I’m finalizing a new book on how to attract miracles. If you’ve accomplished something (anything goes) using the Law of Attraction or any other ideas in any of my self-help books or audios or DVDS — from The Attractor Factor to Zero Limits to The Key to my audioprogram The Missing Secret, please tell me your story. Keep it to 500 words (unless you have a real doozie), include your name and website (if you have one), and email it to [email protected] Deadline is April 26, 2008. This is your chance to inspire others while getting a little fame.  (Be sure to share this request with anyone you think has a story to tell.) Thank you.


  1. April 18, 2008 at 7:00 pm

    Joe has been a huge inspiration to me. I discovered him 2 years ago i’m glad I did. I followed his advice and I met the woman I have been searching for. My goal was not money it was love. I knew what I wanted I just asked for it and I got exactly what I asked for!

  2. April 19, 2008 at 1:06 am

    P.T Barnum’s biography was very inspiring and on a personal level one thing that had major impact on my life was ‘The Secret’.movie. Especially the secret visualization tool (available on Youtube) was very useful. It’s an excellent way of programming the mind.

  3. April 19, 2008 at 11:00 am

    Joe Vitale Hypnotizes Stage Hypnotist Simone
    Joe Vitale is profound in his simplicity of living (large). And, may I say, Joe is a beautiful man. I was attracted to his spirit, his words, his person, his joy, his love—and, of course, his hypnotic marketing savvy. All the basics of Law of Attraction principles are personified within a gracious and gentle hypnotist named “Joe.”
    My name is Stage Hypnotist Simone. Joe wrote a chapter about his experience with me in his book Buying Trances: A New Psychology of Sales and Marketing. When you now own Buying Trances and use Joe’s persuasion & influence methods to sway your clients (and anyone else you must persuade), you will understand why we are so passionate about selling and teaching millions of people. Persuasion and attraction go hand in hand. Hypnosis is a tool for you!
    When my name was still “David Simone,” Joe Vitale’s powerful influence inspired me to legally change my name to what I choose (to do). Like Joe, I had a long career as a magician, but chose a new path as a hypnotist, marketer, writer, speaker, and teacher of truth.
    In all honesty, some credit is due to Joe’s favorite marketer and entertainer, P.T. Barnum, who did everything in a very big way. To change your name to your occupation is no small undertaking. It is simultaneously amusing, intriguing and hypnotizing to everyone who hears my name or reads it in print or on the internet. What’s in a name? Money and fame!
    I concluded that from today until the end of time when people Google™ the terms “hypnotist” or “stage hypnotist” they will always find something written about or something for sale from the eBay™ hypnotist, kingofsway, the King of Sway™, King of Sway, Inc., or http://www.KingofSway.com, The Greatest Hypnotist of Our Time™, Stage Hypnotist Simone.
    Simone 2
    When I discovered that hypnosis was a powerful tool for attracting truth, beauty, positive change, and wealth, I reaffirmed my career choice by making a conscious decision to become the next greatest hypnotist on the planet. Part of this choice meant that I had to become the next greatest marketer on the planet in order to fulfill my company’s mission statement to establish the King of Sway™ brand as the world’s premiere source for hypnosis entertainment, education, and media by providing profoundly inspirational content and value not found anywhere else.
    From whom does one take tutelage? How about the best in your chosen path? The best in my experience (and now yours) is Mr. Fire, Joe Vitale, a simple and modest truth seeker, modern hypnotist, teacher, and creative marketer—a modern-day P.T. Barnum on steroids. There he is, and so, we listen. We study. We learn. We attract. We make money by learning from Joe.
    I honor you, Joe, with this chapter. I am so grateful for you in my life.
    Stage Hypnotist Simone

  4. April 20, 2008 at 1:22 pm

    Dear Joe,
    I already sent an email to Suzanne and you yesterday. It has my story. At first I didn’t think I had anything worth submitting, because my dream is so big and my success so small. But you have lit my way to changing that. I told you about that in the email.

