dscn2893.JPG Because of fear, I almost didn’t do something at the Panoz Racing School last Sunday.

It was the end of the day. I was hot, tired and dehydrated. I was ready to get out of the sun and out of the flame retardant sweat suit I was wearing and find AC and water.

But right then the lead instructor announced a “special offer” for anyone brave enough to accept it.

“You all signed a waiver and you all have insurance so if you want, you can ride with an instructor while he drives the Panoz race car the way he would normally drive it on the track.”

I didn’t know what that actually meant, but it frightened me.

I admit it.

I was scared.

I decided I would pass. After all, I told myself, I didn’t need to sit in a race car while a gonzo driver risked car and life for a thrill. I had already had a whole day of driving, anyway.

Everyone else, though, wanted the wild ride.

They got it, too.

The drivers roared onto the track as if chased by alien space ships, and they zipped around the road like bats out of hell.

When they blasted around corners, half the cars lifted on their sides. The roar of the engines was almost deafening. I felt like I was watching the Indy 500. It was scary even from the sidelines.

I’m glad I chickened out.

I’m sure I would have gotten sick with such reckless driving.

But as the first four cars returned from the track, and the passengers crawled out of the cars, I noticed that each of them was beaming.

They had broad smiles and big eyes.

I wanted that experience.

I wanted to know what they were smiling about.

So I swallowed my fear and got into a race car.

The instructor assured me he would stop driving if I asked him to. I nodded agreement and he ripped onto the track.

His speed was astonishing. I felt like I had been driving like a baby compared to his calm confidence as he took turns, ignored dangers, chased other cars, and kept screaming and screeching around the track.

I loved it.

When I got out of the car after a few adrenaline rushing laps, I, too, was smiling big.

Facing fears is exhilarating.

Ao Akua,


PS — Breaking news: Amazon just put up a special page for me on their site. It includes video, a personal letter, pictures, books news, and so on. It’s at www.amazon.com/vitale I think you’ll like it. Go see. 


  1. June 21, 2007 at 11:26 am

    Nice page on Amazon. Very impressive.

    Cars don’t excite me much. I would have gone to the spa like Nerissa did.

  2. June 21, 2007 at 12:07 pm

    Isn’t it amazing when you confront fear you discover your fear was a curtian concealing wonderous joy?

  3. June 21, 2007 at 1:27 pm

    I`m loving your blog, Joe. And thanks for the reminder – courage and confidence and downright THRILLS come from facing fears!

    Great stuff! :mrgreen:



  4. June 21, 2007 at 2:06 pm

    If you ever get the chance, go sky diving. I havent tried it yet, but its on my to-do list. A friend told me that jumping out of a plane from 30,000 feet is an exilirating experience. After you come down to earth, you feel invincible, like you could do anything.

    I want to feel like that, dont you?


  5. June 22, 2007 at 6:15 am

    Hi Joe

    Great site. I love blue.

    I want to race too, I always had wanted to go rally driving as well. I love fast.

    Have done the skydiving thing, its great if you want to get over your fear of heights. When I did this I told noone in my family til after. I tell ya I was on a high for four days and nights, it was exhilerating!!

    My family freaked out, I did however enticed my daughter Loni and my youngest sister Fiona to do it. Lon moaned how the straps hurt between her legs, my sister Fiona wanted to go again like me. My youngest daughter Natz wanted to do it too but her father said no, I think that was a wrong decision, I believe it would have given her the confidence she needed, I should have just let her without her fathers consent.

    Life is all about experiences otherwise how would you know, it is a shame fear rules our lives, we could miss out on so much.

    Loved the Attractor Factor too by the way, I loved it, I bought a copy for my sister Lisa, she said it was awesome and is looking forward to Zero Limits.


  6. Ellie-Reply
    June 22, 2007 at 7:10 am

    Joe, First let me thank you for showing us that you are willing to walk your talk. You don’t just say “do this or that and get xyz results. like a test book, You experience and empathy kicks in. I respect you for this, accepting fears and doing them and releasing is difficult yet powerful. Part of the Sedona Method which I’m learning. Dr. Joe Vitale your a modern day hero in my book! Thank you for being our friend and mentor.

