A Faster Way to Clear Beliefs

“In your ongoing learning, have you discovered a faster way to clear beliefs?”

That’s what one of the people asked me the other day when I visited the offices where they run my Miracles Coaching and Executive Mentoring programs.

“I haven’t found a faster way than the ‘I love you’ mantra written about in Zero Limits,” I explained. “But I have found a better understanding of what to focus on that has made the clearing happen faster.”

I then went on to explain that recently a few people complained that the more they cleaned, the more things have gotten difficult for them.

This is understandable. My own observation is the more you clean, the more you find to clean. At least at first.

Our unconscious is stuffed with old programs and beliefs – old data – that is blocking us from being connected to source. The only recourse is to keep cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.

But I wondered what my coauthor, Dr. Hew Len, would say about this. I wrote him and he wrote back the following:

“It is not ‘them’ that’s talking but data.  It is data that is saying ‘Things have gotten more difficult since I’ve been doing ho’oponopono.’  Because it is data speaking, I’m cleaning with it in me.”

When I understood better that it’s all “data” — beliefs, programs, limitations – speaking through people, then I better understood that what I am to keep cleaning on is everything that I perceive as a problem/program.

It’s not the person; it’s the program.

Knowing that, the cleaning picks up speed.

In other words, focusing on the person who is speaking, whether me or someone talking to me, is focusing on the wrong place; the place to focus is on the program.

As I feel or sense the program (belief, data), I keep saying the cleaning statements, such as “I love you.”

As I do, the cleaning happens and I’m closer to being inspired by the purity of the Divine.

Something to consider: Even “I love you” is a program.

Ao Akua,


PS –  People are reporting truly amazing results from non-stop cleaning. One woman told me she just kept cleaning on her mate, who had a phobia about committing, and now they’re married. One eight-year-old student kept cleaning on a new teacher who was belligerent to everyone and now the teacher smiles and waves to all the kids. It’s truly astounding what cleaning will do. And it all stems from “I love you!”.


  1. September 14, 2007 at 10:16 am

    Beautiful ! Magnifique !!:grin:
    Joe, you are truly a ‘poëte impeccable… un parfait magicien ès lettres’ as Charles Baudelaire would have said.:wink:

  2. Maria Hernandez-Reply
    September 14, 2007 at 11:05 am

    Yes, Oui, Si, Si, Si for this great insight into cleaning with ho’oponopono it really gets to the core of cleaning and pointing away from the personality to the program makes oh so much easier to be thankful and greateful for the oportunity that is presenting itslef in order to let go!

    Merci Beaucoup Monsierur Vitale y gracias gracias

    Maria in San Antonio:roll::roll::wink::wink:

  3. September 14, 2007 at 12:34 pm

    This is great. I really like it when you post this kind of information!
    So, if I understand what you’re saying, when I’m clearing on my father’s cancer, I’m supposed to think about and clear on the cancer, not my father directly?

    Thank you Joe!
    Fred Black

  4. September 14, 2007 at 7:06 pm

    i totally agree with those “data”.
    a constant ho’oponopono practice in the last 3 months, a couple of hours each day, with ceeport stickers and pins… and ho’oponopono songs, has made my life worse. at least, problems have become monsters. they’re probably going to eat me.


  5. Charlotte-Reply
    September 16, 2007 at 12:40 pm

    Joe, This is the most wonderful system I have ever discovered. Thank you and Dr. Len. I am just about to finish your book Zero Limits, but do cleaning every minute I am not working. I have tried so many things. This is the best!! Great Blessings to you and Dr. Len

  6. Deborah do Brasil-Reply
    September 17, 2007 at 2:41 am

    Ola Joe,
    God bless you for this book, and also for the inspiration of this blog.
    Its true that afther doing the cleaning always apears news negatives thoughts about evertihng, thoughts that i even knew i had.
    Good to know that im doing the right thing 😉
    Eu te amo
    Por favor me perdoe
    Eu agradeco
    One love

  7. Norman-Reply
    September 17, 2007 at 3:10 am

    Joe, this is great. Since buying a couple of your books in the last 2 months and practicing what is written in “ZERO LIMITS” my world is changing. I deal at work with groups of 50 to 500 people on a daily basis. What I do for a living becomes so much easier. Cleaning and cleaning as you say, is moving the walls I thought were there. thank you so much.

  8. Deborah do Brasil-Reply
    September 17, 2007 at 3:31 am

    Ola Joe ,
    I just would like to thank you to listen God,
    To be afraid to puti out even if sound just crazy what you write.
    Coz your book Zero Limits and the mantra it was hard to accept at begining.
    Now i do accept , but like you said more and more negatives toughts come out from nowhere.
    I tought i was going crazy, but i can understand now that is normal.
    Thank you God bless
    Eu te amo
    Por favor me perdoe
    Eu agradeco

  9. Kathy Hornbaker-Reply
    September 17, 2007 at 9:27 am

    Dear Joe,

    My deepest gratitude. I have been struggling with the idea of The Secret in light of my spiritual path, the Course in Miracles. I just couldn’t reconcile the manifesting ideas with the Course’s teachings of letting miracles work through you rather than being directed by you.

    When I read Zero Limits, I finally ‘got it’ that the role of intention is just a step along the way to the deeper intention we feel as the joy of expressing our love once we get clear. This seems to me to be called Inspiration.

    I thank you so much for bringing these ideas out into the mainstream of life. We are all blessed by your passion.

