just a very fun action… which, incidentally, I felt the nudge to do… I kept hearing your words “take advantage of a holidlay” over and over in my head. Finally I sat down and offered something great… and it was scooped up! What I LOVE about all of this is freedom… to play, to create, to say yes, to give big and receive big. Yep! I love it! And you… Thanks so much!

  41. Tia-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 12:57 pm

    Thank You, Thank You !

    I have been on this path of learning to manifest for some time and feel at times like a slow learner …lol… but (!) I got a great lesson from myself a couple of weeks ago.

    I have needed two root canals and a filling for a several months and knew that my plan would cover it but the dentist office was having a very confusing time getting the right information from my insurance provider …

    I figured that a lot of that had to do with my fear of going to the dentist and not really wanting to get the work done even though I knew it had to be done.

    Well, after all these months I was ready to call the office and they called me the very next day .. more confusion …

    So I gave up … I thought .. well, maybe I am just going to let this one tooth fall out before we get it all straightened out ! It is all kind of weird because I have had very strong healthy teeth all my life …

    I let go after the long convoluted conversation and just forgot about it all ..

    The very next day the receptionist called and left two excited messages for me. When I called her back she was beside herself she was so excited and pleased with herself : ) They figured it all out and decided that the office would cover ‘ALL’ treatment and I would pay nothing at all ….

    So, even the part the plan didn’t cover was being covered by the dentist …

    I just had the first root canal done and did some eft before I went because I had quite a bit of fear … the session was really quite fabulous for dental work ! I had no pain after the freezing came out, at all …

    My clue was in just letting go … I still wanted it done but was just totally letting go of all of it …

    I am still trying to let go of the need for money, rent, bill payments etc … and this is more challenging but I think I finally ‘get’ the process : )

    It is interesting to learn that the intense desire is equivalent to or mirror of desperation/need … I think that is a bit of a misunderstanding from previous teacings on LOA …

    Anyways .. I have been getting your newsletters etc for years now – that is why I feel I have been a slow learner but am happy to have had this concrete example for myself …

    Thank you for the Love and Self less service you give to all of us : )


  42. February 15, 2009 at 1:05 pm

    This is an interesting story and echos a post I wrote on my own blog a few days ago title “things don’t happen quickly enough” which just happens to be the very belief that slows everything down for me.
    Did you get my gift Joe?
    Kind regards
    Mark Ty-Wharton

  43. February 15, 2009 at 1:10 pm

    PS Google my friend Tom Mates – if you want THE BEST acoustic guitar on the planet have Tom make a guitar for you – they are AWESOME!
    Kind regards
    Mark Ty-Wharton

  44. Kai-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 1:11 pm

    :lol::lol:Hi Joe My first visit here. I’ve been working thru the missing secret and the ho’oponopono mantras feel particularly right on to me. I was feeling irritated by a woman’s voices-in-her-head acting out behavior on a bus coupla days ago, and remembered to say silently I’m sorry, please forgive me,thank you, I love you, repeated over and over. and as I calmed down internally, so did she and the folks around us. Powerful stuff.
    Its clear to me that I have counterintentions getting in the way of the LOA working smoothly in my life. Still working on forgiving myself for abandoning my children, and other stuff. I can feel all this missing secret stuff helping a lot.
    An interesting side effect of saying I love you, i love you, I love you, over and over to the divine, is that finally, after growing up emotionally wounded and finding it a struggle all my life to say I love you to anyone– my lover, wife, children, anyone ever in my life– I’m finally loosening up. By remembering to say these mantras and saying I love you silently more and more as I remember to, and practicing saying “em out loud to my dogs, and then to my sister and son, lo and behold, I said I love you directly to them without much of a struggle at all.
    For me, a very significant breakthru change. I love you, Joe, you’re right in there as I regularly express gratitude for all I’m grateful for in my life right now.

  45. February 15, 2009 at 1:25 pm

    Dear Joe,
    I’m an italian woman. I’m reading “the key”… it’s wonderful… (I have already read “the secret” ed I have seen the DVD)
    Thank you very much for your true words, but I would like to write you and to speak to you…

  46. February 15, 2009 at 1:29 pm

    Joe, Thanks for the post, I didn’t know you played guitar!
    I have been playing for over 25yrs myself.
    Anyway, I have great respect and admiration for you work, Your writings have been extremely helpful and transformative in my journey. Your wya of describingand explaining the “Secret”
    has been indispensible in my utilization and application of the Law of attraction!
    Many many thanks

  47. February 15, 2009 at 1:34 pm

    Hi Joe,

    A question I’m asked a lot by clients and which I find difficult to answer, is, “How do you let go of the ‘need’ for money when you have a wife and kids to feed, a mortgage to pay, credit card bills to pay etc.?”

    When money is actually ‘needed’ NOW, how does one let go and go about life as if it is NOT needed. I’m sure you’ll agree it hard when all the person is seeing is bills, bills, bills.

    It all sounds great, but how can someone in such a desperate and ‘needy’ situation actually put it into practice? Guitars, cars and the like are not important in life and I’m sure most people couild live without all these toys.

    But when money is a necessity and not getting it means someone could lose their house and end up on the street with their kids, it not so easy to let go of, would you not agree?

    Would they not be giving their unconcsious mind a message that they are not serious about the attainment of money wealth and abundance.

    I’d love and appreciate a clear answer on this Joe, without suggesting that the person without any money goes and buys your new course.

    I love what you do and you are a true inspiration, but I feel there is a lot of theory and it would help me help others if I had some clear cut answers.

    Thanks a million an have a fantastic day Joe.

  48. Robert Audet-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 2:01 pm

    Dear Joe,
    Thanks for the real-life story. I particularly appreciate the step-by-step aspects and common “traps” for this work.

    The Law of Attraction is a true challenge for me these days, mostly because I don’t feel like I deserve to have things I want if I am to serve Spirit, and serving Spirit is a mission I have felt but not necessarily followed most of my life. In my late 20s, i began meditating, receiving healing, taking trainings, reading various teachers, etc. to get the answers to “Who am I?” “What am I here to do?” and “How can I serve?” In my late 30s, coinciding with my first business breakup and the start of my first ever long-term gay relationship (coming further out of the closet), I realized that my biggest challenge was that I have been seeking my answers outside of me.

