Escaping Russia: A Harrowing Law of Attraction Lesson

I made a lot of mistakes in going to Russia last month. Because I didn’t pay attention to the yellow flags before I got on the plane to Moscow, I paid a penalty. The punishment was almost ten thousand dollars, psychological and physical abuse, and a harrowing  escape to freedom that I’ll never forget.

Truth is, it’s been difficult to talk about the trip. It was traumatic. I told a handful of friends about it and they saw my pain. I’ve been tapping, clearing, and emotionally releasing ever since my return.

Because there’s a lesson here for you, too, let me share the story with you. Pull up a chair, pour some coffee,  and let me tell you about it…

It all began when my vice-president of marketing got excited about a speaking engagement for me in Moscow. He was far more enthusiastic than me about a trip to Russia. He saw it as the trip of a lifetime. I saw it as a dangerous trek to the former enemy of the USA. After all, I grew up fearing Russia would drop a bomb on me. That early programing was still in my mind. I didn’t want to go.

But I allowed myself to get swayed by the excitement of my staff. That was my first mistake. I was receiving yellow flags and ignoring them.

I allowed the negotiations to continue and before I knew it I was agreeing to two two-day speaking events, many interviews, news conferences, TV shows, and book store autograph parties. That’s a cruel pace. My assistant assured me I would have time off. But that never appeared in the schedule, despite my repeated objections.

Yet another yellow flag.

As we got closer to the time I was to fly to Russia, we still didn’t have plane tickets, or a Visa, or complete payment of my fee.

More yellow flags.

At this point I should have stopped the trip. But by now the system was in gear. It had a life of its own. Plus I had signed a contract. I was legally obligated to go. As I packed for the trip, the tickets, Visa, and payment appeared, all at the last minute. There was no time to review any of it. But one thing was clear:

I was going to Russia.  siberia joe and mark

My friend Mark Ryan was my traveling companion.  A lot of people wanted to be the one to go with me. But Mark agreed to help me in a pinch, be my support, and get an all-expense paid trip to Russia in exchange. He got the deal of a lifetime.

He wanted to film as much of our travels and my media appearances as possible, and create a documentary on DVD we would later sell.

It was a win-win arrangement. We had a plan. We were excited. We managed to survive the eleven hour flight to Moscow by talking, eating, drinking, and laughing. Little did we know what we were in for.

We landed in Moscow, waited on the plane as a medical doctor took the temperature of every passenger (in case we had Swine Flu), were escorted through Russian VIP customs (a wonderful way to enter a country), and were met by fans who had flowers, cards, and a huge sign welcoming me to Russia. It felt loving.

But then things quickly turned for the worse.

The people picking us up (my translator and promoter) led us to a limo, got our luggage for us, and then announced they were taking me to a live television show.

I still can’t believe it, even as I write this.

After an eleven hour flight, worn out and disoriented from the trip, I was told I was going right to a TV interview.

I was stunned.

Since I had signed a contract to agree to do media there, I had little choice. Plus I was now in Russia, far from home, and dependent on my translator and their transportation.

The insane pace never let up after that. I went to numerous interviews, press conferences, book signings and more. Moscow became a blur as they shuffled me from one media event to another.

And of course, there was the two-day seminar to do. Mark delivered part of the event, which saved my voice and my energy. If it weren’t for him, I’d be buried in Russia today. I owe him my life.

While I got a brief tour of the Kremlin and Red Square, I was followed by a news crew. I was never “off” and could never relax. It wasn’t fun.

From Russia we were taken to Siberia. The people there were warm and loving, but the pace was just as intense. There were more interviews, a two-hour filming for a movie, and of course another two-day event.

At one point I felt so sick I thought I was going to pass out on stage. Again, Mark — who wasn’t resting much better than me but didn’t have as much to do as me — saved the day by delivering almost a third of the seminar.  siberia joe

After all of this insanity, we went to St. Petersburg. This is where I was to finally have off time. Going there was more a gift to Mark than to me, as he had requested it before we ever left the US. He had always wanted to see the city. We did a little sight seeing there, slept in a little, and in general got to relax some.

But the worst was yet to hit.

The day before we were to leave St. Petersburg and begin the trek home, a kind woman at the hotel front desk phoned Mark to say she noticed our Visa was expiring that night.

She explained that with an expired Visa, we would be in trouble. There would be fines, and more. She said we would be in danger from the authorities. We could be detained, a nice code word for house arrest.

Mark called the US Embassy and the American Consulate. We were told in no uncertain times that we had to get out of Russia by midnight or else.

They said, “Whatever it takes, do not be here after midnight. You can be detained for a week or more, pay heavy fines, questioned, forbidden to ever return to Russia again, and more.”

We were told, “You will hate what they do to you.”

We were clearly in danger.

Mark blew a gasket and went into action. We scrambled to find a way to the border. The people who brought us to Russia didn’t seem very concerned. They ordered dessert and coffee. We knew getting out by midnight was our problem.

siberia crowdThere were no flights going out before midnight that night. We had to find a ride out. It took an hour to find a taxi that was willing (and legal) to take us to the Russian border. Once we did, we spent the next three hours holding our breath as the driver raced through the dark and the rain, on the scary back roads of Russia, darting in and out of traffic and scaring us to death, in an attempt to make it to the border by midnight.

Talk about a hair raising experience. At one point Mark screamed at the driver, “Stop it! I can’t take this anymore! Slow down!”

We had to go through three military check points. We went over rough roads with so many deep holes it  seemed the roads had been bombed. We were nearly hit by semi-trucks burrowing down the one-lane country roads. The whole experience was surreal.

We made it to the border — with fifteen minutes to spare.

But we weren’t allowed across.

The Russia border patrol guards didn’t speak English. Our papers were not in order, either. We were supposed to have stamped documents for every hotel we stayed at. We didn’t. And we looked highly suspicious, standing in the dark and rain near midnight, trying to cross into Finland before our Visa expired in only minutes.

You can imagine the fear. I felt like I was in a war movie, escaping from enemy lines. The border inspector didn’t just ask us questions, he went through our luggage, piece by piece, with a little flashlight in hand.

Another military guard explained, in broken English, that our papers were not “proper.” We explained we had no clue about the law, policy or customs of Russia. He finally let us across.

But then the driver said that was as far as he was taking us.

You can’t imagine the danger or the disbelief.

We had already been warned of cab drivers who take you to the middle of nowhere, rob you, and leave you for dead.

We were standing across the Russian border, now on Finland soil, with the cold, rain and dark around us, with no transportation.


cathrine the great summer palaceTalk about feeling lost.



Fearing for our lives.

I remember silently asking myself, “Where’s God in this situation? Where’s the Divine?”

I also remember hearing the answer, “Trust.”

Mark negotiated with the driver to take us a little further into Finland, where we could connect with another ride. We did.

The next ride was a van of young Russians trying to get to the Helsinki airport. I wondered if they were escaped criminals. The van was hot and humid, the Russian radio music loud, and no one spoke English. I did a lot of cleaning on that ride. We sat in that van for three hours, arriving at the Helsinki airport at 3 AM — and they were closed.

Obviously we made it out of Russia — after I spent almost ten thousand dollars (!) on new flight tickets  for Mark and myself.

But what a terrible, traumatic adventure to live through.

russian guitar And I’ve only told you the main highlights.

I didn’t mention the car accident in Siberia where I hurt my back, the Russian hecklers at the events who embarrassed me in front of the crowds, or the never-ending media pace that caused me to understand why some rock stars become drug addicts or die young.

When I told a friend who has lived in Russia about this adventure, she said, “You were thrown to the Russian wolves! No American should ever go there without a professional Russian escort set up in the US in advance.” She added, “Not having a valid Visa in Russia is a death-defying danger.”

When I met with Michael Abedin, publisher of Austin All Natural magazine, at the grand opening of the Vitale Cigar Bar in Wimberley, Texas, he said, “You have the look of a great warrior about you.”

What does that mean?

“You look tired and exhausted, but you returned from battle wiser, stronger, and transformed.”

The lesson: There were yellow flags on the field before I ever left the US for Russia. But I didn’t heed them. You must hone your feelings to know when the Universe is warning you that something is off.

The more you listen and obey, the easier your life becomes.

You can’t listen to other people: you have to listen to your own inner guidance system.

You have to watch the flags.

And you have to act on what you see.

May this lesson make your life easier.

Finally, how did I attract this ordeal?

Was the Law of Attraction involved at all?

As I’ve said many times before, the Law of Attraction is a Law. It’s always working.

If that’s the case, how did I attract the Russia drama?

Think back to what I wrote at the beginning of this post. I mentioned I had grown up believing Russia was the enemy. That fear was still alive in me. It was alive in Mark, too.  We had had several conversations about our fears before we ever left the US.

Together we attracted the experience based on our potent belief in what we were taught in our youth to fear. Had we done a better job of clearing before we ever left the States, we might not have attracted this experience.

Keep this in mind: you will always attract what you love, hate or fear.

Emotions are powerful attractors.

Since you have a choice, choose love.

And watch the flags.

Ao Akua,


st petersburg PS – Please don’t think Russia was a horrible place. It’s a fascinating country and culture, so big it’s impossible to comprehend. As I wrote in my book The Attractor Factor, you can turn anything into something good. I ate well in Russia (and learned vodka does indeed solve all problems), met some wonderful people (the beautiful translator in Siberia, pictured above with me with the Hollywood smile, was an enchanting princess I fell in love with), visited some interesting places (such as Catherine the Great’s Summer Palace, above, and Peter the Great’s headquarters, where I posed with the sexy lass immediately above), was given gifts (such as a 7-string Russian guitar), and became the first Law of Attraction Secret movie rock star in Russia (who just needed a bulldog rock star manager). While we experienced danger, we also survived it. While we experienced fear, faith got us through. I may visit Russia again one day, as I found it and its people fascinating, but under different circumstances. Next time, I’ll pay more attention to the flags.

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  1. Laura-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 8:38 am

    Fascinating story and exciting times for you! Thanks for sharing. Just wanted to say I love your blog and books.

