The other night a friend from years ago visited. He’s going through hard times and felt down on his luck. I wanted to help so I asked him to tell me his story.

He began by blaming his life’s downturn on the economy. He said outside forces were to blame. He knew all the right things to do, did them, and yet life just threw rocks at him until he broke down.

I listened and decided that to be of the best service to him, I had to put on my ‘tough love’ gloves and be a good coach.

“There are no outside forces,” I declared.

He looked stunned. I guess he was expecting sympathy. I gave it, but didn’t want to leave him there.

He quickly replied with, “Surely there are things that happen outside of your control that cause you to have bad luck.”

“You attract all of it,” I said, speaking as lovingly but directly as I could.

I added, “There are outside elements out there that can serve you or stop you. What you believe inside you is what causes one or the other to come your way. You set up attractor fields in your life. You attract the outside forces to match what you inwardly expect.”

“But how can I attract all of it when I’m thinking all the right things and doing all the right things?”

I then went into my explanation of how we attract based on our unconscious programming, not our conscious thoughts. I pointed out this is my current life work, explained in my recent books and audios, to teach people how they are attracting what they get based on their inner wiring.

Erasing limiting beliefs

Erasing limiting beliefs

My friend just looked at me for a second, trying to comprehend what I was saying.  He asked, “But why would I take a life that was truly blossoming and cause it to fall apart? I had everything going for me. I had just moved into a big house. Life was great.”

“I don’t know — as there are numerous beliefs that could cause such a thing — but you know.”

“I do?”

I then asked one of my favorite questions:

“What does this life experience mean to you?”

He didn’t understand.

“The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it,” I explained. “How do you describe what happened to you?”

“As bad.”

“I know that’s how you see it, but what does it mean that this happened?”

He didn’t know.

I decided to try a different approach. I sat with him, doing my loving coaching, being patient, and explained that at some point early on there was probably a shift in his perception, beliefs or life experience. I asked him to tell me about it.

He was quiet for a while. He reflected and slowly said, “I remember sitting in my new home and thinking my life is so wonderful, that I don’t want to lose all I had created. I was then driven to not lose it all.”

“There it is,” I said. “You were driven by the fear of loss. A part of you didn’t want to lose your good fortune. The thing is, we attract what we love and what we fear. That’s where all the emotion is, which fuels the attractor fields. You attracted the very thing you feared.”

We attract what we love and what we fear.

He allowed that insight to sink in.

“So I set all this up?” he asked. “I did all of this to myself?”

“We all do it,” I explained. “We are unconscious beings here to awaken. These harder life experiences are often there to jolt us awake. No one is to blame. It’s about taking responsibility.”

“But what if I do it again?”

“When you get the lesson, you no longer need the experience,” I said, using one of the popular lines from my book, The Attractor Factor. “You won’t do it again.”

“When you get the lesson, you no longer need the experience.”

We talked for a while longer. He was visibly more relaxed. He thanked me for spending such personal time with him and said he didn’t have people like me to talk to where he lived. I explained that I created Miracles Coaching for that precise reason.

“My own life didn’t transform until I worked with a coach,” I told him. “And that’s why I created Miracles Coaching; to help others.”

The point is, we are unconscious to the drivers in our mind that attract the outside forces we blame for our circumstances.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”  — C.G. Jung

The field of neuroscience helps prove that fact. You don’t see all of reality. Your brain filters what you see based on your unconscious expectations. You see what you are programmed to see by your beliefs. The outer world is a mirror of your inner world.

If you expect outside forces to help you, you’ll see opportunities.

If you expect outside forces to harm you, you’ll see problems.

Until we awaken, those unconscious drivers will continue to steer us down the road of life. If you’re happy with the results you are getting, enjoy the ride. If you’re not, it may be time to do something about it.

What are you going to do?

Ao Akua,


PS — One thing you can do is relax. You can now hear samples of healing music on my first music CD, Blue Healer, by clicking right here.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


  1. June 14, 2011 at 6:38 am

    Very good example of explaining to someone how their thoughts attract their experiences. Everything starts with your thoughts. Great post Joe!

  2. October-Reply
    June 14, 2011 at 7:32 am

    I just did this 2 weeks ago… I’m being flooded with signs, this being one, thank you. It’s time to turn toward the light at the end of the tunnel again : )

  3. June 15, 2011 at 4:33 am

    Hi Dr Joe,
    I keep doing this very thing with a rental property. Every time the rent is due on this one property, I get very anxious. We’ve had to do repairs on the house and its in no way a dive but, every single month, I get a call that something needs to be fixed and of course its $ out of my pocket. I have yet to keep a full months rent because of this. Its uncanny how it keeps happening, The more it keeps happening, the more I fixate on it. I try to keep my thoughts positive, I try to clear it, but it returns. An ongoing battle I guess…Thanks for the post Dr. V . Can you recommend someone in the NYC area that can help perhaps a face to face meeting with them?