    Now, in my late 40s, I am up against a deeper urge to serve and an almost desperate and, at times, frustrating desire to know who I really am. You see, I am very empathetic, which is a gift and is also a curse because I can’t seem to separate myself enough to find my own answers.

    I enjoyed and resonated with your recent book, Zero Limits and have been working with the four statements the past few weeks. I have not had any major dawnings, but I am getting a very subtle sense of OK-ness with who and how I am.

    Joe, I have a deep knowing that there is so much in the Universe, so much beauty, joy and love for everyone and everything, yet my mind denies it regularly, especially when I am stressed or really want something, like an improved relationship with my partner. I sometimes think I need to go back to the kindergarten equivalent of personal growth to start all over again. How do I break free of this inner tyranny? I appreciate any thoughts, prayers, wisdom you may have. -Namaste, Robert

  49. February 15, 2009 at 2:02 pm

    I have ‘The Missing Secret’ and i’am under it’s power, doing a major project and loving it. I have read “Zero Limits’ I’m Sorry – Please Forgive Me – I love You – Thank You. These two items are more powerful than anyone can imagine. I have several people ordering and reading Zero Limits,,,POWERFUL STUFF

    Many Thanks Joe

  50. February 15, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    Joe, one of the great things about you, is that you are not perfect. There is a genuine guy here that is human and shows us when he is. Then he takes us along for the ride of what it is like to readjust. To redirect back toward the objective. This is great teaching, Joe. Thank you, budi.

  51. Emu-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 2:52 pm

    This is spot on. I have manifested amazing things in my life and always when “I let go”. At the time I didn’t realise what I was doing – even though I was visualising and feeling as though I already “had the job”, “had the house”, “the partner” – it just felt natural. Whenever I wanted something it didn’t happen but as soon as I took the attitude of “if it’s meant to happen it will” the universe went into overdrive and it happened. I’d kind of forgotten about all this and this blog reminds me to let go – I don’t “need” the stuff I “want” – whatever happens I’m in a great place right now. Happy where I am but looking forward to what I’m attracting. Thank you Joe. xxx

  52. Sue-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 3:01 pm

    Not to defend, Joe, cause you really don’t need it – but… Everyone IS different (isn’t that part of the beauty?)! Therefore, everyone needs these things said in a different manner. (Sometimes in several different manners, lol – I have been one of those on many occasions!!) 😉

    We also run into the opposite problem, where some people say there are “x” number of laws, and others have a different number. One minister has an EXCELLENT book out that talks about 22 different Laws.

    All are the same in the end, and all are beautiful teachings.

    If these teachings were easy for the average person to grasp from one source, well, Jesus would not still be argued over, nor would Buddha, Mohammad or many others, who also all said the same thing.

    Thank you for the beautiful post Joe, and thank ALL of the rest of you for your inspiration and insights, too!!


  53. Gene-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 3:01 pm

    Like so many others evidently do, I always feel better, more hopeful, and more “positive” after reading anything from a very successful LOA master practioner like Joe Vitale who has “been there, done that” and certainly seems to know what he’s talking about -and how to steer the rest of us more in the right direction. Having been through circumstances that existance of being broke and ending up homeless, existing as few have had to endure, only to emerge from it all the more wiser, resilient, and no doubt far wealthier and happier than ever before. I like the way he illustrates how the basic LOA principles never fail to manifest in examples in real life anyone can easily relate to. IMHO that’s a mark of an effective writer creating useful and memorable pieces, something I very much hope to do more of myself when I establish my website and blog. My chosen niche is going to be about promoting and marketing anything and everything with solid value proven to be helpful in improving health, ones financial condition, etc. with a strong emphasis on E-books and instantly deliverable electronic information, but only the best, nothing I wouldn’t want to buy and apply personally, stuff I can believe in and would be proud to associate with that I could present to friends and family to improve their lives. I say if you are going to sell anything, then only sell products you really believe and half the battle is won right from the start. I believe the intuition of any serious would be customers will quickly tell them you are sincere and “the real deal” and they will respond very favorably to your offers. Because I also seek to drastically improve my much less than ideal circumstances, especially in the financial sense these days. So logically what better way to attract a great life of superior health and prosperity than to help as many others as possible to achieve the same worthy goals, besides it should be good karma in the long run! I have always been interested in exploring anything to do with manifesting and LOA type methods, way before I heard anyone call them that (remember the old school terms such as “mind over matter” “mind power” etc) Like that saying goes, Everything old is new again! So when the film “The Secret” was all the rage and the buzz was about all things LOA I became interested in taking a second look at this fascinating “new” topic and seeing how it has been updated and refreshed, what new knowledge and insights came to light, and maybe I’d discover a new thing or three. With Joe Vitale (among other greats) to show the way forward today, you can’t help but be inspired and be filled with a can-do attitude that doesn’t allow fear to dictate how you will live your life, bad economy or not. The powerful realization that the life you really want is now indeed within reach, if you learn how to get to it! Joe Vitale is one who has led by example.

  54. Coconut Skin-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 3:35 pm

    hi, Joe!:smile:
    Thanks a lot for helping and sharing so worthy information. I recently have done ”Ho’onopono” excercise and I feel I am getting really free from my old beliefs and thinkings. But I never know if I can do it just by saying and not refer it to some special issue? I mean use it like mantra or something just to clean my old beliefs of which I am not aware consciously? Or every time I do it, I need to think about some problems?I mean I can have also beliefs in my subconscious mind about what I already forgot…:roll:

  55. Coconut Skin-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 4:05 pm

    eh, sorry for mistake – Ho’oponopono…It is just so hard to spell 🙂

  56. Tom-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 4:16 pm

    Hi Joe,
    great Guitar Story.
    And I could tell you a similar one:
    A couple of years ago I fell in love with Flying-Vs.
    A friend – well known intl. rock star – owns 2 Korina Gibson Vs.
    I happened to try one of them and – fell in love.
    I knew that these guitars are extremely rare.
    So “I didn’t really need”.
    Some days later I became aware of one about 200 miles away.
    I planned to drive there but was some sort of reluctant to drive with my own car which had a engine problem.
    I kind of let go.
    Same day mercedes called to offer me a trial ride in an S-Class.
    Picked up the car, drove to the Guitar dealer, tried and bought the guitar for a fair price.
    And that even happened before I even knew your name. 😉
    Mail me and I’ll send you photos of some great Flying-Vs.
    And should you ever come to north Germany –
    I have a recommendation for a great luthier:

  57. Alan Steacy-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    Hi Joe,

    Awesome guitar and excellent lesson. I was thinking the other day about the law of attraction as it relates to the current economic “crisis” our nation and the whole world appear to be mired in. It occurred to me that with all the political whining and media negativity, a vast number of people are becoming focused on the financial “lack” in the world, unable to see that we live in an abundant universe if only we shift our focus toward it.