  2. October 9, 2009 at 8:49 am

    Joe, I could tell by your tweets you were facing a grueling schedule and that you were likely minimizing the facts of the events on your tour. As the author of books on recognizing those “yellow flags” in advance, I have sympathy for your experience.

    As a former speaker agent, I have to ask: who negotiated your contract for that tour? Maybe you should hire someone who has better understanding of how speakers should be treated. My speaker contracts were very detailed and specific, even to the point of specifying how high the seat of the chair needs to be for a diminutive speaker at the book signing table. An author of your stature should have had that.

    Andrea (Kent State, 1969-1973)

    • October 9, 2009 at 10:42 am

      Hi Andrea. My former VP of marketing set it all up. Don’t worry. He’ll not get another chance to do that for me. 🙂

  3. October 9, 2009 at 8:49 am

    I can allmost feel your fear and stress as I read your story! Such a horrible experience to attract, though it seems you really learned from it. Next time, come to Sweden; a smaller country which makes it easier to get to the borders in time and we’re not as strict about Visa as Russia seems to be 🙂

    As allways, it’s great to read your texts. Sending you love and positive energy.

  4. October 9, 2009 at 9:16 am

    When we let our mind convince us not to follow our gut, we’re about to learn something that perhaps we didn’t want to.Thanks so much for posting this story, Joe. I’ve always wanted to visit Russia. Your “lessons learned” are invaluable. Glad you’re back and safe. Take care….Dave

  5. Andi-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 9:24 am

    Oh Joe.
    I really don’t know what to say after reading this post.
    Obviously something like “thank you for sharing your experience with us”
    or “yeah, I have also experienced how things can turn out when you miss the
    yellow flags”..but there is more than that.
    I am from Hungary but I’m living in Sweden now. Even though things are not SO bad/dangerous etc.
    in Hungary as in Russia, some of the details made me think of my homeland. Last time I
    visited my family, I had also missed some yellow flags, and so I ended up in uneasy
    situations at the airport, out in the night on the streets…

    Well, what I want to say is that..
    Joe, I was at Stockholm Airport the very day you were, and probably about the same time as well. (Read your twitter post)
    I would have loved to meet you, but yeah, probably it wouldn’t have been the best time to do that.
    I’m happy you returned from Russia alive. 😉

    Thank you Joe for being who you are. You are inspiring me all the time and now I have a new goal in life:
    to turn Hungary from a country of negative people into a country of positive people! 🙂

    Andi (yes, I’m a girl. 😛 )

  6. October 9, 2009 at 10:28 am

    How interesting we should both be learning the same lesson at the same time; learning to heed those yellow flags. Thankfully, my expereince wasn’t as harrowing.

    Sharing your lessons so others can learn too without having to expereince as much fear is greatly appreciated.

  7. October 9, 2009 at 10:33 am

    I think the lesson to be learned is about not interpreting your feelings incorrectly, or at all.

    Some would think of such an experience as exciting.

    It just confirms from my experiences and this one of yours that the law of attraction does not make you happy.

    Of course clearing can help, but in the heat of the moment (or the many second splitting moments in your case and with your beliefs) it can seem quite distressing.

    I think Ho’oponopono is in order for this experience as next time when you face such sitauations you may find them enjoyable, or if you can persist in the awakened stage such experiences are just experiences, not good not bad.

    I would like to hear the taxi driver’s story. I bet it would make a great one.


    Bharat Karavadra

    • October 9, 2009 at 10:41 am

      You’re right. And if you re-read my blog post with a detached mindset, you’ll note that I was calm, clearing and cleaning throughout.
      The point is to learn from my experience, not judge it or me.

  8. Frank-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 10:37 am

    Joe, I have read every single one of your works since the days of Spiritual Marketing.

    However, this latest blog post about your Russian experience seemed a little off character to me… Especially the part where you dismissed your vice-president of marketing for making the supposedly insensitive comment?

    You kept saying throughout the article that we are responsible for everything we attract, and yet you are blaming your VP of Marketing for everything that happened in Russia?

    In your teachings you frequently talk about letting go and trusting that the Universe will protect you. Granted, that might have been difficult for you to do during the conditions faced on the trip, but wouldn’t that have been an ultimate test of the principles you have been teaching all along?

    As mentioned I love your work and have read every single thing you put out… but this post seems to have been written by someone bitter about his experience and not by the Joe Vitale I have come to know and love.

    • October 9, 2009 at 10:39 am

      Sorry to burst your bubble, but I’m human.

      And yes, I can take full responsibility for my life and fire a poor performing employee, too.

      Welcome to the yin-yang of life.


  9. October 9, 2009 at 10:39 am

    Wow, Joe! Welcome home! I can certainly understand how seeing yourself abandoned in the Finnish wilderness or left at the mercy of the Russian authorities would make you feel scared, alienated, and alone.

    I’m glad you’re home safe. Thanks for sharing this amazing story!

    • October 9, 2009 at 10:43 am

      It’s good to be home.
      Thank you.

  10. Frank Sherman-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 10:45 am

    Dear Joe, I was touched and horrified to read of your Russian experience. I am fortunate to be married to a wonderful Ukrainian woman (believe me, there’s a marked difference between Ukraine and Russia) and have visited the former Soviet Union myself. I learned one very important thing after 10 years with my Iryna, our government lied to us for decades. The Russians have a cultural paranoia ingrained to this day. They would NEVER have attacked the U.S. This was confirmed by a former KGB general now living in London who says this is something the West will never understand. However, even their present government looks at us generally as spoiled, rich Americans and considers us arrogant by not complying with their regulations which, by some behavior I’ve witnessed by a few Americans, is somewhat justified. I’m surprised that you had a Marketing V.P. that was so shallow and insensitive and glad you got rid of such a person. Most of all, I’m happy you’re back safe and sound and glad you don’t seem to be judging an entire people on the basis of your horrific experience. And yes, always pay attention to the flags, be they yellow or red. Welcome home, FranknVegas.p.s. Yes, the women there are exceptionally beautiful, the rumors are absolutely true.

  11. Iona Tamsin Stewart-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 10:48 am

    Glad you returned safely. But surely one of the basic things you should have seen to was to ensure that your visa was valid for the whole period of your stay! Sounds like you weren’t really grounded. Glad you learnt some lessons and remained positive about the Russian people as a whole, who have much spirituality.

    • October 9, 2009 at 10:52 am

      I’ve never seen a Visa before, and used an agency to get it for us. As it turned out, the Visa office made the mistake. It’s very easy to overlook, since it’s very hard to read. I suggest you learn from the lesson in the blog, which was only a minor part about the Visa.

  12. October 9, 2009 at 10:50 am

    Hey Joe love your piece I am actually going to Russia again in a few weeks my 2nd visit, I can certainly relate to you on my first trip to Russia last year my visa had expired while I was in Moscow and all the feelings you were feeling I definitely went through fear of the unknown etc… I had the same choice that you had drive to the border or find someone who could help me which was tough as I got the same advice that you did and did not know if someone could help. So after all these years of me preaching mindset, Let go and let God, I decided to focus on a positive outcome, the night before my planned flight was leaving I received a call from a Russian Friend that she got a hold of the security at the airport explained my situation and he shared with her to show up at the airport at 5 in the morning and he would help.

    Once we showed up at the airport, my thought process was challenged again we could not get ahold of the head of security after numerous calls about 1 hr from my flight we found him he took my passport and disappeared and five minutes before the doors closed on my flight I got my visa extended no questions asked. As I read your post sorry you really made my day as no matter how much we work on ourselves and create miracles with LOA there are times like what we experienced that test us how much more we need to grow. Thanks for sharing despite your passion and the amount of people you have helped with your work, it is great to see your ego at a place that you can share to the world that you are not perfect and that you do experience the challenges that test you. God Bless, Joe Garcia

    • October 9, 2009 at 10:54 am

      Thank you, Joe. That was a very wise and helpful comment. Like you, I’m still learning, too.

  13. Polina-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 10:57 am

    Dear Joe,

    I’m from Russia, and that’s a great pity that your travel to my country was so dramatic, although it was a great experience for you and it has confirmed the Law of Attraction one more time. I just hope your next trip to Russia will be MUCH MORE pleasant!

    There are a lot of people here that read and love your books (I’m one of them :))

    With love,

  14. October 9, 2009 at 11:02 am

    Oh Joe, I’m sorry you had such a harrowing experience in Russia! The story alone sounds awful, I can’t imagine actually living it!

    I studied abroad there for about six months and the kind of story that you told, as impossible and crazy as it sounds, was a typical kind of thing there. People told me jaw dropping, ‘impossible’ stories all the time.

    Once, a group of mostly American kids that I studied with at university and I were followed by a very tall, slenderly muscular, shaven head man who wore dark black shades and all black! He trailed us for HOURS (!), watching us with a creepy calmness. He followed us into a restaurant that we ate at and stood around lurking. He peeked around the corner ever few minutes. It’s so weird that the staff never questioned why he was there. The creepiest thing is when I called two separate people who lived in Russia ( I was in the bathroom of a cafe that we ducked in to avoid him), they were both so calm about it! They BOTH said, oh don’t worry, its probably just FSB! What?!?!?!

    Once, one of the study abroad students was walking on a rather empty, snowy road and there was a man in the distance ahead of him. An old boxy car zoomed up the road, veered towards the guy ahead of him,and just before they got to the guy, the passenger side door opened, and they knocked the man down! My friend stopped in disbelief and watched. The guy who was hit laid there for a beat, stood up, brushed himself off and staggered off in the same direction as if nothing had happened!

    I also got accosted numbers times for my “dokumenti” for no reason other than (I assume) I am Asian and black and look so obviously foreign.

    It is a super fascinating, mysterious place, but so chaotic and overwhelmingly scary. The energy there is something different.

    I suppose a positive thing about it all is that I gained a new appreciation of my own country! We’re pretty lucky for sure!

  15. Ada-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 11:07 am

    Thank you for sharing your story … it is definitely a lesson and reminded me to be vigilant of any expiration dates on passports/visa. How wonderful that the front desk contacted you to alert you, and every other steps the universe unfolded (as shaky as they were) to bring you back home. Welcome back Joe and Mark!