    Many precious moments,
    Kathy Hornbaker

  10. September 17, 2007 at 10:31 am

    can opono and tapping be integrated

  11. Miguel Perez-Reply
    September 17, 2007 at 2:47 pm

    I haven´t still read “Zero Limits” but through the The Secret book , my own research and some Reiki I have found that this deep knowledge has caused terrible changes in my life. I lost my 7 years old job at the shipping industry and at the new one a knife keeps pushing on my stomach. I am using Hoponopono and believe me it is tremendous and divine. Thanks a lot Dr. Vidale.

  12. Carole George-Reply
    September 20, 2007 at 6:20 pm

    I’ve read several of your books since watching the Secret. Can you please clarify the paradigm shift from individuals being responsible for their own destiny by way of their thoughts to yagyas (sp?) which are not only very expensive and suggested to be long term, but are completely passive and directed at clearing past generations’ karma, planetary lineups, and strange laws of nature. I admit I don’t understand the concept or the culture, but it seems to be opposite of what all the other books and seminars offer as far as self-empowerment. After all this reading, I thought I was the one that determined my future. Thanks for some clarification. p.s. I much preferred the clearing you wrote about in the Zero Limits book. I was disappointed that Dr. Len doesn’t do any of the seminars any longer. p.s.s. I live just up the road in Dripping Springs. Maybe I’ll run into you someday at Inoz or CCC!

  13. September 20, 2007 at 8:07 pm

    Hi Carole. Nice to hear from a neighbor. 🙂

    Since you read Zero Limits, you know you aren’t really in charge of your thoughts at all. They just “happen.” But you do have choice whether to act on them or not.

    Yagnas are a way to have some of those thoughts cleaned up before they enter your consciousness. It’s very much like “cleaning” in Zero Limits.

    I know this is tough to grasp in an email or a comment, but there’s really nothing to “get” as the mind can’t understand it all anyway. (That, too, is in Zero Limits.)

    Sending love and light…


  14. Bruce-Reply
    September 24, 2007 at 8:33 pm

    I have enjoyed the book, and read it in less then 12 hours, I sucked it up like a sponge! Yes more stuff just keeps coming, sometimes too much at one time.

    I just wanted to clairify about the”program”. So If I feel anger coming on I should focus the mantra on the anger, not the person place or thing causing the anger? Ok I know nothing causes the anger but me, so I am confused about the focus part.

  15. September 25, 2007 at 2:57 pm

    I would focus on whatever is the “trigger.” Let the Divine handle the rest.

  16. September 26, 2007 at 6:25 pm

    Joe, Thank you. I enjoyed The Secret, I absorbed “Install and Manifest The Secret” I absolutely embraced “Zero Limits”. I am looking forward to participating in Miracles Coaching soon.

  17. Miguel Perez-Reply
    October 4, 2007 at 3:01 pm

    Dear Joe,
    I just ordered “Zero Limits” which is arriving about Oct. 12. I´ve been through a Reiki process to heal imperfections and still looking for wealth and health. However there are still some moments I got frustated for not having what I do really want. What else I need to learn? Why Divinity is still holding those presents for me?

  18. October 4, 2007 at 6:10 pm

    Hi Miguel. Once you get the lesson, you no longer need the experience.

  19. October 7, 2007 at 7:56 pm

    What can be said about you that have not been said to date. How can I praise you for the brilliant work you have done in helping people around the world in a way that has not been done to date.

    Mr Vitale you are the closest thing to God!

  20. January 1, 2008 at 1:25 pm

    Dear Joe. I don´t read Zero Limits yet because it has not editic here in Brasil, but
    I would be pleased if can give me direction to pratice hoponopono. I keep waiting
    for your book, it´s been expect to Jun/08. Tank you

  21. August 10, 2008 at 12:07 pm

    Aloha Joe,
    My heartfelt thanks for your cds Zero Limits. Since listening to your cds many times I was inspired to take the Ho’oponopono course here on Maui….i am so grateful….especially since the Secret, (which I loved), didn’t work! When you return to Maui please come visit my wife’s gallery here in Makawao. I would be honored to met and connect with you. She is an extrodinary artist to say the least and can and does paint anything. Her website is: http://www.juliegaleeva.com I look forward to the day we meet. Sincerely, John McCollum

  22. Connie-Reply
    November 4, 2008 at 10:31 am

    A friend emailed me an audio link of Joe Vitale talking about Ho ‘oponopono and Zero Limits. I listened to it yesterday. We’ve been experiencing serious issues with our son and daughter-in-law. Last week, our son emailed and said we would never see or hear from him or see our only grand baby again. He’s disappeared several times over the last 4 years and he’s only 23. I felt heartbroken but decided to totally accept whatever happens and release any attachment to the outcome. After listening to the audio on Ho’oponopono last night, I practiced Ho ‘oponopono a few times and again this morning. He just called and invited us up for Christmas. Thank you so much! After years of trying to reach our adopted son, I realize he isn’t the one who needed to change. I did.

  23. Akanna-Reply
    February 18, 2009 at 6:14 pm

    Bonjour Joe

    J’ai lu très récemment “zéro limite” et je vous remercie pour avoir donné toutes les explications concernant ho’oponopono comme vous l’avez fait.
    Merci à Morrnah Simeona, Dr Hew Len ihakaleakala, et Joe Vitale.
    Merci à la Divinité.
    De tout coeur : MERCI !

  24. September 20, 2009 at 1:31 pm


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