    I remember your e-mail several years ago regarding the hurricane that was bearing down on the Huston area and you suggested that if enough people were to set the intention that the storm would take a less disastrous track and that just maybe the forces of nature would respond favorably. Apparently, I choose to believe, it worked. Now what if a whole bunch of us all shifted our attention away from the predominant “whoa is us” mentality and toward thinking abundantly in this unusual economic time and see if we can’t overpower the negativity and mindset of lack and reopen the golden gates of the universe! Why not? We can certainly start by being truly grateful for all that we presently have and believe that the future holds even more for us to be grateful for.

    Well Joe the ball’s in your court. We’re all counting on you to turn the tide and show us the way. I’ll be looking for the email!

  58. Carolina Hinrichsen-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 5:26 pm

    Hi!!! Joe, You are “Unique”, I would like some day to meet you in person. Recently, I bought The Key…..It came to Me as a gift…..not even Me looking for It!!!
    But I am just trying to take off with so much knowledge. I thank The Universe there are people like you in It…..opening our eyes…..our souls…..and minds!!!
    God blessed You!
    Carolina Hinrichsen.:wink:

  59. sune-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 5:28 pm

    Hi, Joe,
    THANKS A LOT for your great insights…
    You’ve explained very well with your own experience..
    Dealing with the self-talk and clearing, trusting and doing whatever feels right is a challenge in daily life for most of us..though we all feel the need to come out from where we are right now..
    Thanks for your honest, clear-cut explanations..!
    Thank you!!

  60. February 15, 2009 at 5:53 pm

    I love when you explain it right along side a personal story like that! I can see it so clearly in my life too (and man, I gotta do some of those apologizing/forgive me statements)

    If you get a chance to share a story of how to lovingly tell someone else you’re not interested in worrying, I’d love to hear that! seems to be a challenge I haven’t quite figured out how to handle exactly yet.

    Thanks for the insights 😛

  61. February 15, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    Hi Joe

    I’ve read most of your books( too many to mention here) and recently purchased and completed your program – The Missing Secret. All wonderful material and really helpful. Your NEW program – How to Attract Money – How different is it from the Missing Secret? In other words, have you introduced specific ideas on attracting money…or can I just keep using the ideas in the Missing Secret?

    Many Thanks

    Much Love

  62. Monique-Reply
    February 15, 2009 at 7:08 pm

    Hi Joe

    I got an email from you with the link to this blog post,… AND IT COULD NOT HAVE COME AT A BETTER TIME!!!!!

    I was fretting about how I might be able to afford to purchase something for myself for quite some time now, & I think, after reading this post that, not only have I been “pushing it away” but I have also created more situations to keep me fretting!

    Mainly, I fret about ‘not having enough money’ to buy anything that I would like to have, instead of ‘just trying to find the funds to pay bills and nothing else’.

    I have also had a light bulb moment where I related that to why I have had problems with money for so many years now,… because I have been pushing that away too by fretting about ‘needing more money’!!!….

    I know I’m gonna have to do a bit of work to change my belief patterns and also to let go of this issue so I can let good things come into my life from now on. I’m hoping with ho’oponopono and other tools that I just might be able to see some relief and start to see good things & more money coming into my life from now on.

    Thank you again for this incredibly timely post, I am incredibly grateful for the story you shared with us all.

    Enjoy that guitar by the way! 😛 😀

    Monique. 🙂

  63. February 15, 2009 at 7:10 pm

    :lol:I just wanted to thsnk you for some wonderful life changing information.
    I LOVE your book Attrctor Factor It is AMAZING!!! as are you

  64. February 15, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    Hi Trevor. The new course is focused on money. Yes, I introduce new ways to get clear, and explain the spiritual as well as practicial system for attracting money. It’s all explained on the site I gave:

  65. February 15, 2009 at 9:57 pm

    Thank you Joe,
    I agree with all the others who found this example very clear. Thanks for helping educate all of us. Enjoy your guitar.
    Warmest regards,

  66. February 15, 2009 at 10:10 pm

    I love the clear, concise explanantion. Your example of your own life experience is sure to be an inspiration to everyone desiring to live their dreams, including myself. You are an amazing soul for sharing your story! 😛

  67. February 15, 2009 at 10:42 pm

    Hi Joe, although I feel the LOA has done wonders for me many years ago, I have only recently been re-introduced to it by watching you in the Secret movie and subscribing to your various links as well as this paricular one.

    I am from South Africa , have a very unique business, but stand to lose everything I have ( i know that statement was negative), through a stupid chain of events that happened over the last 14 months.

    I am really battling with ridding myself of thinking about what I “do not want” (to happen) etc. I constantly find myself having to re-direct my thoughts. From reading here I now think desperation is pushing the energy away fom my needs??
    I am desperate to have my vehicles back from having been reposessed by the bank, because I have so much work for it, and can repay the bank with ease, but they won’t listen. They have already sold one of them.

    Where do I focus my energy?? I “do not want” to lose my business?? How do I turn that negative into a positive?????

    My father 82, is on his last legs with colon cancer. I just drove down a 1000 miles to go and see him. (No money to fly), and whenever someone would ask him how he was, he would answer ” a lot better today , thank you”, which made me feel that I should never ever complain about anything ever again. It made me cry!
    Please help!!

    PS I found the guitar story very interesting and of great value to my thinking processes and belief patterns!! I also found your inputs to the Secret movie, the most valuable of all the contributors.