  16. October 9, 2009 at 11:11 am

    Wo…touchy huh. Glad you are home Joe and I wish you blessings from one of your miracles coaching students. Clearing on the “touchy spot” revealed in these responses would not be a bad idea. I have to do this all of the time once I review what is it i needed to learn..where is my “blind spot revealed in my defense mechanism i just used..” Although I don’t support the firing incident..I don’t have all of the facts either..hopefully there were other problems with the VP.
    Often It is not how we act that is important..but how we react. “Pride goeth before a fall, and a haughty spirit before destruction.” Peace and Patience, Forgiveness and compassion are never wrong ideals. We don’t have to be right all of the time….Larry I don’t have a bubble to burst.

    • October 9, 2009 at 11:31 am

      Hi Larry. When you re-read my post you’ll note that I said I was tapping and clearing and cleaning on the entire experience. As for the person I let go, yes, you’re right; there were two years of problems before it. I finally listened to the flags and said goodbye to him. Again, this post has lessons for you. Read it with that and mind.

  17. Fredy-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 11:12 am

    What a trip! I have visited Russia so many times…, and never experinced anything like that. Yes, roads are bad, but people- wonderful! The worse treatment I ever had was from US immigration authorities, in fact.
    Love your work!

  18. Cindy-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 11:13 am

    Joe, I think you are wonderful and I am glad you survived to tell about the experience. I ordered your book Attract Money Now and cannot wait to get it in the mail. Thank you for teaching me about the attraction laws. I am trying to make it easier on myself by thinking different thoughts but this is just a start. After reading Zero Limits I see more of how I attract events and people in my life. I wish I could stop the negative stuff now but am seeing that a veteran such as yourself is still practicing the art. Thanks for coming back from Russia. Cindy

  19. October 9, 2009 at 11:14 am

    it was brave also to just share that story! how distressing it must have been in the moment to experience that! when i read you were in Russia, i felt something was off… but thought it was just an idea… how would i know?

    glad it all turned out well. thanks for sharing the wisdom you gained there.


  20. October 9, 2009 at 11:18 am

    Great Story Joe! Great to have you guys back..

    I love you, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive me, Thank You!

    Love and Blessings

  21. Tim-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 11:20 am

    Joe, what were the hecklers on your case about?

  22. Polina-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 11:23 am

    Couldn’t miss this blog. I am from Russia and I am very sorry that you had such a bad experience in our country. Russia and Russian considered themselves people with unique soul structure which is difficult to understand for foreigners but it is beautiful and sensitive. May be that was your experience for you to remember us, think of us, expand your abilities to accept Universe in different ways. I am glad that you got home safe and wish you come to Russia next time with your open heart and mind and could learn the best of this country.

    Thank you for your Love!

  23. October 9, 2009 at 11:31 am

    I have to say, I have read all of your blogs over the years, and by far, this is my favorite thing you have written. Thank you SO much for sharing your experience, such a validation for me. My 10 year old yesterday said to me, you know mom, I think I finally have God figured out…I said, oh yeah, what do you think it is…and she said, God is whatever you decide it to be. If you decide God is unforgiving and hates certain groups of people, then that is what God is for you, and if you decide God is yourself, then that is what God is for you. I am so grateful to have read your experience and see the divine in you Joe, many blessings!!

  24. October 9, 2009 at 11:36 am

    Joe, I do believe your visit to Poland will be MUCH less stressful.

  25. October 9, 2009 at 11:42 am

    Welcome home dearest Joe. I know with all my heart that this challenging experience will serve you well — beyond anything we can imagine now. We Americans are so isolated and insulated. Experiencing first hand what it’s like to be a stranger in a strange land, not understanding the language, customs, rules has changed my life many times. It deepens my appreciation for being here and my compassion for every immigrant, refugee, and displaced person in the world.

    Looking forward to the new wisdom you will share with us as your curious mind and open heart learn lessons from this as only you do!

  26. Eunice-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 11:44 am

    Hi Joe
    Glad you are back. What an adventure!! You certainly gathered a lot of material for future writings. Think of the adventure movie you could write.
    You learned a lot of things. The universe exposed the heart of your VP of marketing. He did not oversee the details of your trip. He did not come to your aid when he realized the trip was going wrong. You are right to fire him because he was not looking out for your well fare.
    Secondly, you should have had good travel insureance. One that is for international travel. That insurance would have come to your aid for legal and or medical problems with one phone call. It is worth the price for the peace of mind. So, whoever set up the travel details was not doing their job if the insurance was not there.
    It means a lot to your followers to see how the Law of Attraction works in everyday situations. It brings the the theory to life and shows us that we need to use it in many diffrent ways.
    Thanks for sharing.

  27. October 9, 2009 at 11:45 am

    Dear Joe,
    I cannot even imagine what you and Mark experienced while you were escaping Russia and I know it has certainly changed you in every fiber of your being. Thank goodness that you were able to make it to Finland and back to Texas safely. You are definitely a shining example on living the law of attraction.

  28. October 9, 2009 at 11:45 am

    What courage and authentic beingness in this post. Thank you for sharing from your heart. Surround yourself with people who love you and be kind to yourself. Many blessings.

  29. October 9, 2009 at 11:50 am

    Joe, thank you so much for telling that story. The Russian people are deeply spiritual. So it’s no surprise that they would want to hear you in person. But, with a Russian government run by Putin and an organized crime syndicate that is huge, you were right to be concerned. You and Mark showed great courage and resourcefulness. I think you were right to fire the marketing guy. We all need to have supportive staff who have empathy and accept responsibility not get defensive. Best to you!

  30. October 9, 2009 at 11:54 am

    I’m speechless and my heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing this with us.
    Even now as I’m thinking about it I’m sending you light for your ride in the taxi- cause its so real to me as if its happening now.
    Mark was a great resource to have!
    My love to you both.

  31. October 9, 2009 at 12:13 pm

    Blessings to you Joe and Aloha,
    After reading your post I was at a loss for words. I kept trying to think about all the positive things I could write back… or circumstances and situations I have been through to find comparison in common. Your story has been on my mind for about an hour now. Just a moment ago I stepped ouside and thought about the one point that made serious law of attraction sense underneath all the fear filled manifestations. The Pace of it all. Running non stop from start to finish. The Timing. Everything from the day the visa showed up, to the moment it expired. To make you smile, for now on the word “Russia” will always bring you a “Rush” proving Hurries make Worries.
    I have learned from your story a great lesson. Go Lohi (or Slow in Hawaiian) with all that needs to be done, something I have been forgetting to do lately… having Patience in myself moving forward. Without a doubt, I bet a remarkable bond is now shared between you and Mark beyond what already was. That’s a friendship bond for life shared by such a major experience together. A gift of memory only you both can fully relate to. Oh yes… one last mention. Send that certain someone something special for seeing your midnight pumpkin… if it werent for your Angel in St. Petersburgh, October could have gotten a whole lot more scary! Send her some much deserved Bliss as a true Key to your Clocks Circle. Many blessings to you Joe, super glad your back where you belong. Safe and in contact with the world from the best spot on earth, your home office desk. Aloha Joe! Wishing you smiles of All Good! Al Hummel, your photographer on Maui.

  32. October 9, 2009 at 12:14 pm


    I went back through and read some of the comments people have posted, and your answers as well. One that stood out in particular was Franks.. The guy who was disturbed that you had fired Peter Wink…

    Personally, this story triggered many things in me that I am cleaning on. I felt a mixture of fear, excitement and indignation.

    I understand however that NOT ONE of those feelings has ANYTHING to do with You! Its all about me, and how the information in me is making me percive all of this mess…

    I think a common mistake that people who follow your work as well as other spiritual teachers is that they tend to see YOU as some kind of God. It’s pretty flattering ‘but it’s huge load for a human being to have to carry.

    So as one of your biggest fans I will write it JOE IS HUMAN PEOPLE! An extraordinary human being , but HUMAN none the less

    The biggest lesson I got from all of this came from you letting Peter Wink go… That triggered BIG TIME loaylty stuff for me as well, becaue I remember reading about how he got you into Nightengale Conant and all of that..

    I recognize that triggered me because I have issues with letting people go because I feel responsible for them… Thanks to you…I realize that just because someone helps you at some point, it does not mean that you are chained to them forever.

    Relationships are like everything else in life.. They flow and change, at some point people may no longer be a fit and then you have to bless them, wish them all the best and let them go….

    I love you and value everything you do.. ESPECIALLY the stuff that helps me clean!

    As always much love and Blessings to you my dearest Joe….

  33. October 9, 2009 at 12:38 pm

    Remind me to never let your staff convince me to go on a trip!

  34. Tatyana-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    Joe, I’ m so sorry that your ( and mine) thoughts about my discrepant, but magnetic (attractive!) country were so scaring. So, please, welcome again and enjoy it!
    By the way, there’s no marked difference between Ukraine and Russia – my husband is Ukrainian. And after your books reading I suppose there is no one even between Russians and Americans.
    Excuse me for my rusty English.

    Thank you very much.

  35. October 9, 2009 at 12:43 pm

    Dr Joe.

    I am so grateful to hear that you made it with a sound mind, health, and spirit. Another testimony to share through your walk of life journeys. Good to have you back and you simply amaze me how you still found the good in your experience Marvelous!!! Your Journey on earth is obviously not done yet so no more death talks lolol.

    I am sure Russia is a beautiful place its huge~definetly agree to go back in better circumstances. I am sure it taught you alot. It taught me alot and I didn’t even go. Taught me to always be prepared especially if your 1000’s a mile away from home and to feel secure and safe in the environment your in. And to face your fears after being healed from them with another perspective and mindset!! 😉

    With love and many blessings

    Ruth- Prime Bay Funding

  36. October 9, 2009 at 12:43 pm

    Dear Joe,

    I’ve been looking forward to your story and hope to hear even more, because I spent about a month in Russia in 2000 when I adopted a child. I love Russia, but this was such an ordeal.

