On a recent private call for students in my Miracles Coaching program, someone asked me how I achieved my level of spirituality and what they could do to attract it, too. I reflected on the flattering question and came up with the following:

Secret Revealed in 1922

Secret Revealed in 1922

1. Reading.

I’ve been a bookaholic since I was a teenager. Over the course of 57 years, I’ve read too many books to count. Not all were great. But numerous titles stand out as ones that influenced my spiritual thinking. Emerson and the Transcendentalists movement gave me a deep spiritual insight into the world back in the 1970s. The early Law of Attraction authors flipped me into the stage of empowerment, from William Walker Atkinson to Genevieve Behrend.  Neville, of course, awakened me.  So did Robert Collier.  I’m a fan of everything by Byron Katie and David Hawkins. The Book of est nailed me, as did Why Is This Happening To Me…Again? I’d add listening to self-help audios also made a difference. Decades ago I drove around Houston, often unhappy and looking for work, listening to many programs from Nightingale-Conant. Today I’m published by them. I still read and listen. All of this education informed and inspired me, as well as made me more self-aware. I attribute this on-going study to my success today.

Blues meets Meditation

Blues meets Meditation

2. Meditation.

I’ve been doing some form of meditation virtually every day since 1980. At one point it was the Dynamic Meditations of Rajneesh; at another it was sitting in silence and focusing on breathing, or repeating a mantra. Later it was “intentional” meditation, where I visualized what I wanted to have or be. These days it’s usually ho’oponopono. Currently I’m experimenting with drumming as a way to clear and center. I think we need to do whatever it takes to connect to the Divine and hear Its whispered inspirations.

Miracles Coach Janeen Detrick

Miracles Coach Janeen Detrick

3. Coaching.

You might think I’m just trying to sell coaching, but the truth is my life didn’t skyrocket until I got a coach. An outside loving observer can help you see your limiting beliefs. It’s not likely you’ll see them on your own because your beliefs will appear as reality to you. It doesn’t have to be Miracles Coaching, but some form of coaching will help you move forward. There are many programs available. Miracles Coaching is just one.

No doubt there’s more to attracting spirituality, but the above have worked for me.

What has worked for you?

Ao Akua,


PS – I don’t know if this will help you attract wisdom or spirituality, but it’ll certainly move you: My first music CD, called Blue Healer, is ready. It contains five long tracks of what I call blues meets trance music, all designed to stir your energies and awaken your soul. More on it later, but for now go see The Blue Healer.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


  1. Tom-Reply
    April 21, 2011 at 12:13 am

    Hi Joe – can you tell me if your new CD will be available on itunes or is is only available through your ordering page?

    • April 21, 2011 at 10:51 am

      Hi Tom, Eventually it will be on itunes but it may be months from now.

  2. Alfonso-Reply
    April 21, 2011 at 12:50 am

    Hello again, Joe.

    I know that a coach can see your limited paradigm because he/she has been there and our life can skyrocket if we get a coach but won’t purchasing and practicing the techniques in “The Abundance Paradigm” also skyrocket the quality of our life, like finally achieving the amount of income that we want per month? Thanks.

  3. Ravin-Reply
    April 21, 2011 at 6:52 am

    Hello Joe,

    I don’t have money to have coach so i am being with good people who loves create abundance in their life. I give love to them. Giving in certain way for certain things uplifted me. Sometimes i think giving is also your leader when you give it with whole heart. Beliefs about love also helped me. So universal divine love is my guide. We all need to connect with it, try to feel it and believe in it.

    I agree with your all points.


  4. April 21, 2011 at 8:32 am

    It is curious how a lot of people madidate for 20 years and don’t see any signal of Enlightement and how others reach a vision of divinity in the middle of despair, like Neale Donald Walsh and others authors. I whish had a Rule Book for enlightenment.


  5. Kathryn Price-Reply
    April 21, 2011 at 8:47 am

    For me, the question is “What should we do with our hearts?” Seeing that our desires are, in many cases, stripping the earth, such as entire mountaintops being blown off in coal mining, I think we need to ask: “Who is my brother? Who is my sister?” and realize that it is all life. Maybe we can try to listen for what our spiritual path seeks in us. I like an expression from the Benedictines that puts it this way: “Listen with the ear of your heart.” Trying to listen in this way is a kind of contemplative prayer or meditation for me. It is the way I attempted to listen when I was a hospice volunteer and not practicing any spiritual path, except I realize now that listening with the ear of my heart did become or lead me to a spiritual path. I listened to people’s stories and I tried to hear those stories with my heart. I think in the end people recognize love as what would have been most important.

    • April 21, 2011 at 10:49 am

      I love this. Listen with your heart and act is very wise.

