Here’s another great lesson on how the Law of Attraction (combined with the Law of Creation) actually works in the real world:

As you may recall from a previous post, I have taken the Rubicon Challenge. I am going to record my own music in 2011, with me playing guitar, singing, and more. I’ve gone past the doubts and into the passion.


Once I made the decision to allow passion to lead the way, magic began to happen.

My singing lessons with Guy Monroe and guitar lessons with Mathew Dixon took on more focus. And my practice outside of the lessons became longer and more intentional.

And my lessons with Daniel Barrett are playful yet disciplined; always balanced with a sense of the moment and what it calls from us and gives to us.

Here’s an example of what I mean:

Daniel came to my home last Friday. It was his first visit, so we spent time touring the place, seeing guitars and cars and such. We then did the lesson, playing some spontaneous Jason Mraz-influenced chords that really moved me.

I then felt inspired to ask Dan to stay for dinner. We grabbed Nerissa and the three of us went to get the greatest pizza of all time, at Brewster’s.

And here’s where things got interesting.

As we pulled into the parking lot in my screaming Spyker car, watching jaws drop as we parked my exotic beauty, Daniel noticed Ray Wylie Hubbard getting out of his vehicle. I had never met the legendary singer songwriter, and of course wanted to.

We went inside, met Ray and his wife, Judy, and instantly clicked. Judy said she read several of my books and often waved at me as she saw me around town, knowing I had no clue who she was.

We all ended up eating our pizzas in the Vitale Cigar Lounge upstairs. It was a three hour spontaneous meeting where Ray told me how he wrote a couple of his songs, including the famous song Snake Farm. I was riveted.

Turns out he simply passed a famous Snake Farm in Texas — one he had passed hundreds of times while driving — but this time inspiration struck. He then whittled a song from that initial spark.

Ray said he took finger picking guitar lessons when he was 42 years old. He said he had to face his fears and doubts to do so at that age, but once he did, there was no turning back.

Judy compared songwriting to how I write my books. I saw the comparisons and learned a lot. For example, my blog post from the other day, titled Attract $175,000 Today, came from inspiration but still had to be crafted and rewritten. Songs are often the same way.

Ray quoted novelist Flannery O’Connor, saying (I don’t recall the exact quote so I may be paraphrasing here), “Inspiration can’t be second guessed, but it can be rewritten.”

Here’s Ray’s song Snake Farm:

Daniel and I looked at each other, smiling.

We knew that meeting Ray and his wife was no accident.

We knew that if we were looking for a sign that we are on the right path, we just got it.

And that’s how miracles get created:

You decide on something you passionately want, you take action, and you pay attention to the signs in each moment about what to do next.

Easy, isn’t it?

When you combine the Law of Attraction with the Law of Creation, magic happens.

Miracles await you.

It’s your move.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you noticed, I hired coaches to help me manifest my next miracle. We all need them. Claim your free sample of Miracles Coaching.

Note: My new audio CD program is The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation.  Comes out November 9th. You will soooo love it.

AMN bannerMember BBB 2003-2011


  1. November 1, 2010 at 10:26 am

    Hi Joe,

    A wonderful event and more inspiration for all of us 😉

    Paying attention to the signs is a critical point. When you can listen to the whispers and ignore the ego’s shouting attracting what you want becomes so much easier.

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. November 1, 2010 at 10:43 am


    That is a Great example of the Law of Attraction and synchronicity working together to manifest passionate desires. Great story!


  3. November 1, 2010 at 12:26 pm

    Great stories Joe!
    The Cigar Bar sounds very good right now…

  4. November 1, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    Hello Joe,

    I loved this post . . . I turned 42 this year and have been considering the next phase of my creative life . . . so hearing about Ray’s choice at the same age is encouraging.


  5. November 2, 2010 at 10:22 am

    I am 43 and choosing to do what is right in my life may be the next thing I need to do. What an encouraging story to have and to hold onto as my spiritual quest keeping moving forward, thanks to you and all of your insights. Keep on keeping on for all of us. best wishes

  6. Alanna-Reply
    December 1, 2010 at 12:52 am

    reading the comment i realize
    this is a movement

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