  7. June 22, 2007 at 9:48 am

    I have experienced “Hot Laps” with professional race drivers too… It certainly ignites the giggles! And, it expands one’s idea of “possibilities”…

    We see that when we begin, we are timid, frightened, jerky (we drive in fits and starts) however with practice, we become bold, courageous, and smooth – all attributes which contribute to speed on the track, and in business.

    This is a super – important lesson – and shows the importance of proper coaching, and practice under the supervision of a coach.

    P.S. Steve Olson’s quote is faboulous… I will borrow with attribution:

    “Isn’t it amazing when you confront fear you discover your fear was a curtian concealing wonderous joy?”

  8. June 22, 2007 at 12:01 pm

    Hi Joe,

    Congratulation, it is great to see you pass throught your fears and going for the race with your driver. It takes courage to decide and do it. I’m sure this experience would mean even more to you than just doing it. It will help you even in other area of your life.

    Take good care.


  9. June 22, 2007 at 1:09 pm

    Wow, what a wonderful experience that must have been 🙂 And congratulations with your page on Amazon. Wonderful.

  10. Pam Moser-Reply
    June 22, 2007 at 2:54 pm

    I recently purchased the “Attractor Factor” on audio because I loved the book so much. I wanted to listen to it over and over to try and imbed the material, like they suggest on “The Secret”, unfortunately, the last track (11) on Disc 2 appears to be truncated. It’s showing as only 15 seconds long and cuts out mid-word. I hope that not all the copies sold have that anomaly as the Canadian price is $37.98 plus tax and I want to exchange it for a good copy. Just thought I should let you know.

  11. June 22, 2007 at 5:48 pm

    Yikes! I hope all the copies aren’t like that, too. This is the only complaint I’ve ever heard. I hope you can return or exchange it. Thanks for the heads up.

  12. June 22, 2007 at 6:54 pm

    Yo, Dr. Joe, I’m HYPNOTIZED by Buying Trances and just read the chapter that talks about Nested Loops….WOW, awesome stuff! By the way, just went over to the site you refer to in that chapter and bought the ebook….DOUBLE AWESOME!

    I must say, I’m in a freakin trance right now, a buying trance none the less, on all your material. My demand is to learn to write hypnotic, powerful copy. And I demand $2,500,000 this year.

    Cheers my friend!

  13. James-Reply
    June 22, 2007 at 11:41 pm

    What a cool experience Joe! Ive always wanted to get in a race car with a professional so in a way I attracted this e-mail. Thanks anyway for all your wise words and love, you really make this world a better place.

    A big hug from Mexico City to Texas,
    James :mrgreen:

  14. June 25, 2007 at 12:37 pm


    Glad you decided to do the Panoz school – back in December when we emailed about it I just knew that you would. I did my instructor “hot laps” with Joe Foster at the end of Day Two, and it really opened my eyes about how fast a talented driver could take Turn 12. I spent that night visualizing what I’d experienced (doing laps while sitting in my rental car in the hotel parking lot) and on Day Three I found out that I was one of those talented drivers – over the hill and through 12 flat in fourth!

    Well done!

  15. Pam Moser-Reply
    June 25, 2007 at 4:59 pm

    To answer you, Joe about the audio – yes, I was able to return it for a credit note and they are re-ordering for me. I’m feeling deprived, though – OH! I also wanted to ask you if you had your brother/cousin/uncle/whomever read some of the audio for you – I noticed a distint change in the voice about a third of the way through (about) the second disc.

  16. June 25, 2007 at 6:31 pm

    “I’m sure I would have gotten sick with such reckless driving.” -Joe

    I’m sure some of us would get sick to our stomachs and consider as reckless some of the business and success moves you probably make on a daily basis; but you feel totally comfortable doing in spite of any possible dangers or vulnerabilities.

    To the race car driving instructor it is not reckless…he is simply driving at the higher level which he has mastered. Just as you are driving your online/book business at a higher level which you have mastered now.

    And just as you have excelled in your business, you could drive as well as or better than that instructor if you chose to. Ah, but you knew that…

    The wise know that as you become comfortable facing and moving through the fears in your life, the gifts it can conceal become more obvious and valuable once obtained. But sometimes you need an experienced instructor who has reached a high level of skill and expertise show you just how things could really be.

    But again, you already know that. But did you realize that this little story right here would be the source of great sales copy for a mini site that advertises your business mentoring program or miracles coaching or your new Zero Limits coaching…or for something completely new?