  6. April 21, 2011 at 9:01 am

    Joe, look forward to reading your articles, I have still to read most of the archives, so have plenty for rainy day afternoons 🙂

    I’ve recently been planning on writing an article regarding the importance of meditation for manifestation. I believe it adds a huge boost in effectiveness and makes one’s life flow so much more easily. I’d go so far as to say it is probably one of those ‘secret’ keys to making the Law of Attraction actually work for many people.

    I have been lax about meditating over the past years and life hasn’t been easy, which has helped me to realise quite how important it is. When I meditated daily and was more focussed on things like giving spiritual healing, my life was more joyful and I was very intuitive, hence life delivered many of my wishes.

    Meditating is not always an easy thing to get going with (starting small with even just 2 or 3 minutes can be good for some), but it soon becomes a habit that is hard to miss doing, or indeed to stop at the end of a meditation. Thanks for the reminder to get back into the habit 🙂

    I have also read a lot since childhood, I have dozens of boxes filled with books in storage at the moment, waiting for the day when we move into our own home. One of my fantasies (as in I wish to make it real) is to have a library in our home, like in those old English stately homes.

    I find that daily reading is inspiring, I prefer physical books I can hold (I love the smell of older books!), but the internet is invaluable now, with articles like this one you have just posted, the important thing is to keep reading.


  7. April 21, 2011 at 9:16 am

    Dear Joe.. ho’ oponopono is working so well for me, it’s freaking me out ! I started it when you sent out the first free lesson. I had never heard of it before. Let me just say that things are turning around for the better in my life. ..like WOW! My relationship is coming along great …and here’s a little story for you : 3 years ago I left SC for the west Coast , I had to sell my beloved 77 VW bus to a friend. I regretted it and said if you ever want to sell it let me know first. In the meantime I moved back to SC…. Well, this morning he emailed me to let me know I can buy her back! Whattt? YES!..WHile I was saying the 4 phrases and eating blueberries. I can’t wait t osee what fabulous miraclrs happen next..will keep you posted.

  8. April 21, 2011 at 9:50 am

    I agree that reading, meditating and getting a coach are all great ways to grow spiritually. But I believe that these three things will help you grow in all areas of your life because the growing happens when you finally realize that things don’t change, we do. Thanks for all the great free articles Joe. I love them so much I just might buy you one of your all-time favorite gifts!

  9. April 21, 2011 at 2:22 pm

    Hi Joe,

    This week, Holy Week leading to the Easter Weekend for us Christians is vey special. This year may be very powerful as all the major varieties of the faith are keeping it at the same time – usually it gets spread around the end of March and through April.

    I use the ordinary round of readings and so on from the Society of Saint Francis Prayer Manual in the Church of England. It resonates with the basic ho’oponopono method – of sorrow, asking for forgiveness, saying thanks to the universe, and surrounding all of it with love.

    This may seem humdrum and “old hat” to some … but then the universe is “old hat” in that it got going and still keeps on developing along its own lines.

    May this season and our own meditations be a great blessing for all!

  10. April 24, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    Hello Joe,

    I was posting on Pat O’Bryan blog and my intuition encouraged me to come over and read your wonderful post. I had never heard of the book by Michael Ryce, “Why Is This Happening To Me…Again?”. After reading this book, I can say, “once again you are introducing me to something I was asking about . . . Thanks!”

    Everyone can read this wonderful book and get the worksheets on Michael’s website . . . http://www.whyagain.com/


  11. greg-Reply
    April 27, 2011 at 9:31 am

    As a drummer myself I was intrigued by your comment on drumming. Can you elaborate? Are you referring to hand drums, drum circles, or the therapeutic feeling of just jamming on the kit?
    thanks much Joe

  12. May 6, 2011 at 6:23 am

    Hi Joe,
    First I would like to tell you how much I appreciate your entire work and how much I admire you for being what you are! I would be very happy if you are able to make some seminars in Germany or Bulgaria so that much more people here can learn from you!
    I have read all of your books and to be honest they helped me a lot in many areas in my life but I am totally discouraged in one: to live in harmony with my partner! I am taking all the responsibility of what happens and I am trying to use Hoponopono or some other methods but the situation does not get better. I know it sounds stupid but I hope you can give me some advice..

  13. richard-Reply
    June 14, 2011 at 11:32 am

    hi joe hope you are very good well I thank you for your work is a blessing to many lives I hope we can talk much more I want to know what makes you q am q peru and would like to come more often you know you are an example to my jajajaj I even like to be a aprendis his good thanks lol x God richly bless all ohh if you let me bless his car is very hermoza I hope one day to live the life you lead and q have a car like you oh my email is @ hotmail richardrp_15 . com haha excuse me but the truth is you do not speak English and I am using a translation website blessings my friend joe and again thank you see

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