woodfordlad.jpgleftside.jpg Lynn Reardon, founder of LOPE, a loving service that rescues Texas ex-racehorses and finds them new jobs after their racing days are over, came to my book signing yesterday.

She told me how she used my attract a new car material to get a truck and I asked her to write the story for me. She sent me the following email, used here with her permission:

Dear Joe,

It was great to meet you yesterday at the book signing. I just finished reading Zero Limits last night too!

You asked about our new truck — but first off, let me warn you — all of my stories are long 🙂

I am one of those people who always drive beat-up vehicles. Until recently, LOPE’s truck was a mammoth 1992 dually truck — the clutch was dying, the A/C had been gone for years and the front driver’s door wouldn’t open. Still, I stubbornly held on to it, the notion that LOPE couldn’t afford a new truck firmly fixed in my mind.

The truck continued to decay, until finally I had to use my husband’s even MORE dilapidated, tiny Toyota truck to do ranch errands. That truck is shown in the DVD you saw — it was down to about 1.5 cylinders, went through gallons of oil and shook incessantly.

Did I mention I am stubborn?

Anyway, I saw your “attract a new car” website and also listened to you describe it with Bill Harris (on the Masters of the Secret interviews). Inspired, I decided to contact everyone I knew and tell them LOPE was ready for a new truck. I specified our ideal truck (F250, 4WD, excellent condition, icy A/C, “ranch tough” exterior, gooseneck hitch for towing, stick shift if possible) and casually mentioned (“oh by the way”) that LOPE was looking for creative solutions to financing the vehicle.

Our budget was small but our ambitions were mighty.

The response blew me away. Several people offered to research auctions for us; another sent a letter to local truck dealers requesting a discount for LOPE; someone else scouted Carmax daily. 

None of these quite panned out, but I sure appreciated the help and support.

But then one of our sponsors, Equine Express, recommended a dealer up near Fort Worth. Equine Express buys lots of trucks (they are a cross-country horse shipping business) from this dealer.  I called the dealer, and they were great to work with. They had a good truck for us, offered us a nice discount and figured out some wonderful creative financing — with a monthly payment LOPE could afford.

What type of truck was it? A Ford F250 with 4WD, low miles, icy A/C, a gooseneck hitch, tough truck bed rails (for tying down hay bales, etc) — and automatic transmission (well, I did say standard was optional). It even had rubber floors and vinyl seats — the ultimate in ranch chic!

So I boldly agreed to buy the truck over the phone — just needed to drive there to sign the papers & pick it up.

Attached is a photo of the truck — it’s the perfect ranch vehicle — I feel very rugged in it 🙂

That’s the first long story — pretty neat! I didn’t even have to sign up for your attract-a-new-car course (though I was planning to — seemed like a terrific deal) —  just reading the site inspired me to action.

There is a second long story — about how we picked up the truck in a tornado-laden storm — but I will spare your eyes and send that in another email.

Also attached is a photo of Woodford Lad, a racehorse we adopted out to a new home. As you can see, his new owner is very happy with him 🙂

Thank you again — your work has helped LOPE and racehorses like Woodford Lad very much.



  1. Kay-Reply
    July 29, 2007 at 8:16 pm

    I feel inspired to say how much it meant to me to meet you in person. You are a true inspiration to me after seeing ‘The Secret’ then following up by listening to your conversation with Bill Harris – I was hooked. I am very sure that you are a vessel that used to pourout the most important information that I need now n my life at this moment!

    After meeting you yesterday in Wimberly, I felt so blessed that you were in my area and that I could actually meet you face to face! When I returned home, I read the book “Zero Limits” which I purchased yesterday at your book signing. Amazing! – and I will have to read again several times to really grasp it. I also (with a lot of hope and faith) purchased a second copy for my daughter for her birthday. I can’t stop thinking that I have to look out for my children and try to share any information that I come across that may help them.

    After reading “Zero Limits” I thought how I had always felt that all things in my life were “external”, as if they were happening to me, and that they are out of my control. I am beginning to see that I may be able to play a bigger part in the outcome! Thank you over and over for all that you do to get this message out to those who may not have otherwise ever heard of Ho’oponopono! You are the best!
    PS. I am now starting on the second book I purchased yesterday – “There’s a Customer Born Every Minute”. I never knew anything about P. T. Barnum except that he was associated with the circus and the Greatest Show on Earth! After dreaming of it for many years, I am finally launching my consulting business which and I hope to learn from you and Barnum how to market myself and be a huge success while helping others realize their dreams.

    Don’t ever stop listening to the voice that is giving you this power to communicate these truths and laws to the rest of us!

  2. July 29, 2007 at 9:18 pm

    Guess I was reading that one too fast….trying to figure out how Mr. Fire could drive cars that need that much work? Thinking of your Panoz here..then had to reread to make sense of it. Maybe there’s a lesson there – so down and learn how to just BE – gawd…now I sound like Nike!? ROFL

  3. July 29, 2007 at 9:19 pm

    …oops I meant slow down not so down! See? LOL

  4. July 29, 2007 at 11:38 pm

    Thank You for sharing this one with us Dr. J, marvelous example of the power of love, would love to see it expand and expand and expand…wouldn’t you?

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