    I brought along my 8-year-old daughter, who became seriously ill for the only time in her life, requiring immediate surgery.

    We went to the Children’s Hospital. They told me that I had to leave my daughter there alone. She was 8 years old, and we were in a foreign country; I was not about to leave her there alone. I pitched a Big American Fit as only a woman can do, and then they let me stay there with her the whole week, thankfully.

    The doctors did a wonderful job, and they only charged me $100. I paid them $800 gratefully. There was only one bathroom on the floor. No disposable needles, and no patient identification. After surgery, my little girl was deposited on the bed with no clothes, unconscious, and no one came to check on her the rest of the night. Thank God I was there.

    But again, her surgery was indeed successful and her doctors were excellent. They took a lot of time to explain everything to me.

    I then brought my sick child back to America, with a glorious 2 days in Helsinki, and later returned to Russia alone (yellow flags screaming this time, Vodka self-prescribed). I went from Moscow to Sakhalin (for 3 weeks – I would never have willingly been apart from my child that long) and then back to Moscow (11 hour flights across the country, full of smokers). At the last airport, new little daughter in tow, I faced a stern security woman who kept telling me in Russian that I didn’t have all the papers.

    I do love Russia and I’m very glad I got to see it. But I was never so glad to see Texas in all my life when I finally made it back!

    Please tell us a lot more about your trip!

    Mimi Tanner

  37. October 9, 2009 at 12:50 pm

    Hi Joe,
    thanks for that lesson and appropriate analyses of the LOA action: fears built in past and not clearly defined before the trip. But the great problem was not consider enough or not notice it, the time of VISA given to you and Mark. It looks like two weeks, no? My God, when I used to go to Paris or New York I always demanded 3 months to avoid surprises. OK, you learned and we all are learning with you. Yes, you are a master teacher. Rgds.

  38. October 9, 2009 at 12:50 pm

    Geez what a story!
    If I would`ve known you was forced to visit in my home country Finland I would`ve personally driven you to Helsinki airport 😀

    Glad you`re doing okay now.
    If you ever dare to visit europe again, I warmly welcome you to Finland 😆

    take care,

  39. Mike-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 12:54 pm

    I am so glad to hear you both made it back safe, even if you’re not so sound. At least not yet, it sounds like. I have a feeling you will look back at this experience after a length of time (it may take a year or two) and find it was one of the most exciting times of your life. Maybe you think that now – I’m sure it’s just hard because of the fresh memories of feeling like your lives were in danger.
    I love all that you write – take care of yourself!

  40. October 9, 2009 at 12:58 pm

    Joe, thank you for sharing this experience. I completely support your decision to dismiss your VP Marketing. From what I can gather, it was his responsibility to ensure (i) a reasonable and measured media tour and speaking schedule and (ii) that you and Mark not be placed in any position that would expose you to risk. By any measure, he failed spectacularly in that responsibility. Glad you and Mark are home safe. Best, Dimitri

  41. October 9, 2009 at 1:08 pm

    What a great story to tell!

  42. David-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 1:19 pm

    You attracted good because someone kindly told you, your visa was expiring. Otherwise shudder, Russian prisons are HELL ON EARTH. In Russia you have to cross the palm with silver, often! That is what life’s about, living and surviving to tell the tale. Rest, Read and Write Joe.

  43. October 9, 2009 at 1:32 pm

    It seems most times that we evolve like an electron jumping from one energy level to the next. Building pressure at one level until that level can no longer contain us as an entity, then BAM, in a flash we’re elevated, catapulted almost, to the next higher level. Then, it seems, there is a test of some kind, like the universe taking stock of our new paradigm, our new belief about ourselves, and saying, “You sure about that?” Glad to see you emerged a Warrior on the other side of your trial. I believe in living in the center, reaching towards heaven while keeping my feet “in the mud”, so to speak. Looks like you had a “grounding” experience whether you liked it or not. 🙂
    Welcome to the next level.

  44. October 9, 2009 at 1:34 pm

    Dear Joe,

    Thank you for sharing your harrowing story. I’m so glad that Mark Ryan was there with you because I know how close you are. It’s funny how our different experiences affect how we view the world. My name was inspired by a Russian and so when I think of Russia I do so with fondness but I admit to knowing relatively little about the place itself.

    When I read your tweets about you feeling so exhausted I was rather concerned as it seemed so unlike you – now I understand. I glad that everything worked out.

    It’s interesting to note as well though that it took a great deal of money for you to extricate yourself from your predicament. Some folks just would not have that amount of extra money at their disposal. It’s a good thing you did and a lesson to be learnt from that too.

    Once again I’m glad you and Mark are safe and sound.

    Best wishes


  45. Sarah-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 2:01 pm

    Dearest Joe:
    Your mate, Mark, sounds like such a solid trooper. What a wise thing to travel with him.
    I feel the intimacy you two created with each other contending with the challenging situations
    is so life-giving and you will call on these rich experiences and the deep compassion that comes
    with deeply experiencing being alive. You have received deep gifts. You are warriors, both. Thank you for your sharing, your presence. Be blessed.

  46. Sarah-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 2:02 pm

    Dearest Joe:
    Your mate, Mark, sounds like such a solid trooper. What a wise thing to travel with him.
    I feel the intimacy you two created with each other contending with the challenging situations
    is so life-giving and you will call on these rich experiences and the deep compassion that comes
    with deeply experiencing being alive. You have received deep gifts. You are warriors, both. Thank you for your sharing, your presence. Be blessed.

  47. Sarah-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 2:02 pm

    Dearest Joe:
    Your mate, Mark, sounds like such a solid trooper. What a wise thing to travel with him.
    I feel the intimacy you two created with each other contending with the challenging situations
    is so life-giving and you will call on these rich experiences and the deep compassion that comes
    with deeply experiencing being alive. You have received deep gifts. You are warriors, both. Thank you for your sharing, your presence. Be blessed.

  48. Sergey-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 2:06 pm

    Dear Joe,
    Your story once again is a very vivid illustration of the main law of universe – you yourself build your own world you live in, and until you got tuned yourself to other circumstances you won’t feel comfortable in differing situations.
    You call it the Law of Attraction, I call it the Law of Accordance: your inner state always causes only those events and situations in your life that are in strict accordance with your inner state. Life is a mere reflection of what you are. There’s no one to be blamed for that. As an illustration – try to align a smooth ping-pong ball with a pine cone. Will they be in accord? No.
    The same is with all of us. Until we change our own pine cone (that we have built through patterns of our parents, environment and so on – you understand) to a more smoother form (in this or that aspect), the situations in life will be those that match – strictly match – our pine cone.
    The way I try to use the yellow flags you mentioned is reading them as indicators that I have some aspects in me to work with – to change myself, to get my pine cone smoothed a bit…
    Blessings to you and wish you success in your work with yourself.

  49. October 9, 2009 at 2:10 pm

    ALOHA JOE, You get wrong choices to go and wrong decisions to leave. What led you to do this Joe? You are a world personality! Why don´t go to the American embassy? And…who can´t get out of the ordeal, What to do Joe? When a VAN is insufficient…Love Jaime

  50. Wendy-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 2:36 pm

    Joe, glad things eventually worked out. Thanks for sharing that we need to be conscious of the law of attraction all the time, and even the “masters” sometimes miss the boat…but you can focus and get back on track.

  51. October 9, 2009 at 2:54 pm

    I’m glad to see you ok. It is curious than even you, with all your experience, ignore the yellown flags. Maybe that means that we never stop learning and learning. I don’t know what is the diference betwen a yellow flag or a green one. Maybe bad experiences will teach me. By now I’m learning about myself. I know I have to survive the storm I am right now. Probebly others will learn with my experience. So I keep growing and learning. And waiting. Remember Thomas Faith-Hope, some they he will knock in your door, with better English, with the money to suscribe in the miracles coaching program. Just wait to me I’m going up.
    Glad you’re ok

  52. October 9, 2009 at 3:12 pm

    Contrast that with the party we’ll have at UnSeminar7.

    Gonna be fun.

    BTW, you can extend a VIP pass to your translator.

  53. October 9, 2009 at 3:56 pm

    Joe you’re one hell of a super risk taker. All those yellow flags and you still gave yourself the green light. Well the story itself was fearful but I could not stop laughing at the part when you said “You won’t like what they’ll do.” However, when you mentioned the word “trust” it hit me like a great revalation as something that happened to me today which is another story. JOe you’re the most magical person that really having the most profound affect on my life. You’re a blessing to everyone including the hecklers during your TV show interview:roll::lol:

  54. October 9, 2009 at 5:01 pm

    PS To follow up on my earlier comment (#2)… If you need a new VP Marketing, consider me: degree in marketing from Kent State; 32 years as owner of my own personal public relations firm in Toronto, promoting and managing experts and authors; and a follower of the LOA since 1981. Just a thought.

  55. October 9, 2009 at 5:18 pm

    Dear Joe – I am sure that parts of this trip were traumatic and when these things happen we have such an appreciation for our home and life. I am so happy that you and Mark are home safely! WHEW!! What a life lesson. I enjoy all of your information and just recently bought the book The Key and am anxious to begin to read it. Best wishes to you Joe! Enjoy every moment! With best wishes, Debra Tullis

  56. October 9, 2009 at 5:41 pm

    My cousins had a similar experience in a mad dash for the border before their visas expired, too. And it cost them an additional huge amount of money to get back to the States. Luckily, you made it and, at some point, will be able to laugh about it.

    Love your books!

  57. October 9, 2009 at 5:47 pm

    Hi Joe
    Sorry to hear of the worry & painful exhaustion.
    HEY! You got out alive… its over & your home free!
    Now you can re-frame it as an ADVENTURE!