    With kind regards

  68. div-Reply
    February 16, 2009 at 2:07 am

    dear joe,
    I am div from india,i happened to bump into ur blog today………
    and its quite interesting………..joe i have read the secrret quite a few times……..
    and quite a lot of books on positive thinkin and lawas of attraction………but somehow i cant seem to get it right!
    i am a doctor and jus graduated………i have been trying for residency
    in the US………..and i have been unsuccessful at tht………….during the same time my realationship ended……….and i still dont know wat went wrong wit it………there is always a financial crunch and i am not sure how to turn all of this around…………like everyone else i want to attract money, a perfect partner and a great career in my life………..but seems like i have only been delayin it…………could u pls help me!

  69. February 16, 2009 at 2:29 am

    Great story Joe!

    Manifesting guitars is really fun. I’ve attracted 3 so far, along with some rare effects units and assorted musical gizmos. I tend to either find them at unusually low prices or people buy me them as presents.

    A fun challenge for people might be to start with manifesting 10 things purely for fun, nothing serious, nothing you need, just purely for fun…

    All the best,
    Michael Campbell

  70. February 16, 2009 at 4:26 am

    Thank you for this book, going through it make me reliszed what, I am doing to myself about money, now I can sow the seed of manifesting money and let it germinat and grow and bear fruit.
    Thanks, God bless

    Victor Adaramola:smile:

  71. February 16, 2009 at 4:28 am

    Thanks a lot . it is always a pleasure to read from you ,Joe .The way you express youself is so simple yet yielding so much results .I love Your book attractor factor and look forward for your new product(s) .
    God Bless You .:wink::grin:

  72. Amber-Reply
    February 16, 2009 at 6:15 am

    great /..
    .This is a real truth and i have real life experience of this fact too
    ,but again it creates some contradictions to LOA s different techniques e.g AFFIRMATION and Visualization . suppose if one wants to attract ferrari and keep visualizing it day and night DOES not it make him feel NEED or SORTA COMPULSION to have it ..does not it send signals to SUBCONSCIOUS MIND We NEED ferrari ….. ….
    Joe do clarify this point .

  73. Jani-Reply
    February 16, 2009 at 6:50 am

    Dear Joe!
    Thank you for these great ideas..I always thought I should feel guilty for having a good financial status..but now I see, I shouldn´t:grin:
    Now, everything goes great (money,fiends, health), except in love. I still can´t find the man of my life. I hope you could give me some suggestion.

  74. Martin01-Reply
    February 16, 2009 at 8:54 am

    Dear Joe,

    I am in my fifties, back in my teens I made a profession of a belief system and have lived my life by those tenants. That belief system has given me faith and a belief that things will be better and those others like me have the same beliefs.

    I lost my first younger brother at the age of 19 and used that faith to believe that he is better off now. Last year I lost my second younger brother to cancer, he left three children. I rationalize that lose by saying that he is better off, not in pain or suffering. The first was and accident the second I tried to believe that my and his faith could heal his cancer, it did not.

    I have a business and worked a full time job. I left the full time job to be with my brother during his last months, believing that my faith would provide for me. During that time I heard about the Secret and watched it.

    Over the past few months I have tried to release my needs but like some of the other postings they have not been provided for. You would say that these are not needs that I do not need them, things like food, utilities, a place to live, health insurance and so forth.

    I have several very influential friends and have asked them for assistance with the business, just a referral, just a contact, something simple….then the idea comes to me to ask several of my very wealthy friends in the faith to buy into the business using a beach home as collateral, to provide the working capital, they are all to worried about how they will get paid back…

    I am beginning to realize that teaching of LOA is just like that faith that I have tried to live my life by all these years. A lot of smoke and mirrors, you have not because you do not ask, you do not get what you ask for because you do not have faith, you do not have faith so you don’t get… would say I do not get because I do not release, or that I do not ask, or that I am not grateful or whatever…yes the utilities will be turned off at the end of the month, shortly after that the bank will take my homes, my business will close, all of this because I have not released or believed or whatever……..

    I guess I am about to learn more about myself and to be more grateful for my family and life.

  75. February 16, 2009 at 9:24 am

    Hi Joe! 😀
    Great and inspirationel story!
    I’m a guitarplayer, too. I have a special for-me hand-built classical guitar. So I know the feeling of getting an intented guitar in your hands! When I bought it, I didn’t know how much I needed it (I found out when I first played it!) and I easily attracted the money for it.. ($ 3.500).. But what you write in this post is important to have in mind (to me!) all the time.

    I really like your books The Attractor Factor and Expect Miracles.

    Thank you! Love me… Peace! 😀

  76. February 16, 2009 at 11:51 am

    Since I began this journey, I have seen so many things come to life around me and as new thoughts come up I write them down. Only because I want to remember and see for myself how my life is unfolding. And I must say sometimes it is sad but the majority of the time it is happy. When you write down your thoughts and look back, the sadness that creeps in is not as many as happy thoughts. For once we learn the Law of Attraction and how it works, you realize that yes you alone control your life. And you alone control your choices. No one can make you do something or think of something but you alone.

    I realized that there are a lot of people out there who claim to understand and explain LOA; and they do not really understand its power. For if they did, they wouldn’t constantly be pushing you into buying things just to make them rich. No the true mentors of LOA do not do that; hence, I made the choice to stay with those who brought it to me originally and those who they back up as true sources of LOA.

    Thank you Joe, for you are one of those who understand LOA and brought it to me originally. I appreciate all of your inspiration. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, I cannot say it enough!!!

  77. February 16, 2009 at 12:14 pm

    Hello Joe,
    I appreciate your openness as you share your life experience. Your openness helps each of us to realize that we all have things we move toward and struggle with in our own unique way because of our personal beliefs. Thanks again.

  78. Jorge Gomez-Reply
    February 16, 2009 at 12:33 pm


    I hope you are doing great this week, i do not know how to start saying this but i think since i saw you in the secret movie i start thinking positively, let me tell that i start being a big fan of you and your work, on december 23th 2008 i got “The Key” book translated in Spanish cause I live in Tampico México, and I have read it two times till now, since 2004 I start learning Metaphysics, so I think I am awakening my awareness, sorry for my English……let me ask you something it came to my mind these past days…….

