My latest book launches at 8 am tomorrow, March 25th. I’m excited. This one reveals a new way to share your heart to increase your results. Check out the bonuses you get, the new membership site for it, a brief video explaining the seven lies people tell themselves, and much more. The whole thing goes live at 8 am over at Go see — and tell the world — but only if you feel inspired! 🙂


  1. March 25, 2008 at 7:46 am

    I’ve been looking forward to this book. I talked to Craig about it at my Prosperity Games dinner party three weeks ago. Craig told me that the 14 people interviewed showed how inspired action lead to their success. I’ve been doing that for a number of years now and agree that inspired action has lead to more success and a lot more fun in my life.

    Can’t wait to read it. Ordering it next.

    Chris Sherrod –

  2. March 25, 2008 at 7:54 am

    I just submitted this article to Digg. Everyone digg away.

  3. March 25, 2008 at 12:37 pm

    Congratulations on your latest book launch, Joe.

    I intend for your work to move the world.

    You are a great man.

    Clear Ice –

  4. March 26, 2008 at 9:55 am

    Hi dearest Joe,
    hope we can get the translated version in Indonesia lang,
    so everyone here can read it easily .
    Congrat Joe for your new book, I will get it soon…

    Warm Regards,

  5. Jon-Reply
    March 26, 2008 at 10:54 am

    Joe man you continue to astound me. I don’t think I have seen a person manage to fly out books like you do other than Stephen King 🙂

    Congratulations on this new one coming out.. may it yield you and others much or even better.;)

    Mentioned a few times but I would still love to do a Joint Venture with you regarding your book writing process not ebook as thats be done before with Jim Edwards…. and touching on a number of questions like

    1. How you go about research for a book idea
    2. organizing your thoughts, using audio recording or just typing
    3. At what point do you work out chapters?, how do you arrange them, determine what will go in which ones
    4. Do you write, record yourself speaking or type out your books?
    5. How many drafts do you go through?
    6. How often do you write, in blocks every day? do you have strict timelines, a deadline that you set
    7. At what point do you go into the editing phase?, who does your editing? who do you recommend for editing?
    8. options for first time writers on seeking out a publisher or publishing themselves
    9. How to come up with a design for a book, or who to use for book design
    10. Who determines how many copies to run off initially?
    11. How to get it included into Amazon, barnes and noble
    12. How to establish relationships with others to promote it?
    13. When to create an audio version of the book, how to get it into places like audible, other places
    14. Your thoughts on self publishing and the options people have.
    A number of other questions..

    It could be turned into a recorded Audio and PDF Book. I know my lists of readers would be up for it.

    Record the whole thing over skype, I would pay to have someone transcribe it into a ebook.

    Have the whole site setup to pay you…You can keep 100% of the profit…, now that would be a first I think in the JV world :)…

    If you thought this would be a good addition to your products, just shoot me an email using the email i posted with.



  6. March 27, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    Can you imagine uttering a single sentence that is so inspiring, such a total RE-FRAME…an entire seminar is created from that one single sentence?

    A speech can be inspiring, book can inspire, even an article can excite and inspire new ideas…new perspectives.

    But a singe sentence? Even Joe Vitale couldn’t possibly be THAT good : )

    Well, it’s true a single sentence you said in an interview inspired me to:

    1. Change my attitude and approach to my 3 million dollar sales territory (account management in biotech and pharmaceutical manufacturing.)

    2. Train my manager and 12 of my colleagues for my $80 Billion dollar employer.

    3. Develop a complete seminar (yes based on your 1 sentence!) teaching this life altering approach to small business owners who struggle with exactly this issue! (for my personal business as a Success Coach)

    I would LOVE to share this sentence with you…and how I have turned it into an entire seminar. And I need to insure I am properly referencing it and you for the handouts and published version of the seminar. (Yes, I want to Ebook it)

    One problem is I can’t seem to find the interview in which you uttered it…and believe me I have many Joe Vitale interviews, books and products. Not quite sure what to do about that. Should I just mail you the draft?

    I can’t wait for this new book because I think it will more on the same theme.
    By the way, I have been a fan since seeing you teach Law of Attraction at an NGH conference 2 years ago! Using your Wealth Beyond Reason program (with Brad Yates) majorly impacted my bank account and ALSO inspired me to create my own local seminar series on the Law of Attraction.

    Thank you thank you thank you for the many ways you have inspired me and multiplied my income and success! Your success prospers my success and your credibility and inspiring words drive my credibility and inspiring words. And the global win/win continues…


  7. March 27, 2008 at 4:56 pm

    Wow. You know how to get my attention. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words, Margaret. You can send your material to me in care of my assistant Suzanne at suzanne @ or by way of my vice-president of marketing, peter wink at peter @ Please understand that I received hundreds of emails, calls, faxes, offers and more every day, so it’s highly unlikely I can jump on anything or do much to help. But I’ll at least take a look.

  8. March 27, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    I bought it.

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