Spotting Pool Leaks

A few months ago the pool started losing water. Obviously there was a leak, but I couldn’t find it. Neither could anyone else. We all walked around the pool, looking for any obvious signs of holes or leakage, but nothing. I walked around inside the pool, too. Couldn’t find a thing. But the water kept leaving anyway. It wasn’t an emergency or even a priority, so I let it slide.

Now that the weather here in Texas is getting warmer, thoughts of the Summer come to mind. I couldn’t put off getting the pool fixed any longer. I’m going to want to be in it one day very soon.

So I called the pool company that installed it. They suggested I first hire a man who could possibly spot the hole causing the leak. I thought that was a long shot, since I and so many others had already studied the pool. But I made the call anyway.

Ramone came out the day after my call. He was talkative and friendly. Told me all about his online graffiti interests, how he writes reports on belief systems, how he used to run a pool company, and how he just hunts for pool leaks on the side for fun and profit. Fascinating guy.

Within ten minutes he announced he found the leak. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe it. I asked him to show me.

He got in the pool, which had to be freezing compared to the warm Texas air, and pointed to the tiniest of slits on the bottom of the pool. It wasn’t even on the side of the pool all of us guessed it might be. And it looked like a leaf, not a leak. I shook my head in disbelief.

Ramone then went about repairing the leak. I was still in shock. I asked him to look around the pool even more, as I thought maybe he actually missed the real leak. I couldn’t believe the tiny slit he found was the reason I lost thousands of gallons of water.

He couldn’t find another leak, I paid him, and he left. The next day I put water back in the pool. Sure enough, it’s holding just fine. Ramone had found and repaired the leak.

Here’s the lesson:

When your brain is trained to see specific things, your eyes will spot them easily.

In other words, Ramone’s experience had wired his brain to be on alert for pool leaks. He could see them when you and I could not. You and I aren’t trained to spot leaks.

But this is how you and I walk through life.

We see what we have experience in seeing. We don’t see what we don’t have experience in seeing.

Simple enough, right?

So how do you awaken your brain to see what has been there all along?

When I was learning marketing decades ago, I listened to Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, and others. I read the classics by John Caples, David Ogilvy, Bob Bly, and more. I trained my mind to see what it hadn’t been trained to see or do.

Today I can see business opportunities when before I could not. Today I can’t stop myself from seeing them, any more than Ramone can stop himself from finding a pool leak. It’s now natural.

To “turn on” your brain, you need to have intention and take action. The intention is to accomplish something; the action is to train yourself to see what’s actually obvious.

How do you turn on your brain?

1. Read. This has been the #1 key to my success. Read biographies, business books, psychology books and more. Read “The Power of Impossible Thinking” by Jerry Wind and Colin Crook, read “Why We Make Mistakes” by Joseph Hallinan, and read “Iconoclast: A Neuroscientist Reveals How to Think Differently” by Gregory Berns.

2. Listen. Use your travel, exercise and relaxing time to listen to audios that will expand your mind. Buy what interests you at (I have three audioprograms there: “The Secret to Attracting Money”, “The Missing Secret”, and “The Power of Outrageous Marketing”.)

3.  Train. Get coaching. I’m a big believer in having a mentor.  I have two coaching programs right now. Depending on your interests and intentions, one or both could help you awaken your brain. (See or

Final example: 

I’m about to go to Peru and speak in a stadium to 35,000 people about the Law of Attraction. I intend to learn conversational Spanish for the trip. To do so, I’m reading books, listening to audios, and looking for a tutor. This is all part of training my brain to do something it hasn’t done before (or at least not since High School Spanish in 1970).

Magic and miracles, money and more, are at hand. It’s simply a matter of “spotting pool leaks.”

Ao Akua,


PS — If you really want to expand your thinking, check out The Awakening Course. And stay tuned for the new audio, The Solution, coming soon to iTunes.   


  1. March 23, 2009 at 9:00 am

    Hi Joe

    Great lesson, it’s true our brain is trained to pick up on certain things and not others. I find listening to your “I love you” audio, and your “clearing” audio, have really helped open my eyes.

    Thanks as always for your words of wisdom and for finding business opportunities.

    Good luck with your speech in Peru!