    Have you ever thougth on teaching or offer your programs, tips, web page, blog and anything else in Spanish???? I mean, it will be wonderfull having at least your programs and the rest of your teachings in Spanish so you can get many other people in latin america (México) and expand you horizon, I think this way a lot of people can get interested on being a happy, get wealth and you can teach us all, I say teach us cause I am including my self, I want to change my lifestyle, I want to be happier, I want to give a better life to my wife and my children, parents, relatives, friends, work partners, etc….. I know I could be difficult to have you here in México giving us a speech or anything else at the beginning but I would like to have the opportunity to assit to one of your courses or programs, due to my past beliefs, right now I am what I thought a few years ago and my financial state is really hard, I also want to tell you that I started to read the Prosperity Affirmation and I strongly believed at the end of the thirty days i will be happier with my financial state……

    Thanks for all your teachings, tips and programs……..God Bless you !!!!!!!!!

    Jorge Gómez.

    P.S. I am also a member for your tips and letters programs with this e-mail address: [email protected] you can even send me e-mails to both addresses.

    P.S.2 have you ever thougth on having a Spanish miracles team (and all your teachings, programs, etc) to teach and help people who does not speak English as you do in USA???????


    Jorge Gómez

  79. Amy-Reply
    February 16, 2009 at 1:28 pm

    Joe – Thank You. This was such a clear example of the LOA. It really supported me in getting to the heart of the matter. I was making $30,000 per month in my consulting business and gave it up to take on a new venture to create residual passive income – which is my goal. Things are not moving as fast as I would like …I am taking action, setting the intention…etc…..what I realized from reading your example is that I am very attached to the outcome and am holding it WAY TOO CLOSE!!! I need to set the intention and let the universe create. This has given me a new way of looking at something that I “thought” I already knew. Thanks a million!!!

  80. Mieke-Reply
    February 16, 2009 at 4:37 pm

    Dear Joe;
    The timing was perfect for me to read your LOA steps using your guitar purchase example. I keep slipping back into some negative beliefs regarding a house I wish to sell and reading the steps brought me back “up” to a positive place of trusting myself and do more clearing techniques. Thank you and look forward to seeing you in Austin with Dr. Hu Len.

  81. Stephen-Reply
    February 16, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    I have just finished reading The Attractor Factor and I am very grateful for your knowledge! I picked my copy of Think and
    Grow Rich again and I was wondering:

    How do you compare your methods with Mr. Hill’s?

    When I started reading the first chapter I began to wonder does Nevilizing then releasing my thoughts about my goals and desires correlate with Mr. Hill’s suggestion of keeping focus on them even in the face of temporary defeat?

    According to your methods, would you recommend one to stay focused on desires by constantly being in a Nevilized state, therefore constantly being happy now?

    What about those who truly find power in keeping a constant and concious focus on goals and desires like Mr. Hill suggests?

    I noticed you’ve been busy. Thank you for any type of feedback.


  82. stacy-Reply
    February 17, 2009 at 12:13 am

    Hi, I just wanted to say thank you. I could not figure out what I was doing wrong. Now I know that the reason I was having difficulty manifesting things in my life was because I had the feeling of desperation. And now that I know better I am more relaxed and can let these feelings go. Thank you again.

  83. monica-Reply
    February 17, 2009 at 3:26 am

    Dear Joe!!!greatings from Italy, full of sunshine 😎 !!
    well, I discovered the secret last year and my life has changed completely…actually, I think I am a “natural born secret ownner”, meaning that I always thought positively, but I miss the techniques…
    Now, it’s 10 months I’m working on a really amazing project. Trust me, it’s ingenious, one of the most creative product I’ve ever seen – without modesty!:lol:
    So I introducted my idea to the most powerful anchorman in Italy. Directly. Just sended him it…and he loved it!!!
    I was full of joy and gratitude, could you understand?I was in the Olympo!!!
    He told a great multinational restaurant owner about my project, looking for an investment – and I didn’t ask it!
    …but…it’s 20 days I’m waiting for a response….I need it desperately, cause all is born just as a joke and now I have the chance to change my life forever, to gain a lot – really a lot – of money to do really whatever I want…AND THE ANSWER DOESN’T COME!!!!!!!!!:cry:
    Yes, I’m conscious my problem is my bad feelings about it….and I tried all the methods you described in “The key” – man, I LOVE it!!! – …but it doesn’t work!!! oh, please…HELP ME!!! THINK ABOUT ME JUST FOR A FEW SECONDS and I’m sure it will come instantly! so I could come there and kiss you on your cheek with my deeply red lipstick!!!:mrgreen:
    Just telling you my story, I’m feeling really better.
    So, thanx for all…and see you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink:
    (facebook: monica panozzo, Roma)

  84. February 17, 2009 at 4:44 am

    Hi again Joe,

    I wondered if you managed to read my question yet. It’s up the line a bit at #47.

    I’d really love an answer.

    Thanks a million.


  85. February 17, 2009 at 7:16 am

    i have always wanted something like this and still deserve good deeds, magnify me as being the cleverest person in the world,at school,in everything basically.

  86. February 17, 2009 at 8:16 am

    Aloha Joe! I’ve been following your stuff and reading our books for some time now. I’ve never stopped by to say hello to you. You’ve inspired so many people. I like your style, the rolls royce image, and the example you set.

    Thanks Joe!
    Aloha ~ Brian

  87. Kim Fleming-Reply
    February 17, 2009 at 9:32 am

    Hi Joe,

    About a year ago, I was in the office when you stopped by my desk to see what I was working on…I remember our conversation about how the “Universe likes speed”. I am rebuilding my online business FROM SCRATCH in 24 hours with your voice and meditations in my headphones. THANKS.

