How Magic Happens

lynette-and-joe-nsa.jpg Lynette Landing wrote my office several times before I went to San Diego to speak at the National Speakers Association gala event.

She wanted to find a way to meet with me and talk.

She wasn’t the only one. Several people made similar requests.

Because I was flying in and right out after my presentations, I had to tell everyone I’m sorry, but I can’t meet with you. There’s simply no time.

Lynette didn’t take no for an answer, though.

She turned inside and focused on what she wanted.

She wasn’t attached to the outcome, but she playfully spent time imagining meeting me and having lunch.

Then she let go of her mental request.

There were maybe 2,000 people at the event. The halls were flooded with people. I often had small groups around me, wanting pictures or autographs or hugs or just to say hi.

But then, on Wednesday, I was wandering around, a bit lost, when a woman came right up to me and introduced herself.

It was Lynette.

We instantly had rapport. Since it was lunch time, and I was disoriented being my first time at the NSA event, she took me by the hand and led me outside to a table, where we sat and talked and ate.

Her dream came true.

That’s her and me in the above photo (on a windy day by the water).

When you really want something but aren’t attached to the outcome, you up the odds of attracting your desire.

Then, magic happens.

Truth is, of course, magic is happening all the time.

Even right now.

Ao Akua,


PS – Lynette’s website is 


  1. Colleen-Reply
    July 21, 2007 at 1:33 pm

    Lynette is a strong woman with faith. She has shared her faith and infected us all! All her friends feed off her inspirational attitude and in doing so, create the ultimate lives we live. Together we have learned to ask, believe and recieve. Joe, you were very lucky to have come across such an inspirational woman. Colleen:smile:

  2. Kool Keith-Reply
    July 21, 2007 at 7:25 pm

    Once again I sit with the flow of tears as I write this to all those who will see. Lynette, you know that the faith that you share has given Power thourgh out my whole being.When you set out to get the job done you are unstoppable. Hey Joe hope to meet you soon. Thanks Lynette for living what you speak.

  3. July 22, 2007 at 2:32 pm

    I liked the story 🙂 But I have a question. You wrote: “She wasn’t attached to the outcome, but she playfully spent time imagining meeting me and having lunch.” – What if the outcome is really, really important to you, like not loosing a loved one, would this be doomed to loose, then?

  4. July 22, 2007 at 6:48 pm

    Britt, you might want to read Zero Limits, as the control is not with you. You can help the situation with non-attachment to the outcome. Love and trust are the keys.

  5. July 23, 2007 at 7:25 am

    Joe – I’m so happy for your success in every arena – you surely do give all of us hope that there truly IS a ‘better way’. Your daily blitz is spiritual caffeine! Zero Limits is changing my life! Ho;oponopono Rocks! I love you!

  6. July 24, 2007 at 6:11 am

    Thank you for your advice, Joe. I will read your book 🙂

  7. July 24, 2007 at 12:27 pm

    So often people wish and hope for what they want, yet fail to take the action necessary to achieve what they want. Witnessing first hand how “magic happens” I know it truly is the universe at work bringing people together for experiences that otherwise would seem impossible.

    Amazing what positive experiences we attract when we visualize it and then take action on what we visualize. The best part for me is being witness to the magic happening when it happens.

    You see, I was on my way out of the NSA convention to grab my luggage at my hotel across the street, so I could catch my 2:30pm flight. As I headed out the door, I spotted Lynette and wanted to tell her thanks for the opportunity to share ideas and experiences (what a wonderful, knowledgable, and inspiring person she is).

    I rushed down a flight of about 16-20 steps to catch up with Lynnete, who seemed to be talking with a man who was introduced to me as Joe Vitale. Here I thought they knew eachother more than a few minutes and were in a great discussion as friends (that is the instant rapport Joe spoke about). So I asked if I could take their picture.

    Little did I know what magic was taking place! 😀

  8. Creative Christine-Reply
    July 25, 2007 at 3:25 pm

    Kudos on your latest book! I just finished reading ‘Zero Limits’ and I couldn’t put it down…your writing has inspired me and I am ‘cleaning’ everything in my path. Thank you for enlightening all of us. I know Lynette personally and have attended several of her classes. One day she told the class how it was her dream to meet you and how she imagined it would be. Soon after, she announced to the class that she decided to write to you. The following week she came into class brimming with excitement after receiving a response from your office even though she was told it wasn’t likely since your schedule was tight and you would be flying in and flying right out; still she was glad to get a reply. But to Lynette there are no boundaries and she told us how she imagined the meeting would be. So of course we were not at all surprised when Lynette emailed from California saying that she not only met you but had lunch with you. I’m happy that you had the opportunity to meet this awesome lady and make her dream come true. She is quite remarkable and anyone who knows her, is in her presence or attends her classes cannot help being inspired. You never come out the way you came in and will be totally transformed. She is infectious, inspiring, positive and vibrant and she lives her life as she believes…with ‘Zero Limits’ and has taught us to do the same.

    Magically yours,
    Creative Christine

  9. Kool Keith-Reply
    July 26, 2007 at 6:21 am

    Amen!!!!!! Sister Creative Christine How are you? And greetings to all. Joe, I was a werck when I walked thourgh the doors of Looking for the sun. The dark clouds that followed at that time where waiting for me when I walked out side the place that Lynette has put together. The 1st thing that this Angel said to me is you belong here.And since that day the clouds are shrinking I have walked through the veil and I know that words bring life or death And I’m ALIVE.

  10. Heather Giffuni-Reply
    July 28, 2007 at 6:20 am

    I believe that the movie “The Secret” attracted me to Lynette’s yoga classes and from there I springboarded into her Success Magnet Class. Before the class, I was not really living or really enjoying anything. Now, I love myself. I love my life. I am grateful everyday for all the blessings I have. I live, I truly live and I can share my blessings and myself with the world. Joe, Thank you so much for this blog. I have learned so much from reading your archives. Lynette was right, You are amazing and I need to read “Zero Limits” but should I read The Attractor Factor” first???

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