    • June 15, 2011 at 6:13 am

      Patterns are a dead giveaway a belief is trying to get your attention. You might consider miracles coaching Sending you love and light.

      • Kathryn Price-Reply
        June 15, 2011 at 2:30 pm

        Joe, what you’re saying is that Deb’s anxieties are a pattern causing the necessary repairs and she should give you money to get them to go away. From where I’m sitting that’s what it looks like. It would be interesting to know what kind of repairs they are before attributing them to a pattern of anxiety that needs miracles coaching. Homes and cars do require maintenance and upkeep — it’s just the nature of such things. No matter how untroubled my mind may be, both consciously and unconsciously, my car, over time, will require more maintenance and more repairs than it did when new. Nothing to do with my unconscious. I recall having a series of car breakdowns some years ago, and some people I knew said, “What is God trying to teach you?” My conclusion: not a darn thing. Just that I needed a new car. The thing was ancient. Oh yes, I suppose I could learn patience and all that, but I don’t think the car’s malfunctions had anything to do with me or the Divine. I would think the car’s manufacturer would have a better perspective on what ailed the car.

        Similarly, I find it difficult to believe that your friend’s troubles began simply because he had a thought that he might lose what he had worked for. Who hasn’t had such thoughts? I think these difficult economic times began with Wall Street behaving recklessly, believing that there were no limits to what they should have or do. Thinking that merely having the thought, “what if I lose this?” will make you lose it points to a belief that the universe, is, in fact, arrayed against you. It’s a belief that the universe hooks up your unconscious mind with trouble faster than you can say spit. Sometimes people do obsess about fears to the point that they seem to actually create the circumstances they feared; for example, a man who repeatedly verbalizes his certainty that his partner will leave him can actually begin to drive her to do so, but I doubt that thoughts about keeping our homes and keeping them maintained in these difficult times are in that category.

        And tough love? I thought that had to do with a parental attitude towards badly behaving kids, not with friends talking with friends.

    • July 22, 2011 at 8:59 am

      Joe, me desculpe por não escrever em ingles, prefiro deixar por vc traduzir….
      Deixe um link para exibições em portugues, pois aqui no Brasil sua popularidade é gigantesca!!!!
      Obrigado por vc ser a pessoa que é….

      Marcos Pires

  4. Пётр-Reply
    June 16, 2011 at 7:23 pm

    HI DR JOE . Хочу рассказать вам свою историю связанную с книгой . я со своей семьёй каждый год ездили в отпуск отдыхать на чёрное море . а однажды наша поездка была под угрозой срыва из за нехватки финансов . Я маленько скептически относился к действию этого секрета но всёравно меленько верил . и как то раз мне жена сказала что ты неповериш в секрет даже если деньги на поездку появятся в самый последний момент? я ответил что незнаю. подходил день поездки . оставалось 3 дня.и каково было моё удивление ;когда

  5. Пётр-Reply
    June 16, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    в последний день мы обнаружили в своём почтовом ящике кредитную карту с той суммой которую нам надо было для поездки. мы обналичили и съездили в отпуск . теперь я верю в действие секрета на все 100%. . и спасибо вам за книгу . с уважением ПЁТР из новосибирска .

  6. Arvin-Reply
    June 17, 2011 at 12:28 pm


    I read some of your books, especially “The Attractor Factor” and I have a question that has been on my mind for some time…Isn’t this imagining thing, like imagining you can get a car or can make 50k in a week a bunch of bullocks?
    Should we replace it with saving money?Because for someone who is making 300dollars a month to consider myself i can make 5k in a day or attracting a car is unreal…Shouldn’t you teach people that the main idea is “10% of all I earn is mine to keep”?
    Thank you.

  7. gem-Reply
    June 19, 2011 at 1:38 pm

    Happy Fathers day. Yeah thats great stuff. I just realized I have the day off from my kids coz of fathers day. I am about to watch my new subliminal manifestation DVD starring you. Also Im thinking to read the key again soon coz that really changed my life so much, when I read the key a few years back, I just made my life plans up because the book made me do it, and it only made sense to make a plan that would benefit mankind because I’m human and I ‘selfishly’ knew that the more I wanna help other people, the better karma I would have for my own goals.
    It’s amazing the transformation that took place because today the choices I made when I read your book are now central to the mission of my life and it is just second nature to want to do the things that help other people because its all part of my masterplan.