    Kim Fleming Meridian

  88. will weber-Reply
    February 17, 2009 at 11:48 am

    i have never seen a person say so little with so many words and repetition. It’s not what you say but the way you say it. I prefer to keep it simple and to the point. But than again its “Who’s your audience”? Thanks Your books are good but the diatribe you use to get me to buy them is excessive. Will W

  89. Paula-Reply
    February 17, 2009 at 3:25 pm

    Hi, Joe! I am new to your teachings —- half-way through my first listening of Zero Limits. I am fascinated by it, but also confused. I am a student of the Teachings of Abraham as channeled through Esther Hicks. By focusing on my thinking errors and apologizing for them, asking forgiveness, am I not attracting MORE of them? I am doing the clearing process: I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, and Thank You many times per day, and I know you say it isn’t necessary that it feels sincere….. I just feel conflicted after spending the last year focusing on my intentions and what I want.

    Can you help me out here?


  90. Paula-Reply
    February 17, 2009 at 3:28 pm

    Oops! I forgot to tell you I very much enjoyed your story about the guitar. It makes perfect sense that desperation pushes it away. My favorite affirmation in situations like this is “I always have what I need when I need it,” and it’s absolutely true. If it’s not here for me, it’s not really a need, tough as that may be for me to accept.

    Thanks for your generosity in sharing these insights for free.


  91. jimmy burchett-Reply
    February 18, 2009 at 1:59 am

    Hi Charles,
    Read post #10.
    Have a good one.

  92. February 18, 2009 at 2:01 pm

    HI Joe,

    I ordered your book The Atractor Factor the other day from Amazon and never did see the code to receive some of the bounuses that were offered. Can you point me in the right direction. Thanks Cleveland

  93. February 18, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    I tried to email you this to [email protected] but it bounced back …

    Your new Nightingale-Conant audio program …
    Jim Rohrbach
    Wed, 18 Feb 2009 17:52:11 -0600
    [email protected]

    Hi Joe!

    Just wanted to let you know I’ll be recommending your new program in my March-April newsletter going out to my clients/readers:

    • Audio Program Recommendation 🙂 Wish you had more $$$? Then pick up this very timely new program by Joe Vitale of The Secret fame.

    Please keep up the great inspiration!

    Gratefully yours —

    Jim “Da Coach”

  94. February 19, 2009 at 3:36 pm

    Hey Jimmy,

    Thanks for directing me to post #10. I missed that.

    I’m not sure that answers the question for me though. To suggest that someone in that situation should go without food or electrics etc. because the ‘can’ is beyond ridiculous and a bit insultng.

    I’ve yet to hear a clear and satisfactory answer to that question (and many more) and I’ve asked a few ‘gurus’ and read a ton of books in my search. Shame really.

    Thanks for your help Jimmy.

    Have a geat day.

  95. February 19, 2009 at 7:13 pm

    Charles, since you are dismissing the answers you are getting, what are you waiting for? You must have some answer in mind and no one else’s is matching it, so you dismiss them as “insulting.” My own answer is the one I’ll stand by, but you don’t like it, either, even though people who have been homeless agree with it. So, again, what are you waiting to hear? My bet is the answers are there for you, loud and clear, but you don’t want to hear them.

  96. Eugene-Reply
    February 19, 2009 at 10:55 pm

    Hi Joe,

    Quick question, if I may. I have read all of your books – all of them – and I like them all, so I am very familiar with your work. How is The Secret to Attracting Money different from the totality of information that contains in your previous works? Does it contain a good amount of novel ideas, or would it be repetitive for someone like me, someone who is already familiar with your work?


  97. Azrai-Reply
    February 20, 2009 at 12:46 am

    I agree with Joe’s response to the question (#10). I myself have been ‘stuck between a rock and a hard place’ though I think not as severe as some people. Bills, creditors, etc. Years ago when I couldn’t pay my car bills and when the repo was after me.. I actually felt relieved after they came and took my car. Similar with other ‘problems’ I felt great relief when I faced the problem and surrendered to the problem. They always get resolved one way or another.

    I guess it’s more severe when you have dependents. But i’ve seen that situation with my wife’s brother and his family. We all worried about his kids but he and his wife ‘detached’ themselves from the need for money (causing those around him a great deal of worry and concern). However they were highly spiritual/religious beings. Surprisingly though they seem to radiate happiness(especially their kids) despite the lack of money. Whats more miraculous was that a few months ago my wife’s brother got a high paying job with a local airline. They hired him on the spot! It was quite sudden.

    I guess the lesson here is we should face our problems, don’t fight them, instead truly ACCEPT the situation and always remember if you’re still breathing and living it ain’t Game Over. I used to remind myself that last bit a lot. The challenge for me was that those close to me don’t see it that way and that it’s all about perception.

    I’m also starting to appreciate Joe’s Ho’oponopono teachings. I noticed that I’d like my relationship with my parents to get better. I’m doing well yet they can’t seem to be truly and sincerely happy for me. I also noticed that my interaction with them had and probably still contribute to those negative feelings they have for me. I think of them and ask the divine to forgive me. Despite having a lot of resentment towards them from teenage to early adult years i realize that I love them immensely and that they are absolutely perfect the way they are. I’m feeling a little sad writing this but not in a bad way but because I realized now that I care and love them a lot.

    Now to some cool experiences of my own. I’ve noticed a lot of miracles in my life. Big and small. A few months ago I lost my wristwatch. It’s just a SWATCH but I love what I own. Had it for a long time and losing it was distressing. First I thought great, now I gotta go out and buy a new watch ($$$) but then I thought “GREAT this is an excuse for me to get a new nicer watch but I’m NOT going to go out and buy one coz I’m sure something nice will fall on my wrist” I lost the watch last July and true enough in December I got a brand new steel sports chronograph, similar to the one I lost but BETTER. I love it! and it’s free! A company we deal with gave it free as part of our new commercial relationship.

    I had other smaller and BIG miracles but I’ve written way too long here. Sorry :). I’m also getting a new phone next week which I absolutely love. I’m paying for it happily, and in the process of I’ve decided I’ll surprise the missus with one too. Actually getting a phone for my wife is stretching my budget a bit but boy is it making me feel very, very good inside. Can’t wait to see the look on her face!