    I grew up on Northern Ireland border as a kid during the troubles there,
    & we got so “Blasé” if told a bomb was 100m down street. evacuation on,
    people would take their time to finish their “desert & tea” – “ah slow down –
    sure we got 15 minutes still” (usually bombs come with a 1 hour warning call
    from who ever planted the bomb in order of people to be evacuated but leaving
    time too short for bomb to be defused”

    I had to “re-frame” Russian people myself, as 2005 July, I got attacked
    by 6 Russian Criminals in Israel one of whom missed my eye 3 times my 2 inches
    with a spiked broke bottle full might his intention physical & mental to bust my eye ball
    and blind me. FUNNY LOL! 🙂 This was night before I was training in a 1 month 6 day a week 12 hour a day Krav Maga Self Defense Seminar…

    Well… I walked away from the 6 man Russian attack & bottle stab man I disarmed, & lets say I gave them a “little spanking” for their ill manner attack on me… I was alone in Israel, they got my credit card & $300 Bucks cash… in the Ruckus! I am of the opinion, the 300 Bucks they stole did not cover any of their individual medical bills the 6 of them! LOL! I re-framed I came across 6 Russian Criminals (who picked on the wrong man… us Irish can be “Fiery” & 98% of people in the world are good people…

    Joe, next Rock Star trip you go on, You must hire me as your Bodyguard…
    Self Protection is important, if we have to “spank” any attackers, we can
    do a joint Clearing session for them… Imagine KO Nerve Strike to Neck

    Life will be good Joe…
    Your are a wonderful inspiration, and as a recovered AA man… it is all about TRUST in the Higher Power above… Your 110% TRUST HE Above will see you ok… maybe not in the way We expect (How Dare Us Expect what WE Want off the Divine”
    The Divine will give us what is best for us, He Knows, & ya know… it has not failed me yet.

    I am very grateful those 6 Russians attacker me, unexpected, me off guard, one trying to bling me with a bottle, after I was sucker punched twice.. I only got a bad Black Eye & Lost 300 bucks… but I fought like God was with me (he was) and as a Self Protection Krav Maga Self Defense Martial Art Instructor… there has been few instructors in the world, who have been through such as attack, solo, alone & survived, & melted out a fair punishment.
    I consider it a “training experience” I am delighted it happened to me, I got a skill few Self Defense Martial Art Krav Maga Instructors via this experience ever get 99% never.
    This means I can HELP PEOPLE to Save Themselves from Violent Street Attack via this & other similar experiences… I was made walk the talk and I succeeded…

    Now I can help others, not experience the painful physical & psychological trauma of an extreme violent street attack, & if they are attacked, they are trained my ME “the truth & light” of what to do to minimalize injury, stun attackers & escape fast.

    God Bless
    Gerry Nolan
    Krav Maga Thailand

  58. Jovi-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 5:48 pm

    Hi Joe! (excuse me my English so bad)
    Yesterday I had a bad day, I was very sad, I searched deep support, and like you I believe in miracles: I found your email that led me to your blog, the word “trust” in the midst a so hard experience touched and calmed me. (Furthermore all learned about attraction)
    Thank you very much.

    from Bilbao, Jovi Diaz

  59. October 9, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    Dear Dr. Joe!

    Sounds like quite an experience 😉

    You mentioned tapping and I’ve had quite a bit of experience with that technique but I actually had a method of releasing emtional discomfort and pain pop into my head a while ago and it’s proven to be a more potent modality than all others I’ve tried so far including Reiki, Theta(Yes I have the diploma), EFT(Tapping) and so on…

    So now whenever I feel any type of negative emotion in my body, whether it’s small or big, I try to understand what it is that my ego is afraid of and can’t accept.

    Then when I believe I have a grasp of what it could be I simply make up the worst possible scenario regarding whatever it is I’m fearing or resisting at the moment that would scare me the most or give me the most pain and accept that the very positive(focusing on the positive to stay within the LOA rules 🙂 ) opposite of that might not happen.

    Then I repeat that to myself while focusing on the negative emotion in my body.

    I think the best way to explain this is to give an example:

    Let’s say I fear losing my partner. I would then say to myself over and over in my head while focusing on the emotion in my body:

    ”Perhaps I will not be with my partner for the rest of my life…”

    ”Perhaps I will not be happy with my partner forever…”

    ”Perhaps I will not always be loved by my partner…”

    …and so on.

    I would say those lines, and all others I could think of regarding the topic in the same fashion, over and over until I felt a shift inside where I’d feel calmer, more relaxed and accepting that whatever happens happens and I don’t have to concern myself with things in the past that I can’t change and things in the future that I can’t control.

    I’ve named it “The Kingson Acceptance Method” after myself 😆

    Peace to all

  60. Ravin-Reply
    October 9, 2009 at 7:39 pm

    Really joe, it’s an example for me. God blessed you that day. Sometimes we need to understand the signs sent from nature. I believe in this. But joe, how to delete those invisible fears for forever. I really don’t know. Even i have some dangerous fears of life.

    Thank you for sharing such adventurous story.


  61. October 9, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    Hi Joe,

    It has not occurred to you that your “horrible” experience in Russia was created by your own affirmation. You say in the beginning of your post: “I saw it as a dangerous trek to the former enemy of the USA”. Unfortunately too many Americans have that attitude towards Russia and having difficulties to acknowledge that the Soviet times and the cold-war are gone and that it is time to start interpret Russia from a different, more up-to-date angle.

    I am from Sweden and have been living in Russia for the last 16 years doing very large as well as small business without letting go of my Scandinavian roots and values. Therefore I believe I can better than most judge what is going on here, and even if the soviet-communistic past plays a significant role in Russia today, looking backwards is not the best way for evaluating the present event.

    According to your rant, the two main problem you encountered were of you own (or your partners) doing. Not having sufficiently adjusted and checked that the contract according to your expectations (more time off) and not having checked the dates on the visa. Don’t you think it is a little bit unfair to blame “Russia” for your mistakes?
    You say you wanted to use the “yellow flags” to cancel the trip – I would have suggest you to better use them to check the basics.
    I am sure next time will be better and that you then don’t have to fuel old-fashioned prejudices between fellow humans.

    • October 10, 2009 at 6:58 am

      Goran, did you actually read my blog post? My post was not a rant, and I did not blame Russia. And the lesson is right there in the post. You might re-read it.

  62. October 9, 2009 at 8:11 pm

    Thanks for sharing your story with us Joe. Your tweets from Russia certainly indicated that things weren’t going all that well, so I’ve been looking forward to reading more about it. How amazing that you can step back from the experience and perceive it as a lesson as well. Yet another vivid example of the Law of Attraction in action. Great to have you back and still able to write for us!

  63. October 9, 2009 at 11:29 pm

    Joe, I’m your big fan. I’m Russian, but I’m German citizen. I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about. That’s why I left this country at the first place. But I’m not that afraid of it tou are. Nice people in ugly country… I went to Russia in 2006 for 18 Month. Half of the time I didn’t have ANY visa… Nobody go to hurt you. Why? Corruption. I mean total corruption. Give few backs to policemen and you’re free to go, to fly, to drive. What ever you want. And if your visa is expired you have to pay $60 more for 14 extra days. OFFICIALLY, by Law. And you WILL receive an other visa again.Those stories you’ve being told are not true. They like to scare Americans. Tradition. Don’t take Russia so serious. Joe, next time give me a job to escort you and you gona love it. You’ll ask me for more. You see, I love USA (and was afraid of it too), I love Canada (it’s my home now), Germany (my citizenship) and I do love Russia as well (mostly Russian girls of course, but I’m married now, this fun is over… ). We’ll plan it better. And for your comfort I’ll make 12-month multiple visa for you. If I would you, the first 4-5 days I would do what ever I’d like to do. Do not work and don’t sign any contracts (Russians don’t give a… for contracts) Make a personal contacts, take the money first (that is the contract) and do your thing (Seminar, Interview or so). We’ll rent a car and have a English speaking drivers for 5$ per hour. We’ll make it professional. I did it already for my German friends. Ask them 😀 I’ll do it for free. Why? You gave me more then that. You don’t know me, but I’m telling you I do know you and My Life is transformed because of you (and Bob Proctor, he’s my hero too). Thank you VERY MUCH! You see, I’m Russian and I did understand you. It means what? You can too. You can make it much better next time. And now honestly, I was laughing like manky as I’ve ride you story:lol: You know, it is funny after all! Now you have some real hard story to tell! But I think it wasn’t dangerous at all, I know that. Bat your perception of this event is so American! Oh Boy, I was laughing, I couldn’t breath! Thank you Joe! I love you!

  64. October 10, 2009 at 1:10 am

    Thank you so much for having the guts and courage to write this article, I am a speaker and writer also so that means i travel alot. I personally feel every speaker on the planet should read this article
    Its a great warning to continue to trust our inner Satnav at all times. Joe as it also takes real courage to say NO or address those yellow flags when momentum is building all around.
    Thank you,and god bless you

  65. October 10, 2009 at 1:49 am

    Joe: What a scary-bears experience! By sharing this ordeal you have impressed upon me and I assume others to pay attention to the yellow flags; to listen to our inner wisdom. You may be a prolific writer and outstanding teacher, but, you are a human, so I am not surprised by your reactions; appreciate your openess with your sharing, your being genuine and your ability to draw a lesson from the experience. By the way, your friend Mark Ryan is a blessing!

    Thanks for being in this planet. 🙂


  66. October 10, 2009 at 2:33 am

    Dear Joe,
    It is wonderful that you did not heed the yellow flags. If you did, you wouldn’t have had a chance to go through this valuable experience, that made you grow and integrate a very important part of you. Maybe the yellow flag is not the voice of intuition but of ego that is afraid to confront life.
    I love your dedication and your courage.
    Ireneusz Rudnicki, Poland

  67. October 10, 2009 at 3:58 am

    Thanks for proving – beyond any doubt – that the law of attraction is ALWAYS working 🙂

    I am certain that you have learned your lesson, and I hope that everyone else has too 🙂

    Thanks for sharing and giving us something to clean on 😉

  68. Ravin-Reply
    October 10, 2009 at 4:12 am

    Thank you for sharing story which is full of imp. learning lessons.

