The Secret Book

Many people don’t know The Secret book came after The Secret movie.  Doesn’t matter to me how anyone learns about the law of attraction (LOA), but I’d prefer that people really learn it. All the book or movie does is introduce LOA to you. That’s it. There’s much more to the topic.

For example, people are still confused when they think they are using LOA but don’t get the results they want. Truth is, LOA is bringing them exactly what they think — but not consciously. It all happens un-consciously.

If you’ve been studying psychology or neuroscience, or read my book Zero Limits, you already know the unconscious mind is driving us. In many ways, we’re just puppets. Our conscious mind thinks it’s pulling the strings. Nope. That’s how we deceive ourselves.

Take money.

Many people don’t yet realize they are experiencing lack because of their hidden beliefs about money. Thinking money is evil, or bad, or that rich people are greedy or corrupt, is not only the very reason you attract scarcity, it’s also why you don’t even realize your beliefs are the actual problem.

I’ve been doing my best to awaken people to the good you can do when you have money. I’m able to help myself and others, contribute to causes I believe in, give away money to complete strangers, and even start movements of my own — all because I cleaned up my unconscious beliefs about money.

When you get right down to it, money is spiritual. There’s no reason it can’t be seen as pure energy except for our attitudes about it. We project so much negativity onto money and never see it’s actually a tool for good. No wonder so many can’t attract money. Deep down they don’t really want it. After all, if you think it’s evil or bad, would you really want it in your life?

I talk about all of this and more in my bestselling course, The Secret to Attracting Money. If you want to learn a spiritual and yet practical approach to attracting money, check out that audio program. secret-attract-money.jpg

And if you want hands-on coaching to help you through the maze of beliefs operating your life, consider my new and improved Joe Vitale’s Miracles Coaching. It’s the number one best way to get results fast.

Meanwhile, know that what you attract is not due to your conscious mind, but to your un-conscious mind.

Your job is to awaken.

Ao Akua,

Dr. Joe Vitale

PS – You can get a free copy of my next book, Attract Money Now, if you go and register for it right here. It’ll explain how to clean up your mind so you are free to attract money now. It will deepen your understanding of the Law of Attraction. It may even become the next The Secret book. Tell Oprah.


  1. June 1, 2009 at 11:10 am

    Hello Joe,

    I liked when you wrote “Many people don’t yet realize they are experiencing lack because of their hidden beliefs about money. Thinking money is evil, or bad, or that rich people are greedy or corrupt, is not only the very reason you attract scarcity, it’s also why you don’t even realize your beliefs are the actual problem.”

    To me this speaks about people using their beliefs like “money is evil” to combine with the Law of Attraction to get the very results they “enjoy” (or not).

    Always love your reminders.



  2. Axel Barahona-Reply
    June 1, 2009 at 1:05 pm

    😀 Dear Joe I live in Ecuador South America, and I would like that your blog and your articles were in Spanish because many people including me don’t read and write in english very well.

    Thank you for yor time

  3. June 2, 2009 at 5:35 am

    Agree…. It depends on us to make a statement money is good or bad. People who said money is evil usually will be really an evil when he’s got a lot of money. Money is neutral, our mind is the most responsible one to label it.

    This product was really interesting, Joe, I plan to promote this product at my blog….

  4. June 2, 2009 at 6:39 am

    Thanks for the book!
    I want you to know I love your works.
    All of them.

  5. Axel Barahona-Reply
    June 2, 2009 at 11:14 am

    Yo estoy en Ecuador, me gustaría saber si pueden dar información en español, y con quien se puede contactar

  6. June 3, 2009 at 7:50 am

    There is miss one guy who speak Spanish in the staff of MiraclesCoach. I guess in Texas there are a lot of people who talk Spanish. That is one of my goals list: To do a Miracles Coach as Soon as posible.
    How long will take your new book? I can’t wait for read it!!!!:???:
    Sorry my English!

  7. Amy-Reply
    June 5, 2009 at 9:07 pm

    I bought this program…AMAZING. I highly recommend it! I loaded the CD’s into my IPOD and listen every chance I get.

    Thanks Joe!


  8. Amy-Reply
    June 5, 2009 at 9:09 pm

    Just to clarify…I bought The Secret To Attracting Money program…


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