  98. Ana-Reply
    February 20, 2009 at 3:19 am

    Dear Joe, it was so exciting to read this post! It is different from what I had read before, and it works!! it really does! It contains the right clues and tips to have a wonderful life! We should all have this in mind during the day, however sometimes we forget to put in in action. I´m located in Madrid, Spain, and I´ve been following your career for years now, I would love you come over to Spain to teach your learning through some conferences. I´m sure many people here need to hear your message. Please come over! Thanks for your support Joe. Ana

  99. Super Josh-Reply
    February 20, 2009 at 4:22 pm

    Thanks Joe! Let us know when you get it! I bet it sounds wonderful…like success!

  100. Joey-Reply
    February 21, 2009 at 4:46 am

    Regarding Joe’s reply (#10):

    What if there are small children involved? Do we tell them you can go without food or electricity?

    I think my question is: how do we attract money faster to get or buy the stuff we really NEED to have like food, rent money, milk for the babies, etc?

    How do we feel unattached to this desire of having money instantly?

  101. February 21, 2009 at 9:52 am

    Hi Joe,
    Thanks for your response (#95).
    My challenge is, me telling someone who is desperate, to “just let go of the need for money, you don’t really NEED it.”

    When they come back to me and say, “How do I do that?”, I don’t have an answer because I don’t unerstand it fully myself. I don’t have any answers in mind and that is why I’m asking.

    I’m not dismissing other answers just for the sake of it, I just simply don’t ‘get it’ and I really and truly want to. It all sounds great and I want to be able to use it and help others in worse situations. But until I fully understand it within myself how can I instruct someone to “Just let go of the need for money”, when they’re telling me they have to have it ‘now’?

    I’m not out to argue or dismiss anything, but if I don’t understand something, I have to dig deep before I can accept it . This is the reason I came here for help.

    I’ve read most of your books and loved them all but I’m struggling with this one my friend.

    I thought that for the attainment of something, you had to have a burning desire for it and go at it with a lazer beamed focus. So, how do we do that and ‘let go of the need’?

    Thanks for the feedback, I’d love more.

    Have a great day

  102. February 21, 2009 at 10:49 am

    Il tuo libro “The Attractor Factor:5Easy Steps…” e meriavilioso. Io sono Polacca, appena ho finito leggere. Ti volevo ringraziare:smile:

  103. February 22, 2009 at 12:33 am

    Dear Joe
    In response to your email Can “Zero” Attract Money, too? (dated 22.2.09) in which you explain the reason for all your different products:
    I wanted to thank u for sharing ur reasons – I had a similar doubtful reaction when reading the release email. I thought “And what about the previous products? Did Joe ommit important information so he could keep on selling?” After some EFT & Ho’oponopono: I guess its all about relationships and what I am willing to buy into. Im ur/Ho’oponopono’s #1 Zero Limits disciple and have cleaned on the issue.

    Trading results that make you say W.O.W.
    What am I doing right now?
    You’ll never guess. Follow me at

  104. February 22, 2009 at 7:59 am

    Hi Charles. Thank you for explaining the concern and confusion. I’ve answered all of this before, on my blog and in my books, but here’s the answer again, in shorter form.

    First, I’d never tell a homeless person to let go of need. Obviously that’s not wise. I’m telling that to my readers, and others who are ready to hear it. What homeless people don’t know is that there is a wealth of resources available for them. I tell them to go to the library, to social services, to welfare, to shelters, etc.

    For example, my organization to end homelessness, Operation YES, is working with an orgnization to end poverty. Homeless people who enter either say they have no resources. But when we point out all the free resources, they are amazed. I just saw a video yesterday of a regular guy like you and me who was homeless, and was told where to get help, and he was instantly relieved and smiling. tHAT’S what you tell a homeless person.

    Second, as for your other question, about having an intense desire vs letting it go, both work. I’m simply saying you’ll have an easier time if you do the latter. But life is about free will and choice and self discovery. Do what feels right for YOU and learn from it.



  105. Amber Ghaffar-Reply
    February 23, 2009 at 4:00 am

    I just want to share this to everyone,i have read each and every thing Joe has up till now wrote and have seen almost 90 percent of His video works in just 2 months period .i simply love him for this great stuff and i wanted to just spell this out to him directly ,i had this desire some one or more weeks and then i opened my inbox and saw this blog mail.i read it and i got really liked it ,this blog reminded me of the last very important step which i was missing.the great thing what i saw here was JOE s personal replies .As i had a query as well so i posted it here but inside i kept saying to my self that JOE WONT REPLY and LOA worked ..Joe really didnt reply that thing .but then somehow i really got bit more deeper in detachment thing as i re listened the Missing secret ‘s audio and i got my reply there but still i decided to check this page when ever i log in but be happy and detached cause discussion was going really good.I got really surprised when at first i saw CHARLES post here .but later on when i saw JOE s reply to that i felt bit not good .Cause i knew (my heart said) that Charles intention is to understand it fully .from couple of days i didnt check this page cause i was busy in my board ‘exams .but now when i was preparing for my tomorrow board ‘s test .i got nudge that i should check online there is SOMETHING for me there .i just opened this page with intention to see new posts here ,and what really amazed me was CHARLES clarification and Joe ‘s reply inspired me that much that i am typing this post .
    Heart says much accurate than mind cause when i was pondering on this stuff ,i got same reply from heart what JOE has written over here .its really great .If i were that old person i might have not believed this but this is the best example i got .
    and for both CHARLES AND JOE thank you .God bless you.
    thank you .God bless All.

  106. February 23, 2009 at 5:00 am

    Thank you Joe for this interesting view on attraction.

    It is true, the more we focus on the delay or time something needs to take to arrive to us, the longer it seems.
    I like to think it is just taking the time it needs to get there, but we are focused on the fact it is not here yet.
    So my suggestion is go do something, get busy with something else, it will take the mind away from the waiting, and soon that which you were expecting will be there knocking at your door… when you least expect it. This is what I believe.
    Thank you again for all the books and blogs you share with the world.

    Wishing you a blessed day,


  107. Azrai-Reply
    February 24, 2009 at 2:19 am

    Easier said then done 🙄 I’m geting a new nokia this weekend through a friend which I am very excited about because I love that model. However as the days draw near I’m getting more and more anxious and excited.. though its just a phone. I even went to the nearby phone shop just now without good reason. I’ve already read all the specs and seen all the video reviews 😆 Guess i’m just enjoying the anticipation. It is very much part of the fun! Yummy.