    Let me swallow my fear and give you a different vision-

    Life is a race to be successful by the finish line. You want to win. You must win.
    For yourself. For your family. For your business.

    Let Joe show you how to race to win!

    Join expert marketing instructor Joe “Mr. Fire” Vitale as he takes you around the race track of life for a few hot laps!

    Just imagine how it will feel as you ride with Joe as he expertly works the controls and shows you the rush of speed that this course can generate in your life. Speed of success that you may have not even been able to imagine before!

    Think of how good it will feel riding along as Joe shows you the extreme g-forces your life can generate! You can turn the treacherous corners of life and accelerate down the straight-aways to success!

    Sign up now and you’ll soon be smiling big with a grin that just won’t leave your face when you think about what Joe is going to show you about how fast your life can really accelerate down the road to success!

    The Vitale Zero Limits Life Racing School provides the definitive life experience by giving students the best tools, the best instruction and world-class support as only Joe “Mr. Fire” Vitale can provide!

    · The Vehicle – Students ‘climb’ into the cockpit of a high powered learning lab, the purpose-built Vitale Zero Limits Life instruction course! Joe designed this special coaching and instructional coarse just for those who need to learn how to change their lives- FAST!
    · Locations – Learn to race where the pros race! IN THE MIND. Learn what the pros know about how to “awaken” your inner power and becoming that smooth and confident driver on the race coarse of life.
    · Race to Success Programs – We have Zero Limits programs for everyone! Customers can experience intense laps of pure adrenaline from the passenger seat with Joe’s Hot Laps…or learn the thrill of success from Joe in One- and Three-day Race To Success Programs, even earning the Joe Vitale Zero Limits Instructor license!

    -If you’re interested in rewarding special team members with a corporate program, we can build something just for your needs. Contact Joe now!

    In this program you will:

    – Remove mental obstacles that block your path, freeing your
    mind to race towards new and unexpected ways to get what you want
    out of life.

    – Learn how to love yourself, heal yourself (or anyone else)
    of anything you notice.

    – Learn the Zero Limits System and how to clear your mind of
    subconscious blocks so that destiny and desire can take
    over and help you get what you truly want from life.

    – Clear out unconsciously accepted beliefs, thoughts, and
    memories that you don’t even know are holding you back.

    – Deal effectively with removing self-imposed limitations in
    your life that are often manifested as chaos, disease, and
    lack. Joe will help you remove the rev-limiter on your life!

    – Wipe your mind’s slate clean (get to Zero) and start over
    without preconceived notions, so you can live in a world
    of daily wonder – live in a world where anything is
    possible, and winning the races of life is a daily event!

    – Have a deepened sense of peace. Drive your life with confidence.

    – Give you a quantum expansion in what you are able to be
    responsible for. (No more scaring your passengers or yourself!)

    – Learn how to improve yourself, improve anything in your
    life and improve your world. Upgrade your vehicle today!

    Allow me to let you in on a little secret: professional race car drivers don’t get to the top all at once! They don’t walk onto the race track and one day and discover, “Shazam, I’m the World Champion!”. Neither do people have successful lives that way either. They do it little by little, step-by-step.

    And one other thing, most of them have an instructor or a coach and they have to get an education. In some cases, at the school of hard knocks. The Zero Limits School is about accelerated learning. It’s about preventing wrecks on the road coarse of life, and being able to drive as fast as possible toward your goals.

    I am going to teach you how to be a professional driver in the race of life.

    Here’s what I expect from my “drivers”:

    1. You must be open, coachable and ready to begin working with my instructors and mentors.
    2. You are familiar with the Laws of Attraction. (You’ve read “The Attractor Factor” or watched the movie “The Secret”.)
    3. You are 100% Committed to having a breakthrough around creating success or wealth. You want to do whatever it takes to set your life on fire.
    4. You are ready to make an investment of time and money.
    5. You understand the enormous value of working closely with successful professional coaches and world class business and marketing experts.
    6. You are willing to be lead, step-by-step, to where they want to go.

    By the way,
    let me tell you something about

    What this Program is NOT!.

    · This program is not for the person who wants to learn how to use a computer. If you’re that person, please don’t be offended because that is not my intention.
    · If you are a person who is looking for a program that will cover countless areas and voluminous subject matter, just so you have someone to talk to, then this program is not for you.
    · If you are a “tire-kicker” and are not really ready to do the work involved in truly changing yourself, this course is NOT for you. This course is not for you to play at being a professional “driver”, it’s for you to become one.

