Predictable Transformation

teach-learn.jpg Three hours in a stretch limo with Secret co-stars Lisa Nichols and John Assaraf can be enlightening and exhilarating.

Lisa spent time on the phone with her editor, working on her first book. She’s on a mission to help teenagers survive. I was so impressed I told her I would pay to bring her to Austin to do her special workshop for local kids. 

John and I talked about life, marketing, speaking, consulting, and more. He used the phrase “predictable transformation” to describe how his coaching program works: it’s designed to get results.  

I told him about my Miracles Coaching and Executive Mentoring programs. The same philosophy is behind both: do what is asked of you and you’ll get predictable results.

What I loved most about being in the limo with these two wonderful people is their energy. They aren’t caught up in the world of external reality. Instead, they are creating their external reality by what they are doing inside and outside themselves.

I also noticed that when I hang around upbeat people like them, my own energy and thoughts go up. I want to do even bigger and bolder things in my life.

There’s a lesson here for you, too. Choose your coaches and support team well and shoot for the moon in your goals.

Ao Akua


PS — The November issue of News You Can Use is now online at 


  1. November 1, 2007 at 1:19 am

    Wow, wouldn’t that be a great idea? 🙂 A meet and Greet, life is just a ride thing… Cool… hmm.. now I am thinking of it, would be great for a prize to win for early birds signing up for the Secret Seminars in the Netherlands… Tnx Joe, you made my day…!!! Who would not love it to be in a Stretched Limo,with a bunch of Miracle Life Success Teachers, the ones they Love… Yeewhooo.. What a nice day today! (I feel so lucky, so full of energy bursting.. today already started with a Bunch of Wonderful things.. Amazing… ) :mrgreen:

    And then… your blogpost came in..! Fafoom, just like that.. Thank you for being the seed of my new idea..!

    For now, I wish you a Wonderful Day, a Day Full of Wonder!
    With Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter

    MissM@c LifeStylezz
    the Netherlands

  2. November 1, 2007 at 7:57 am


    I agree. The people who you surround yourself with in your life is a huge factor in how you feel and some of the things you’ll make a habit of. It’s can also be a big determinant of your success.


  3. November 1, 2007 at 9:35 pm

    Hi Joe!

    Your Executive Mentoring program, your blog, and your emails are an important part of my life…so are your books. I just downloaded your latest book from Amazon and I’m dedicating tomorrow to listen to your words.

    Darcy has been such a blessing in my life and I truly bless the day you brought her into your Executive Mentoring program. What a wonder she is and what a great addition she must be to your team. (Whenever I’m in need of a smile, I just go to her son’s website. Life seems to have a way of sorting itself out after those visits!)

    I was thinking of who I should share a video production I put together today. I sent it out to all my family members but for some reason, I also feel compelled to share it with you and Darcy. My reality is just that; it’s my reality. In my reality, you and Darcy are a big part of my life. With that being said, I share with you the following 2 minute video of Wesley, my son. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed creating it.

    I look forward to seeing you in Illinois this weekend.


    Jim Hollis

  4. November 3, 2007 at 6:55 am

    😛 Joe, you know we love ya. It is my ultimate goal to sit in a room with everyone in the movie The Secret just quietly feeling the energy radiate through the room for about an hour.. then of course.. I’d have to interview each of you to put it on my site!! I have watched that movie so many times that I know my journey wouldn’t be complete without this day happening! My blog readers would be greatly interested in each and every interview I would post. It’s something I can’t wait to receive!!

  5. November 7, 2007 at 10:29 am

    Choosing your support team wisely is great advice! The next best thing is learning about success by studying and modeling the behavior of those who already have what it is you want.

    To see some free video interviews of some ultra successful people from my nationwide tour please visit my blog:


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