The Vital Message

miracles_coaches.jpg  Did you know that your ability to attract miracles is only as strong as your belief in yourself? 

Think about that for a second.

One limiting belief will keep you paralyzed in unnecessary fear.

And this fear is what keeps you from taking action and moving forward in any part of your life.

OR, you can take inspired action and learn how to conquer limiting beliefs, once and for all, and attract miracles in your life – which I’ll show you how to do in a minute.

First, I want you to see if you have any limited beliefs and then I’ll show you an effective technique to help conquer them.

If you say of any of the following things to yourself, you have at least one limiting belief…

– “I’ll never be financially free.”

– “I’ll never be thin.”

– “I cannot be cured.”

– “I’m not smart enough.”

– “I’m not attractive.”

– “My (wife/husband) does not love me anymore.”

– “I cannot afford it.”

– “My relationship is over, so why bother trying to fix it.” 

– “Why should I try?”

– “I’m a loser.” 

– “Nobody will ever love me,”

– “Investments are for rich people.”

– “I’m too old to go back to school.”

– “I have no business experience so I’m sure to fail.”  

– “I cannot afford to invest in anything.  I’ll probably lose it all.”

– “I’m too young, nobody will take me seriously.”

– “Who am I to think I can be successful.  Nobody in my family is.” 

– “I’m afraid to change jobs.  What if it doesn’t work out?”     

Sound familiar? 

You may have many more such limiting beliefs. It’s very important that you’re very honest with yourself to locate them. 

Now…I want to teach you a clearing method that conquers limiting beliefs called “The Vital Message.” 

Here’s what you do…

1. Write down any ailments, feelings, or other discomforts you are experiencing.

2. If you have a pain, ailment, or feeling, you do not like…welcome it.  Then write down a description of it.  (How deep is it?  What color is it? How intense is it?  Really feel it and get in touch with it.)

3. Ask the feeling what it is trying to tell you?  You’ll be surprised what it will tell you.  Then write it down.    

4. Take any action steps that the feeling may request of you, and write down your experience and insights.  In time, this will clear your limiting belief.  

Do this over and over for each limiting belief. And keep in mind this takes practice.  If you persist, it will work for you.

And this is just one technique – I have several more that you can learn quickly in my Miracles Coaching program.

Many people, in fact hundreds, over the past three years, have gone on to conquer limiting beliefs enabling them to attract their own miracles. 

Some are attracting new cars, homes, new found happiness, and better health – while others are experiencing weight loss, quitting smoking, starting a new business, getting over traumatic memories, and even finding their soulmate.

All these people followed a proven system, that works consistently, day after day, year after year.  This process is built around conquering limiting beliefs. 

In fact, once you learn this process – it keeps right on working for you.

It’s all part of my Miracles Coaching Program.

How’s this for powerful —

“After one coaching session, I quit smoking and started a fitness routine.” – Steve Hoegler

How would you like to have someone in your life that will help you conquer your limiting beliefs, step-by-step, once and for all, and help you get to the next level in your life?

To help you attract everything you want in every area of your life?

That’s the kind of one-on-one personal support you get in the Miracles Coaching Program.

There’s nothing more powerful than an inspired relationship with a Miracles Coach.

Here’s what participants had to say about their “Miracles Coach”…

“I want to thank you for helping me see all the possibilities in my life.” – Jennifer Allen

“Our work last Monday helped me clear a limiting belief I’ve had for years and didn’t know about. I feel so completely free.” – Alison Palmer

“Thanks for today’s session.  I am very grateful for how you caught onto my limiting belief.  I now see how this limiting belief affected my life in so many ways.” – Steve Schmidt

You can read more a-maz-ing stories about people who have been through this program and conquered limiting beliefs by going here…

Now it’s your turn.

Do you want to make your life better?  Do you want to attract miracles in your life?  Do you want to find more money, the ideal relationship, or start a new business or anything else?

How would you like to tame that little voice within, that limiting belief screaming out at you every time you want to take a step forward?

Now’s your chance.

You can have virtually anything you wish for.

You can have all the support you’ve ever wanted.

All you have to do is visit the link below and apply to be in the Miracles Coaching Program.

Ao Akua,


P.S. — Life can only get better when you have unwavering belief in yourself and the courage to conquer all your limiting beliefs.  This is how you move forward.  I also want you to ask yourself, “If not now, when?”  “If not Miracles Coaching, then what?” A better life comes down to a few life-changing decisions.  Make yours today and get started. Go for it!

Note: Above photo is of me and my Miracles Coaches. (Left click on it to enlarge it.) Take a look at their beaming faces and then apply for the Miracles Coaching program.


  1. May 8, 2008 at 9:55 am

    You’re just incredible, Mr Fire, where do you find the time to sleep. I’m still reading your blog since yesterday & you don’t stop sending new articles, LOL, what NRG you have !

  2. May 8, 2008 at 10:24 am

    Joe, as a graduate of your Miracles coaching program I absolutely get what you’re saying. And I still clear limiting beliefs EVERY single day, but I’m calmer and let things go faster than I ever did before. It’s allowed me peace with my life NO MATTER WHAT may be going on. Thank you.

    So now a little story… I saw a patient on an emergency basis on Tuesday. I’ve been treating her off and on for over a year, and the one thing she says a lot is “I’m 60, I’m supposed to hurt!”. Before the coaching I would have nodded and said, “OK.” Instead I said, “Well with that attitude, you’re right. Why don’t you tell yourself you feel great instead of you feel pain?” She looked at me like I had two heads!

    But that’s OK. If I tell her that (or a version of that) every time I see her, maybe she can learn to quiet that voice that tells her she hurts.

    I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. (ILYISPFMTY for short). 😉


  3. tony edward-Reply
    May 10, 2008 at 9:48 pm

    Hi Joe,

    That’s a really fantastic article. Especially the ‘what you do’ section. If there is one thing I do have it’s persistence. I do something everyday no matter how small. Clearing audio, optimind cds, paraliminals, living prayers etc. And I keep my momentum going towards my dreams.

    There are only two blogs I check on a daily basis. (thanks to and And you are both in Texas with me too.

  4. May 11, 2008 at 12:07 am

    I’ve often bought into what Andrea was saying when I talk to my patients.
    Shame on me!:twisted:

  5. September 7, 2009 at 5:50 am

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