  2. March 23, 2009 at 11:09 am

    Great post! My question is can you ever stop noticing the things that you have trained yourself to notice?

    Such as Ramone- if he decided he didn’t want to notice leaks and cracks anymore? Would he one day be able to get in a pool and not see them?

    I would think the instinct would always be there and the leak would be noticed- only now there would be a choice whether to concentrate on it or enjoy the swim:)

  3. March 23, 2009 at 11:48 am

    Ramon Campayo has good books to learn a languaje quickly.

    ¡Buena suerte con el español!

  4. March 23, 2009 at 1:25 pm


    Once again, your story “Hypnotized” me. And as usual, the analogy is spot on.

    Great work! Have fun swimming – we have about 2-3 months to go here :-).

    I pray the riches blessings come from your Peru speech – you deserve it.

    Take Care,


  5. March 23, 2009 at 2:19 pm

    Great post Joe!

    What really got me understanding this concept of seeing what we’re trained to was the actual brain science behind it! It’s the fact that we have a Reticular Activation System in our brain which is like our own personal google search engine; what we put in it (in our internal world), it automatically seeks out in the external word.

    Furthermore understanding this combined with regular studies into fields of your interest (personal growth, marketing, business building, spirituality, etc.), AND positive affirmations, makes sense. People don’t under why affirmations work…but this is a great reason why.


    Have you heard of the Teaching Company? I’d like you to check out as I believe you’ll love their materials. I’ve used some of their audio courses and training materials before and found them stunning! (much better than any professors I ever had in college!) Look around that site. I’m pretty sure you’re going to get a lot out of it.

    –Sean Patrick Simpson
    The Mindset Apprentice

  6. Valdemar Villela-Reply
    March 23, 2009 at 7:16 pm

    Dear Joe, I´m Valdemar Villela, I’m mexican and would love to teach you some spanish.

  7. Shirley Villacorta-Reply
    March 24, 2009 at 8:20 am

    Hi Joe.. I’m from Lima – Peru.. Sorry if my english is not so well… but I’m totally excited…I’ve just saw the ad announcing that you will come soon here to Peru with Bob Proctor… I’m so interesting to meet you … My boyfriend and I have been reading books from you (“The Key”), we saw Lynda Byrne’s movie and doing lots of research about how to improve our live…so your arrived to Peru is totally a great new¡¡

    Hope you can came wiht some readings.. Here has only arrive some books from you or Bob..for example we haven’t found your book in any library “The attractor Factor” or “Zero Limits”…

    If you need some reference from Peru or a place that you want to visit pls feel free to contact us..You must to visit Cusco is such a beatiful place..

    Take Care
    Shirley Villacorta

  8. clara velez-Reply
    March 24, 2009 at 8:30 pm

    Hello Joe!. you can say i am a beginer at this… i have been trying for so long to change my negative thoughts and its not easy but ever since i came across the audiobook of the secret and now your audiobook The Key. my mind its starting to change. i am a full time mom and one of the things i do is drive the kids to school everyday( a long ride!!! it takes about three hours of my day) but i loved the idea of the audiobooks. i got it from the book l:essons from the monk who sold his ferrari( i think thats the title in english.). I live in Colombia South America. here audiobooks are not so popular so i get them by internet or if someone is traveling….
    i am loving your ideas in the audiobook… thank you for the inspiration words.

    i have some questions right now… where to go from here? what to listen to next?, … do you think if i change my girls will follow my lead?, will they learn…? what do you think about listening to audiobooks when you are sleeping ; does it work…? for kids too?.
    i hope that your trip goes as planed. and that you like it so much youll plan more to other countries in South America!
    spanish is not so hard except for the many meanings of one word… and i think that having a person to talk to when learning makes it easier.
    i love the way your words help me
    thanks again.
    clara velez

  9. March 24, 2009 at 9:09 pm

    I was listening to an audio on a plane trip last week. (Training my brain with the book, “Yes You Can” by Jim Donovan) He asked us to do an exercise to look around and spot everything that was green. Since it was St. Patrick’s Day, the task was easy.

    He then asked us to close our eyes.

    Then list everything in the room that was blue.

    I could only list one, which was the mans shirt next to me, but couldn’t recall the seat in front of me that was blue. WOW!

