7 Ways to Get Clear to Attract Faster

These days I try to get a massage every week. It’s my way of taking care of myself, soothing my body and mind, and recharging my inner batteries for the days ahead.

Before each massage, my therapist and I talk. She’s been watching my career for years, and always seems genuinely inspired by what I do and accomplish. She asks me questions about my next intentions, applauds them when they manifest, and more.

For example:

  1. She’s heard me announce I was going to become a musician, with little previous experience, and then months later come out with my first album.
  2. She’s heard me say I was going to write songs — when I had never written one before — and then announce my first singer-songwriter album was done, in less than a year, with all songs by me.
  3. She’s heard me say I was thinking of selling my Rolls-Royce Phantom, and then a week later announce that I did.
  4. She’s heard me say I wanted to make my latest book a bestseller, and then the next week hear me announce that it was.
  5. She’s heard me describe going to visit my parents, and along the way “accidentally” discovering a collectible car — made the year I graduated from high school and sold to me by a woman I graduated high school with.

“You just seem to think it and there it is,” she told me recently. “It’s as though you don’t have any glitches to manifesting what you want.”

I hadn’t thought about it that way before but she is on to something: Glitch-Free Attraction. As I’ve said at seminars recently, “The clearer you are, the faster you manifest.”

“The clearer you are, the faster you manifest.”

That statement means that you can virtually have anything you can imagine if you are in internal alignment to receive it.

Of course, too many of us have “snags” in our thinking.

  • We want to attract romance but secretly think we don’t deserve it.
  • We want to attract money but unconsciously think it’s evil.
  • We want to attract a particular car but underneath it all wonder how we’ll pay for it.
  • We want to attract contentment but fear it won’t happen or last.

All those mental ‘snags” are the glitches that slow down or stop manifesting. You have to get clear of them in order to accelerate the manifestation of what you want.

But how?

A few months ago I gave a presentation at the offices of my Miracles Coaching team where I explained seven ways to get clear. The group loved the steps. The event was filmed and later turned into a free course you can watch online.

Go here to see it right now: http://www.joevitalecoach.com/campaigns/sevensteps/

Remember, if you aren’t attracting what you want, it may be because you have “mental glitches” in the way. Those can be handled. I’m offering you the steps to freedom — free. It’s up to you to do them.

Your move.

Ao Akua,


PS — You can hear excerpts from my healing music albums at either Strut! or Blue Healer. The direct links are:  http://www.HealingMojoMusic.com and http://www.GetUpandStrut.com

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  1. Julinda-Reply
    December 12, 2011 at 9:12 am

    May I know what is the difference between the Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner Basic and Advanced programs (which I signed up in early Nov’11), the Soulmate Attractor programs and the Ultimate Law of Attraction program?

    Would appreciate your reply.

    Thank you and regards,

  2. December 12, 2011 at 9:31 am

    My problem is “too expensive”… I can’t stop thinking that or saying that to myself while browsing on the net for a new computer or even a dSLR camera with couple of kit lenses…

    I look at them and first thing I pay attention is price tag and then “too expensive” balloon pops up. Can’t control it :-/ Trying Dr. Joseph Murphy’s method, stopping and telling myself “I can have anything I want with power of my subconscious mind” to convince myself that I have the power within to manifest enough income, attract cool projects to earn and save money and but the things I like.

    I can’t afford your coaching right now (what a big surprise LOL) But I’m also trying Ho’poponopono to get clear off my scarcity mindset. It helped on a lot on my health and emotional issues. Even Dr. Hew Len says its not about the money, but maybe it helps me to get clear and then I can attract the circumstances to make the money – as you said and as it did to my emotions and to my body.

  3. December 12, 2011 at 9:43 am

    Olá, sou do Brasil e gosto muito das frases e textos do Joe, seu livro “a chave” tem me ajudado a entender como cheguei até o ponto em que estou em minhas relações pessoais e meus bens materiais.
    Não falo inglês muito bem, uso tradutores para entender melhor, você deveria ter um site que fosse em mais linguas, incluindo o Português do Brasil.
    Parabéns pelo seu trabalho, saúde e sucesso!

    Hello, I’m from Brazil and I like a lot of phrases and texts of Joe, his book “the key” has helped me understand how I got to the point where I am in my personal relationships and my material goods.
    Don’t speak English very well, use translators to better understand, you should have a site that was in more languages, including Portuguese of Brazil.
    Congratulations on your work, health and success!

