

US President Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Joe Vitale

On May 18 2024 I was given the US President Lifetime Achievement Award in Temecula, California.

The Los Angeles Tribune nominated me and the Oval Office approved it.

Words still fail me.

All I can say is “Thank you.”


Dr. Joe Vitale

PS – My latest book is available for preorder:



Stoicism to LOA to EFT

I’m covering everything on my new weekly online TV show – from Seneca’s Stoicism to The Secret’s Law of Attraction to EFT Tapping to mindset, beliefs, coaching, ho’oponopono and more – and I’m just getting started! Every Friday I post a new episode. Every show is full of inspiration and information to help you achieve “Zero Limits Living.” Sign up for notifications, and watch all the recent episodes, at

Expect Miracles!

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe


Why Give?

Giving is one of my biggest secrets to success. I give with an open heart and know I will receive ten times the value in some unexpected benevolent way later. I give away quite a bit at Vitale Life Mastery. Here’s a brief video about the idea of giving. Enjoy.


Ho’oponopono Certification

Ho’oponopono was one of the greatest discoveries of my life.

It brought me freedom…spiritual freedom, emotional freedom, intellectual freedom…even financial freedom…

It showed me what was beyond the Law of Attraction and the movie The Secret.

And I brought what I learned to the world through my books, “Zero Limits” and “AT Zero.”

But now there’s more.

With the help of never before released footage of Dr. Hew Len, and with Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon, and myself, we show you the ultimate secrets to unlocking the awe-inspiring transformational power of the spiritual healing system called Ho’oponopono.

It’s a brand-new definitive home-study course which can lead to certification as a ho’oponopono practicioner.

“Dr. Joe, I just wanted to thank you soooo much for releasing the Ho’oponopono course/certification. I am on the third module and am being blown away. This course takes it to a whole other level. I never knew how deep this goes or grasped it so well. I also have tears in my eyes of gratitude and love. Thank you for al you do and bring to the planet – I truly feel there has never been a more important time for this to be brought to Light. As I prepare for my first TV taping for PBS this week I have had so much “stuff” and oh those memories come up. To have this tool and course is priceless. ”– Jenny Mannion, Loyal Customer

It’s all explained at –

Thank you

I love you

Please forgive me

I’m sorry

Ao Akua,


PS – If you’re ready to make the Law of Attraction even more potent, then learn to combine LOA with ho’oponopono. The Ho’oponopono Certification course will help you. Check it out.


Robert Collier Secret

Robert Collier remains one of my all-time favorite authors.

He influenced me when I was a kid in Ohio in the 1960s, with his books, The Secret of the Ages and The Amazing Secrets of the Masters of the Far East.

Even my cat loves Robert Collier book ad

My cat loves Robert Collier books too

Collier was the first to introduce me to the Law of Attraction, mind power, positive thinking, and more, while I was a teenager searching for truth in books. His writings deeply influenced me.

“Plant the seed of desire in your mind and it forms a nucleus with power to attract to itself everything needed for its fulfillment.” – Robert Collier

I didn’t know Collier was a copywriter and direct response marketer until, as a struggling adult living in Houston, I stumbled across his magnum opus, The Robert Collier Letter Book.

The final masterpiece

The final masterpiece, edited by Robert Collier right before he died

I still remember seeing the hardback book, with a faded yellow jacket, on the shelf of Colleen’s Books in Houston.

I stared in disbelief.

I carried the hefty book to the front desk and asked Colleen if the author was the same one who wrote all those metaphysical books.

She didn’t know.

But as I scanned the pages, and saw sales letters for those esoteric books I had read decades earlier, I knew Robert Collier was the author of all of it.

It changed my life forever.

I was an OK copywriter before the letter book; I was a hypnotic copywriter after it.

Rare course by Robert Collier

Rare course by Robert Collier circa 1947

And it was a mention in the letter book that sent me on a wild adventure to discover all I could about Bruce Barton, which led to my writing a turning point book in my career, The Seven Lost Secrets of Success.

Rare 1941 paperback of famous Letters book

Rare 1941 paperback of famous Letters book

And knowing that Collier was a marketer as well as a metaphysician paved the way for me becoming the same, and led to my book Spiritual Marketing, which was later retitled The Attractor Factor, which still later got me invited into the hit movie The Secret.

He so influenced me that I dedicated my book, Hypnotic Writing, to him.

Rare signed Letters book

Rare signed Letters book circa 1937

I collect everything by and about Collier.

I have a paperback version of the Letter book, published during war years to save money.

I have an autographed copy of the first edition of the Letter book.

I have a little course he wrote on making money by mail.

I have a complete set of his original booklets.

What was Collier’s secret to success?

Catalog of books Collier's company sold

Catalog of books Collier’s company sold

It wasn’t sales letters, as I would have guessed, it was ideas.

“Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build.” – Robert Collier

Robert Collier felt the idea was more important than the sales letter for it, though he obviously made an icon status legend for himself with his letters.

Books Collier's company sold

Books Collier’s company sold

Collier knew numerous people of fame during his lifetime, including strongman George Jowett. I thought that was synchronistic as I know many strongmen of today, including Dennis Rogers and Iron Tamer David Whitley.

I was having lunch with Jerry and Esther Hicks, of Abraham fame, a decade or so past, when Esther said that the greats of long ago met and had lunch, just as we were having lunch that day. They, too, had been influenced by Collier.

Collier left us in 1950.

I was born in 1953.

I often wondered if I were the reincarnated version of him.

Of course, I never got to meet him, let alone have lunch with him, but his spirit, ideas, and wisdom live on, in all of his books, but particularly in his magnum opus, The Robert Collier Letter Book.

Ao Akua,


PS – Learn more about the Law of Attraction with these in-depth audio programs