    Many of you are honest-to-goodness, salt of the earth people who just want to learn to drive your life without crashing. We can do that. But I can also teach you how to RACE! Race to win!

    I believe we are all entitled to have health, wealth, and happiness. So my purpose, my mission, my inspiration, is to help you achieve it and that’s why I’ve created the Zero Limits Racing School.

    Are You Ready? APPLY NOW!

    Success Story Rising E-Entrepreneur Graduates From Esteemed Vitale Zero Limits Racing School

    Carl Davison, under the tutelage of his mentor, graduated today from the venerable Joe Vitale Zero Limits Racing School. An expert mentor with the program, consistently and patiently molded Carl into a knowledgeable and capable e-commerce entrepreneur. This process involved guiding the student around the potholes of starting an e-business, including research to find a viable business concept to formulating a masterful marketing plan to designing an extraordinarily effective and functional website to writing sales material with pizzazz, and all the way through marketing the business to the real world. “I had no idea Joe would love my idea so much that he would email me and take me under his wing to work with him to create this vision!” – Carl Davison [email protected]
    To visit the website of the fledgling empire – see http://www.focusedexistence.com

    You may have heard about some of the free or “cheap” so called coaching programs. And there’s a reason why they are “cheap” or “free”. I’ve already explained to you that this is a one-of-a-kind, honest to goodness life success program. In order for me to develop and deliver this program, it requires certified professional mentors, business experts, preparation, research, and a huge investment on my part.

    Who Succeeds in this Program.
    · My “Zero Limits Racing School” is for those people who want the “meat and potatoes”.
    · It’s for those people who don’t need an appetizer, hors d’oeuvre, or the right ambiance.
    · It’s for those people who want to get down to the nitty-gritty of what’s really going to make a difference in their lives.
    · It’s for those people who want the solid success and life strategy information that will set their lives on fire, and have success in life engulf them!

    You see the checkered flag. Victory is within your grasp. Put your life on the fast track.

    Sign up for the Joe Vitale Zero Limits Instruction Coarse NOW !

    This is the high octane race fuel your life needs…the Joe Vitale Zero Limits School.
    Apply NOW!

    http://www.zerolimitsracing.com (Even this domain is available…lol…)

    Joe Vitale’s Zero Limits School. Burning rubber on the race track of life.
    So burn some rubber and sign up!

    P.S. Facing fears is exhilarating. Sign up and get in the drivers seat of your race car today!

    So what do you think…?

  17. June 25, 2007 at 6:45 pm

    I “reserved” the domain for you at godaddy if you are interested…

  18. June 25, 2007 at 6:56 pm

    What I envision for this goes well beyond just this. This is the tip of the iceberg. I’ve got some innovative and “different” things thought up to do with this (no they are not the obvious).

    Hint: I have a LOT of experience in the automotive industry…particularly to do with racing…

    Email me for more info.

  19. June 28, 2007 at 5:12 pm

    P.P.S. (From Joe) The Universe likes speed…

    lol…couldn’t resist

  20. February 26, 2011 at 7:18 am

    Marcos Rodney Izzard (Author), Steve Botten (Author)
    Buy At https://www.createspace.com/3546605
    amazon.com amazon.co.uk

    Universal Law. Ok…so you have seen The Secret. Now, it’s time to get rockin’ with the Law of Attraction.

    So many times people get all jazzed up when they learn about the Law of Attraction – but implementing it gets tricky and that “jazz” fizzles out.

    So let’s talk about the Law, and then I will give you the “how” on implementing it. Are you game?!

    What do you think of when you hear the word “attract”? How would it feel to be able to ATTRACT what ever you would like INTO your life? It’s possible. You can come to depend on the Universal Law of Attraction, just has you have come to depend on the Physical Law of Gravity.

    You may have heard the Law of Attraction referred to in different ways throughout your life, but it has no doubt shown up. Here’s a few ways we have talked about it…

    1. What you sown you reap.
    2. What you put out you get back.
    3. Like attracts like
    4. Law of supply and demand
    5. What comes around goes around.
    6. “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7
    7. Emerson called it the Law of Compensation

    So are you ready To make it work for you…

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