  4. Eduard Karacsony-Reply
    December 12, 2011 at 11:03 am

    Thank you for Zero Limits and The Atractor Factor,they really gave me strenght and confidence.

    December 12, 2011 at 12:06 pm

    Dear Joe,
    Thanks again for another inspiring message!
    I just finished reading your latest book about Ho’oponopono and must admit I was fascinated!
    It is a trully unique, unprecedented approach which opens new ways in the ‘cleaning process’!

  6. Dear Joe! Once again thank you for a very inspirationel blog post 😀
    I so much agree that you have to get clear and the clearer the more you are to create the things you really want.
    I just have to mention another aspect: Talent!! There is no doubt that you have many great talents, and that not everybody could do what you have done the way you have done them. If you know what I mean?
    Best regards,

    • December 14, 2011 at 7:20 am

      Thank you, Claus. Any “talent” I have has come from hard, persistent, focused work. I taught myself to be a writer with long days and lots of books and years of study. I taught myself to be a musician with coaches and commitment and lots of time and energy.

  7. Dear Joe! Once again thank you for a very inspirationel blog post 😀
    I so much agree that you have to get clear and the clearer the more you are to create the things you really want.
    I just have to mention another aspect: Talent!! There is no doubt that you have many great talents, and that not everybody could do what you have done the way you have done them. If you know what I mean?
    Best regards,

  8. REX-Reply
    December 14, 2011 at 12:12 am

    You can clear your way to getting what you want.
    And you can certainly clear your way to total misery.

    It’s wise to question your “wants” before blindly chasing them.

    Do you really want that sports car?
    Or is there a need to show off behind it?

    Do you really want to climb Mt Everest?
    Or is this to quench your feelings of being a failure?

    Do you really want a million dollars?
    Or is this just a patch to calm your fears?

    Wouldn’t it be better to reconcile the need to show off, the feeling of inadequacy, and the irrational fears instead?
    THEN, chase the car, the mountain and the fortune if there is a higher motivation left.

    Clearing may work all right, but focusing on clearing without questioning the motives behind your “wants” is a trap.

    Camels have an addiction for chewing thorns not because they like them. The real reason is because they like the taste of their own blood.

    “tis the highest treason to do the right thing for the wrong reason.”
    ~T.S. Elliot
    Murder In The Cathedral

    • December 14, 2011 at 7:18 am

      I wrote about this in several places, including my book, The Attractor Factor.

  9. Renan-Reply
    December 14, 2011 at 4:21 pm

    Hey Joe, I’m really appreciating everything I’m seeing here, and you have no idea of how much it all is helping me, so, thanks man.

    By the way, I wanted you to help me to understand something. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuqsiV0Aq2U this video, from this man, is about success and how much work is important… I think it’s really interesting, but I sometimes think it is kinda harsh, what’s your opinion?

  10. December 14, 2011 at 9:44 pm

    Hi Dr Joe,
    Weekly massages sounds like a good idea to me plus a great way to clear any energy blockages in the body.

    I will check out the video and you reminded me to do some mental blockage work.

  11. Laurie-Reply
    January 9, 2012 at 9:39 pm

    Hi Mr. Joe! I recently bought your book, The Key, and I was wondering which of the clearing methods you think may help me?

    I have a 3 year old son who really frustrates me, he doesn’t listen and never picks up his toys and is too high speed. I don’t think the problem is really him though, I’m sure it is probably my subconscious beliefs about how little boys are. How can I clear believing he will always be terribly naughty and hyper when he is re-enforcing those beliefs non-stop? I want to be a nice mom, not one who must yell like a drill sergeant to get the tiniest bit of cooperation!

    Thank you so very much for reading my question!

    • jane-Reply
      February 6, 2012 at 1:00 am

      hi, laurie, if you want an answer from joe vitale, read or listen to his book Zero Limits and there you will have an idea of how to solve any problem

  12. yatono-Reply
    February 23, 2012 at 7:08 pm

    Dear Doc,

    Thank you for all your generosity :
    I’ve read your Attract Money Now;
    The Joy of Services;
    Spiritual Marketing;
    and all of things I can follow everyday –
    BUT sorry for nothing I can do, and
    I will always love you !

  13. Rozell-Reply
    February 23, 2012 at 11:49 pm

    Humans have a natural feeling ( to get ahead : means different things to each person ). So there’s nothing wrong at all with getting ahead in life by any means necessary. Depending on may factors due to each person life situation. I see it from a open way that’s why they have movies called the secret to show you one way to…..to get ahead.

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