  69. October 10, 2009 at 4:44 am

    Always hypnotic! To read about your adventure, Joe, and to feel the relief that all is well now, reminds me of a quote from Ellie Drake: “What does not kill me, makes me stronger.” That next book, Red Flag, Yellow Flag, Blue Flag, is in the works, YES??? 😆
    Best for now,

  70. Andrew-Reply
    October 10, 2009 at 4:59 am

    Joe, though I am glad that you made it to the US safe and sound, one thing doesn’t seem logic to me. Instead of going to Russian border with Finland using Russian uncomfortable roads, why couldn’t you go to Russian airport Sheremetyevo-2 situated north of Moscow, and buy a ticket to any Western country, member of the EU? The flights there happen every 5-10 minutes and you wouldn’t have any problems.
    And with the citizenship of the USA you wouldn’t need any permission to go to any of the EU states (e.g. visas). So you could have saved yourself lots of time and emotions. You could go to the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the nearest possible location, if it would be impossible to go the US. So that’s I think that was quite strange from you to choose a more complicated solution.

    Best regards!


    • October 10, 2009 at 7:01 am

      Andrew, we tried that. There were no flights going out before midnight. Obviously we would have done that if it were possible.

  71. October 10, 2009 at 6:19 am

    Dear Joe,

    thanks for sharing, it was interesting to read. Even if the message was bitter – you’ve told us about your good experiences only in PS – it’s understandable, because you’re human. But maybe you should learn from your bad experiences and let them go, and focus on your good experiences and remember only good – I’m sure you have more good to tell us, it would be wonderful to read. And when you’ll be calm and clean – give Russia another chance, it surely deserves it! Everyone can find everything he wants everywhere, but do not look for bad and you’ll see an enormously big, enormously warm, enormously joyful country full of interesting and facsinating people, places and experiences. I would be pleased to show it to you, Joe.

    Love, blessings and best wishes from a Russian girl.

    PS: Russia is not so bad and scary like many people think – it’s just a negative newspaper cliché. Russia is marvellous. Russia is great. Russia is warm. Russia is welcoming. Just give it a chance to show it to you, Joe, and you’ll see it.

    PPS: I have plenty of Ukranian friends and as my husband is Ukranian, my relatives are not only Russians but Ukranians also now. There are no such differencies between Russia and Ukraine – it’s also just a negative newspaper cliché. You can find a great person everywhere, it’s not a question of nationality. We have so much in common, and we share so much love!

    • October 10, 2009 at 7:04 am

      I never said Russia was bad. Also, see my previous post about Russia. I’ve been invited back to visit 13 cities in Russia. I’ll go, but not under the same terms as before. Again, re-read the post and heed the lesson. It wasn’t about Russia. It was a lesson for you.

  72. Irina Miroshnichenko-Reply
    October 10, 2009 at 7:28 am

    Dear Joe,

    I live in Russia, St.Petersburg. After reading your post I was shocked. I’m sure that your story has been extravagantly embroidered. If you have as its object, you succeed in it. You have written a thriller which has nothing in common with truth.

    Let’s start from the very beginning.

    You write that your translator and promoter announced they were taking you to a live television show. Whose fault is it? Only yours, to be more exact of the person who negotiated your contract for that tour. I have been working for some company for 10 years. We are distributors of several foreign companies and all these years we have guests from abroad. All these employees are working for 2 well-known companies – one of them is Philips, but this people live, work and have representative offices in many countries – US, France, Holland, Finland, UK, Germany, Sweden and so on. They were born and grew up in these countries. Each time we have a meeting with one of them – we discuss when my director would meet with them – next day after trip, as we understand that the person could be tired after his way. It depends on the person – if he is ready to meet today or he needs some rest. So this part of your story is only your mistake – or as I wrote above – of the person who was responsible for organization of your trip.

    Then, you write about kind woman at the hotel front desk called Mark to say she noticed our
    Visa was expiring that night and you would be in trouble. Mark is a male name and it’s not Russian name. Ok, it doesn’t matter what’s the girl’s name.
    Can you imagine I visit US and my visa is expired. Would I have any problems or your authorities would tell me – it’s OK, no problem. It’s against the law in any country which uses visas. I travel abroad – for business trips or just to have a rest. My friend has a sister who has been living with her family in US for 20 years. They are citizens of US. Each summer their mother visits them. A couple of years ago being in US their mother’s visa had expired and she had a lot of problems. A year later, she applied for US embassy to get a visa to meet with her daughter’s family – and they denied her a visa, as she broke the law. You are not a child, you are an adult person, so it’s very strange for me to read your “As it turned out, the Visa office made the mistake. It’s very easy to overlook, since it’s very hard to read.” It’s not very easy to overlook. It’s printed very clearly. And again whose fault is it? Yours or Russian authorities?

    You write: “I grew up fearing Russia would drop a bomb on me. That early programing was still in my mind. I didn’t want to go.” I was born in 1970 and grew up in that cold war between USSR and US. Now we all live in the different world and everything has been changed. I have never been to US, but I can imagine that there is no any threat to me if I would come there. It seems to me again that you overestimate grossly. You your just wanted you story to be extraordinaire, as it’s not so burning, so exciting if everything went off smoothly. You wanted it to be a thriller, I don’t know why – you have a lot of friends, a lot of fans, you books and films are much spoken about and sold all over the world.

    Your trip to Russia didn’t dependent on your translator and their transportation, as you wrote. It depended on your organizer and mostly on yourself. You rule your life and not translater.

    Kind regards,

    • October 10, 2009 at 7:36 am

      Hi Irina. You appear to have mis-read my post. I clearly took responsibility for everything that happened, and discovered the lesson in it. That’s why I wrote the post. I’m not blaming Russia or anyone in it. I liked Russia, just not the way I was handled there (which I take responsibility for). Again, there’s a lesson for you here.

    • Elena-Reply
      October 23, 2009 at 5:26 pm

      Dear Irina, obviously your english is not as good as you think it is. ” Hotel woman at front desk called Mark to say..” means she called on the phone Joe’ s fiend who’s name is Mark , who was with him in Russia , etc. Pay attention when you read someones post before you make comment like that. Shows your own stupidity. I’m from Russia and I know for a fact stuff like that happens pretty often. Also if you still didn’t get it Joe wasn’t blaming Russia but his lack of recognizing his own feelings for that trip. Russian people get way too defensive for no reason. It’s just the way we are..

  73. October 10, 2009 at 7:28 am

    Joe, my wife gave me a hard time as she so my comment above. She says, it’s arrogant. I’m very sorry if it has appeared the same way to you. The true is I love every thing you do. From all the teachers in “The Secret” I liked you more then any one else right at the beginning. The lesson you give this time is unplayable, it really is! Why? Because this life example makes it as clear as noonday, how I walk around. As Russian I see the same things in such a different perspective as you do as American! It means I do have the same problem living in Canada. I see things they are not even there, but I don’t see important things they are just around me 😕 A lot of work to do!!!

  74. Irina Miroshnichenko-Reply
    October 10, 2009 at 8:14 am

    Dear Joe,

    Don’t you think that too many readers of this page write one and the same – that you blame Russia. It’s not coincidence that all we mis-read your post. .

    I would like to add some words. You write: “It took an hour to find a taxi that was willing (and legal) to take us to the Russian border. Once we did, we spent the next three hours holding our breath as the driver raced through the dark and the rain, on the scary back roads of Russia”. First of all, do you know the taxi could be called from the hotel reception? In this case, it will take you 10-15 min. to wait for the car – it depends on the traffic. Do you know that usually there are a lot of taxies (legal) waiting for the clients near the hotel? . I live in St.Petersburg from my birth, so I know the city very well. Yes, we have a heavy traffic during rush hours, but it’s just impossible that it took you 3 hours to get to the airport. When I meet our visitors from abroad, usually it takes 1 hour or 1 hour and a half to get from airport Pulkovo 2 to the center of the city. Can you tell me please, how long does it take me to get from New-York or Washington airport to the center of the city? 15-20 minutes – I doubt? It took us about 1 hour to get from Charles de Gaulle airport to the center of Paris. I doubt that you lived in a village, I think you lived in the center of the city. So it’s just impossible to hail a taxi during an hour and that you spent the next three hours to get to the airport.

    Then you write: “we spent the next three hours holding our breath as the driver raced through the dark and the rain, on the scary back roads of Russia, darting in and out of traffic and scaring us to death, in an attempt to make it to the border by midnight.?” You would be surprised, but we have a road police which would not allow any driver to speed. Of course there are a lot of racers. It would result in driving ban and no one taxi driver would like to lose his drive license due to some request supported by money. Yes, today the driver can earn some money, but tomorrow he could be suspend a license. It’s not worth it.

    I’m not going to tell you that I like everything about country I live in. I think any person in any country doesn’t like everything or agree with everything, and you as well, do you? You didn’t write that you take responsibility for everything that happened, and discovered the lesson in it. You have written what you have written and people understood it in one and the same way.

    Kind regards,
    Irina Miroshnichenko

    • October 10, 2009 at 8:19 am

      Irina, obviously we would call the hotel front desk to get a cab first. We did that. Like I said before, the story is what happened to us. Read into it what you like. As with everything in life, it’s all a mirror of what’s in you. Read and learn.

  75. Paula-Reply
    October 10, 2009 at 9:17 am

    Dear Joe,
    I cried when you talked about Faith getting you through this experience, because Faith is something I have struggle with. Divine Energy is always with us for the asking, yet we don’t always ask. Simply asking is so powerful. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am so glad you are home safe.

    Warm regards,
    Paula B

  76. October 10, 2009 at 9:29 am

    Joe, I’m so glad that you are back in Texas safe and sound! What an amazing adventure. Thanks for sharing your experiences and lessons with me in a way that always supports my learning.
    Hugs, Donna

  77. October 10, 2009 at 10:01 am

    It’s all perception isn’t it. You pre-framed the experience you would have before travel arrangements were even made. And from what I can tell you stayed in defense mode – clearing and tapping on “just getting through it” rather than relaxing and focusing on having the positive outcome you wanted.

    Everywhere I go, even if it seems like things are difficult, I remember that I am here to serve people and help them in any way I can. Yes that means even Russian authorities. I get the feeling that you saw them instead as obstacles to get past rather than allies who could help co-create a wonderful experience.