    My work is the Power of Respect and it is vital to the wholesome development of children. I see it as The necessary foundation for all parenting and all education. I rarely see it practiced. It gets to the origin, at least the manifested origin, of many of the problems we find created by humans. It heals, quickly.

    I’ve been doing this work in one form or another for more than 37 years. I have 2 websites http://www.besthelpfortroubledteens.com and http://www.parentchildteacher.com; I’ve written two books and 3 ebooks; I’ve given some talks, classes, trainings and workshops. Now I want to share this with all interested people. Would you like to help?

    Karen Ryce
    The Miracle Worker of Education and Parenting

  5. April 22, 2008 at 8:56 am


    Talk about major league Attractor Factor!
    I sent my story to Suzanne, then just had to send an addition yesterday.
    When I signed up for the Steve Reeves meeting – well, WOW!
    Just like you teach and make people aware, the Law of Attraction is amazing and powerful.
    My success story is now leading me to California – a dream of over 20 years!
    Thanks to you I have became fully and completely aware of something I have been utilizing all of my life. For the good of me and for the good of all those I have been able to help achieve in health and fitness goals.
    “Fat Into The Fire” is a lifelong example of the Law of Attraction.
    First it started over 15 years ago for a tool to help me succeed.
    Now, it is information that I share with others for the benefit of all.
    And it continues to build. It always helps me and helps me help others.
    For that I am grateful.
    Thanks Joe for your work and how you help others!
    I hope the meeting at the Steve Reeves festival helps me to perpetuate my own goals in helping other people! Can’t wait!
    David P. Morrow
    Author of “Fat Into The Fire”

  6. Jim Blaha-Reply
    April 23, 2008 at 11:10 am

    Joe; Do you have some stories or examples where your beliefs have helped people with mental illness/health?

  7. April 23, 2008 at 11:24 am

    Jim, read my book “Zero Limits” or just see http://www.zerolimits.info

  8. April 25, 2008 at 7:05 am

    This one’s for you Jim Blaha, Here’s an example how the LOA that i have learned from Joe Vitale has actually got me out of a 7 year Depression and complete hatred for people from family to friends and NOW well JOE is the most amazing inspiration that i have ever had the pleasure of learning about I have read and learned more from Joe in the last 6months, that i owe him big time i lost my extra 10 lbs, without any work, i have the best relationship in the world with my spouse and child, and rest of my family and i just completed my goal of quitting smoking, and i feel like a Million bucks. Now i can’t wait to see what the miracles coaching has in store for me….. Way to go Joe, keep up the good work and i incorporarte your secrets into my amazing life every day and all i can say is my arms are open and i am recieving abundance each and every day in ways of small and big miracles.But till the day i shake your hand now that will be my biggest miracle fullfilled. Thank you for everything you do Joe You Rock!:lol:

  9. April 26, 2008 at 1:24 pm

    Because of your works and the good works of others, I’ve attracted many positive things in my life. I’m writing e-books.. I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks! No, I didn’t starve! I used some adjustments in my diet and use my “power shock” method of working out. You see, just like you said…”Now”is a miracle. On my truth seeking I am finding out some amazing things. Did you know that all atoms can communicate at the same time? Across all distances? The Attractor Factor works. I was reading some amazing things on quantum matters. They had some human cells in a petri dish, some poison in the other. When the poison was placed closer to the cells, the cells moved away from the poison. Basically, you tell your body/cells/energy what to do! Whether a person realizes it or not, they are telling their energy what to do. Another very interesting read is “The Secret Life of Water.”
    Thank You Joe…For all you have done and continue to do!
    Now is a miracle!
    Sincerely, Josh Guy

  10. Loretta-Reply
    June 7, 2014 at 5:32 pm

    I want to deeply believe there is a way to have absolute hope that by doing what you are truly passionate about brings you completeness.I want to completed erase all my self doubt from my subconscious. I have always felt something deep in my soul that wants to soar. by writing it on this comment space. I place a conscious effort to start my quest and a subconscious desire to change falsehoods about myself. Thank you Joe. You have kind eyes.

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