  108. February 24, 2009 at 5:16 am

    Hi again Joe,

    Thanks a million for taking the time to explain that.

    That helped a lot. I’m kind of ‘getting it’ bit by bit.

    Keep up the fantastic work.

    Have a magical day.


  109. February 24, 2009 at 10:39 am

    You know Joe,

    The more I’m reading your arts, books or listening to you,
    the more I love you and your works!
    I have admit that I’ve recently placed one of your figs (this one with car & fire)
    on my desktop in order to remember abt Law of Attraction and so on 🙂

    Sending positive energy!

  110. February 24, 2009 at 10:50 am

    Hi Amber,

    That was a nice post you left. And I am glad that my questioning and Joe’s kind responses have inspired and helped you in some way.

    I agree with you about listening to your heart (inner nudge), that is something I’m learning to do more of day by day and it seems to be working…very well in fact.

    I learned that from Dr. Joe’s brilliant book ‘The Attractor Factor’ (thanks Joe).

    Keep listening to those subtle nudges from within Amber and act on them.

    By the way, I wish you every success with your exams…you know you can do it, don’t you? 😀

    Thanks again for your thoughts Amber
    Have a fantastic day.


  111. February 24, 2009 at 10:17 pm

    Joe, thank you for this great story. I love your style of story telling, many insights that drew me in, hypnotizing! I would love to hear an audio file of your Martin playing in the background. Let us all know when you post it.

    Jayson – “Revealing Wizards Behind Curtains”

    PS: Is impatience not a form of desire, which would then attract our want faster?

  112. February 28, 2009 at 3:10 pm

    What a terrific post. I’m just reading Zero Limits and love it…This whole balance between wanting and being at peace with what is is the whole thing for me – I work with women who want love and relationship, and that wanting can be a clarion call to the universe, and it can be a giant push away from every man who comes near. Getting to the place, quickly, where all is accepted and forgiven and loved within the desire you feel – the ability to feel everything, all at once, in its fullness, is where I wish to be. And that’s where, in my own experience and that of my clients and readers, things begin to show up all around you. Thanks, Rori Raye

  113. Susan M.-Reply
    March 3, 2009 at 9:49 pm

    Boy was that RIGHT ON! I’m in the middle of attracting something and realized my attachment on the stairmaster at the gym. Didn’t know at the time it was bad, but it felt bad and needy. So I did ho’oponopono, and came home. I wrote down everything I would say to this person all my fears, and owned it all. It was pure projection (hard to believe at first, but upon delving into the unconscious basement of my mind, there the thoughts were). Now I am back to peace, forgiveness, and more ho’oponopono. I’ve never read the LOA, but I did see the Secret. I just so appreciate your delinbeating the steps with this guitar exaple. I am on track without knowing it. Thanks to the Universe and a month straight of Ho’oponopono. While I’m on I loved that book and took notes on it, bought your seminar with Dr. Hu Len, and love it all and will continue to CLEAN, because it is causing a big difference in my life, like more work, therefore more money. I work in a Health Food store and I stand in there filling the bulk bins “cleaning” and our store is booming! You are tops with me. Thanks. Susan M.

  114. judith-Reply
    March 8, 2009 at 12:36 pm

    There’s a reason you’re considered the best! That was, without a doubt, the best explanation, behind the scenes secrets, “how to” I’ve ever read or heard. You really gave us a panoramic & xray view, as well as the human experience. I’m a long time student of LOA from all of the “greats” as well as “up and comers”and it is so helpful to continue to read these insightful stories to bring us back round, as we tend to get a bit distracted. Thank you for sharing your “real stories with lessons”, they’re so helpful and I really enjoy them.

  115. Lee-Reply
    March 14, 2009 at 7:11 am

    I am attracted to LOA. HA!

    Really this is a great reminder on keeping focused on the wants not the needs. I see myslf needing in reviewing some of my presentation/negotiations. Thanks a bunch!

  116. paola-Reply
    March 15, 2009 at 9:25 am

    😛 sos un genio joe
    you are a geniuos Joe
    I love so much
    Thank you


  117. Gaby-Reply
    March 23, 2009 at 7:07 am

    Oh, thanks a lot Joe! The impatience is my problem, and I was always thinking “omg, I NEED it!” but I’m gonna stop with this thoughts and just think about what I WANT! I gotta clear myself inner and do the Ho’oponopono process, it will help me a lot and I’ll attract everything I always wanted! Thank u so much 🙂

    ps.: I wish I met you, but someday I’ll thank u for all those stuff that I’ve learned with you Joe! You rock man! Thanks!

  118. Daniela-Reply
    March 23, 2009 at 7:46 am

    Hi Joe!
    I hope you read this message…
    First at all,sorry for my English,i’m learning…:wink:
    I don’t wann tell you nothing about your books or any question this time,i wanna just tell you that one of your books got to my life and a chain of changes are happening right now into me,thanks!!!.
    Today is my Birthday!…this is the first time i come over to you blog and the fist thing i saw was an advice about STEVIE RAY VAUGHAN!,this was as a sign for me ’cause he’s my Angel,he’s into all the importants things by my life and he brought to me amazing miracles and peoples…I know you was born in Austin ,Texas where Stevie lived too!…i guess you love Stevie too!.
    The blues is my life and the motor of my soul since a few years ago…i got amazing histories around it!.
    I’d love you tell me how much important is in your life the music and Stevie too!.
    Thanks a lot!,cheers from Barcelona,Spain!.Daniela

  119. April 8, 2009 at 5:33 am


    thank a lot!

  120. May 5, 2009 at 4:27 pm

    Hello Joe!! OMG…I’m actually posting a message to the Joe Vitale..yes I’m one of those people that would freak out if I saw you in person. ha ha Seriously.
    This is a great piece and I’m so grateful to you for all you’ve done. I’m reading the attractor factor now and I can’t put it down. So great!!
    I’m writing you now because the website is no longer up. Is there another site like it? It was really great to use. Please let me know if it is, Love all you do!
    Thank you

  121. June 21, 2015 at 2:29 am

    Fantastic Tips Mr.Joe

    Thank You for Sharing This.. 🙂

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