    Also, you keep saying in your responses that there is a lesson for US and we should re-read the post to “get it.” I have read all of the responses so far – many heartfelt and from people who genuinely love and support you. There are also many lessons for YOU here. I hope you too “get it.”



  78. Irina-Reply
    October 10, 2009 at 11:02 am

    Dear Joe,
    The story reads real scary, and I am glad you are safe on your native soil.
    But there are a few things to consider from a practical, beyond LOA, standpoint: poor arrangement of your voyage from both the sides. You dealt with your Marketing Director, and it would be fair if you named the receiving party as well. Yes, that would ruin their reputation (which will be only too just), but will leave the reputation of the country at large intact (more or less) and will prevent chaps paranoid about Russia from generalizing on the people of a huge country based on this unfortunate experience.
    There’s one more thing behind the crazy schedule: in Russia, in order to earn nice pretty fees people have to work far harder than in the States, that’s a fact. The organizers also wanted to earn some dough…
    One more thing, far more important than those above – I quote: “the Russian hecklers at the events who embarrassed me in front of the crowds”. Admitting that you were unable to deal with the questions of people who wanted some substantiation of your views embarrasses me no end. You should have been ready for this going to a country with relatively high university educational level. That, probably, accounts for the fact that the film SECRET is far less popular here that DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE. On the other hand, your treatment of those taking everything for granted as the crowd is also very regrettable. And that’s the worst impression I got from your post…
    And I agree with the guys who wrote that the post about Russia was written by some other Joe Vitale, not the one having conquered very unfortunate circumstances and come with the flying colours, but some scared, little boy Joe who is in need o consolation rather than being admired and followed.

    This post disappointed me some, but I understand you are as human as anyone else, and have every right to be scared, wrong, weak, careless of something etc. The important thing is how you cope with it, and I have no doubt you will manage.
    Bless you.

  79. Mike-Reply
    October 10, 2009 at 12:32 pm

    I get it now – after reading it again. Thank you for the lesson, Joe!

  80. October 10, 2009 at 1:18 pm

    Dear Mr. Joe,
    i m really disappointed in your skills, this post almost ruining everything
    you became very famous all around the world and in Russia too and if you were going there with huge lack of organization of your trip do not blame it on russia
    what about law of attraction??? havent you attracted it all?? the mess that happened during your trip
    *it sounds like you have been out of states for the first time ever not to know that if your visa is expired is usually against the law……its same in states for your information
    * its funny how for you its a surprise that russian officers on the costumes dont speak english……yeah not everyone speaks english in this world just organize your trip properly and get yourself a translator
    * talking about ex evil country????? you grew up been afraid that russia will throw bombs on you??? on your CDs you talk about been afraid of been poor and that money dont grow on trees……….you got over it???? well get over your fears of russia
    walk your own walk not just talk the talk
    its very disappointing to all your russian fans that read your books……i m pretty sure lots will stop doing it
    dont blame Russia here on your blog, blame your organizers

    • October 10, 2009 at 1:49 pm

      It appears you didn’t read my post. first, I never blamed Russia for anything. Second, I took full responsibility for the adventure and talked about the Law of Attraction right in my post. You might actually read it.

    • Inna-Reply
      October 18, 2009 at 11:27 am

      According to the Law of Attraction everybody is to blame oneself, not a country or organizers or anybody else. I just keep on wondering how bad I must be to be living in something like the “insane pace” Joe is describing in this post. Sometimes I really feel like shouting, “Does anybody realize that I have to sleep sometimes?” Don’t you think it is typical in Russia? Lucky you are, if you don’t! Because most of the people I know, do… My fault 🙂

  81. October 10, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    Joe: I came back to read the comments, and its interesting to observe how some folks interpret your post according to what is going on within them, guess its normal, I am not an exception! If we are jugdemental, we will judge; if we are angry, we will react with anger, no matter how straight foward the words are. If we are not burdened with too many defenses, we will see what your message was about: it was not about Russia but about your experience, the lessons learned and your taking full responsibility for it.

    The Russian reader who is a German citizen and offered to be your escort, touched my heart. Its (to me) a perfect example of an individual with an open heart and mind and therefore responded to your sharing this way.

    Once again, thank you for your sharing!



  82. October 10, 2009 at 5:45 pm

    Geeze, I wish I could modify typos and mispellings after I post. Okay, will stop commenting for now. LOL!

  83. October 10, 2009 at 6:21 pm

    I would have been terrified. I was nervous just reading the story.

    Thanks for sharing your experience.

  84. Frank-Reply
    October 10, 2009 at 11:51 pm

    Not to worry, no bubble has been burst. Of course I knew you were human all along 😆

    What got me was the original (since removed) 4 sentences in your posting that made it seem as if you fired your VP of Marketing over what he said. Since then you have clarified that there were 2 years of problems following the dismissal, so we now know that the firing was not entirely due to the Russian incident.

    There are many lessons to be learnt from your post, just as there were also people who went to Russia with the same “fear mentality” but experienced a total shift in their perceptions. I recommend that we read Alan Cohen’s wonderful book, “I Had It All The Time”, where he talked about how an expedition to Russia brought about a total shift in his perceptions. See

    Peace be with you.

  85. Mark-Reply
    October 11, 2009 at 12:23 am

    Dier Joe!Iam from Russia.You is my sensey.Iam want speak you big,big,big thank you for your discovers!Dont leasen Irina!She is unknoweng SECRET.If you go in Russia again,i am ready meet you in my hause.Its my adress:Sterlitamak city,kuibushecv’s street,hause number 84.Drink vodkas,play russiang biljard,going on fishing.I’m speak englesh very bad,but i’m wraight this latter heav’t dictionary.

  86. Sergey-Reply
    October 11, 2009 at 5:06 am

    OK, there were a lot of comments and everyone filtered his/her response through his/her own mindset… including you, dear Joe 🙂

    Please try to consider the following hints for not to get in the situation you are now once more (I’ll use your words for better understanding):

    1. “Emotions are powerful attractors.”
    Your story was too much emotional, which has led to the same emotional responses – most comments were not about the lesson but about how good it is that you’re back and safe at last. The lesson message failed to reach people’s mind…

    2. “You must hone your feelings to know when the Universe is warning you that something is off. The more you listen and obey, the easier your life becomes.”
    The thing is that what we realize as our feelings is simply an indicator of what we are open and ready for. We “feel” much more than we can interpret and allow to be present in our life. So the more you obey your feelings the more is the possibility for you not to change youself and your life as a consequence. What you should do instead of “obeying” is listen to your feelings and take them as corner points to change yourself, become more open minded, more comprehensive, more acceptable.

    3. “And you have to act on what you see.”
    Let me add a bit: You have to act to your best on the situation you have found yourself in. Every situation, every circumstance we are in at each moment of our life is the result of what we are and if we don’t like the outcome the only thing we have is to do our best in such circumstances to understand what features in us attracted such outcome.

    Best wishes to you.

  87. October 11, 2009 at 8:41 am

    Thanks for sharing all this, Joe… I was waiting for it with baited breath throughout your Twitter reporting of your trip…

    In fact, towards the end I wished I had been able to contact you when your troubles hit. Granted; maybe I should have tried harder, as I repeatedly felt a ‘pull’ to read your on-the-road tweets.

    Here’s why – count the ‘coincidences’:
    * I live in Helsinki and could have sorted out a whole bunch of issues for you beforehand
    * My wife is an interpreter; fluent in both the ways and the language of Russia and could have helped you through many difficult spots
    * My father-in-law was actually right there, two kilometers from the Russian border crossing you were at on that night, and could have picked you up in minutes with just a quick phone call, put you up for the night in total comfort, then drive you to Helsinki in the morning
    * I have two close relatives working at the Helsinki airport who could well have sorted you out, both in terms of optimal plane tickets and put you up at the airport hotel if needed
    * And finally… IF you had had any energy left after all that.. (and I realize that’s a BIG IF) I could have had you on Finnish tv telling your story the next day (just talked with a tv producer the day before you crossed over)

    I guess I just didn’t realize how much in trouble you were at the time…

    Anyway… quite an experience and an enlightening story, not sure what I could add to what others have already said..

    I just hope it won’t put you off from visiting this part of the world in the future. I assure you things aren’t nearly as crazy on the West side of that border… 🙂

  88. October 11, 2009 at 9:23 am

    Thank you my friend. I’ve been invited back to Russia to visit 13 cities, do seminars, and appear on the largest Russian TV station in the country. I’m happy to go back, just not under the same circumstances as before. I’ve learned the lessons.

  89. Josh-Reply
    October 11, 2009 at 12:29 pm

    What would life be like if it weren’t for a little adventure now and then?

  90. Josh-Reply
    October 11, 2009 at 12:49 pm

    Everybody needs to lighten up. Joe had an adventure and got to post some pics of good-looking chicks on his post. I wish I was there. I would have been drinking some really good vodka. Think I’ll have some right about now.

  91. Richard Lam-Reply
    October 11, 2009 at 11:14 pm

    Hi Joe, I’m in Singapore. It’s surprisng to me how so many readers can mis-read your blog and accuse you of blaming Russia for all the mishaps that happened,which you never did.
    Yes, there’s so many lessons to be learnt, one of which of course is to make sure your tour schedule and speaking itinery is spelt out in full – dates, times, events, etc.
    There’s still so much for me to learn as I’ve only just read Zero Limits and am listening to The Missing Secret.
    Thanks so much Joe for all your sharing. Trust 1 day you’ll be coming to ths region

  92. Lisa-Reply
    October 12, 2009 at 6:10 am

    Joe – Thank you for sharing your experiences so that we can all learn from your lessons. Telling your story publicly has no doubt left you vulnerable to many attacks – yet you still had the courage and strength to share. I appreciate and respect you for this. Much Gratitude.

  93. October 14, 2009 at 6:25 am

    Mark and Joe,

    That’s wild. I’ve been to Russia 7 times
    in the past 5 years. Never had THAT
    much excitement. In fact, other than
    an attempted robbery by two kids on
    Nevsky Prospekt (which I handled in
    good ole fashioned redneck Texas
    style), I never had anything but minor
    situations that were easily overcome.