    On a side note Joe. One of your many books mentions that we need to write down a list of “I AM” statements. I am financially free. I am a sought after copywriter. etc. At the end of the list you instruct us to write “All this or something better.”

    Last week I was offered a consultant opportunity to do what I just love, with a company I love. I was asked to write up an outline and compensation. I came up with what I thought was “fair” or what I thought I could get.

    The problem was he never got it, but came back with an offer well more than what I was asking for!

    “All this or something better!”

    Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

  10. Kalea Makana-Reply
    March 27, 2009 at 4:38 pm

    That is a delightful story, Dr. Vitale. And wow, the event in Peru sounds pretty exciting. One of your readers above said that Bob Proctor will be appearing with you too. I went searching on the Internet and couldn’t find anything about the event in Peru that you and Dr. Proctor are going to be speaking at. Could you give us some more information? I am going there with a tour group in May and might be able to attend. I would love to see you and Dr. Proctor live. Thank you for all that you do.

    Yours in Absolute Abundance, utter gratitude and boundless joy,
    Kalea Makana
    “The Abundance Chick”

  11. John-Reply
    March 28, 2009 at 3:15 pm

    Interesting to know that even master manifestors own fawlty items! 😀 (well, used to own) …just yesterday my chair at my desk broke (it’s wobbly, but I can sit on it – luckily (and no, I’m not fat)) and I thought to myself “God darn it! I thought I was a pretty good manifestor and that everything was right in my life; now why did this then happen?? Heck, master manifestors like Joe Vitale would never have this problem!” 😉

  12. marika-Reply
    March 28, 2009 at 4:45 pm

    Hi Joe! I’m 18 an I’m an italian girl, so i don’t understand completely English. I’m writing to you because I’m reading your book “the key”. It’s a fabolous book, and I’m learning to be happy for every little gift I recive. I hope I’ll recive financial miracles! My wish is win the lottery! in Italy amount at 36 milion euro!
    Your book is helping me to surpass this last bad year.
    It’s a honor for me writing to you…I’m sorry if maybe isn’t the correct place.
    Thank you so much Joe!!!!

    P.S.:unfortunately I don’t understand the most part of your blog, it should be great!

  13. March 29, 2009 at 4:31 pm

    hello Joe,
    I have read the Secret couple of years ago, I got from my previous boss and a friend when I was in the Uk.
    I believe in the law of attraction and the whole my life I following the rules but the Secret gave even more power and trust in our mind.
    The book is very popular in Poland and more and more people talk about this.
    I would like to ask u for your help and advice , and with all my trust and the law I believe I will find the way to succed. My question is , what should I do to set up an association of the Secret in Poland , to organize seminars and invite speakers like you to Poland and be also be trained to be able to carry out trainings based on the Secret in Poland. Would like to have the exlusivity , chance and competence to help people by teaching them about the law of attraction. I am very serious about it and please advice how I should start .
    Thank you very much
    All the best

  14. March 29, 2009 at 6:31 pm

    Hello Joe. In the Attractor Factor, you list coaches in the back of your book. You also state that it’s too easy to fall back into negative thinking and you use Miracles Coaches to keep you on track these days. So miracle coaches are like Ramone and are trained to spot leaks inside your mind compared to a pool.

  15. Deb-Reply
    March 31, 2009 at 6:40 pm

    But why did you attract a leak Joe?

  16. March 31, 2009 at 7:19 pm

    Deb, it was to have a lesson to write about for you.

  17. April 1, 2009 at 8:24 am

    Hi, I have a couple of friends in Perù. Where and when will you be speaking?
    They might be interested in coming.

    Thanks for yous great job. You’re a great source of ispiration to me.

  18. April 1, 2009 at 9:19 am

    I believe it’s May 6 in Lima.

  19. John-Reply
    April 1, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    Hahahaha, darn it. I have yet to find out why I attracted my fawlty chair … must race my grey brain cells to find out … and off they gooooooooo; and they’re exhausted

  20. John-Reply
    April 3, 2009 at 5:36 am

    As I said in my previous comment, which seems to have been deleted 😡 – I only said that I had to get to work on figuring out why my chair broke; if that was LoA at work — I’m having a hard time figuring out why

  21. graciela guillan-Reply
    July 3, 2012 at 2:59 pm


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