img00275.jpg Nerissa and I met Stephen Colbert at my book signing yesterday.

He seemed very quiet.

He seemed very flat.

He seemed, from a personality standpoint, almost like a cardboard character of a man.

I offered him a copy of my latest book The Key but he didn’t even try to accept it.


I guess he had a lot on his mind.

Ao Akua,


PS – I wanted to tell him about our new subliminal manifestation DVD on Attracting Wealth but Stephen Colbert really didn’t appear interested in anything I had to say. Some celebrities are like that. Alas.


  1. November 16, 2007 at 10:11 am

    It’s so interesting how someone can get the wrong impression about something by not looking at it from every angle. By only getting half the story. There I was wondering why Joe Vitale would be talking so negatively about someone. Especially after posting the ‘no complaints’ article just yesterday. Good thing I looked at the pictures before preparing my comment. Pretty funny Joe. I don’t know if it was intentional, but thanks for the lesson, too.

  2. November 17, 2007 at 1:37 pm

    Very clever, Joe — Congratulations!
    I hate to admit it, I myself was very superficial in reading your post — just skimmed it in my usual way; so I must thank Ken (above) for showing your post in its “true” light. (Yes, I too had been wondering why you were making such negative evaluations of Stephen Colbert…)
    Thanks for helping us see our own overly-quick judgments!
    Ann Sloan

  3. Nancy C-Reply
    November 17, 2007 at 7:39 pm


    I am from South Carolina. Perhaps I could email him on your behalf.

    If he only knew how diappointed you both were, I think he would tell you to….manifest some happiness.. 🙂

    When you get on his show, I want to be the first to know. Would I ever love to be there. Two people that have made me smile in a big way, many times over..Sounds like a perfect day to me..I’ll have think on it.

    Hey! Would a contest be in order? We can all focus on getting you there and I’ll even pay a couple of dollars for a Colbert/Vitale Lottery Ticket.(Sorry about second billing, but it is his show.) You could present him with the money for whatever cause he supports. Tell him it is “cause” money. Cause we like him.

    As for you, in the few months you have existed in my world, I have purchased most everything in audible form I can find and even backed them up with some written versions of your work.(Zero Limits for one)

    Remember, he is America, and so can we.

    Please take care, warmest wishes from the Southeast.

    Nancy C

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