    Man, I’m sorry you guys had such a
    harrowing experience. It is a wonderful
    country. I spent a month there on two
    of my trips.

    Glad you’re all back, safe and sound.

    Love you guys,
    Michael Murphy

  94. Mayanan-Reply
    October 14, 2009 at 11:35 am

    Thanks for this wonderful story. For me it has reaffirmed the LOA, whereas most people tell of the good that has come about through the law, the reality is that we attract what is within. It seems as if you have put this experience in a bad light, yet you overcame this challenge, that you yourself attracted into your life for whatever purpose it was meant to serve. For me it has served to remind me that no matter whether your fear is Russians or riding in an elevator, or bringing love into your life the law exists. You will attract this into your world to overcome or to serve a purpose to yourself or others as the case may be. You brought this lesson into your life and emerged victorious.

  95. October 15, 2009 at 5:06 am

    One other thing. In devouring,
    ‘Attract Money Now’, I’m even
    more grateful for this story and
    for you sharing it. This story
    and event DOES show that
    you are human. AND, most
    importantly, it gives me HOPE
    for myself. I’m honored to know
    you and appreciate your integrity,
    Joe. To me, this is your appeal.
    You are real. You give me hope.
    You give tens of thousands of
    people hope. How cool is that?

    Love you and appreciate you for
    who you are! Thanks bro!


  96. October 15, 2009 at 6:03 am

    “Not that I’m saying that I’m the awakened one. I’m still working on myself all the time – every day – and I’m sharing what’s working for me with you. It’s just proof to me, if you do the work each day, you’ll make progress without even realizing it. Just as I’m astonished at how far I’ve come, there are also those times when its obvious how far I still have to go.” – Dr. Joe Vitale (enough said 🙂

  97. zhenya-Reply
    October 15, 2009 at 7:45 pm

    Dear Joe,
    It is not very pleasant to learn about your experience in Russia and Siberia. Things happen… and I am sorry about that. Sometimes I feel the same way here, in the US – nobody around and you are in the middle of nowhere., and heavy rain turns into snow, and the wind is blowing from the North. Probably you will disagree, but it is just way of perception of certain person at certain moment.
    The reason I am writing is very simple – I want to thank you for the movie “Secret” and your books. Believe me, sometimes I watch the movie twice or three times a week just to build up more confidence and not to dive back into something I do not really like. Brick by brick, step by step… My selfishness wants to thank you for sharing your hard experience with the readers – it is something that not everyone will be brave enough to share. It is easier to tell about attracted luck than about attracted failures, and I appreciate it and respect your experience. Thank you. Zhenya

  98. Alexandra-Reply
    October 17, 2009 at 3:07 pm

    Dear Joe,

    so glad you made it back safely! This must have been quite a nightmare for you.

    And still, there is a very reassuring message to your story: Even in case you managed to ignor the yellow flags, the universe seems to have a “plan B for emergency” in stock for such situations.
    In your case, unfortunately, “plan B” included a few bumpy rides and close calls. But it worked out in the end, gladly.
    Thus – seems the Divine is quite inventive in quickly rearranging circumstances to one’s favor, if the need occurs…

    So thanks for sharing this story with us, as well as your insights out of it, really appreciate it.

    All the best, Alexandra

  99. October 17, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    Wow! What an excursion. I am a bit surprised at you, you know so well to never embark upon any experience without aligning first with the vibration of pure joy and unconditional love. Or pure profound gratitude. Even if you hadn’t been able to clean or clear all of the unconscious thoughts and energy around Russia from childhood, staying aligned with Joy and checking to keep yourself aligned with your heart-space would have made the experiences that you experienced impossible. I know you realize, it was your ever growing fear and resentment (at being rushed about like an object and not treated as a human) that allowed like energy charged situations to manifest all around.

    Profound Joy. Unlimited, unconditional Love .. always the answer.

    Be the Love that you are.

    Many lessons, much fuel for generating massive Love!


  100. October 17, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    Wow! What an excursion. I am a bit surprised at you, you know so well to never embark upon any experience without aligning first with the vibration of pure joy and unconditional love. Or pure profound gratitude. Even if you hadn’t been able to clean or clear all of the unconscious thoughts and energy around Russia from childhood, staying aligned with Joy and checking to keep yourself aligned with your heart-space would have made the experiences that you experienced impossible. I know you realize, it was your ever growing fear and resentment (at being rushed about like an object and not treated as a human) that allowed like energy charged situations to manifest all around.

    Profound Joy. Unlimited, unconditional Love .. always the answer.

    Be the Love that you are.

    Many lessons, much fuel for generating massive Love!


  101. Juliet-Reply
    October 18, 2009 at 6:36 am

    Dear Joe,

    I have written on here before, however I read your blog about Russia. It was incredible as well as scary. Next time you go you need to take the gadgets, as in a James Bond move. “now pay attention Vitale, this is not a lighter, but a very dangerous weapon, so use it wisely and don’t let it get into enemy hands”

    Try London… if your Visa runs out, we won’t ask any questions, you are free to come and go as you please, and if you ask very nicely we will give you housing and money…. no daring escape needed… until of course you see the housing… :0

  102. Juliet-Reply
    October 18, 2009 at 6:37 am

    Dear Joe,

    I haven’t written on here before, however I read your blog about Russia. It was incredible as well as scary. Next time you go you need to take the gadgets, as in a James Bond move. “now pay attention Vitale, this is not a lighter, but a very dangerous weapon, so use it wisely and don’t let it get into enemy hands”

    Try London… if your Visa runs out, we won’t ask any questions, you are free to come and go as you please, and if you ask very nicely we will give you housing and money…. no daring escape needed… until of course you see the housing… :0

  103. October 21, 2009 at 10:12 am

    Dearest Joe,

    I am thankful and grateful for your safe return. You have so much heart that you are even willing to invest your precious time into replying to those whom your posts fall on blind eyes and deaf ears.

    All 3 or 4 of them. 😛

    The rest of us are with you-we embrace your humanity within each post you write-with an understanding that we are witnessing a great mind of our age as he experiences a full journey of life’s amazing adventures-the good, the bad & the ugly.

    Each one of your books has shown these developments within you as new pages are turned and new chapters opened in each magical stage of your life. Thank you for that, my friend. 🙂

    I eagerly await every new twist, turn and development you are willing to share with those of us who are simply grateful and feel blessed to learn from your experiences, lessons and timeless wisdom.

    Thank you for all that you are, Joe.

    You are an infinite blessing to this world.

    Much Love,
    Jason Mangrum

  104. Snow-Reply
    November 9, 2009 at 3:52 pm

    II am sorry about your horrible experiment. I am a Russian myself. You should be familiar with Russian custom or have an a professional near you , before go there. Unfortunally
    you have been used by business from Russia. They do not care about you or you followers. They care only about making a lot money in a short period of time. Believe me a lot of Russians go through this pressure also.
    A lot of people love your books and you inspire them. Thank you for that. Please open your heart and visit Russia again, may be like a tourist.

  105. Lynette-Reply
    November 12, 2009 at 2:56 pm

    I signed up for the free “Attract Money Now” e-book and when clicking on the link to authorize my e-mail, I was sent to your blog page instead. I would still like to access the free book if it is still available. Please e-mail me at the above address. Thank you Lynette

    • November 12, 2009 at 4:35 pm

      You will receive access in your email. All is well.

  106. November 20, 2009 at 1:22 pm

    Thanks Joe for sharing such experience with us!

  107. Tanya-Reply
    November 23, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    Hello, Joe!
    It was so interesting to read about your trip to Russia!Of course I would prefer to hear much more positive things about my motherland, but I am sure that this your bad experience about Russia was just an exception, and it will neven happen again (at least I hope 🙂
    Welcome to Russia!!!
    poka poka
    P.S. Thank you for your books, I am reading them right now 🙂

  108. Joe Rodriguez-Reply
    November 26, 2009 at 6:18 pm

    Hi Joe,
    So sorry to read about your bad experience in Russia.
    I was afraid of this unknown place until I met my present wife and visited it. I’ve been to all the places you mention and frankly my experience was much more pleasant. I couldn’t look at the beautiful women though as my wife is very jealous, not that I wanted too either!
    Believe it or not, my wife is from the communist era, 42 yrs old now and, honest to God, I have yet to find a kinder, more honest and trustworthy person in my life. Her friends go all the way back to childhood, and every time they visit us in London, we have an incredibly good time. Their children are our child’s friends now. So yes, Americans, and specially British nationals, have had, in my opinion, a long and deep negative conditioning about this country and its people. Now I also know about some other horror stories from Russia, but fortunately, never attracted any such experiences into my life.



  109. Peter Wink-Reply
    May 31, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    Hi Everyone,

    Someone told me that within the pages of this silly blog post is a reference to me being let go by Joe. This is misleading information.

    I excpeted a postion elsewhere at the time this happened. It was in the works for three months.


  110. June 3, 2011 at 3:18 am

    You men are amazing, seen on your own on Yahoo. Simply required to inform you which you’re amazing for discussing it.

  111. December 1, 2011 at 11:48 pm

    Hello Joe. Sorry to hear your horrible experience. I would say it is VERY unusual. I’ve been to Russia and Ukraine many times and nothing like this ever happened. I also lived in Ukraine for a long time. Again, nothing like this ever happened.

    I took my friend from USA to Russia and he absolutely loves it.

    Like you said, Law of Attraction… I’m very sure if you clear and revisit, you will get completely oposite experience.

    In 2 years or so I am also planning to visit Russia as I also study and practice Spirituality. There is a “hidden” village in Russia which consists of Magickal practitioners. The whole village. Everyone. They live completely Magickal lifestyle and are divided into two main groups: “black” and “white”. You know what I mean here…

    This is something I want to do research on because nearly all of them were born and raised there, meaning they are practicing since childhood. So, they know a lot!


  112. April 8, 2012 at 11:42 pm

    Thanks a lot! Very actual theme for me. As addition I recommend to read the article “Using the law of attraction” –

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