  8. gem-Reply
    June 19, 2011 at 3:21 pm

    talking of outside forces. Maybe this si what Dr Hew Len meant by killing the divine. but its like when your on a love buzz and you lisgteb to the radio and then taylor swift comes on singing ‘and the story of us looks a lot like a tradgedy now’, don’t pay attention to the negative energies, even when they seem like they’re coming in on a psychic wave, just know that if its coming from God and its not high energy then it’s not coming from God and resist it, its beautiful and freeing

  9. Mikko-Reply
    June 29, 2011 at 4:29 am

    Thanks a lot for wise history – I enjoyed it. I am happy that I have found your blog. By the way, do you know the article Your Guide to Personal Growth and Success, For me it was also a new one but I was glad to read it also! Anyway, thank you!! Have a nice day!

  10. June 29, 2011 at 7:20 pm

    Much respect to you, Doctor Vitale, but this is a negative comment which I feel you wouldn’t even let hanging on this page to be read by others, unless you permit real opinions. The fallacy is the Law of Attraction itself, not the outside forces. The sole purpose of the Law is self-benefit, and it fails miserably in scientific credence (it’s light years away from being a “law”) and philosophical value. Some people make a religion out of it, which is the source of my great disagreement against this belief system because it takes away the importance of God in their lives and overemphasizes “feeling good” in this life. To do that is to make oneself his own god, not knowing that there is something awaiting us in the afterlife (i.e. hell, heaven) — something that deems LoA useless. Jesus Christ saved us and loves us so much but we keep on being self-serving and self-believing. What profits a man if he improves his life on this earth using the Law of Attraction, but loses his soul? If one wants to improve his life let him go to our Lord and Savior, who knows better than any man-made law. Not being rude here, again, I have high respect to you sir. I’m not against you but your school of thought.

  11. July 1, 2011 at 8:45 am

    There is no god. All hail Mr. Fire!

    Gabba gabba, we accept you, we accept you, you’re one of us!

    • July 1, 2011 at 9:39 am

      God is not an outside force; God is an inside force.

  12. Red-Reply
    July 1, 2011 at 1:25 pm

    In response to “Jane”…..Did not Jesus say “Ask and it shall be given”…..Your opinions are yours and your right but they are not right for everyone….how many times have people been killed in the past all in the name of “God”? Remember the “Holy Wars”….my God Doesn’t know death or EGO… God is Love and is in ME and Everyone……God isn’t at the pearly gates with a long white beard saying-Religion? What Buddist?? To the back of the room over there…Religion? What Christian….Very Good….to the front!…..If you can not see god in the bird as it flies over or the dog playing or the song of a bird in a tree… will Never find God in any book……God is Love….God is In Everything and Everyone…..saying my way is the only way is nothing but a cry from the EGO ( E dging G od O ut……)…….Jesus also said “Heaven is ALL around you!”…….indeed one of many very Wise Masters!!

  13. July 2, 2011 at 10:22 am

    Yup it’s my opinion, but there are sharp inversions in your response (Red’s). Jesus is never about death but life – no one kills in the name of Jesus. Cain’s blood in us is what kills, the same blood that killed Christ in the first place.. You mean “love is god”… About the ego, it’s the other way around. To be an atheist is to have an earthful of ego to trust oneself, and to be God-submitting is to not claim anything for oneself and to be like the humble Christ who despite His Heavenly standing, came down as a poor guy being pushed around from side to side just to submit to his Father. See this man

  14. Victor-Reply
    July 17, 2011 at 7:52 am

    Hey Joe, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now but this specific post helped me a lot right now. I finally realize the concept of “outside forces” as servants to the inner expectation.

    Thank you!

  15. Donella Daddie-Reply
    July 26, 2011 at 2:31 am

    Are you saying that every child who has been snatched off the face of the earth or raped or killed has been put in that position because they attracted it? Don’t get me wrong, I am not against your theories I am just trying to visualise why a child would want to attract something like that at such a young pure minded age…
    I personally believe that other people can be the attractors to an innocent’s fate and that’s the law of outside forces. When lightning strikes a person it strikes him/her because they are usually next to an outside force. A tree. The fact that the person was under the tree has no bearing. The law of attraction has two poles just like everything else in this universe so therefore it stands to reason that some people could become the unwitting victims of another persons thoughts therefore totally oblivious when lightning strikes.

    • July 28, 2011 at 9:22 am

      Thinking children are “pure minded” is the mistake. None of us are born with a clean state. The new science of epigenetics is proving that. We come in preloaded with programs we inherited, and we download more before we can speak or walk.

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